The Youngest Weasley

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The Burrow was surrounded by lush green grass fields, and was home to a few pigs, a dozen chickens and a colony of gnomes. The house itself looked as though extra stories had been added on and held together by magic. it was crooked and rickety looking but at the same time sturdy and strong. Harry grabs his trunk and Hedwig whilst the twins carry y/n's luggage for her. They may seem goofy but they were gentlemen.

Ron quietly opens the door to the kitchen and motions for everyone to follow. Harry, Fred, and George, set down the animals and trunks as y/n moves through the kitchen with awe. The dining table has mismatched chairs of different colours and designs, there's pots and pan cleaning themselves and yarn knitting itself into a scarf. The most intriguing thing was a clock that showed the whereabouts of the entire Weasley family. As she examined it, the hands showing the faces of Fred, George and Ron moved from "lost" to "home". Ron came up behind her, a bread roll stuffed in his mouth.

"It's not much, compared to your place y/n, but it's home." he said still chewing.

Harry and y/n said at the same time, "I think it's brilliant."

y/n was about to continue to explore the house when thumping footsteps came down the stairs and a deadly looking Molly Weasley landed at the bottom of them, "Where - have - you - been?!" She yelled at the group. She turns to Harry and y/n and softens her face, "Harry, y/n, how wonderful to see you two." y/n smiles in return, but she is still kind of terrified of the woman. Mrs Weasley turns back to her sons, "Bed empty. No note. Car gone. You could have died! you could have been seen! - Of course I don't blame you two." She said the last part softer at Harry and y/n. y/n was about to start bursting out laughing at the sight. All of the Weasley boys were taller than little Molly, but nevertheless, the cowered in her enraged state.

Then Ron had the courage to speak up , "They were starving Harry, Mum. There were bars on his window."

"Well you best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley." Molly countered jabbing her index finger into his chest. She then smiled at y/n and Harry, "Come on, time for a spot of breakfast."

Soon enough, Ron, Fred, George, Harry, y/n, and even Percy, were sat around the table with food being piled onto their plates. Percy gave y/n a nod of acknowledgment but he actually greeted Harry. Typical. Breakfast was done in no time with Mrs Weasley mainly using magic to cook the eggs, bacon, sausages and toast. y/n normally made all of her own meals, and when her Grandmother was helping it had to be done by hand, Martha being a squib and all. The table was silent, either because everyone was busy eating, or the Weasleys were still wary of Molly's anger. The silence was broken when a small little red-headed girl ran into the kitchen wearing a long nightdress. 

"Mummy, mummy," she called, "have you seen my jumper?" she asked

"Yes, dear, it was on the cat." Mrs Weasley replied and the girl smiled. She looked at the table and went wide eyed once she spotted Harry.

"Hello" Harry said sweetly. But Ginny just dashed back out of the room, "What did I do?"

"Ginny" said Ron in an undertone to Harry, "She's been talking about you all Summer. A bit annoying, really. Girls..."

y/n kicked Ron's shin from under the table and he winced, making Harry and the twins snicker. It was always y/n keeping Ron in his place. She was about to give him a spray when Arthur Weasley walked through the front door. "Morning Weasleys!" he called as he walked inside. His sons and wife all greeted him. He hadn't noticed Harry nor y/n sat at the table yet. "What a night. Nine raids. Nine!"

"Raids?" Harry asked Ron.

"Dad works in the Ministry of Magic, in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office." Ron explained, "Dad loves Muggles, thinks they're fascinating."

Mr Weasley sat down at the head of the table with a sigh, ready to tuck into a big meal, when he saw Harry and y/n sat down eating their ow breakfast. "And who are you two?" He asked.

y/n stuck out her had, "y/n l/n, Mr Weasley. I'm a friend of your sons." Arthur took her hand and shook it.

"So you're this y/n I've heard about, pleasure to meet you." he said, smiling. "And who are you?" he asked Harry.

"Oh, sorry, sir. I'm Harry, sir. Harry Potter." Harry replied.

"Good lord. are you really?" Arthur said, still smiling. "Well Ron has told us all about you of course," he said to Harry and y/n, "when did they get here?" he asked the table.

"This morning," Molly turned around, not looking amused, "your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Essex and back last night."

"Did you really?" Arthur started, but instead of being mad, he seemed rather intrigued, "how did it go?" As the boys started to recount the night, Molly shot her husband a nasty glare, "I mean... That was very wrong indeed, boys. Very wrong of you."

The children hid their laughter, y/n already loved Mr Weasley. "Now Harry," he continued, "You must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function o a rubber duck?" he asked in all seriousness. Before Harry could stumble through an answer, a loud screech came from outside.

"Oh that will be Errol with the post," Mrs Weasley said looking out the window. The owl grew closer and closer until it collided with the window pane with a thump and fell to the ground. Everyone jumped and cringed at the birds failed arrival, and Percy got up to retrieve the ancient owl. It was holding a wad of seven envelopes, all held together with a length of twine. Percy inspected the letters before returning to the rest of the family. 

"Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters. They've sent Harry and y/n's letters as well, Dumbledore must know you two are here." He said handing out the envelopes around the table. y/n tore open the parchment and took out the pieces of paper inside. She wasn't expecting too many spell books, most of the ones from the first year carried into her second, so she was surprised to see no less than 8 books on the required list for second-year students:

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 by Miranda GashawkBreak with a Banshee by Gilderoy LockhartGadding with Ghouls by Gilderoy LockhartHolidays with Hags by Gilderoy LockhartTravels with Trolls by Gilderoy LockhartVoyages with Vampires by Gilderoy LockhartWanderings with Werewolves by Gilderoy LockhartYear with the Yeti by Gilderoy Lockhart

And on that list was a small handwritten note saying:
For Year 4 Potions class: Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

y/n had almost forgotten that she was skipping two years worth of potions. If she was taking a fourth-year class, then she would be in Fred and George's class! "Hey, Fred, George. I forgot to mention that I'll be in your potions class this year!" she said with a smile. Everyone was busy reading their letters so everyone heard her comment. Mr Weasley looked astonished, 

"But I thought you were going into your second year?" he asked eyes wide.

"Oh, I am. I'm just-"

"She's just Professor Snape's little prodigy!" Ron teased.

"Shut up Ron. I'm just good at potions and he said that the second and third course would be too easy for me." y/n replied, mostly explaining the situation for the whole table.

"This lot won't come cheap Mum," Fred said reading over his own list, "The spell books alone are very expensive."

Molly read over the list, "We'll manage," she said bit she did look concerned, "I expect we'll be able to pick up most of Ginny's things second hand,"

"Oh I should have a few things I've grown out of!" y/n offered, she had grown a lot over the summer and already needed some bigger clothes, "Ginny's welcome to have them,"

"Oh that would be a big help dear, thank you." Molly said smiling and gave y/n a kiss on the cheek as thanks, "Well, there's only one place we can get all of this, Diagon Alley."


y/n was sharing a room with Ginny, who she got to know very well. They were all going to head into London to get all of their new school supplies in a couple of days to meet up with Hermione. Ginny was very nice and quite outgoing, that is when Harry wasn't around. Her face would blush all the way to the roots of her flaming red hair, it was really funny and cute to watch. Mrs Weasley hadn't let the boys off yet for stealing the car, she always had a job for them to do, and Harry was always keen to help out. y/n offered to help as well, but most of the time, she was helping Mrs Weasley inside the house or talking with Ginny about Hogwarts and recounting the events of her first year,

"But I assure you, your first year won't involve fighting a mountain troll or battling a giant chess set," y/n giggled from her bed. She was braiding Ginny's hair as they both snacked on sweets that y/n had brought in her trunk. "You're going to love Hogwarts."

Ginny was so happy to have another girl in the house. y/n was like the older sister she never had. Growing up in a household with 6 older brothers was difficult, especially being the youngest and the only girl. She looked up to y/n a lot and hoped that they would be friends at school as well.Fred and George came into the room and invited y/n to come play Quidditch with them. Ginny wanted to come as well, but Molly wouldn't allow it. So Ginny stayed home with her mother whilst y/n and the boys went behind a hill so that they were hidden from view of the Muggle village nearby. Everyone took turns on y/n's and Harry's Nimbus 2000, which were easily the best brooms there. They had invited Percy to come down (well y/n let them ask him) but he said he was too busy.

"Wish I knew what he was up to," Fred said after a while, throwing the Quaffle to Ron. He's not himself. His exam results came the day before you two did; twelve O.W.Ls and he hardly gloated at all."

"Ordinary Wizarding Levels," y/n explained seeing Harry's puzzled look.

"Bill got twelve too." George said, catching the Quaffle from Ron, " If we're not careful, we'll have another Head Boy in the family. I don't think I could stand the shame."

Bill was the oldest Weasley brother. He and the second oldest, Charlie, had already left Hogwarts. y/n had never met any of them but was dying to meet Charlie who worked as a dragon tamer in Romania. Bill was working in Egypt, as a curse breaker for Gringotts.

"Dunno how Mum and Dad are gonna afford all our school stuff this year," George said after a while, "5 sets of Lockhart books! And Ginny needs new robes, a wand..."

y/n and Harry said nothing. y/n came from a pureblood family which was very wealthy, and Harry had been left with a small fortune when his parents died. y/n was giving Ginny a few of her old clothes, but the rest would still cost a lot. The Weasley's were such a wonderful family, the deserved more.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Gonna keep this short but if any of you actually care about my life, I'll give you an update. I'm playing footy! No not soccer. Not American football. Not Rugby. I'm talking about Aussie Rules Footy. Yes, I'm Australian and footy is one of the biggest sports over here (apart from netball which I also play).  So yeah I might die but it's all good. Vote, comment and add to your reading lists and library so you don't miss an update!

Have a good day loves! ❤


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