Chapter 2: Stalemate

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*Frederick's POV*

"So...weak and pathetic," he spat at Henry's feet. "You would think that the son of a duke would know not to be so disgraceful in front of guests."

"Shut your mouth, Maverick. You have no right to insult my brother in my own house," Henry told him coldly. Frederick heard a hint of anger in his voice.

"I am Sir Maverick to you, Henry. I am not insulting Frederick. I am simply just stating the plain truth. Just because you are the son of a duke and I am not, doesn't mean I can't simply speak the truth," Sir Maverick said smoothly as he smirked.

Frederick felt Henry's fists tighten beside him. "You are nothing more than a boy. To me, you don't even deserve that title of sir. Another thing, your truth is not welcomed here. Take care that you don't speak your truth about Frederick here ever again."

Frederick saw Maverick's face become beet red and he also clenched his fist. They faced each other and glared, daring the other to break eye contact first. Henry clenched his jaw.

For a moment, both boys looked like they might be ready to fight. They stood like that for a couple minutes when Maverick lowered his gaze and lowered his voice, "So be it." He strode away toward the dining hall.

"Huh? Wait, why did he suddenly leave?" asked Frederick, confused.

Before Henry could answer, a voice interjected, "Greetings, my two sons."

Both Henry and Frederick turned to face their father.

His shoulders were draped with a brown fur cape to show his status and he wore a red breastplate decorated with golden linings to symbolize power. He looked at his two sons with sternness. His hair started to show signs of his age.

"Father," Henry said as he met his father's eyes.

"Father," Frederick mumbled as he looked at the ground.

"Hello, my son." Frederick heard a loud clap on the shoulder. He glanced up. Father had put his hand on Henry's shoulder as he smiled with pride. "How was your journey?"

"It was great, Father," Henry replied.

"Did you win all the tournaments?"

"Yes Father, I won all of them."

"Now that's the son I'm proud of," Father's voice boomed with pride. Turning his attention to Frederick, he suddenly scowled. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at your lessons?"

"I–" Frederick started to say.

"He heard I was coming back and rushed over to see me," Henry interrupted.

Still scowling at Frederick, Father said, "Well, he's supposed to be having lessons. He's not supposed to be here and make me look like a fool. Go back to your lessons, Frederick."

Frederick moved to leave, but a sudden hand clapped him on his shoulder, stopping him. He glanced up. It was Henry.

Henry turned to Father. "Father, it has been such a long time since Frederick and I have seen each other. You don't have to worry, with me there, I will make sure Frederick won't get into trouble."

Father gave Frederick a hard look before sighing. "Very well...Frederick can be exempt from lessons today." Turning to Frederick, he said sternly, " Behave yourself. Don't make me look any more of a fool than you already did."

Frederick nodded.

"I am heading to the dining hall now, would you like to come?" Father asked as he turned to Henry.

Henry glanced at Frederick before replying, " Father, I think I will hang back for a minute or two before joining you."

Father nodded. "Very well. Come in when you are ready."

"Thank you Father."

Father merely nodded and strode away, leaving the two boys to hang back for a while longer, neither saying a word. Finally, Henry said, "I hope he didn't hurt you. Father has always been like that and has high standards. He may say things harshly but deep down he cares."

"Don't worry about me. I am alright. After all, I'm used to it," Frederick shrugged as he pushed down his feelings. "Should we go?"

"Let's go," Henry nodded and the two boys started to walk towards the dining hall.

"How are you?" Frederick asked in an attempt to get his mind off himself.

There was silence.

Frederick glanced at Henry who was looking at the ground, eyebrows knit together and a frown on his face. It seemed that he was deep in thought.

Frederick, thinking Henry didn't hear him, repeated his question, "How are you?" This time he was sure Henry heard him.

However, there was still no reply and Henry kept on walking.

When Frederick knew he wouldn't get an answer by repeating the question again, he stepped in front of Henry to block his way. Henry glanced up.

"What's wrong? Henry?"

"Oh...nothing," he replied in a distracted manner.

"But there is something wrong. I see it in your eyes," Frederick insisted.

"No, you are imagining it," Henry tried to laugh it off.

"I think I know you well enough to be able to tell if something's wrong or not. So please tell me, because I am not taking 'nothing' for an answer," Frederick said firmly, crossing his arms.

Henry sighed and there was a faraway look in his eyes. The look in Henry's eyes was so unfamiliar that it made Frederick a bit uncomfortable. Something was wrong. Frederick blinked and the look on Henry's face disappeared. I must have imagined it. Afterall, Henry has everything he wants. There is nothing wrong with Henry. But just in case...Meanwhile, Henry still did not answer. Finally, after a few minutes, Henry answered, "Could I tell you later?"

Frederick considered this for a moment and thought, Given the circumstances, perhaps it is not the right time to ask. He replied, "Fine. You can tell me later."

When Henry heard this, his mood changed drastically and he replied loudly and cheerfully, "Thank you for understanding, Frederick. Now, let's go in and enjoy the night. Also, I was thinking that I want to take revenge on Maverick for what he said to you. I have the perfect plan." Frederick could tell that Henry said it loudly in an attempt to seem happy and not be questioned further. He let it slide. Oh great, Henry wants to create trouble, Frederick thought as he braced himself for the worst.

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