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The story begins years ago before the trolls escaped the Bergens and before Poppy and Branch taught the Bergens that they could be happy without eating Pop trolls. Before all that, there was a boy band called Brozone. They were incredibly popular among the trolls; sold-out concerts, albums being collected, and trolls would line up just to get their autographs. Trolls couldn't get enough of Brozone! Everyone could memorize the lyrics to every Brozone song and even their dance moves. Every troll fell in love with the band's catchy tunes, tight harmonies, and smooth moves.

Brozone wasn't just a boy band; they were real brothers, a real family. The eldest and the leader of the band, (John Square, sorry couldn't resist.) John Dory wrote all the songs he and his brothers sang in the band. But despite the bandwork, he was always there for his little brothers and took care of them. He was kind of like their dad in a way. He was always there to protect them and care for them. But when he started to manage the band full-time; his caring nature was pushed down and John became obsessed with making the band perfect. He gave all of his brothers' boy band labels and strict instructions on how to stay perfect.

John's first little brother, Spruce was labeled as the Heart Throb of the band. He would always go on dates with many trolls and would leave a trail of broken hearts. Spruce didn't mind all the lady fans or the fan mail he would get, but sometimes, some fans would get a little too much. During Spruce's latest date, he had only walked his date back to her pod but she got a little too obsessive. The troll tried to drag Spruce into her pod; begging for him to marry her. Somehow John Dory knew his brother was in trouble and saved him. But after that, John made Spruce work out more just to keep his abs in shape.

John's second little brother, Clay was labeled as the Fun Boy of the band. When Clay was born, the little trolling was giggling and smiling at his two older brothers. John always called Clay their little light because Clay always knew how to make his brothers happy with his jokes and fun dances. As the years went by, Clay became the Fun Boy of the band but it came with a cost. John talked Clay into dying his lime green hair to a fun yellow. Clay was even forced to wear wrist sweats and Funderdrawers for every concert. Clay was in charge of the band chorography but John would always have something to say.

But when it came to his two youngest brothers, John would drop everything and never force them into something. His third brother, Floyd was labeled as the Sensitive One and that label came earlier than the others. Floyd had also been a sensitive troll even since he was born. He would cry if a creature was too cute or if anyone was hurt. Trolls found it a little weird seeing as how no troll cries that much. But his brothers just saw it was the way Floyd expressed himself. Clay was the brother that Floyd always went to if something was wrong. But John had a special place in Floyd's heart.

And now John's youngest and cutest little brother, Branch AKA Bitty B was labeled as the Baby of the band, not just his family. When Branch was born, the first troll he saw was John Dory and he thought that his older brother was his parent. Floyd was so excited to be a big brother and he fell in love with Baby Branch at first sight. Branch adored his big brothers and looked up to them. Branch would imitate Clay's dance moves when he would work on new choreography, watch Spruce doing his workout, snuggle with Floyd just to take a nap, and he would always be in John's arms listening to his big brother humming a new song.

Now that Branch was a year old, it was time for him to join the band. It was Branch's first live show when things took a wild turn. The fans were promised by John Dory that Brozone would hit the Perfect Family Harmony. Backstage, Branch was looking out at the curtain, feeling nervous for tonight. John Dory went over the song list they were going to do for the show. He then checked on Spruce and Clay to see if they were ready. Floyd had just finished touching up his hair when he saw how stressed John Dory was. "Bro," he told John Dory, "you look stressed. Breathe."

"Of course, I'm stressed!" John Dory said, exasperated. "It's the first show of the tour. We have to hit the Perfect Family Harmony. We promised the fans!"

Floyd patted the air with both hands. "Calm down," he whispered. "You're making Baby Branch nervous."

John Dory looked over at Baby Branch who was super anxious. His expression softened seeing his baby. "Right. It's his first show." John said.

"I'll talk to him," Floyd stated. He went over to his youngest brother and bent down. "Hey, Baby Branch. How you feelin'?"

Baby Branch clutched his stomach. "I feel like I'm gonna barf and pass out."

"And pee your pants all at once?" Floyd finished.

"How did you know?" Branch asked.

"You got the preshow jitters," Floyd said, patting him reassuringly. "It's totally normal. Everyone gets them. Know what I do when I get them?"

"Barf, pass out, and pee your pants?" Baby Branch guessed.

Floyd chuckled. "I remember that I'm with my brothers and that when we come together, there's nothing we can't do."

The stage manager announced that the show was starting in ten seconds. "If we can't hit the Perfect Family Harmony, we aren't perfect," John Dory insisted. "And if we aren't perfect, we're NOTHING! Being nothing is not an option. So just follow my lead." He stuck his hand out, palm down. "Let's do this!"

Each of his brothers piled their hands on top of his. Together, John Dory, Spruce, Clay, Floyd, and Baby Branch shouted, "IT'S BRO TIME!"

A smooth-voiced announcer spoke through the arena's loudspeakers. "Ladies and gentlemen! Here they are!" Thousands of fans cheered, clapped, and stomped their feet.

"The Heartthrob!" the announcer said, introducing Spruce.

Spruce walked onstage blowing kisses. Pop Trolls fans squealed with delight. Spruce was so dreamy!

"The Fun Boy!" said the announcer.

Then Clay popped out through the curtains doing his dance moves. The audience laughed and applauded. They thought he was hilarious no matter what he did.

"The Sensitive One!" Floyd entered slowly with both hands pressed against his heart.

The Trolls closest to the stage sighed, wishing they could take care of him and protect him from all the harsh things in the world.

"The Leader!" said the announcer. John Dory strode onstage, full of confidence and determination.

The audience cheered, ready to follow him wherever he wanted to take them.

"And making his first live appearance, the Baby!" Glitter burst over the stage, revealing Branch suspended on a wire.

"Awwww!" the whole audience said, charmed by the adorable sight.

BroZone rolled right into their first song.


Da-da, da-da-da

Da-da-da, da-da-da

Da-da, da-da-da (BroZone)

Da-da-da, da-da-da

Well, there she goes


On the floor, let's do it

No more talkin' (No more talkin'), huh-uh

Spruce flashed his abs at the audience as he sang. Some fans practically fainted at how hot he looked.


Did anybody notice?


The energy just shifted when we dropped that

Ooh, let it drop in (Let it drop in), ooh

Trolls were gushing over Floyd as he sweetly sang, wishing they could protect him. Clay then started doing his dance moves to wow the crowd.


I don't flex, but I might

Groove about to take flight?

John Dory joined in with some of his own dance moves.


'Cause the night is young and the music's on

And we got love on sight

When it was Baby Branch's turn to sing, every fan was just gushing, squealing, and awwing over the adorable little trolling.


The sky was the limit

Now, the stars where we're livin'

It's the vibe when we're in it

It'll blow your mind


It's so perfect, pеrfect, perfect

A hundrеd percent

Put us together, you know what you'll get

They were in perfect sync, moving and singing as if they were one person. Everyone in the audience sensed that something very special was happening on the stage that night. They felt lucky to be there to witness it. The Perfect Family Harmony! "It's working!" John Dory hissed. "Come on, guys! Follow my lead!"

But when they realized how close they were to perfection, the brothers got excited and tried way too hard, pushing their singing till it was out of tune.

Yeah, it's so perfect, perfect, perfect

Harmony's so gold

And you'll never, ever wanna let it go


Their harmonies were off. They messed up the rhythms. And then their moves went out of whack. They bumped into each other, they tripped, they got tangled up in a vine and swung into the air, banging into each other and finally bringing the whole set down. CRASH! Stunned, the audience went silent.

Branch was the only one that didn't get tangled up, he turned staring at the crowd, looking so embarrassed. After the stage crew helped the brothers who were tangled up; things took an ugly turn. They canceled the rest of the show and stormed into their pod. Spruce and John Dory started fighting and even Clay joined in. Branch hated it when his brothers fought, it always made him scared. Then Spruce told John Dory that he was quitting the band. Clay threw his Funderdrawers at John Dory and said that he quit the band as well. Then something inside John Dory finally snapped.

He grabbed his backpack and climbing gear and said that he was going to hike the Neverglade Trail alone. And just like that, he left through the window. Spruce and Clay stormed out of the pod in anger. Floyd tried to get them to come back but it was too late. Branch was nearly in tears as he watched his three older brothers just leave him. Floyd quickly hugged Branch to calm him down. "It's my fault. I ruined everything." Branch said, sadly.

Floyd gently lifted Branch's face so they could see each other. "Branch, none of this is your fault," Floyd said and smiled sweetly.

"Flo-Flo? Are you gonna leave too?" Branch asked, making those adorable puppy dog eyes.

"It won't be forever Branch. I'll be back soon. But right now, I need to listen to my heart. It's telling me it's time to start a solo career." Floyd answered, "But you're gonna be in charge of taking care of Grandma while I'm away."

Floyd then took off his green leaf vest and wrapped it around Branch. "There. So when you miss me, you can wear this. It'll be like I'm right here with you." Floyd spoke.

Branch then pulled out a drawing he'd made and handed it to Floyd. "And when you come back, we'll make our hideout."

"Floyd smiled, "Definitely." He opened the folded drawing that Branch made of the hideout which had rooms for each of their brothers, a kitchen, a lounge, and a water slide. "Is that a ten-story waterslide?"

Branch nodded excitedly, "Yeah, that's how we'll shower."

Floyd then tucked the drawing in the vest's inner pocket. He gave Branch one last tight hug and a brotherly kiss on the forehead. He grabbed his guitar and then turned to Branch. "I love you Baby Branch. I'll see you soon. Promised." And then he walked out the door.

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