Hickory Vs Chaz

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Happy Mother's Day! And yes I wanted to release a chapter on Mother's Day because in this part, Branch used to call Floyd, Mama when he was a baby.

Soon it was nightfall down by the river, Hickory set up a campfire on the raft. Hickory even made some grub for everyone to eat. Branch seemed skeptical about Hickory and not just because he learned that Floyd was dating him. He tried to voice his suspicions to Poppy but she refused to listen. She instead twisted Branch's words making it seem like Branch thought he didn't trust Poppy or think she was a good queen. That was a punch in the gut towards Branch. He tried to tell her, he was only looking out for them but she didn't want to hear it. Branch wanted to say more but he stopped trying.

He saw Floyd over by the campfire and decided to talk to him. He sat down beside Floyd who was minding his own business. That is until all four heard a smooth, relaxing tune from the water. Floyd knew just who that was; Chaz the Smooth Jazz Troll. His music started to put Biggie, Branch, and Poppy under his hypnotic spell. Floyd struggled to fight against the spell for a moment until he lost against the music. The music gave them all crazy hallucinations but it was enough for Chaz to tie them all up. The hallucinations finally stopped but it was too late, they were tied up.

Floyd glared at Chaz and his dirty trick. Chaz was willing to take the Pop String from Poppy and rid the world of what he calls, "cheesy pointless" pop music. Floyd looked over at his brother who was obviously confused about who Chaz was. Just then, Hickory appeared out of nowhere full of anger to save the day. Both he and Chaz stared at each other like this was a county showdown. "And who are you supposed to be, cowboy pants?" Chaz asked.

"My name's Hickory, and I don't much care for smooth jazz," Hickory stated.

Chaz then played his instrument, trying to get Hickory under his control. But he was unaffected by the music and used his back legs to kick Chaz off the boat and back into the river. Hickory then pops two gumdrops out of his ears, "Gumdrops. Soundproof and delicious." he said before popping the gumdrops into his mouth.

He helped untie Floyd first then Floyd kissed him. Both Floyd and Hickory untied the others just as Chaz vowed that smooth jazz would never die and then disappear. Poppy asked who that was and Hickory told her that Chaz was one of the many bounty hunters after them and the Pop string. Biggie was freaking out about the encounter with Chaz with how smooth and awful it was. Hickory patted Biggie's shoulder in comfort and told him that this was enough to put him off smooth jazz altogether. Biggie immediately decided that they needed to go back home and protect their loved ones.

"Biggie, it's ok," Poppy stated.

"Stop saying that and listen to me," Biggie said, cutting off Poppy. "You only hear what you want to hear, and it puts us all in danger. How are you supposed to save the world if you can't even keep us safe? You made a pinky promise to me, Queen Poppy. And you broke it."

Biggie suddenly revved Mr. Dinkles up like a little motor boat then puts him into the water all while Biggie stands on him and then rides away back to Pop Village. Poppy was heartbroken that she had hurt her friend. Hickory offered to keep watch for the night so Floyd, Branch, and Poppy could get some rest. While Poppy went to the other side of the boat, Floyd wrapped Branch in a tight hug and checked him over in case Chaz harmed him. Branch swatted Floyd's hands away and told him that he was fine. "I'm just making sure Branch," Floyd stated.

He then sat down near the fire along with Branch; now that the two were alone they could catch up for a bit. Branch leaned on Floyd's shoulder, listening to him speak. He remembered how Floyd's soothing voice used to lull him to sleep. Floyd noticed Branch looking tired "Why don't you get some rest Branch?" Floyd suggested.

Branch snapped out of his sleepy state "No, I'm good." Branch argued.

"B. You have crows feet and bags under your eyes. It's clear that you haven't gotten any sleep." Floyd calmly stated.

"I'm fine. I'm not tired." Branch stated.

Floyd pulled Branch onto his lap which wasn't hurt since Floyd could tell that Branch was extremely light. Floyd started to hum an old lullaby from Branch's childhood. Branch's eyes started to drop, "That's cheating." Branch whined.

"Yeah you need sleep, angel," Floyd said.

Floyd then started rocking Branch in his arms and started singing the lullaby.


Sleep, little one, close your eyes

Your body's cooling with the night

Let your worries slip away

Tomorrow is a brand-new day

Shimmering noon and satin sky

Soft wind breathes its lullaby

Your dreams are here to set you free

The dawn will bring you back to me

The dawn will bring you back to me

The rocking motion caused Branch to relax and go limp in Floyd's arms. He finally fell asleep on Floyd's lap. Little memories started flowing back to Floyd, remembering how he used to sing to Branch when he had a nightmare or couldn't sleep. Clay used to tease Floyd about him being Branch's mom which ended up with Branch calling Floyd, Mama for about a month. But Floyd didn't mind, it made Branch happy. Now that he got his baby brother back, he planned on caring for him to make up for lost time.

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