Lonesome Flats

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After a few days of walking, Floyd reached a new troll territory. He was now in Lonesome Flats, the home of the country trolls. When Floyd went into town; he expected to see the country trolls but there wasn't a troll in sight. He walked around to try and find the country trolls. He ended up in front of a house and decided to knock on the door. When the door opened, a troll with big blue hair, orange skin, horse legs, and a tail answered. "Hey there stranger. What brings you to Lonesome Flats?" the troll asked in a southern accent.

"I'm just passing through. My name is Floyd," he answered.

"Holly Darling. Nice to meetcha." Holly said.

"Um... Where is everyone? The place looks empty." Floyd said.

Holly giggled and told him he needed to wait until the clock struck twelve. She pointed to the clock tower that suddenly rang twelve. Then the sound of a banjo played, Floyd turned to see the leader of the country trolls, Delta Dawn walk out of a building singing a country song.


Right outside of this one church town

There's a gold dirt road to a whole lot of nothin'

Got a deed to the land, but it ain't my ground

This is God's country

We pray for rain, and thank Him when it's fallen

'Cause it brings the grain and a little bit of money

We put it back in the plate

I guess that's why they call it God's country

Floyd then saw a few more country trolls walking out and slowly started to dance.

I saw the light in a sunrise

Sittin' back in a 40 on the muddy riverside

Gettin' baptized in holy water and 'shine with the dogs runnin'

Saved by the sound of the been found

Dixie whistled in the wind, that'll get you heaven-bound

The Devil went down to Georgia but he didn't stick around

This is God's country

Floyd looked back at Holly for an answer on what was happening. Holly explained that every day at noon, the country trolls would come out and sing.

We turn the dirt and work until the week's done

We take a break and break bread on Sunday

Then do it all again

'Cause we're proud to be from God's country (Yeah)

I saw the light in a sunrise

Sittin' back in a 40 on the muddy riverside

Gettin' baptized in holy water and 'shine with the dogs runnin'

Saved by the sound of the been found

Dixie whistled in the wind, that'll get you heaven-bound

The Devil went down to Georgia but he didn't stick around

This is God's country

After the song was done, Holly invited Floyd inside her home for something to eat. Floyd was grateful for the home-cooked meal and Holly even knew that Floyd was a pop troll. But she didn't mind that he was a pop troll. She served Floyd a country troll specialty which he liked and that made Holly. Floyd was enjoying Holly's company; she was sweet and understanding. Floyd opened up to her about why he was here in the first. "Well hot dang! Sounds like your brothers need a dose of reality." Holly stated.

"I think I'm just as bad. I left my baby brother too even though I promised him I would come back." Floyd said, feeling guilty.

Holly hugged him "You're not bad. You planned on keeping your promise while your brothers just left without even saying goodbye. You're allowed to be angry at your older brothers."

"Still. I miss them." Floyd spoke.

"You know what will help?" Holly asked.


"Sing out your pain." Holly suggested, "Sometimes when us country trolls have too much on our minds, we let it out through song."

Floyd was willing to give it a try. He took his guitar out of his case and even his notebook. He flipped through the pages until he landed on one song that he wrote before he left Branch. He started strumming his guitar and then started to sing. Memories of when he would comfort Branch after a nightmare floated in his mind.


I remember tears streaming down your face when I said, "I'll never let you go"

When all those shadows almost killed your light

I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone"

But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Just close your eyes

The sun is going down

You'll be alright

No one can hurt you now

Come morning light

You and I'll be safe and sound

Holly stayed quiet, listening to Floyd's song.

Don't you dare look out your window

Darling, everything's on fire

The war outside our door keeps raging on

Hold on to this lullaby

Even when (the) music's gone


Floyd continued his song as a few tears slowly streamed down his face.

Just close your eyes

The sun is going down

You'll be alright

No one can hurt you now

Come morning light

You and I'll be safe and sound

Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh

Oh (Oh)

Oh (Oh)

Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh



Just close your eyes

You'll be alright

Come morning light

You and I'll be safe and sound

When Floyd finished, he turned to see Holly who was trying so hard not to cry. She then wiped away her tears and clapped for Floyd. "That was... beautiful. You wrote that?" Holly asked.

"Yeah. I did. It was one of the lullabies I used to sing for Branch. I never shared it with anyone." Floyd answered.

Holly invited him to stay the night before he left for who knows where. Floyd agreed to stay and thanked Holly for her kindness and hospitality.

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