Parting Ways

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Every Funk troll prepared for battle against the Hard Rock Trolls. Everything from fancy tech to their instruments all tuned and ready to fight. Cooper wanted to get Poppy and the others to safety. So he played certain notes on a keyboard which brought down two bubbles, one picked up Hickory while the other picked up Branch, Floyd, and Poppy. Poppy begged Cooper to let her help, but he had already joined his family. Suddenly, the power in the ship was cut; nothing worked. "Hard Rock cut the power." Queen Essence stated.

"They're fighting dirty." Prince D complained.

The bubbles that held Floyd, Hickory, Branch, and Poppy were out of the ship before the power went out. The three bubbles knocked into each other which caused Hickory to get separated from the others. He called out to Floyd that he'd find them. Just then, Branch, Poppy, and Floyd saw Barb and her Hard Rock Trolls charge onto Vibe City. Poppy panicked and tried to push her bubble towards Vibe City, wanting to help. Branch told her that they needed to go home but Poppy refused to listen. "I'm not like you. I can't just give up." Poppy claimed.

"Give up? I want to protect our friends and family." Branch argued.

"I can't go home until I've proven myself as a good queen," Poppy exclaimed.

Floyd looked like he wanted to explode. This whole time, Poppy was thinking about herself and not everyone else. Even Branch was realizing it too; he had been backing up Poppy this whole time even when King Peppy, Biggie, Floyd, and Queen Essence were right. Branch looked at Floyd who wanted to say something. Floyd didn't say anything but glared at Poppy with daggers in his eyes. Poppy noticed the death stares she was getting from Floyd. "OK, what is your problem, Floyd?! You've been glaring at me non-stop!" Poppy exclaimed.

"Because you're acting like a spoiled brat!" Floyd shouted.

Branch was taken aback; he had never seen Floyd this angry before. "You want to be a good queen? A good queen listens. You refused to listen to the people around you. You know what I heard back there, differences do matter. And I should know, I grew up with three older brothers! JD didn't listen to either of us or look what became of us!" Floyd continued.

The bubbles floated down to the ground, and then they popped, freeing Branch, Poppy, and Floyd. "It's like you and me. We're too different to get along. Just like all the other Trolls." Branch said to Poppy, "Floyd's right. You never listen to me or my opinion."

Poppy turned to Floyd who walked over to Branch. "You would trust your brother who left you over your best friend," Poppy said, feeling angry.

"You haven't acted like a friend this whole trip!" Branch shouted.

"We are really different."

"So different."

"Completely out of harmony."


"I don't even know why we're friends."

Those words hurt Branch enough to shatter his heart. "Neither do I," he said, he then turned around to walk away from Poppy and Floyd. He only got a few steps when he turned to face Poppy, "So...why do I care about you more than anybody else in the world? Weird, right?" He then walked away.

Poppy looked shocked and hurt seeing Branch walk away. She turned to Floyd, "What did Branch tell you?" she asked.

"He told me everything from the last twenty years. How he had no one after our grandma was eaten, how you all treated him like he was nothing because he's grey, how you and your friends would call him the Village Grump and try to force him to be happy. Well, guess what Poppy? You can't force people to do what you want! Whether you want to admit it or not, you're just like Barb." Floyd exclaimed.

He then decided to go look for Branch and leave Poppy all by herself. With Branch, he was slowly walking feeling depressed and hurt by Poppy's actions.


I know your favorite song

I hear it every day

Whoever made your smile

Made it to get in my way

Branch made his way to the edge of the riverbed and kneeled. He stared at the water until he started to see a reflection of Poppy smiling and laughing and looking back at him.

And every time you laugh

You make that little sound

It's just the hardest thing

To love you, but not know how

I hate that you're perfect, perfect for me

Branch then imagined that he was dancing with Poppy.


What good are words

When they always just get in our way?

And it hurts the most just to know

That you don't feel the same, the same (Yeah)

Branch and Poppy's hug time bracelets dinged but neither one of them had no one to hug. Branch just covered his bracelet to make it stop.

And I hate that you're perfect, you're perfect for me (Oh yeah, hey)

I hate that you're perfect, you're perfect for me

Branch suddenly heard some rustling in the bushes behind him. He quickly got into a defensive mode and scanned for the danger. When he saw what the cause of the rustling was, his brother Floyd came to check on him. "Hey B. You ok?" Floyd asked.

"Floyd, did you know about the true history? You didn't seem so shocked." Branch stated.

Floyd couldn't lie to his brother anymore; he looked up at Branch and confessed that he had been living with the Hard Rock Trolls for the past twenty years and that he was Barb's Royal Advisor and adopted brother. He knew about the other tribes' history with the pop trolls from the old King of the Hard Rock trolls. He knew about Barb's plan for the strings and that she asked him to get close to Poppy just to get the Pop String. He only agreed to it to protect Branch and the friends he made from the other tribes. But he told Branch that he didn't agree with what Barb was planning.

Branch looked hurt and confused, "You? You were going to betray us for Barb?" Branch asked, in a soft tone.

"No. No, I would never. Please believe me, Branch. I need to protect you. That's what brothers do." Floyd begged.

"You haven't been my brother in so long. Can you blame me for being paranoid about this?!" Branch shouted. "Was any of what you said true?! That you wouldn't leave me again?!"

"Branch, sweetheart...."

"No! I don't want to hear it! You hurt me far too much Floyd!"

"Just let me explain..."

"Just leave me alone!"

And just like that, Branch ran off to get away from Floyd. Floyd looked like he wanted to cry; he hurt his baby brother again. Branch ran and ran until he reached another part of the river. He began to cry, kneeling by the riverbed and letting out every tear that was stored up. While he was crying, the sound of girls giggling made his ear twitch. He quickly wiped away the tears and then got into a defensive stand. The giggling came from every direction until he turned his back to the bushes behind him. Suddenly, something grabbed Branch by the ankles and dragged him into the bushes.

He found himself tied up in a black and pink checkered ribbon. Then five female trolls appeared out of the blue. "Hey crybaby. Your name Poppy?" The leader, Wani asked.

"What? Who are you?" Branch asked.

"We are the K-Pop gang." Baby Bun answered.

"And you're going to take us to Queen Poppy," Wani ordered.

Before Branch could even say a word, the Reggaeton Trolls showed up. "Not so fast, Tracy. We're takin' him." Wani claimed.

"It's pronounced 'Tresillo.' If you want're going to have to dance for him. I can't live in a world without reggaeton." 'Tresillo argued.

"And we can't live in a world without K-Pop," Wani argued back.

This broke into a dance off between the K-Pop gang and the Reggaeton Trolls. The K-Pop gang went first dancing and singing to Russian Roulette. They even untied Branch and forced him to dance with them. He tried to get away but with one glare from Wani, he caved and started dancing with them. The music was fast passing but Branch was able to get in sync with the K-Pop gang. The Reggaeton Trolls were up next; they pulled Branch into their dance. Branch eased into the reggaeton music and just clicked with them. Only after the dance, Branch found himself tied up by the Reggaeton Trolls.

The K-Pop and Reggaeton Trolls respected each other and wanted to both take Branch to Barb for the land. Just then, Floyd showed up to try and talk to Branch only to find his brother tied up and the K-Pop and Reggaeton trolls. He quickly untied Branch from the ribbon. Branch told the K-Pop and Reggaeton Trolls that all music should be saved, and they were willing to listen to Branch. They were going to Volcano Rock City to stop Barb at her concert. Floyd pulled Branch to the side to talk to him. "Branch, please talk to me." Floyd begged.

"Why? So, you can lie to me again?" Branch asked, sarcastically.

"Branch! You don't understand! I thought you were gone! What was I supposed to do? Stay in the Troll Tree for the bergans to find and eat me?!" Floyd argued.

"You could have tried to find me instead of hiding away with the Hard Rock Trolls. And now you're working with Barb to destroy us!" Branch argued back.

"I don't want Barb to destroy us! But she isn't listening to me. What makes you think she'll listen to you?"

"You don't know that!"

"I do!"

Floyd turned away from Branch feeling guilty.


You didn't know that when I tried this all before

My dreams were too hard to defend

Floyd then looked at Branch who dropped the anger expression. Floyd took Branch's hands into his own.

And in the end, I won't lose it all again

Floyd envisioned the bergans when they were still into eating trolls. He envisioned a begans hand reaching out for Branch.

Now you're the only thing worth fighting for

Floyd pulled Branch "away" from the bergan then he looked at Branch with tears in his eyes.

More than anything, more than anything

I'll shelter and adore you more than anything

Floyd pulled Branch for a hug then Branch pulled away from Floyd. "Floyd, I don't need you to protect me from this. I'm not a baby anymore." Branch stated.

"I just don't want to lose you. I... I just can't." Floyd confessed.


Branch's memories from when he was a baby started to surface.

When I was young, I didn't really know you at all

I always felt so small

But I hеard your stories and I was enthralled

Branch remembered one night when Clay and John were arguing over the show chorography, he had slipped away to Floyd's room. He saw Floyd playing one of his songs on his guitar. Floyd saw Branch watching him play then he picked up Branch and sat him on the bed as he played the song for Branch.

Thе tales about your lofty dreams, I listened breathlessly

Imagining it could be me

Branch remembered that he would always snuggle with Floyd after he played one of his songs.

So in the end, it's the view I had of you

That showed me dreams can be worth fighting for

Branch snapped out of his trip down memory lane and then he looked at Floyd.

More than anything, more than anything

I need to save my tribe more than anything

Floyd almost wanted to cry seeing how far his little brother had come. At that moment, he didn't see Branch as just his baby brother, but as a smart and strong man.


I've been dyin' to find out who you are


I've been waiting, wanting the same thing


Looks like the apple doesn't fall far


Took you a while


I missed that smile


All that I'm hopin', now that my eyes are open

Is that we can start again, not be pulled apart again

'Cause in the end, you are part of who I am


I'll support your dream, whatever lies in store


And who could ask for more?


More than anything, more than anything

(More than anything, more than anything)

I'm grateful you're my brother more than anything

More than anything

Branch and Floyd shared a long embrace all while the K-Pop and Reggaeton trolls were trying so hard not to cry at this sweet brotherly moment.

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