Twenty Years Later

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The songs in the mash-up are Livin On A Prayer, It's My Life both by Bon Jovi, Livin On The Edge by Aerosmith, and Detroit Rock City By Kiss,

Twenty years. That's how long Floyd has been with the Hard Rock trolls, twenty years. He had been living with Barb and King Thrash as a part of their family and tribe. Barb helped Floyd bring out his inner rocker. Floyd had highlights in his pink hair now and a side bang that covered one of his eyes. He now wore black ripped shorts, and a large belt buckle, and Barb even gave him a leather jacket to wear and a spiked choker. Barb even showed Floyd how to apply makeup to his rocker look. He started writing some rock songs and performing with Barb at concerts. Barb became queen of his tribe after her father started to become too weak to continue running the tribe.

Besides Barb, Floyd made a few new rocker friends and even a lover. He became friends with Riff, Barb's drummer, Val Thundershock, a wild guitarist who loved doing anything extreme, and Demo, the manager of all the best hard rock trolls including Floyd. He made friends with Hickory, a yodeling troll who is also a bounty hunter. Hickory also happened to be Floyd's boyfriend. Floyd still sent out letters to Holly, Dante, and Forte. Sometimes, with Hickory's help, he would sneak away from the hard rock trolls just to visit them. Floyd was happy in his new home but he still missed his brothers, including Branch.

During one of Barb's concerts, Floyd was getting ready in the dressing room. He was putting on his eyeliner and then shook his bangs back over his eye. He then put in his stud earring but as he did, he saw the old photo of his brothers that he kept. His heart ached seeing the photo, he still had all the happy memories that he shared with his brothers. Barb came into his dressing room, asking if he was ready for the show. She saw Floyd looking at the old photo and then she was by his side. "You good, Floy Boy?" She asked.

"Oh, Barb." Floyd said then snapped out of his daze, "I was..."

"Thinking about your brothers again?" Barb finished.

"Yeah. But mostly Branch. He would be in his twenties by now. I still feel guilty that I never came back for him."

"Look, I'm not good at comforting people. But I think your brother would have understood why you didn't come back." Barb stated.

"Thanks, Barb," Floyd said.

"Anything for my brother and adviser. Now, let's get our rock on!" Barb said, running out of the dressing room.

Floyd smiled at Barb's excitement. He then grabbed his guitar for the show, the same guitar he always had. He went backstage to do a final check on the band and equipment in case anyone missed anything. Once Floyd finished his final check, he was behind the stage curtains looking out at the audience. The crowd was cheering and screaming for their queen and her band to perform. Apparently, Barb had a big announcement to make after the performance. To him, this was his home, his family, but he never forgot his real home. Demo came over to Floyd to tell him that it was almost show time. Floyd got into position and he was ready.

Loud hard rock music began to play as Barb confidently walked onto the stage, mic in her hand. Spotlights shined onto her band members as they were playing the song. Floyd stepped onto the stage playing his guitar then Barb began to sing.


There's something wrong with the world today

I don't know what it is

Something's wrong with our eyes

We're seeing things in a different way

And God knows it ain't his

It sure ain't no surprise, yeah

Floyd stepped to his mic stand to join in.


He says We've gotta hold on to what we've got

It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not

We've got each other and that's a lot for love

We'll give it a shot

Both Floyd and Barb started to harmonize together.


Whoa, we're halfway there

Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer

Take my hand, we'll make it, I swear

Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer

Barb was jamming it out on her guitar with her big solo. The band rocked out with their Queen. The crowd is screaming and jumping into the lava pits to show how intense their music is. Floyd was enjoying the moment, rocking out with his adopted sister. Barb gestured to Floyd to sing his part.


Movin' fast, doin' 95

Hit top speed but I'm still movin' much too slow

I feel so good, I'm so alive

Hear my song playin' on the radio

It goes

Get up

Everybody's gonna move their feet

Get down

Everybody's gonna leave their seat

You gotta lose your life in Volcano Rock City


You better stand tall when they're calling you out

Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down


Whoa, we're halfway there

Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer

Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear

Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer

Whoa, we're halfway there

Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer

Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear

Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer

Whoa, we're halfway there

Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer

Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear

Whoa oh

The show ended with both Barb and Floyd rocking out on their guitars. When they were done, the crowd went wild. Barb then took the mic from the stand and told her subjects that she had an announcement. The crowd went silent, waiting to hear what their Queen had to say. "I'm here to announce that we'll be going on a world tour around the other troll kingdoms!" Barb announced, "At the end of the tour, we'll bring the remaining tribes to our city to unite everyone under one music. Our music!"

Everyone cheered and clapped for their queen's plan but Floyd was a little concerned. As soon as both he and Barb were off the stage, Floyd confronted her. "A world tour? Barb, what are you planning? You can't force other trolls to like rock music." Floyd said.

"Floyd. Remember when Dad told us the story about how all the trolls lived in harmony all those years ago?" Barb asked.

"Of course, I remember. They lived in isolation because Pop, my tribe, tried to destroy all music. Kind of hard to forget." Floyd stated.

"But think about it. We can unite the trolls under our music. All I need is each string from each tribe and then I can play the Ultimate Power Cord and unite us under rock." Barb explained.

"Except we don't know if the Pop Trolls are still alive! And it's not like the other tribes are gonna just agree to this plan." Floyd stated.

"Ok. I wasn't going to say anything. But I sent some scouts to look for the Pop Trolls. I knew you still missed your home so I figured if you and your brothers escaped then your tribe must have left. And well, they found the Pop tribe."

Floyd was shocked, "You... You found them?"

"They have their own village now. And I bet they still have their string. And your brother could still be alive." Barb explained.

Floyd gasped and then tears streamed down his cheeks; his baby brother, Branch was alive. He wanted to go to the village immediately and apologize to Branch for breaking their promise. He wanted to hug his baby brother tight, never letting him go. Barb told Floyd that she sent her pet bat Debbie with invitations for every tribe. The rest of her crew and her father had their vehicles all set and ready to roll out. Barb asked Floyd if he wanted to join her for the world tour. He wanted to say no but then he thought about Branch and how this could be his chance to make things right.

He agreed to the world tour but he wanted Barb to save Pop Village for last. This would give him a chance to warn his Classical and Country troll friends about what Barb was planning.

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