Been a while

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Since we last talked I have been through so much change . I break down because of my own anxiety. I go through stages where I'm not perfect enough . It's great to see I have others that care about me. If anything I have learned never to bottle up your feelings in jar.

Things will blow up in your face. You have to face them demons to be the man you desire to become. Failure will shape you to the best person you want to become. 

Yes , I get scared sometimes I'm only human doing my best to figure out this gigantic world . I don't know what to tell I got flaws and tend to talk too much . However I do have a big heart and a ton of love to share with the world.

Things are always changing everyday I'm adjusting but it's a challenge. Ever since my best friend passed away no one has took a real chance on me. I'm learning God has my best interest at the end of day . He will never fail me.

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