Capturing Two Hearts (Negaishipping)

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(Unova Anime Universe)
Iris's POV

"I'm so hungry," Ash complains as the two of us walk through a peaceful forest in eastern Unova. The odd Pokémon would cross paths with us or fly above but nothing came of it. The different shades of green vegetation surrounded us while the odd brightly coloured flower would peek through.

The path was overgrown in some spots and logs blocked the way occasionally. Some shortcut Cilan...

"We both can't cook," I sigh. "So good luck with that."

"Can't you use your mankey ability to find us berries?" Ash asks while smirking a little.

"You're such a kid," I blush. "And no I can't find any berries because all there is to see is leaves!" My temper starts to rise.

"Calm down," Ash laughs.

"Ugghh," I sigh ready to rip my purple hair out. "I never should have agreed to travel with you."

"If I remember correctly," Ash recounts. "You were the one that followed me until I asked you."

"Maybe," I hide my face while Axew claps cheerfully in agreement. "But I didn't want to take this shortcut."

"Cilan said it would be faster than going the long way to Nacrene City," Ash states. "Allowing me to win my gym battle even sooner."

"Why would Cilan want ya to go faster though?" I think out loud. "He said he was going to catch up with us but wouldn't us going slower help him."

"Don't know," Ash shrugs. Then I suddenly remember the smile Cilan gave me when he caught me staring at Ash. He did this on purpose. My darker skin was able to hide my blush thankfully as well as Ash's denseness. No way I could like a kid like him anyways. His fourteen year old stupidity is way too much for me.

We continue to walk and follow the twists and turns of the forest path. The small rays of light that could make their way through were becoming more and more frequent. Until there was light pouring in from in front of us.

"Finally," I sigh as we run towards the exit. "I've never been so happy to get to a ci-"

"This doesn't look like the pictures of Nacrene City Cilan showed me," Ash says confused.

"It's like some battle place," I read the sign that says "Battle Place".

"Let's check it out!" Ash cheers. What a kid...

"Fine," I agree but I'm a little excited too.

The place had one central tower with a few smaller buildings surrounding it. Some of the buildings were familiar like the Pokémon Center but I think most were just places to stay.

The streets were busy with people and Pokémon as they walked through the various shops and restaurants. People were flowing in through a paved road meaning that this isn't just in the middle of nowhere.

"That must lead to Nacrene City," I tell Ash who was too busy looking around to hear me.

"Are you two familiar with the battle place?" A businessman looking guy came up to us.

"Not even a little bit," Ash laughs.

"Come on and follow me, I'm Ryan by the way," Ryan says.

We follow him towards the highest tower and it was very futuristic. There were holograms everywhere displaying battle stats, video, etc. The receptionist waved us over so we headed towards her desk.

"What can I do for you today Ryan?" The brunette asks.

"Can you sign these two up for a double battle match please?" Ryan asks.

"What?!" Ash and I exclaim.

"I have to battle with him?" I whine.

"I have to battle with her?" Ash pouts.

"Oh I thought you guys were a-" Ryan starts before I interrupt him.

"Noooo!" I blush as Axew laughs along with Pikachu.

"C'mon you two," Ryan chuckles. "It won't be that bad."

"Your match is in 4 hours," The girl smiles. I half heartedly took our card for the battle and Ryan seemed to have disappeared.

"You got to be kidding me," I sigh as we walk back outside.

"It might not be so bad," The raven haired teen smiles. "I'm assuming you're going with Axew."

I think for a second as I unconsciously finger the pokeball in my hand. He hasn't listened to me in so long but maybe an intense battle, that is certain due to the fact that Ash is in it, can help him warm up to me again...

"No," I state defiantly.

"What?" Ash asks confused.

"I have another Pokémon," I smile. "But you're going to have to wait until the battle to find out," I wink.

"Really?" Ash pouts. "Why can't you tell me?"

"It's a secret duh," I giggle. "You're such a kid."

He starts chasing me around and we end up on the outskirts of the city. "Was that a-oof." I said before getting tackled to the ground. I wanted to go ballistic on him but instead I put my hand over his mouth.

We laid there quietly until I heard it again. "Draa," I quiet whimper could be heard. I could tell Ash heard it too this time because he dashed towards the sound.

Ash disappeared in a thin alleyway and I quickly caught up. I couldn't believe my eyes...

Ash was sitting in front of a dragon type, one that I've only seen pictures of. They're usually pretty shy Pokémon but it wasn't hiding away from Ash. The two were staring intently at each other.

That was until Ash reached his hand out and gently stroked Dratini's white horns. The Pokémon cooed at his soft touch and I got one was surprised he knew how to calm down the Pokémon. I know I can't calm down a dragon type like that, I have a lot to learn.

I couldn't help but stare at Ash while he laughed along with the three Pokémon. "He's so good with them," I mumbled.

"What was that Iris?" Ash looks up while Axew tilted his head at me.

"Nothing," I stammer and turn around. Why am I so flustered around him?

"Okayyy," Ash chuckles. "I think we should get this little guy to a Pokémon Center."

He was pretty scratched up and his horns weren't as perky as most Dratini's are. I nod unable to speak clearly and we made our way towards the familiar red decorated building.

"Oh my!" Nurse joy states as we ran in. "Bring him here quickly."

Does she see something we don't?

"Audino get the water tank ready," The pink haired woman states.

"It didn't look that bad," Ash sighs as Nurse Joy was running around collecting various things from her desk.

"Good thing you helped it a bit when we found it," I say.

"You mean you did something when you found it?" Nurse Joy asks.

"Nothing too big," Ash rubs the back of his head.

"You may have saved this Pokémon's life," And with that Nurse Joy left and the emergency light flicked on.

What would have happened if we weren't messing around back there? What if no one else found Dratini? What if Ash didn't know how to help?

Ash is sitting down on one of the small stools with his head in his hands. He's looking down at the ground and obviously thinking he did something wrong.

"What are you moping about now?" I say as I sit beside him.

"Nothing," He says pretty much ignoring me.

"Stop acting like- You didn't do anything wrong," I say softly.

"What if-" He starts.

"What if's are bad," I giggle. "I'm going to go check out a room for the night, and you better be back to your usual self by the time I get back."

I walk away and I felt proud. He really needs to get back to his usual cheery self. I miss that part... Woah Iris slow down.

Time passed by as I gave Ash time to relax. He really is a nice guy but I can't resist teasing him for some reason. Maybe I should go see how he's doing...

The hall was similar to almost every Pokémon Center's in the region. Dull beige walls and some sort of fancy and colourful carpeting. The lobby had the same buzz as outside with trainers coming in steady to get quick check ups because of the battles. I've counted 4 Audino's already that seem to know the basics of small battle injuries.

The emergency waiting room's fort slid open and Ash was still sitting there. Except this time he was smiling and he got up as soon as he noticed me.

"You seem in a better mood," I giggle as his goofy smile lit up his face.

"Thanks to you," Ash winks.

"I really didn't do much," I blush lightly.

"True..." Ash says.

"Hey!" I scream at him.

"Just kidding," He laughs. "Anyways I got a present for you."

"Ash..." I say almost dreamily. "You didn't have to," I huff realizing my mistake.

"I did," He rubs his cheek. I took the small cardboard box from his hand. A lot of effort into this one I can tell.

"..." I was speechless. I held the red and white sphere in my hand as the box dropped harmlessly to the floor.

"Come on, open it," Ash smiles.

With one dimple flick the capsule opened and the small blue and white Pokémon came out. He was laughing with Ash at my reaction as he made his way on my shoulder.

"Dratini," I mutter.

"I'll explain..."

Flashback Ash's POV

Iris is right. Being sorry for myself won't help Dratini get better. Pikachu cheered at my change in mood as I stood up. Just as I did the emergency light flickered off and Nurse Joy came out with Dratini who didn't even have any bandages.

"How?" I mutter.

"I don't know myself," The nurse laughs. "But what I do know is that you and Iris really captured his heart."

"Does that mean?" I trail off.

"Tini," The dragon type cheered.

"Well as much as I want a dragon type in my team," I start and Dratini's smile fades, "I think Iris would be a perfect trainer for you."

Flashback Over

Iris's POV

"Well-" I start but Ryan came running in.

"Your guy's battle," He huffed out.

I take a quick look at Ash and he smirks. "Last one there is a Trubbish," Ash smirks.

I could hear Ryan sigh as he tried to follow us two. "You're a kid, you can't run fast," I joke even though he is a little bit older than me.

"What can I say?" Ash laughs. "I've always been the odd one out."

I giggle as we start inning up the stairs towards the top of the tower where our waiting room is. "First!" We both yell in unison. Of course this led to an argument like usual but Ryan was already there to break us up.

"There's an elevator you know," He laughs as our battle was about to get started.

"Battlers get ready to exit," The automated voice says.

"Good luck," Ryan waved as he exited the small pod.

I could feel the pod move forward and it gave me a sudden burst of boldness.

"Hey Ash?" I ask.

"Yep?" He turned.

I give him a quick peck on the cheek. "Good luck," I blush.

Looks like he captured two hearts today...


I think I'm gonna start a schedule for this book because the two week delay was nice.

I think I'm going to try for every Wednesday hopefully.

Anyways keep requesting and I have an AshxLeaf coming soon so hopefully you will like it.

Thanks for reading and cya next time.

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