Crystal Clear (AshxCrystal)

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Johto Alternate Universe

Third Person's POV

A Pokémon Trainer.

He or she.

Big or small.

Loud or quiet.

They come in all shapes and sizes because being a Pokémon trainer is basically the goal of most childhood dreams. These trainers come from all over the world, all over the region and with hundreds of different kinds of Pokémon.

Every Pokémon trainer aims for the same goal at the start of their journeys. They travel far and wide to take every next step towards this goal. It drives them further, harder, leaving them more determined to make it.

This goal?

The Pokémon League Championships.

It takes eight shiny pieces of metal to make it into said tournament. Pokémon trainers run around the region to go head on head against some of the strongest trainers in the region, gym leaders. It's simple really, beat the gym leader, get the badge.

Pokémon trainers who earn their eight badges, get in to this exclusive work stopping event. When the conference comes around, everyone in the region stops their ordinary lives to watch the strongest trainers in their region go against each other in a sudden death elimination style.

The Pokémon league championships have been around in the Johto region for centuries. Thousands flock to the bottom of Mount Silver to watch intense battles day after day until an eventual winner prevails.

Every trainer has to start somewhere to prepare for this tournament.

And that somewhere is the cafeteria for one particular trainer...

"Eat up guys!" Ash cheers with a mouth full of food.

His energetic collection of Pokémon cheer with their trainer and continue to devour their bowls of food. Ash Ketchum likes to be one with his Pokémon and his personality is perfect for hit.

He has the energy and playfulness of his small blue Totodile, caring and never ending need to help others like his affectionate Bayleef, and the burning spirit of his fire type Cyndaquil. With all of this, he's also a mystifying boy with lots of questions surrounding him like his Noctowl.

But most important of all, it's the friendship he shares with his Pikachu that is most impressive. His raven hair is always staticky due to the electric type but they're always there for each other when they need it. Ash himself is the average height of a kid his age and pretty fit due to his constant training, he's not a crazy bodybuilder by any means however.

Ash is never afraid to show the bonds he shares with his Pokémon and attention is usually thrown his way. Ash couldn't really careless if there's nobody watching or a thousand, he's just enjoying life to the fullest without worrying about others.

His eating habits captured something a little more than a Snorlax's attention, a girl's...

The Pokémon Center cafeteria is pretty large to accommodate the waves of trainers and spectators coming to watch the Silver Conference. So most people can mind their own business since the background sound is a lot less focused. But Ash's Pokémon and himself are grabbing her and her Pokémon's attention.

The girl?

Crystal a Pokémon trainer with her eyes only set on the golden trophy at the end of the road. She's battled people who act kind of like Ash during her journey, it's all fun and games until they can't correctly command a Pokémon to save their lives. He's definitely intriguing her however.

"Can you quiet down please?" She says with a frown from the table beside his. "It's only food."

"The more pumped up you are over the small things, the more pumped you are when it really matters the most," Ash remarks with a goofy smile. "At least that's what Professor Oak taught me."

"Professor Oak?" Crystal asks. "You know him personally?"

Ash looks at the girl who has turned her chair so it's a little bit more comfortable to talk across the aisle. She has gravity defying navy blue hair that comes out in two pigtails from under her white and yellow hat. Her deep pink tight shirt catches Ash's attention with a short white jacket over it.

Crystal is obviously a very fashionable person and Ash can see a cute pink bag by her Pokémon. "I'm Ash Ketchum," Ash introduces himself. "And I grew up in Pallet Town so I spent more time with the Professor than my mother most days."

"That's cool," The girl lightens up a bit from her annoyed state. "I'm Crystal and I'm from New Bark Town."

"Did you spend a lot of time with Professor Elm then?" Ash asks.

"Not exactly," She sighs. "My parents kept me in school as long as they could so I didn't get much time."

"Oh," Ash responds. "For some reason my mother got me out of school as fast as she could."

"Funny," Crystal giggles. "It sounds like we had pretty different childhoods, yet we're both in the same place."

"Well I hope you like second place," Ash chuckles. "Because we learned a lot from our first league and can't wait to get back out there."

"Second?" Crystal questions. "I missed the deadline last year but I still came to watch."

"I travelled through Kanto first since it's my home region," Ash answers and Crystal nods her head in realization. "I think we could have won the league to be honest if not for something happening."

"You're the Charizard guy aren't you?" Crystal starts to laugh. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Ash laughs with her. "I can't believe we're famous for that though, and by the way, Charizard and I are closer than ever."

"Where is he?" Crystal looks behind Ash while wondering how he manages to be so happy after talking about what a disappointment that battle was.

"Training alone in the Charicific Valley," Ash sighs and looks up. "He will probably fly here tonight."

"Megaaa," A grass type wraps her vine while around her trainer.

"Meganium that tickles," Crystal giggles. "Sorry Ash but I think it's training time. See you around."

"Yep," Ash waves as the girl runs out with her Pokémon. "We should probably get some last minute training done as well."

His Pokémon cheer in agreement and help pack up so they can get out there as fast as possible. They rush outside and find on open battlefield on the outskirts of the cleared area for the small village. It's almost pitch dark out but there's a fair bit of lighting to keep them going all night.

"Let's work on our speed first," Ash says and as a group, they start running around the area. They follow the white lines of the battlefield to make it a bit more exciting. Eventually it becomes a full speed race so Ash decides to mix it up. "To the forest!"

The Pokémon in front don't bother turning and run right into the sense direct. They wind through the trees while the flying Pokémon avoid branches with their swift agility. The group blends into the darkness and spooks another group of training Pokémon.

"Did you hear that?" Crystal asks her Pokémon. They nod and look in the direction of the forest. Suddenly electricity lights up the moving group to reveal Ash and his Pokémon. "You got to be kidding me."

Crystal waits patiently for them to make their way back and eventually they do. She follows Ash in the forest with her Pokémon curiously following. They get to Ash's training spot and Crystal hides in the forest to spy on the boy.

Her Meganium is more focused on her trainer who doesn't usually act like this...

Crystal watches Ash's Pokémon run through many drills that cover almost every ability they have. But he's training WITH them. Most Pokémon trainers watch from the sidelines, including herself most of the time.

Ash never misses a beat while he dodges Pokémon attacks and sometimes delivers a playful low kick on his Pikachu. Crystal can't help but smile at the scene in front of her. None of the Pokémon seem bored, tired, or overworked, yet they're training with full intensity and it's been a pretty long time as well.

"Charrrr!" The infamous fire type appears from the sky.

"Charizard," Crystal mutters. She watches the flying lizard Pokémon swoop down and unleash a stream of scorching hot flames into Ash's face. Crystal puts a hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming.

She waits for Ash to get up in anger but he starts laughing. "Nice to see you too buddy," The raven haired trainer smiles and hugs his Pokémon. "Though I think Charla is making your flamethrower a little weaker."

The fire type growls and gives Ash a second round of flames. "I deserved that," Ash coughs the smoke out of his lungs. "You're definitely stronger now."

"How?" Crystal asks, but a little too loud.

"Crystal?" Ash looks towards her hiding spot. "Whatcha doing over there?"

The navy haired girl walks out with tinted cheeks and a horde of laughing Pokémon behind her. "Uhh, I was looking for a fire stone for my Growlithe." She lies, granted she would like to find one.

"Let me help then," Ash smiles. "Special training time guys, whoever finds a fire stone gets to battle in the first round!"

Ash's Pokémon run off into the forest and after some leading from Meganium, they join the stomping army of Pokémon. "Give them 30min," Ash chuckles. "If there's one around here, it'll be in your hands in no time."

"T-thanks," Crystal stutters. "We should probably look too."

"Of course," Ash laughs. "The Pokémon don't get all of the fun."

The two run off into the dark forest for any sign of a stone encased flame. After minutes of comfortable silence, Crystal decides to find out more about this trainer. "So Ash, your goal is to become champion too right?" She asks.

"Yep," Ash locks his hazel eyes with her stormy grey ones. "It's been my dream since I was born."

"That's a long time," Crystal jokes. "Have you ever thought who you would want to spend your dream with?"

"What?" Ash asks confused.

"Y'know, who do you want to see everyday when you get home?" Crystal continues.

"Ohh," Ash turns away to continue looking around. "That part of life is kind of fogged up in my brain."

"What kind of girl then?" Crystal asks hoping for the correct answer.

"Caring for sure, and definitely someone who loves Pokémon," Ash smarts. "But they should probably be a little less- umm outgoing maybe."

"Someone needs to tone you down so I agree," Crystal giggles and then grabs Ash's shoulders. "And maybe I can help."

She leans in and Ash makes no effort to stop. Their lips make contact briefly before Crystal pulls away from her bold actions. "Sooo?" She blushes.

"I think it's crystal clear now," Ash smiles and hugs the girl who returns it affectionately.


This ship needs fanart but this will have to do for now.

Anywho, thanks for reading and cya next week!

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