Hero of Altomare (Mareshipping)

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End of the Latios Movie

Third Persons POV

It's gone.

The storm.

The wave.

The water.

A few boats.

"Latios..." Bianca mutters.

Her white hat droops over her eyes and her closed first wrinkle her white skirt. Her green coloured shirt was damp from the earlier storm and her pink shoes are worn from all the running.

Their gondola gently floats back towards the ocean city called Altomare. Instead of roads, beautiful blue water channels help people travel around on the small wooden water crafts. The old stone buildings crowd any other space and the water only enhances their height.

The rest of the group could only look at Bianca in pity while their sadness grew. Some of their first tastes of how cruel and greedy humans can be.

Ash Ketchum, an aspiring Pokémon master scoots over and Bianca instinctively shoves her head into his shoulder. Tears were gushing out of her eyes and Ash was trying his best to comfort her.

No one expected the tourist destination to be taken over by Team Rocket. The D.M.A brought havoc on the city and almost consumed many lives. Only one was lost though...

"It was his duty," Ash whispers into the Alto native as she begins to calm down.

"History repeats twice because the world is full of idiots who didn't learn the first time," Lorenzo quotes. "Sadly we couldn't be an exception."

"Latias is going to be perfectly fine," Brock announces bringing spirits a little higher. The red and white legendary is sprawled in the middle. Despite the weight shifts Lorenzo is still effortlessly leading the group into the city.

"So much power," Misty says as she holds out the new soul dew in her hands.

"Power of legends," The older man and Grandpa of Bianca says.

Bianca slowly lifted head off of Ash and wiped her blood-shot eyes. Ash smiled and Bianca decided to lean back onto Ash with her side.

Misty looked out in jealousy as the gondola entered the "city streets" of Altomare. "I wish I could have done more," Ash sighs.

"Same," Bianca agrees.

"You two did as much as you could," Lorenzo scowls. "Latios would want you guys to celebrate the defeat of the Team Rocket people, not mope."

Bianca got an idea. "What if we hold a festival in Latios's honour?" She suggests. "It would allow us to have one more good bye."

"That's a great idea," The raven haired trainer gets excited.

"What were you thinking?" Lorenzo furthers.

"Two says to set up and then the festival can last two days," Bianca answers. "Regular festival things and a big dance at the end."

"We and our Pokémon can all help," Brock adds while getting a nod from Ash.

"No we can't," Misty argues. "The Silver Conference registration is in five days. We still have 3 days of travel."

"Oh," Bianca and Ash sigh.

"Lati," The Eon Pokemon chirps.

"I think Latias is saying she can give Ash a ride over there," Lorenzo chuckles.

"That would work," Brock rests his chin with his hand. "Only Ash needs to be there for registration."

"But we want to be with Ash to cheer him on the whole way," The carrot head continues.

"You want to cheer me on while I walk to Nurse Joy and get registered," Ash jokes earning a few chuckles.

"Then it's set," Bianca claps her hands together and jumps up. "This is -ahh."

Lorenzo turned through the water as Bianca jumped and she lost her balance completely. Ash quickly shot his arm back to keep her on the gondola. "Thanks," She blushes as they cone to a stop at the workshop.

"Bianca I think you should take a different gondola to the secret garden," Lorenzo states. "You should be the one to put the new soul dew in the pond."

"Can Ash come with me?" She asks her grandfather.

"Uhh- Yeah I think that would be fitting," Lorenzo says.

The two grab a gondola and Bianca leads them down and around the corner towards a secret water entrance. "I thought you said alone?" Misty questions in anger.

"I think Bianca realized something in the ride here," Lorenzo smiles. "I've raised her since she was born and I've been able to pick up on things."

"And you sent them out so Ash would realize the thing," Brock smirks in understanding.

"What's the thing?" Misty asks.

"I have a feeling you don't want to know," Lorenzo laughs.


Bianca leads the wooden gondola through many twists and turns until reaching a dark overpass. They closed through until reaching one of the most beautiful gardens in the world. The flowers were in full bloom as sunlight poured through the area.

The grass was the perfect shade of green and the large pond was filled with wild Pokémon. The smaller well like fountain is so much more important though.

Bianca slowly placed the crystal blue orb into the metal holding place. The orb seemed to rejuvenate the garden as water splashed faster and bigger out of the fountains.

"Right where it should be," Ash says.

"Let's hope it stays there forever," Bianca sighs and they walk slowly through the garden.

"Don't worry," Ash jokes. "I can always come back and save Altomare again."

"Shut up," The brunette giggles. Little did Ash know, Bianca wished that Ash would never leave...

The Last Day Of Preparations

"Yesssss!" Ash cheers.

"Calm down," Misty scowls. "I'm just going to win again anyways."

"The water race is going to be on the first day," Bianca writes down the schedule. "And Latias how about you let Ash stay in the water."

The Pokémon giggled and flew around happily. "What else do we have to do?" Brock asks while helping his crobat hang decorations in the town square in front of the museum.

"Grandpa said he got the wood sculpting and music setup," Bianca runs through her list of things. "Ash and Brock are doing the battling station. Misty is going to lifeguard the swimming competitions. And I'm going to announce when things are happening so I think we're all ready to go."

Bianca sets down her clipboard and lays down beside the long rectangular pond. She glides her hand across the water almost as if she could see Latios.

"Latios is going to enjoy watching this," Ash walks over and sits beside Bianca's dangling feet.

"What?" The girl sits up.

"From up there," Ash chuckles and points up towards the perfect fluffy clouds. "I do wonder what it's like though."

"I'm sure he's still trying to protect Altomare," Bianca giggles at the Pokémon's dutiful personality.

"And you," Ash adds.

"You're right," Bianca smiles. "And you're right about him liking this festival because he's gonna watch you win the water race."

"You know it," Ash laughs.

The Start of the Festival

"It's time for Version number two of our annual water boarding race!" Bianca cheers.

The citizens of Altomare and tourists have recovered from the tragic events pretty well. No one looked tired or moody, everyone was cheering loudly with bright smiles on their faces.

Competitors, including our very own Ash and Misty are getting anxious on their multi-coloured wakeboards. The small circular boards are all connected to a Pokémon of choice by a rope that is hopefully securely tied around them.

They were all shifting around on the boards and casually bouncing with the waves. Totodile was happily swimming in the water giving Ash a quick warmup ride while Misty's Corsola calmly waiting right at the start line.

"10 seconds!" Bianca cheers.

"Totodile we need to get to the start line," Ash laughs.

"Ash control your Totodile," Bianca teases her friend over the microphone. "5 seconds."

"4" The Pokemon are all in a standstill except for Totodile who is rushing to the front.

"3" Legs and fins start moving slowly.

"2" Trainers clench the ropes tighter.

"1" Feet shift and— Well there they go.

Water splashed everywhere as the sudden acceleration sprayed the sides of the channels. One stream of water that came from Ash's direction managed to hit Bianca though...

"Ash Ketchum!" Bianca yells but I doubt he heard her.

The first few turns of the race were more for getting rid of the weaker Pokémon who can't compete with the more experienced ones. They still tried their hardest but a caterpillar can take a hundred steps more than a human and still lose.

Pokémon and their trainers zipped around the tight 90 degree turns. Misty, Ash, and two teenagers were far ahead of the rest of the group. Ash and Totodile seemed to have some sort of new energy within themselves.

If they can keep up their current pace they should not, never, not a, no they can't lo- oh.

A "mysterious figure" seemed to lead Totodile who was somehow walking on water off of the course. The spectators looked at the tv screen in confusion but the cheers after Misty took the lead got rid of that confusion somehow.

Ash smiled he and Totodile were taken through more twists and turns down thinner channels. Latias showed herself with a bright smile plastered on her face. "Again?" Ash laughs.

"Laaa," She chirps and let's go of Totodile. Ash and Totodile go flying back into the main race with a splash only to notice that they're near the back.

"Looks like Ash and Totodile decides to join us once again," Bianca giggles over the mic that Ash could barely hear.

"We'll show her," Ash smiles and fist bumps the energetic Johto starter Pokémon.

Bianca knew how Ash treated his Pokémon but she was amazed by how mutual the feelings are. "Wow," Bianca mutters loud enough for the mic to pick it up.

"What?" Brock yells over the crowds cheering.

The brunette blushes in front of everybody while thinking of an excuse. She looked all around until she got one, "I said wow because Ash is on his way back to the front."

Brock smirks at her and she turns away from the crowd. "Misty and Connor are way out in front with only a few turns left!"

Totodile and Ash were fuelled by Bianca's teasing, Latios and one other thing that Ash hasn't realized yet...

Totodile was moving his non-athletic body to the limits. He has no fins or a slim body to help, just his powerful legs and streamlined head. They passed others one by one until they were in third with no one else in sight.

A few more turns they could see Misty and the other guy bumping against each other hoping for some sort of an advantage. With only two turns left...

Misty was hit hard and was pushed way to the outside on the corner while Connor slowed down to avoid a late race fall. The combination gave Ash hope as he was only a few lengths behind the two.

And remember, hope and love are two of the strongest things in the world.

The final turn came fast as Totodile finally got his head in front of Misty. She looked shocked and angry that they caught up. This made Totodile swim even faster somehow and they left Misty in the dust, or I guess splash.

Faster, faster, faster.

All Ash was thinking on the final stretch. A quagmire popped out unexpectedly with his bluish blob friends. Ash and Connor slowed down to a tie as the water and ground types tried to get out of the way.

The deceleration allowed Misty to catch up on Ash's left while Connor is to the left of Misty. Ash was slowly pulling ahead and Corsola nor Lanturn have the stamina to catch up. Misty does have anger issues though...

She guides Corsola hard to the right and Ash went flying off into the raised wall. Totodile stopped knowing that his trainer is likely hurt as Misty and Connor go flying by.

Bianca looked at where Ash went under in worry. He was taking his time getting up. She was so worried she didn't even catch who won the race. A few bubbles rise and Ash came out laughing. He was cheated and now he's laughing!?

Bianca was outraged for one thing. She ran over to where Ash was not realizing she still was mic'd up. "Why are you laughing!? You could've got seriously hurt!"

The reaction stunned Ash but he gave her his trademark smile. "We just can't catch a break, I don't think we're meant for these races."

"Ash that wasn't the point," Bianca scorns.

"It's not like I tried to get hit," Ash glares at the celebrating Misty.

"I'm just glad you're okay," Bianca smiles. "Now get out of there because you have a battle station to run."

"Thanks," Ash smiles and uses Bianca to get out of the water. "And thank you for rushing over to see if I'm okay."

"I'm used to having to," Bianca giggles.

"You two should get a room or at least take the mic off," Brock smirks.

Bianca blushed and looked around at all the heartwarming stares. "It's not what it looks like."

The Next Night

The festival has been a huge success up to this point.

Every station was filled all day and people were relaxing and smiling. Something Altomare definitely needed.

Now it's time for the final dance. Music blared in front of the museum while young children showed off their dance moves and everyone else socialized. That was until a slow song came on.

Couples slowly walked away by themselves and slow-dances gently to the music. Boys were running while the girls stayed put until they got their way. One Pikachu trainer wasn't as lucky though.

"You're dancing with me!" Carrothead yells and drags Ash by the ear.

"I don't want to dance," Ash argues.

"You need to grow up and dance with people," Misty shoots back.

"Okay," Ash says. "I don't want to dance with you." And he gets away from her grip.

"Why don't you?!" She yells.

"Take a guess," Ash says and walks away leaving a heartbroken trainer.

"Ash," All Ash heard was a feminine voice.

"What?" He snaps before realizing it wasn't Misty. Bianca looked hurt but ash quickly grabbed her shoulder before she could walk away. "Sorry she has me on edge."

Bianca giggles at the use of she before starting over. "I was wondering if you would like to have a dance?"

Ash took a moment to look at the dress she is wearing. It was blue and white and ended at her knees. "It looks perfect," Ash mumbles.

"That's not an answer," Bianca giggles and twirls her dress. "I'll take it though."

She got her and Ash into the normal slow-dance position and she gently led Ash with the music. "Ash you know this festival wasn't just for Latios right?" Bianca blushes knowing that this was only a setup.

"Did I miss something?" Ash runs his cheek.

"No," Bianca giggles and leans in. "It's also for the other hero of Altomare."

The two shared a quick kiss as the blue moon shone down upon them.


That was so much fun to write.

Which explains the length I guess.

And I probably lost any of the really intense pokeshippers but whatever.

I also want to thank probably two of my biggest supporters in both books
iToxicEcho and
R0ck3t_FiRe for giving me ships to write about.

Remembers I need requests!!!

Thanks for reading and cya next Wednesday.

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