Hey Thanks ((Younger)Nurse JoyxAsh)

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That's what Joy in this looks like but with shorter legs to be closer to Ash's height.

Third Person's POV

"Feels good to be out, doesn't it buddy?" An eighteen year old trainer pets his starter Pokémon affectionately.

The duo of Ash Ketchum and Pikachu aren't household names, and are barely known in his hometown of Pallet. They're being overshadowed by Gary Oak who's riding his grandfather's deserved popularity.

The education system changed the year before Ash would've been old enough to set out on his Pokémon journey. He didn't complain... Much.

They, whoever they is, decided that trainers have to go through more advanced Pokémon schooling. Ash being the amazing student took the extra time to nap and dream about how his adventure will go.

Teachers think he'll be and is a failure in the way of all Pokémon aspects. But he's more of a hands on learner which is why his daily trips to Professor Oak's corral actually made him one of the smartest trainers Pokémon wise.

"Pika," The electric mouse Pokémon coos.

The two are on their way to Cerulean City for their next gym badge. After a hard fought battle against Brock, the gym leader who specializes in rock types, the two are looking forward to some stress free training and relaxing.

"I say we take the day off and recharge," Ash suggests and his partner in crime eagerly agrees. "So we can keep walking or set up camp."

Pikachu, from his position on top of Ash's shoulder, taps his belly a few times comically. "Alright but hopefully the whole cooking thing goes better this time," Ash chuckles and begins to unpack various equipment.

"Pidgeotto, Caterpie, come on out!" He calls out his other two Pokémon. "Relax for the day guys so we can train super hard for the next gym. Also I'll get you guys some lunch."

The large brown bird Pokémon and tiny caterpillar Pokémon give a cheer of approval. They wander off in the clearing to find a comfortable place to sleep their fatigue away.

"Okay so all I have to do is open the can and pour," Ash reminds himself while placing out food bowls for the three.

"Pika," Pikachu rolls his eyes while impatiently sitting beside the bowl he claimed.

Ash grams the can of Pikachu a favourite and simply twists the lid open. Pikachu watches with stars in his eyes knowing how good his snack is going to be. Except serving food requires actually having the food...

"Uh oh," Ash sweat drops. "Guess I was so pumped up after our win that I forget to stop by the PokeMart."

Pikachu's cheeks start sparking with electricity. "Maybe a fresh berry lunch will be better," Ash tried to save himself from getting shocked.

Pikachu eyes his trainer suspiciously but decides that maybe a sweeter lunch would be nice. "So let's go find some berries!"

Pikachu sighs and follows his trainer into the denser part of the forest. Hoping that with a little luck that they'll stumble across a berry tree.

"Pi," The Pokémon's ears perk up.

"Hear something?" Ash questions and gets a nod as an answer. The two stop and try to get complete silence. "It sounds like a cry, can you lead us to it?"

Pikachu takes a hard left through a few bushes and Ash follows him no problem. The cry becomes a little more hearable as they move in the direction Pikachu believes is right.

Ash helps push through a patch of denser vegetation and the teenager was wowed at the sight. Sitting there under a tree with its back to them is a young woman who seems to be around Ash's age.

Her long pink hair flows down her back in a pony tail and Ash can make out a flowered skirt. As well as a pink top that hugs her pale and slim figure. "Umm Miss?" Ash manages to push his way through with Pikachu on his hat.

"Oh," She says surprised to see someone after turning around.

Ash can now see the rest of her features like her mysteriously familiar blue eyes. In his eyes though he can't help but think that she's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.

Also in her eyes are small tears that she's desperately trying to get rid of. "Sorry I'm a mess," She cries out a bit more.

Ash rushes over and sees an injured Clefairy behind her. He begins inspecting her messily wrapped leg. "Mind if I check this out?" Ash smiles.

"Yes please," The girl sighs. "I've always been a failure and this proves it."

Ash wants to question further but that can wait until after he fixes up Clefairy's leg. He unwraps the white bandage to reveal a somewhat scraped and bruised part of its pink skin. "It's nothing serious," Ash assures her. "But it should probably be cleaned out first."

"Why didn't I think of that? I'm so stupid," She continues to be hard on herself.

"It's not hard to get caught up in the moment," Ash says thoughtfully. "I know how it feels to have your Pokémon and best friend get hurt, and it was a lot worse than this, wasn't it buddy?"

She observes the interaction between this mystery boy and his Pikachu. She has seen countless trainers interact but these two seem to have a special connection. "There's a pond near the campsite I started to put up so we should head back there."

"Sure," She agrees, still frowning. "We were just wandering around her lost anyway."

Ash picks up Clefairy and Pikachu leads the way back through the forest. "You're from a different region aren't you?" Ash guesses.

"Is it really that obvious?" She starts to lighten up. "I was sent here as part of my medical schooling."

"I've been such a disappointment that they decided that maybe I'd learn better on a journey rather than in a classroom," She informs. "Sending me all the way here to Kanto from Alola is a bit over the top in my mind though."

"That's how I learn the best too," Ash gives her his trademark smile that has the ability to get others to smile. "Classes were so boring but at least I got to sleep a lot."

"You sound like the ideal student," She starts to smile. "And by the way I'm Joy."

"Like Nurse Joy..." Ash trails off. "That's why you seem so familiar!"

"Yeah I get that a lot," Joy giggles, starting to forget her failed attempt at healing her Clefairy. "Even with my hair in a different style."

"It looks beautiful by the way," Ash comments. "I couldn't help but notice." He scratches his nose embarrasses by this new situation.

"You think so?" Joy brushes while running her hands through it nervously. "I'm constantly told to change it into the normal style."

"Well don't listen," Ash smiles. "It really suits you but I think you're gonna need to change your outfit at some point."

"Why?" She asks worried. "Is it too crazy?"

"No!" Ash stops her. "It's actually really nice and looks really good on you. But Kanto gets cold and that doesn't look like the warmest thing ever."

"When does it get cold usually?" Joy asks while trying not to blush from the earlier comments.

"Soon I think," Ash shrugs. "And we're here."

Ash lays down Clefairy bear the water and effortlessly cleans and wraps the wound. "How'd it happen anyways?" He asks.

"I got scared," Joy mumbles. "So I ran forward and Clefairy tried to keep up but ended up tripping over a tree root."

"Nice," Ash jokes.

Joy starts to get mad but remembers that Ash has proved to be a really sweet guy. And not bad looking either in her eyes. "Feel that nice breeze Joy?" Ash asks, really taking in the fresh air.

"Y-e-p," The Alolan native shivers.

"I knew you'd be cold," Ash smiles. "Have my jacket."

"No I actually feel like swimming instead," Joy states. "It just gives me a warm feeling for some reason."

"Alright," Ash takes his jacket off and heads towards his tent. "I wouldn't mind going for a quick swim."

Joy quickly sets up her own tent and gets changed into a simple pink two piece bathing suit. Ash comes out of his in a black swimsuit.

"It won't be cold," Ash lies through his teeth while Joy cautiously goes to dip her toes in.

He decides to quicken up the process by picking her up by surprise. He runs into the shallow water, completely unaffected by the low temperature. Once at a safe depth he throws her gently into the water.

Ash laughs along with the Pokémon who are safely on shore. Joy comes out the water with a look of pure anger. Her now soaked pink air is draped across her shoulders as she swims closer and closer to Ash.

"You're going to get it mister," She warns and Ash looks around for a quick escape.

"Did I ever tell you you're beautiful?" Ash smirks, stunning the flustered woman.

Taking the opportunity, Ash dunks himself underwater and uses the dark water to get a safe distance away. He comes up with his raven hair dripping with water, completely making Joy forget about her anger.

"You can't catch me," Ash jokes and the anger is now back.

"Pikachu I need your help," Joy says sweetly towards the shore.

Pikachu smiles devilishly and runs along the shore to the closest point to Ash. Ash smirks at his Pokemon knowing that he won't shock the whole pond. Leaving the perfect opportunity for Joy to sneak behind him.

Joy manages to wrap her long arms around him to keep him from getting away. "Did you really mean that I'm beautiful?" She asks innocently.

"I wouldn't have said it otherwise," Ash smiles and twists his head around to meet her eyes.

Joy leans in and whispers into his ear. "Then I feel a little worse about doing this."

"Doing wha-?" Ash questions.

Joy uses every muscle in her body to get Ash into the air high enough to be safely shocked. Pikachu was ready and Ash gets lit up like a star.

Now it's her time to laugh at the surprised a slightly crispy boy. "You two are a pretty good team," Ash chuckles.

"I think Pikachu and I are pretty good partners in crime," I giggle.

"How about you travel with us then?" Ash asks.

"Only if you insist," I giggle. "Maybe I should take charge in the cooking part since it's not hard to tell that your Pikachu is hungry."

"I may have forgot the whole lunch thing today," Ash sweat drops. "But I think that's a berry tree in the other side of the pond. That I somehow didn't see earlier."

"Get swimming then," I say. "I could use some food too."

Ash rolls his eyes playfully and that's where everything turned to slow motion...

Once he got to the middle of the large pond, the water starts becoming more disturbed. And then all of a sudden a Gyarados appears right in front and then on top of Ash.

Splash was super effective.

Joy digs her feet into the gravel bed to brace for the wave. Once it rushes by here she opens her eyes to find any sign of Ash. And that's where complete panic takes over.

She swims as fast as she possibly can towards where Ash should have come back up. Wasting no time, Joy dives under and moves her arms all over hoping to feel his skin.

Luckily she did.

Her brain completely takes over and it barely even registered that she carried Ash all the way back to shore. "Come on Ash," She starts to cry over his unconscious body. "Wait isn't there something I can do."

Then all of a sudden her CPR lesson decides to show up and Joy quickly places her mouth over his. She gently pumps on his chest with her hands while subconsciously asking herself if this counts as her first kiss.

Joy pulls herself away, waiting to see if she was success for the first time in the medical department. Ash starts coughing up water until regaining the ability to breathe normally. He looks around and remembers what just happened, while eventually locking eyes with the girl that just saves his life.

"Hey thanks," Ash smiles sheepishly hoping to calm her down.

Joy shakes her head, still teary eyed, but Ash's smile somehow manages to make her relax and just enjoy the now romantic moment.

She smiles softly and connects their lips for the second time, but this time it's a little, just a little more enjoyable.


I'm not tired...

Thanks for reading as always and cya next chapter.

Hint: I actually can't think of one but it has Gary mf Oak so it's going to be good.

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