Just My Luck (LuckShipping)

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Hoeen Anime Timeline

Brock's POV

The Battle Pike.

The home of the Luck symbol Ash needs to progress through his Battle Frontier challenge.

The place that trains Pokémon and trainers in the strategy of attack first, then attack again until you overpower your opponent.

The workplace of the Pike Queen Lucy.


The tall, beautiful, and did I mention that she's the most beautiful girl in the world. Lucy has long straight black hair, two red and black pieces of hair that drape beside her head, and finally a band of her perfect black hair that swoops over her forehead.

And that's only her hair.

Lucy also has sharp red eyes that caught mine as soon as she rescued us from Team Rocket. She also has a tight purple crop top, a special yellow belt, and skinny black pants to finish off her Seviper look.

Ash who I'm travelling with beat her in a close two on two match where he had just enough strategy to take the win. Which means we have to get going to the next Frontier Brain. So we have to leave any minute now and my love for Lucy still hasn't been reciprocated.

"Staying here was so much fun," May smiles. She is also travelling with us and wears a red and blue biking outfit.

"And your Pokémon are amazing," Max, May's younger brother, chuckles while making Lucy's poor Abra teleport all around. "Though it's kind of creepy how all the Pokémon you didn't use to battle Ash have eyes like Brock."

"I guess I have a type," Lucy giggles shyly. Weird for her since she's a pretty confident woman.

"A type of Pokémon," Her blonde sister Barbara glares at me. I swear she hates me for some reason.

"Lucy I would be eternally happy if you join us on our journey," I get down on one knee and plea.

"Sorry but in case you forget, Queen Lucy has a job to you and all you are is a distraction," Barbara growls like a Mighteyena.

She pushes me away and I start walking with my head down. We start our way down the path and then I take one look back at the goddess and her sister from the distortion world. I see Lucy pulling back her sister from running me over with the closest thing she can find. Wait she's blushing!

I make sure her face is actually red before giving one last wave.

"Wait!" She declares and starts running towards me.

Are my dreams finally coming true?

My brain goes into overdrive and the only thing being processed is that a beautiful girl is running towards me. I open my arms up wide and jump forward expecting her to do the same and keep us up straight.

Suddenly I feel myself hit the ground hard and reality comes back. I roll over and look up at a laughing Pike Queen. "Lucy," I reach out of to her and she goes to lift me back up. But her sister interrupts and helps me up instead.

I get up and thank her but then she huffs and turns away. "So what did you want us to wait for?" May asks.

"I'm hosting the annual Pike championship tomorrow and I figured you guys would like to participate," Lucy informs us.

"Annual?" Barbara questions. "We've never had a tournament her because you quite frankly hate wasting time watching battles between less than elite trainers."

"First annual Pike tournament," She corrects herself. "I'll start spreading the word and because it's such short notice, only the most dedicated and likely strong trainers will make the trip here by tomorrow."

"I'll start getting stuff ready," Barbara sighs and walks towards their house.

"I'll help you," I smile and follow Barbara into the house. One of my best traits is that I'll do anything to help a woman's life go a little smoother. This way Lucy won't have to worry about the tournament as much.

I spend the rest of the afternoon with Barbara setting up the battlefield, tournament bracket, and other more technical parts. It's important for Lucy's family to like me and there's no better person to start with than her adoring sister.

I hope Lucy and the other three are finding ways to get trainers to come and participate.

May's POV Time Skip

It's the big day where tough trainers are coming to showcase their skills in front of Lucy. I need to focus on my coordinating so I'm going to sit this tournament out. But Ash and Brock are going to be among the eight that were able to come on such short notice.

Speaking off the spiky haired Kanto native with brown hair. Brock spend all day yesterday with Barbara instead of Lucy like I expected. I could tell the Frontier Brain was bummed because detective May is a pro at seeing people's emotions.

I walk into the house and I hear mumbled fighting through Lucy's bedroom door. It's her and Barbara...

"I had this tournament so that I could hang around with Brock and get to know him better!" Lucy screams at her younger sister. "I've never been interested in anyone, but Brock has completely changed all that. Even my Pokémon like him and they're more overprotective than you."

"Sorry but it's not all about you!" Barbara yells back. "Just because you're the older one, the better trainer, the hotter one, doesn't mean you get first pick on everything. I like Brock, you like Brock, and we can't do anything about it."

They continue to fight so I leave and look for the boy of interest.

"Brock," I say and catch my breath.

"What?" He asks confused.

"Lucy and Barbara are fighting over you," I tell him bluntly.

"What does Barbara have against me?" He sighs. "I tried to win her over yesterday so that we'd get along as siblings in-law."

"That's the problem," I facepalm. "They are fighter OVER you."

"You mean?" He mutters.

"They both want you," May laughs at the situation.

"Just my luck," Brock sighs.



I decided to make this a two parter for suspense reasons so that's why it's short as well.


Thanks for reading and what will happen next?

And if you didn't see or get the picture at the top, it should make sense now.

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