Mind Reader (AbilityShipping)

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Due to popular demand, I caved in and will suffer through this...

Anime Universe, difference starts after Ash's loss to Anabel.

Third Person's POV

The rolling hills of Kanto surround our place of interest for today. This is Ash Ketchum's second time going through his hometown region but it's definitely a scenic route this time. The group has been taken wild paths, unfamiliar shortcuts, and abandoned routes to cover every nook and cranny of the region.

This isn't the first region Ash's current group has travelled through together. May, Max, and Brock accompanied Ash while he challenged the Hoenn League circuit. May's contests and Ash's gym battles kept them busy throughout Hoenn.

Now Ash is back in Kanto to beat a different kind of challenge. The Battle Frontier challenge came up and intrigued Ash instantly. In no time he was getting instructions from a jolly guy with a red convertible and packing for another trip around Kanto.

The contest association started a league in Kanto so it didn't take much to convince the red bandana wearing coordinator. Her and her brother Max have looked up to Ash during both journeys and it's pretty safe to say that they don't want it to end.

It's not just the Maple siblings getting valuable information that's sure to boost their present and future careers. The former Pewter City gym leader, Brock, is striving towards being the best Pokémon breeder in the world. Getting to travel the world with a trainer who seems to attract ever Pokémon known to the Pokédex is a pretty good chance for him.

The group made it to the Battle Tower, houses by the Salon Maiden Anabel. The white medieval styles tower stands high above the horizon. It's completely in the middle of nowhere so the scenery around it is stunning.

Natural lakes, and forest are filled with all types of Pokémon and it's a real mind cleanser. For Ash though it's about the battles, not the landscape.

His opponent Anabel is a master psychic. She has bright short purple hair that matches her deep purple eyes. She wears a long sleeved lilac shirt with a large white collar edged with gold, thin gold cuffs and a white front with gold buttons and edging, as well as slim fit trousers that are violet at the top and darker purple at the bottom, with a jagged pattern around the knee area separating the two colours.

Anabel's ability to communicate with her pokemon through their thoughts caught Ash completely off guard. The battle was pretty one sided and Ash lost with no plan for after. And that's where this story begins...

"I feel bad for Ash," May sighs as they watch Ash and Anabel meet in the middle of the field. "I thought he was ready for anything."

"He did too," Brock agrees. "He'll have to figure out a way to match Anabel's psychic Pokémon and abilities."

"I want to be able to control my Pokémon without talking," Max states. "That would be so cool."

"Let's head down there," Brock suggests and they catch up with the two battlers outside.

"What's your plan now Ash?" Anabel asks. "I'll accept a challenge from you whenever you want."

Her face reddens a little bit while Ash thinks. "I want to spend all day with you Anabel," Ash states.

"W-what?" The purple haired girl stutters wondering if her dreams are coming true.

"I want to try and learn the psychic stuff you can do," Ash smiles and Anabel's morale drops.

"I guess but it'll have to be just us if that's alright," Anabel smiles back.

"Sure," Ash shrugs. "Is that alright with you guys?"

"I need a good training session," May states and nods.

"And you'll need food in about two hours," Brock jokes and Max laughs at his sister.

"Let's go!" Anabel cheers happily and drags Ash away.

Ash turns and starts running under his own power. She leads him faraway to the other side of the biggest lake in the area. "We shouldn't be disturbed out here," Anabel smiles and takes off her long sleeved shirt to reveal a purple shorter one underneath.

"Uhh," Ash trails off while staring at the Frontier Brain.

"The first thing we need to do is enhance your senses," Anabel smiles. "Which means swimming."

"Alright," Ash smiles and takes off his jacket so he's just in a black tee shirt and jeans. Anabel frowns mentally, hoping he would go further.

She sighs and jumps into the crystal clear water. Ash follows with a cannonball that makes Anabel giggle. "Okay so close your eyes and try to find me," Anabel orders him.

Ash nods and hides his hazel eyes while Anabel swims away a bit. Ash slowly starts to swim while flailing his arms all around, hoping to get lucky. "Try to hear me swimming," Anabel helps him.

Ash treats for a second before picking up on something. He starts to move in the direction of Anabel who smirks. She waits for him to reach her with her head the same height above the water as his. Ash takes a final pull of water and he feels one of her pale arms.

Anabel leans in but Ash decides to charge forward so she doesn't swim away. Ash essentially head butts her and the hard headed boy knocked the wind right out of her.

Ash reacts quickly and picks her up gently. He swims to the shore and sets her on the grass and waits for her to wake back up.

It didn't take long for the girl to rejoin Ash and she quickly remembers what happened. She sighs heavily and gets up on two feet. "That went well," She remarks.

"Sorry," Ash apologizes.

"It's fine," Anabel starts to laugh. "I now know why your Donphan can pack such a large punch though."

"Wow," Ash chuckles. "So what's next?"

"Uhh," Anabel thinks out loud while laying back down in the sun to try and air dry her clothing. "I always keep my art stuff around here so maybe we can clear your mind enough to allow other people's thoughts into your head."

"I'm going to warn you that I am not an artistic person," Ash chuckles lightly.

"I'm sure you'll do fine," Anabel smiles and opens a secret cabinet in a large tree that hangs over the lake.

She walks back over with paper and a few pencils. "What are we supposed to draw?"

"Anything you want," Anabel says without taking her eyes off her drawing. "Go over there so we won't see each other's until they're finished."

Ash gets up and takes some paper and a pencil to under the giant willow tree. Down the slope is where Anabel is with her feet in the refreshing lake. Ash goes through about eleven pieces of paper before sticking with one idea.

He starts to draw the ending to his rematch against Anabel. The Pokémon are pretty unrecognizable but I think it's supposed to show Pikachu and Espeon at the end. It shows a girl on the other side of the stadium who hopefully is supposed to be Anabel but it's too hard to tell.

Anabel however is a little more skilled in this department. She started with a grassy hill like the one she's sitting on right now. On it are herself and Ash sitting across for each other. His face is up against hers but you can see the smile clearly drawn on her face. "I'm done," Ash calls out and starts to make his way down.

"I'm not done yet!" Anabel exclaims with a blush and this startles Ash. He trips over a root that didn't quite get the idea of staying underground. He tumbled towards Anabel and hits her drawing eight out her hand.

He stops before hitting the water and looks up to see her drawing falling into the water. Ash couldn't get a clear look because the granite immediately became a blur after hitting the water.

Anabel honestly wanted to cry but she's strong and knows that it's not over yet. "You got to be kidding me Ash," She sighs but manages to lighten up a bit. "What did you draw?"

"Our future battle," Ash states and shows her the messy sketch.

"Maybe we should try reading each other's thoughts then," Anabel suggests and turns Ash around so he's facing her. "Close your eyes and try to enter my mind."

The two close their eyes but then Ash opens one eye to look at the girl in front of him. After figuring out that she's a girl, he's developed a small crush on her and Ash has a feeling she does to.

He chuckles lightly and leans in to connect their lips. Anabel's eyes widen instantly before she melts into it. The kiss ends much too early in her opinion but it doesn't matter at this point. "I think I'm a good mind reader now," Ash smirks.

"Shut up," Anabel smiles and reconnects their lips.


Sorry about the delay but I hope it was worth it.

Thanks for reading and see you next friday(hopefully)!

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