More Than Just a High-Five (Pearlshipping)

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(Sometime during the Sinnoh anime)

Zoey's POV

"Plusle is unable to battle!" Marian announces. "Meaning Zoey has won the battle and is moving on to the finals."

"Thanks Glameow," I recall my grey feline Pokémon.

"The Pastoria City Contest will continue with Dawn against Ursula!" The energetic announcer continues.

I've blown through the competition so far today. Hopefully the finals will be harder and more intense. I make my way back to the tunnel to get back to our waiting room. A familiar blunette is making her way through as well.

"Dawn!" A teenage boy's voice rings through the bright white and blue hallway. "You forgot something."

"What?" Dawn turns around as I continue closing in on them.

"Our good luck charm of course," Ash smiles.

"Really?" Dawn giggles and raises her hand up in the air. Ash follows until they connect for a second before passing by. Is it weird that I could feel some kind of power from that?

"You better win now," Ash smirks.

"And you better be in the stands to watch," Dawn pouts while getting the wrinkles in her pink dress smoothed out. "No training this time."

"My bad," The raven haired trainer chuckles and rubs the back of his head.

"Hey boy!" A security guard comes running in. "You're not allowed to be in here."

"See you later," He shrugs and gets carried out.

"What was that?" I ask the girl who's still giggling.

"A high-five," Dawn looks at me confused.

"No there was definitely more to it," I smile knowingly at her. Of course the only way out for her is to play dumb.

"Can't really get more than five into it," Dawn says innocently. "Only five fingers," She waves get hand.

"At least invite me to the wedding," I laugh and walk by.


"Dawn please make your way to the stage!" Marian announces.

"Good luck," I laugh at the blushing coordinator.

Ash's POV

"Really Ash?" Brock sighs. His eyes only giving a sense of disapproval. "I got him from here."

"Keep an eye on him Pikachu," The security guards chuckles and pets my number one bud.

"What were you doing anyways?" Brock asks as we make our way back into the auditorium.

"Saying good luck to Dawn," I say.

"But you did like ten times before she left," The Pewter City native raised an eyebrow. "You like her don't you?"

"She's one of my best friends so I'd say I like her," I say like it should be obvious.

"The other kind," Brock sighs. "The one where you want to spend the rest of your life with them, get married, have kids, etc."

"I don't know much about that kind of stuff," I rub my nose. "Haven't really thought about it."

"Think about it," Brock says as the battle starts. "Because I'm pretty sure she likes you too."

"What kind of like?" I ask.

"Pika," The electric type facepalms and shocks me lightly.

Dawn's POV

A flash of light appears in my peripheral vision. I let Piplup battle on autopilot for a second as I look up towards where I saw it. "Of course," I mumble.

Pikachu is standing there with the most annoyed look on his face. Ash was probably just being his usual self, natural idiot. Keeps our travels exciting though and I wonder where I would be without him...

"Dawn isn't even paying attention and Ursula is still struggling," Marian announces while laughing a little.

I turn back and watch Gible disappear underground. Not exactly a good move for a contest. "Piplup use whirlpool but hold it above your head," I order calmly. Bringing out my Ash strategies right now.

Piplup spins around and the swirling cone of water appears, sparkling in the lights.

"Attack!" Ursula growls. She's a feisty one.

"Flip," I smile.

The whirlpool acted as a barrier that trapped Gible. The super effective attack poured down on the poor dragon type. Leaving no escape, the battle is over.

"Dawn is moving on with ease!" Marion announces. "We will be having a short break before Zoey and Dawn battle is out for this shiny blue ribbon."

"Good job Piplup," I praise and he hops on my shoulder. "I think I'm going to use you for the finals."

"Pip," He says proudly.

"You have as big a ego as Ash," I giggle and take a seat beside my red haired opponent.

"Looks like your good luck charm worked," Zoey says.

"Hasn't failed me yet," I smile.

"Just a coincidence?" Zoey asks.

"Probably," I shrug.

"Or it's love," My fellow coordinator smirks.

"N-oo," I stutter.

"Piplup," The little devil Pokémon nods.

"Have you heard otherwise Piplup?" Zoey asks, trying to act innocent.

"Pi-" I put my hand over his beak even though Zoey wouldn't be able to understand him. Oops, I just made it obvious didn't I?

"Keeping Piplup from talking in a language I can't understand," Zoey laughs. "Just admit it."

"Fine but he probably doesn't like me back so who cares," I frown.

"I don't know many guys who run after their "friend" to say good luck," Zoey says. "And your high-five probably made a spark."

"I felt something," I giggle. "But that could have been Pikachu's fault."

"Just don't give up on him," Zoey insists. "Because a guy like him doesn't show up everyday."

"There isn't anyone like him," I mumble before covering my mouth.

"See you on the stage," Zoey chuckles.

Ash's POV

"Ash there you are," A deep voice comes from the exit.

"Crasher Wake?" I question the bigger, muscular man. His eyes sharp from behind the extravagant blue and white mask.

"I've been informed of a meeting that I must attend," He sighs. "I have to leave tonight and I know you came for a gym battle."

"So you want to have it now?" I ask and he nods.

I glance towards Dawn who is getting ready to battle. "Umm-" I trail off.

"She'll be okay," Brick insists. "We'll get there for the end."

"I accept your challenge," I smirk towards the surprised gym leader.

"That's my line but let's hurry up and get to the gym," He sighs and I follow him to the training and gym building.

Let's hope I can continue my winning streak...

Dawn's POV

Something feels different about the arena, even though I was just out here. I take a look around but I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Weird...

"Piplup start off with a bubblebean!" I yell.

"Fury swipes Glameow," Zoey smirks.

The small blue penguin does his usual spin before firing the stream of bubbles. Glameow however extended her claws and easily popped each one before contact. The spray from her actions sparkles all around her.

I don't need to look up to know my points just dropped a good amount.

"Try a peck attack!" I yell.

"Come on Dawn," Zoey sighs. "Uppercut iron tail."

Piplup was no match for the extended steel tail. He is flung high up into the air with no one there to help. "Thunderbolt."

I watch helplessly as the bright yellow bolt strikes Piplup directly. He goes crashing into the ground and Zoey gives him time to see if he can continue.

I look up and my points are already under half. It only took her three moves...

"You got this Dawn!" I hear Brick say who's sitting in the front row. I wait for Ash to follow up but I don't hear anything. I look over and he isn't there with his usual encouraging smile.

"And Piplup goes down without a counterattack from Dawn who seems distracted!" Marian yells. "Piplup is unable to battle."

"Thanks Piplup," I sigh with my head down. I slowly make my way out towards the back. I change quickly into my regular clothes. I finish with my white and pink beanie and walk out into the lobby that is still empty.

"Hopefully Ash's training is going well," I mutter coldly.

"He isn't training," Brick walks up. "Crasher Wake has to leave town so he told Ash they could only have their battle right now. And Ash isn't one to wait around in one spot until he comes back."

"I guess that makes sense," I say quietly. "So he's battling right now?"

"Are you gonna head over with me?" Brock asks.

"No I think I'll go back to the Pokémon Center for a bit," I say and walk out.

"I just need to clear my head," I mumble to myself.

Do I need Ash there to help me win?

Ash's POV

"Awesome Monferno!" I cheer as we start off with a win. The fire type monkey dances around and Wake recalls Floatzel surprised.

"You're a tough one," Wake comments. "But so is Gyarados!"

The huge water serpent Pokémon stares down intimidatingly at the wide eyed Sinnoh starter Pokémon. "We got this," I assure him. If we can inflict a burn, Pikachu can finish easily.

"Monferno use a wide variety of fire attacks!" I order. "Jump around and try to burn him."

Gyarados moves around in the water, trying to keep his eyes locked on the jumping monkey. The attacks aren't doing much damage but that's not their job. "Fire back with water pulse," Wake orders.

"Keep going," I urge.

Almost at the same time, Gyarados nails Monferno while being covered in flames. "Good job," I praise and Pikachu takes the field.

I hear the doors open and Brock walks in. Where's Dawn?

I was too distracted and it was too late to help Pikachu defend against a powerful hyper beam. "Quick attack!" I yell.

"Aqua tail," Crasher Wake smirks.

The small yellow mouse is easily swatted away by the bright blue tail. Every so often Gyarados goes up in flames but it's like that doesn't matter anymore.


"Hydro pump."

The sparkling bolt is no match for the powerful pressures stream of water. "Pikachu is unable to battle!" The referee announces.

It was going so well...

Dawn's POV

"Let's go Piplup!" I cheer.

He looks at me confused. I did just have a sudden mood change but it's become a normal thing. "I know that Ash would have stayed to watch me, I mean us, so I shouldn't be mad about it."

"He might need me there to cheer him on," I say and run towards the brown roofed gym.

I walk in quietly and Ash looks panicked. "What's going on Brock?" I ask him and I sit down on the bleachers.

"I don't know," He sighs. "He seemed to be on a roll but ever since I've walked in it's gone downhill."

"You can do it Ash!" I stand up and cheer. "Don't give up now."

He looks over stunned for a second. Then he gives me his trademark smile and even Turtwig seems more upbeat.

"Gyarados felt that," I sat as Turtwig manages to hit him hard with a tackle. His speed is almost intimidating to Gyarados, probably because he battles a lot of them that are slow.

Suddenly Gyarados became engulfed in flames and collapses into the shallow pool. "Wow," I mutter.

"Sudden death now," Brock comments.

"And Turtwig has a double type advantage over Quagsire," I say happily.

"All of Turtwig's moves are going through Quagsire's," Brock says as an energy ball nails the blue blob Pokémon.

Moves get exchanged but all of Turtwig's momentum couldn't be stopped. "Quagsire is unable to battle!" The referee exclaims. "Which means Ash Ketchum the challenger is the victor!"

"Yes!" I cheer and run over to Ash. He recalls Turtwig and looks at me sadly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't-" He starts but I interrupt him.

"I understand," I giggle. "At least one of us won today."

He sighs in relief and I decide to take a chance. I lift up my hand for our usual high-five but I grab his hand this time and intertwine my fingers with his.

I look up him and my lips meet his for a short but sweet kiss. He smiles and wraps his arms around me. "Zoey was right," I say softly.

"What?" He asks.

"It really was more than just a high-five."


Wasn't that sweet.

I hope you liked this one and thanks for reading.

Keep the requests coming on and if you like these, watch for a few smaller books coming out with these ships and some continuations of these plots.

Cya next Wednesday!

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