Not Alone This Time (AshxCandice)

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Sinnoh Anime Universe

Third Person's POV

Northern Sinnoh is not the place you want to be in the heart of winter. The region's reputation for having cold and snowy winters is well given. The occasional blizzards can be relentless and WILL swallow up anyone not prepared.

The city that marks this part of the region is Snowpoint City. The close knit buildings wind around a central building which holds the gym. Dark maroon roofs are covered in a thick layer of snow that slides off periodically due to the style of the roof.

The pale brick walls blend in with the always icy roads and constant flurries of snow. Just outside the town is a long treacherous route where dodging avalanches is a common thing to do. Lush evergreens surround the area to add some colour to the landscape. Beauty hurts.

Despite all of this, it has been getting uncharacteristically warm during the day while still getting below 0 degrees at night. Shimmering icicles hang from buildings, warning anyone walking too close to get away. The whole town is wet from the constant melting and freezing process of the snow and ice.

News reports are calling for a potentially fatal snow storm to sweep through the mountainous area soon. But even locals who've experienced all that snow can do, don't believe it.

Candice is one of those locals who isn't afraid of a small blizzard. She's basically become one with the element because of growing up in the city. Candice is one that looks at any form of water affectionately. Kind of weird but it's lead her to becoming a gym leader, as well as a teacher who is providing invaluable information to the kids around town.

Her love for the ice element is beyond compare. Which is why a mysterious temple north of the city is killing her on the inside. She's read every book on the library about the large stone ruins and all the legends disagree with one another.

There is a small chance however that a legendary ice type Pokémon resides deep in the temple. It makes sense considering the area is basically an ice cube at some points. But every time Candice goes to explore, she's told that it's too dangerous, especially when going alone.

The pale black haired girl isn't stupid by any means and understands how dangerous going alone would be. But it doesn't help that no one around is adventurous and strong enough to go explore the mysteries in the temple.

But what if all of this changes in one night...

Ash Ketchum completely stunned the ice type gym leader with his battling skills. The battlefield made of ice didn't affect him or his Pokémon one bit. Candice never seen anything like it, he was an amazing and serious battler but his personality is anything but serious.

Ash, Candice, and two other people travelling with Ash, Brock and Dawn, decided to go out for dinner together. Most people their age that grow up in Snowpoint, run away on their journey as fast as possible. Leaving Candice all alone in the town.

Candice actually enjoyed a night for once in a very long time. After a night full of exchanging stories, battle tips, and hogging up a seat in the restaurant for six hours, Candice decided it would be best if she slept in the Pokémon Center.

While the streets refreeze themselves in the howling winds, Candice lies in bed content with her decision to save her a walk home in the dark. She looks over at Dawn who's fast asleep and would be completely unaware if she were to slip out...

Candice who stayed in her usual clothes to sleep, slowly makes her way out of bed. She smooths out her silky black hair to look her best for someone...  She grabs her teal sweater and wraps it tightly around her waist. Candice tightens the bow on her chest and rolls up the white sleeves of her shirt.

Candice tip toes her way towards the door before realizing her plan won't work if she uses the door. She glances back at the curtains at the far end of the room. "Man I'm desperate," She shakes her head and pulls away the curtains.

Candice cracks open the window and checks to make sure Dawn didn't wake up from the noise. After hearing the blunette's rhythmic breathing continue, Candace continues and fully slides the piece of glass to the side.

Snowpoint City buildings don't usually have screens on their windows since big types aren't much of a problem that far north. The ice type expert crawls out the window and down into a layer of snow. "Should've went for boots instead of moccasins today," Candice curses herself.

She makes her way to the next room where Brock and Ash are sleeping. Wondering how she's going to manage to only wake up the raven haired trainer and not his brown haired friend. As Candice gets closer, she can see the curtains moving gently through the darkness.

"It's meant to be," Candice encourages herself and pushes the slightly opened window all the way open.

She peeks in through the curtain and they're both sleeping soundly. Ash's bed is the closest which makes this a little easier for her. Candice climbs her way in slowly while wondering how Ash will take the whole breaking into their room thing.

Ash is sprawled across the bed with the blankets on the floor. Candice can't stop herself from staring at the right for black shirt he has on, he also decided to keep his usual jeans on which makes this a little less weird if possible.

"Ash," She whispers into his ear but he doesn't even flinch. "Ash," She says a little louder while keeping an eye on Brock.

He starts to move a little but Ash is still in another world. Deciding that maybe she needs to do something that will confuse his brain so much that he'll wake up without Candice needing to say anything. She smiles mischievously and kisses him on the cheek.

Candace holds on a hand over her mouth to keep herself from giggling at the new blank stare on his face. His eyes start to open and after a few quick blinks, his eyes decide to focus in on the girl sitting on his bed.

Ash starts to say something but Candice quickly puts her hand over his mouth. The only sound was a muffled collection of questions. Candace stares at him with her golden brown eyes and motions towards the open window. She winks and drags him out of bed.

"I'll explain once we're outside," Candace whispers and leads him over. Most people would resist but Ash has a feeling there aren't many ways to get out of this.

The two climb out quietly and shut the window behind them so Brock doesn't become a human ice cube. "Good thing I grabbed my jacket on the way out," Ash says while watching his breath cloud up in front of him. "Aren't you cold without your sweater on?"

"No but it'll get to me eventually," Candice shrugs. "You get used to the cold after experiencing it daily."

"Cool," Ash says. "Now... Why did you bring me out here!?"

"Sshh," Candice puts a finger to her lip. "And I've been wanting to go on this adventure but no one has been willing or strong enough to come with me."

"So you want me to go with you?" Ash asks while sighing at her very adventurous personality... which is making his heart feel funny.

"Please Ash," She gives him the famous trump card, puppy dog eyes.

Ash looks away and sighs, "Of course but what are we getting into," He smiles.

Candice runs and finds a twig off of a tree. "Snowpoint City is here," She draws in the Now before drawing a temple symbol above it. "There's this temple with no certain legend surrounding it. I want to go see what lies within it."

Ash goes to respond before hearing a scratching noise. He looks back to see a pikachu scratching the window, "Looks like Pikachu wants to join."

Ash opens the window and the rodent smiles at Candice before looking at the drawing curiously. "Let's not waste any time then," Candice cheers.

"Wait," Ash says. "Why aren't we doing this in the middle of the day or asking Brock and Dawn to come along?"

"Uhh," Candice turns away to collect herself. "I want it to be OUR adventure," She winks cheerfully and hops through the snow towards an actual path.

Ash looks at Pikachu who's hiding a cheeky smile before shrugging and following along. Candice easily navigated the group through the quiet streets of Snowpoint. Snowflakes slowly fall from the night sky and land on whatever gets in the way.

Snow dots Candice's hair and Ash makes sure to watch every snowflake melt. Little did he know, the girl was looking back to stare at the snow collecting in his hair which is getting some free time without a hat keeping it down.

"This path isn't long so we should be able to reach the temple quickly," Candice states and shows Ash the snow covered path through the trees.

He nods and they begin walking.

And walking.

And walking.

And still walking.

"Short huh?" Ash chuckles.

"Something isn't right," Candice shakes her head. "I've walked this path a few times before with no troubles."

As she says that, the snow starts falling at a faster rate and the wind goes from howling to growling. Candice loosens her sweater to put it on but she should've picked a better time because it gets carried off into the night sky.

Ash reacts immediately and wraps his arms around her and moves them behind a tree for a little more cover. "Take mine," Ash begins to take off his jacket for her.

"No I'll be mine," Candice assures him with a faked smile. He looks at her before sighing and making sure to keep her close so she gets some heat.

"Ash?" Candice asks but gets no response. "Ash?" She trues again before finally looking beside her to see him staring off into the white wall of snow swirling around them. Pikachu is also a little confused but has an idea.

Candice stops and watches a single tear roll out of his eyes before freezing on his cheek. "My grandmother told me something about there being emergency cabins all around northern Sinnoh," Candice mutters to herself before standing up. "Pikachu can you sense anything."

He shakes his head while continuing to watch his motionless trainer get guided by Candice. "Glaceon might be able to help," She brings out her ice type fox. "I need your help finding a cabin girl."

Glaceon nods and somehow connects with the unrelenting weather. She nods happily at her trainer before walking off into the blizzard. Candice watches Ash carefully walk through the snow with no hint that he knows what's going on.

After a few long minutes of walking, a wooden cabin comes into view. Candice rushes the group in and searches the cabinets for fire starters and blankets after setting Ash down on a couch.

Candice couldn't find anything and ends her search with a heavy sigh in front of Ash. "5 years ago," He subconsciously states and gains the other three's attention.

"W-we got trapped in a blizzard somewhere," He continues. "It was just me and my Pokémon in a small cave with nowhere to go."

"We tried to give each other warmth but there was just so much... cold," Ash continues.

"I don't know how much longer we could have stayed-" He keeps talking before feeling electricity engulf him.

"Pikachu!" The electric type gives him a light shock.

Ash jumps in response before starting to move like a normal person. "How did we get here?" He asks before feeling Candice wrap herself around him.

"You're not alone this time," She cries softly into his chest.

Ash goes to respond but he and the girl on him end up collapsing on the couch in exhaustion.


I loved this one so much💙💙💙

I hope you did too and thanks for reading as always!!!

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