Unexpected (LearnerShipping)

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Complete Alternate Universe set when they're about 10 years old.

Third Person's POV

Santalune Elementary. A decent sized school but a dwarf next to Lumiose City's Elementary school. Inside Santalune City, the town  with bright white buildings that give the city a fresh and clean look. Every building has nicely kept gardens in between to add some colour.

Santalune City Elementary School, SCES for short, is popular for the neighbourhood that surrounds it. Often referred to as a Lumiose High feeder school since parents put their kids in SCES for a happy elementary experience and then go to Lumiose City high schooling for better post-secondary opportunities.

Inside this elementary school however, something uncharacteristic is going on. A breakout of crimes are being reported inside the school. The principal is struggling to find a solution while the school is falling apart!

Oh did I forget to mention that the crimes are just the odd desk being turned or a stolen pencil? And that the principal is only really struggling to find someone else to deal with the problem?

Like I said, big deal!

But maybe if we join a class for the day we can find out who's responsible for such crimes...

"Chespie and the grass type club is the best!" Mairin decides to announce to the whole class.

Mairin is a unique kid for sure. All the way from her big green and mosaic patterned hat, all the way to her leather moccasins. Under the hat is her spiky maroon hair that reaches her orange scarf in some spots. She also has a great tunic and beige shirt with red suspenders and oversized green pants.

"I think fire types are the best," Another student across the room states. "Especially since they own grass types."

"Do not!" Mairin yells, causing the teacher to sigh.

Mairin being outspoken isn't exactly uncommon. She's not a bad kid by any means, just very, VERY opinionated. This sometimes can cause a problem.

"They kind of do," A timid kid also a part of the grass type club says. This kid is Sawyer, he loves to write down every little detail and almost an ideal student.

He has a unique dark green hairstyle and old fashioned brown clothes. Always in his hand you can see a notebook that he treasures very much. Sometimes he's barely noticeable since he can be so quiet and shy.

"You're supposed to be on my side Sawyer!" Mairin complains. "Let me and Chespie battle your Treecko."

"Only if it's okay with Miss Jay," He replies.

"A battle counts as learning," The teacher sighs and rounds up the class. The group of kids stand around the outside battlefield while the two battlers get into place.

Since Sawyer keeps most of his personality hidden, he's never shown one of his best skills. And with all of the studying he does it's not that surprising.

Mairin's starter Chespie runs on the field eagerly. His small brown body is a little darker than the pale dirt field. His bright green quills on top give him that grass type feeling but they're also very helpful for battling.

Treecko might look more like a grass type however with a mainly green body. His slim body is built to run and jump through forests, along with a curled tail on the end.

Both Pokémon aren't very high levelled so their variety of moves isn't amazing. As well as their stamina and attack power. Add in that their attacks won't be very effective on each other if they use grass type attacks.

"Okay guys go!" The teacher announces.

"Chespie use tackle attack!" Mairin wastes no time yelling.

"Dodge," Sawyer commands.

Treecko uses his high agility capabilities to evade the charging Kalos starter Pokémon. Chespie turns around to go for round two but Treecko isn't standing where he should be.

Instead he's high in the air and ready to attack, "Pound!" Sawyer orders.

Chespie is blinded by the sun and can't pick up on where Treecko is to dodge. Treecko lands a direct hit before jumping away from his opponent.

"Ugh," Mairin groans. "Stop them with vine whip."

Sawyer wasn't expecting the attack, his Pokemon was in the same boat. Chespie uses the shock to wrap his long green vines around the other grass type.

He lifts Treecko into the air and wait for his next order. Except Sawyer's brain works at 100 km/h. "Treecko use absorb through the vines!" Sawyer yells.

"Really?" Mairin asks. "What are you thinking over there?"

And then all of a sudden Chespie drops from the energy loss. His vines loosen and Treecko has a wide open lane to finish the battle. And with one more pound attack he does.

Treecko's tail comes down hard on the Chespin who immediately falls over unconscious. Sawyer celebrates with a few excited students that love to watch battles. Mairin isn't exactly as happy.

She recalls Chespie with thanks and dubs back into the school. "Shouldn't you go after her?" One of the students ask her teacher.

"She probably just wants to get her Pokémon checked up on," Miss Jay smiles. "You should go too Sawyer."

"Yes miss," He obeys and runs back into the school. "I need to get my notebook so I can write down a summary of the battle."

In all the excitement Sawyer forgot to bring it outside with him. That shouldn't be important but, "WHERE IS IT!?" He exclaims so loud the teacher comes running in with an alarming look on her face.

"What!?" She answers while trying to calm down the frozen kid.

"M-my n-notebook, I-it's g-gone," He stutters.

"Maybe you just misplaced it somewhere in your desk," She tries to calm him down but without success.

"I never lose things though," He argues while furiously throwing everything out of his desk. "I'm always really organized."

At this moment Mairin walks in, "What's going on in here?"

"Sawyer can't find his notebook," Miss Jay explains.

"It was stolen!" Sawyer exclaims.

"Maybe," The teacher sighs. "Anyways Mairin, you were over here so do you happen to know where it is?"

"Nope," The maroon haired girl shrugs. "Take better care of it next time."

"I can't find my charcoal for Charmander either," The fire type club student from earlier comments a little calmer than Sawyer did. "Weird because I was just taking pictures of it for our project."

"And my bright blue pen disappeared yesterday," Another student adds.

"Blue?" Sawyer perks up and Mairin visibly cringes. "I thought I saw a blue pen in the bottom of a locker this morning."

Sawyer runs out of the classroom along with the student and the teacher. A blue cap can be seen poking out of the bottom of the tall but skinny metal box installed in the school hallway. Out of all the lockers in the hallway, it just happens to be, "Mairin this is your locker," Miss Jay says once the girl makes it into the hallway.

She opens it up and sees the charcoal too. "Why are these in your locker?"

"The third must have put them in there," She waves her hands in front of her face. "I was busy taking Chespie to the nurse so how could I have took the charcoal."

"You're a fast runner," Sawyer mumbles and Mairin glares at him.

He looks to the ground to avoid her glare but ends up seeing something that could potentially lead him to the thief. "Footprints!" Sawyer exclaims.

He quickly follows one trail to a mud puddle by their classroom. "Of course you guys had to run through the mud before coming to school today," The teacher sighs. "The janitor is not going to be happy."

"Let's follow the footsteps this way!" Sawyer cheers and runs down the hall.

"Don't run," The teacher warns but the kids don't listen and are down the hall before she moves. "I wish I still had energy like them."

After winding through the school hallways Sawyer stops in front of an empty locked classroom. "I'll ask Miss Jay to open it once she gets here," Sawyers says while waiting patiently at the door.

"We can go this way," Mairin smile and grabs his hand. She leads him around the corner and out of their teacher's view.

"Are you sure Mairin?" Sawyer asks while eyeing the air vent in front of them suspiciously.

"Of course," She assures him. "It's their fault for putting an unscrewed air duct near the floor at size where we can crawl through.

The two climb through the cold metal tunnel while their teacher runs around through the halls looking for them frantically. Looks like she got that energy she wishes for.

Mairin makes it through first and turns on the light. She puts a piece of black paper over the door window so it still looks empty. At the bottom of the door is a familiar brown notebook.

"Here," She smiles.

"What?" Sawyer asks while taking it from her and looking around the green decorated room.

"Oh yea," She blushes. "This is kind of my grass type fan club hideout. And since you're the best grass type trainer in the school other than me, I have a lot of pictures of you and Treecko."

"This is so cool!" Sawyer says with stars in his eyes. "But why was my notebook in here?"

"I wanted your notes," Mairin admits. "And I didn't think you would let me use them unless I stole them."

"I would've said yes," Sawyer smiles.

"So you like the room?" Mairin questions.

"It's awesome just unexpected," Sawyer chuckles.

"Good," Mairin smile and hugs her friend.


Definitely not my best one...

Let's hope next week goes better.

Thanks for reading and cya next chapter!

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