Do you have a spine?

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A/N - Here's something easy to write. These are just a bunch a little mini one shots about how flexible Robin is. They'll only be a few paragraphs long which is fine. So let's get to it. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks

In the Gym - Normal POV

     Robin is hanging from the rings. In a very odd position. His hands were holding his small body up, while he feet touched the top of his head. He'd been in that position for about 15 minutes when Wally walked in.

     "Hey Rob wanna . . ." He trailed off at the sight of the young boy.

     "Hey Wally. Do I wanna what?" Robin responded as if he wasn't a human pretzel.

     "Do you wanna play some video games?" He finally got out. Still staring at how Robin was just hanging there. "God I have a weird friend. How the Heck does he just hang there like that?" Wally thought.

     Robin jumped down from the rings with a flip. "Okay lets go!"

     Wally never did question how the bird was so flexible. He just watched in awe and waited to see more. And ask him to do a bunch of cool moves because he's Wally and never let's cool things go.

Night Time - In the Living Room of the mountain

     It had been a very long day for all the hero's. They had two long missions and an attack at the mountain. They were all tired but decided to watch TV.

     "What should we watch?" Wally asked.

     "Disney Movie?" M'gann offered.

     "Nah, we watched those on Wednesday, how about a horror movie." Robin countered.

     "Nope! Last time you picked a horror movie I didn't sleep for three days." Wally exclaimed. "Anyone else?"

     "How about any how about Avatar, the movie with those blue people?" Artemis spoke.

     "Ok, I'm cool with that movie." Robin added. Everyone else shook their heads in agreement.

                        -Halfway through the movie-

     Robin had fallen asleep, but not in a regular position. While the other were watching the movies he had curled himself into a little ball, but inside out. His legs over his shoulder and his head rested on them. He looked extremely uncomfortable, but had fallen asleep that way.

     "How is he comfortable?" Artemis whispered.

     "That looks really uncomfortable." Connor deadpanned.

     "Yet he somehow fell asleep that way." M'gann added.

     "That is and odd position, should we. . . put a blanket on him?" Kaldur questioned.

     They did just that. But not before Wally could snap a picture of him. They needed proof of this odd position. Then they all left towards their rooms and went to sleep.

In a Walmart because they need a setting out of the mountain.

     "Hey you guys wanna do something fun!" Artemis asked with a mischievous grin.

     "Sure, anything is better than just walking around Walmart." Wally answered with a shrug.

     "Okay Robin your super flexible so your gonna do it." Artemis explained.

     "Umm, Okay what am I doing?" Robin said nervously.

     "Try and scare those people over by the shovels by walking like this."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

      "Umm yah," Robin chuckled "I can definitely walk like that. Let's give it a shot I guess!"

     "This is so weird." Connor deadpanned, but he really wanted to see it. He thought it'd be funny.

     Robin got into position and waited for his friends to tell his to go. The rest of the team got their phones out and waited for Robin to run towards the people.

     "Okay Robin go in 3. 2. 1!" Artemis called. And Robin was off. The people in the shovel isle reacted very strongly. 2 girls ran away, one dude started screaming in a very unmanly way. And one brave hero grabbed a shovel and hit Robin on top his head, successfully knocking him out.

     The team started balling at how the people reacted, and eventually went to pick up their unconscious teammate.

     "That was awesome!" Wally cried.

     "Yah I got everything on video!" Artemis called.

     "It was funny, but Robin isn't going to be happy when he wakes up." Kaldur explained.

     "Yah he is going to be super mad." M'gann agreed.

     "Yah, but it was funny." Connor stated.

     "Yup!" The rest responded. Connor threw the boy over his shoulder and they went back home.

710 words - A/N - These were quick and funny. Made these because I can and I'm glad I did 😁. Well I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to leave suggestions and ask questions! Thanks

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