The Graceful Bat?

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A/N - Here's a funny idea I came up with. We all know Robin is graceful that never missteps. But what if he did? I don't wanna give the whole thing away in the beginning, but Robin gets affected by something magical and becomes super clumsy. This is gonna be awesome.
Comment if your Clumsy ( I'm am 😅 I look like I'm abused because of all the bruises I have from tripping )
Okey Doki I hope you enjoy it. Thanks
Normal POV
The Team is in some abandoned cornfield fighting Klarion, The Witch Boy.

Punches were thrown, kicks flew by, magical beams went around willy nilly. Fights with Klarion weren't abnormal. The team knew what to expect when fighting the witch. He always threw a couple of spells into the battle and used his cat (thingy), Teekl. He normally flees once he realizes he's losing which should be pretty soon.

     "Here Teekl, It's time to go." Called out the witch boy. The cat/monster soon shrunk down in size and ran to his companion. But before they fled into their dimensional portal, the witch did one last attack.

"Hey Boy Wonder," he spoke, Robin turned around.

"For as long as you've been a graceful bat,
You shall continue to fall flat
You shall not perish
But the sneaky ness you once cherished
Shall be no more"

     He uttered those words and then a beam of red light shot towards the bird. Before anyone could move or blink the bird was hit. Sending him flying into the corn field.

     "ROBIN!!" The team yelled. They ran towards their youngest teammate. They sat next to his body and their leader checks for a pulse.

     "His pulse is very strong, we should be able to shake him awake." Kaldur informed. Kid Flash gently shook the boy.

     "Come one Rob, come on." With that the Boy Wonder shot up with a sharp inhale.

    "It's ok Robin, your fine." M'gann added with relief.

     Robin stood up, but then felt a wave of dizziness crash down on him, he began to sway. The heroes noticed and Superboy picked him up bridal style.

     "M'ok guys, just really dizzy." Robin slurred. "Nothing actually hurts."

     "That's good Boy Blunder," Artemis tried to joke. "Just stay awake, ok?"

     "Yup I can do that." He replied with a small smile. "Totally feeling the aster."

     The team quickly made their way to the bio-ship. Aqualad informed the league of what happened and told them to meet them at the mountain. Superboy put the small bird on a medical bed and they flew home.

——————Time Skip to the Mountain—————
Robins POV

     I woke up to a splitting headache. I groan in response alerting the three in the room that I had woken up. Inside was Black Canary, Batman, and Wally.

     "Hey Chum, how ya feeling?" Batman says calmly.

     "I feel fine besides a headache." I respond. My memory of what happened last night cane rushing back. "What did that magic beam thingy do to me?" I ask.

     "We're no sure yet Robin," Black Canary states. "All your vitals are normal and you haven't done anything abnormal."

     "I guess that's a good thing, right Rob?" Wally adds.

     "Yah," I reply with a smile "and if I'm being honest my headache has actually gone away and I feel fine." Which was actually true.

     "Really?" Batman asks skeptically.


     "You think you can move and walk around by yourself Rob?" Wally continues.

     "Yeah KF, I feel really good actually." I say. And I'm actually not lying. I don't feel asterous, but I'm definitely whelmed.

     "Ok then," Black Canary clapped her hands together. "I think you can go walk around the mountain. But please be careful, we don't know if you'll have an affect from the beam." Black Canary insisted.

     "Ok, thanks." I say before walking out of the Med Bay.

—————-Hit me Break Line one for time————
A couple Hours later- Normal POV

"Do any of you guys remember what Klarion said before he hit me?" Robin called.

"It was something like graceful bat will fall flat, or something." Wally replied.

"I remember I made sure to right it down once we were in the ship so we could figure it out." M'gann stated before running to her room. When she came back she handed Robin the paper.

For as long as you've been a graceful bat,
You shall continue to fall flat
You shall not perish
But the sneaky ness you once cherished
Shall be no more

"Well that's not super creepy at least." Wally declared.

"Yah but what does it mean?" Robin continued to ponder.

"Well it talked about how graceful you are so maybe it'll make you not graceful." M'gann thought allowed.

"You may be on to something M'gann, let's test it." Artemis began. "Robin do a front flip, those are easy and you always land them." She commanded.

Robin got up and did as he was told. He did everything right to begin with but fell flat on his face with the landing.

"I think M'gann was right." Robin called from the floor.

"What so this magic made you a super cluts or something?" Wally muttered.

"I am very sorry Robin, but I think Wally is right." Kaldur added.

"Well this is gonna be fantastic." Robin announced sarcastically.

————-_____________The Break Line tripped

The team informed the league that they had found out what the spell had done. Everyone was hysterical at the fact the graceful bird was a cluts. The league said that Zatara could fix the problem but Robin would have to go a day with being clumsy. Which he was not happy about, but the rest of team was enjoying this.

Robin had fallen over three times in the hour, twice over his own feet and once over a rock. He'd also walked into two walls and ran into three doors. Robin was not enjoying this.

"Team please come to the meeting room for mission debriefing." Batman commanded over the P.A. Robin groaned how was he supposed to fight if he couldn't even do a front flip? Grudgingly Robin made his way to the meeting room.

"Team this is a simple mission. There is a drug deal going down the next town over. You are to stop it. It's to dangerous for the police so we are sending you." Batman explained. Everyone understood and went to the bio-ship.

"How am I suppose to fight when I can't even walk in a strait line?" Robin questioned.

"Well maybe you can stay up in the rafters and monitor everything while we fight." Kaldur suggested.

"Yah that may be the best plan." Robin agreed.

Inside the warehouse where the deal is going down - Normal POV

"Ok there are three goons outside the door," Robin explained. "and there are 8 people inside."

"Ok." The rest responded.

"And Robin you know the plan? We go in start fighting then you try your hardest to sneak in and get up to the rafters." Aqualad stated.

"Yup." Robin replied, I swear if I trip in there!
The five stable members of the team went in first and distracted the goons. Robin silently made his way around the room. Yes! This is working! He thought. But as soon as he got to the rafters, he tripped. And this time with a loud bang. GOSH DARNIT!! Everyone in the room turned towards the sound so see a bird laying flat on the ground. He got up and had a giant bruise on his forehead.

"Robin, you okay?" Wally asked his friend.

"Yah, I guess our plan is useless now." He said before jumping of the rafters. Which ended in him losing his footing and having to brace himself before he got another bruise.

"Well this battle just got interesting." One is the goons chuckled. Causing Robin to shoot him a death glare.

The 6 fought the goons and won, it was pretty easy compared to the other stuff they do. But Robins clumsiness kept making a fool of him. Whenever he tried to kick he landed on his butt, and he gave up in flipping entirely. But they were still victorious.

"Man I hate this!" Robin screamed. The others chuckled at his bad luck.


Once they arrived home Zatara was there. He fixed Robin up, but not before he watched him trip over nothing but the smooth floor. Robin was overjoyed that he could walk without earning a new bruise. Everyone else was kind of sad they couldn't laugh at his clumsiness, but we're glad they had their graceful bird back.

1433 words - A/N - Yay! I made a story without it being 2 parts. This is an achievement, I shall remember it. Well this was a funny story idea I thought of while staring at the ceiling. 😅😅 I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to leave suggestions and ask questions. Thanks

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