7-A Strange Urge

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With the new founded information, Allura rushed back. She wanted to let Matt go for once. This was all her fault for rudely holding onto him for so long when all he ever wanted was his sister. The princess flew through the corridors back to her room, dodging maids and other servants along the way. She happily burst into her room screaming, “Matt!”

The boy looked at her from where he was trying on one of her dresses. He paused mid-attempt of trying to zip up the side. He flushed and held his hands above his head. “Oh, I thought you were not going to return for a bit and I just saw it hanging so I decided to try it on!” he explained in attempt to defend himself, eyes looking everywhere she wasn't at. Instead of doing whatever he thought she would, Allura began to laugh, clutching her stomach.

“Matt, what in the devil are you doing? You may be thin, but you would never be able to fit into my dress. You are a silly boy,” she responded, smiling up at him. The boy blushed and looked out the window. Her smile shrunk and she placed a hand on his shoulder, noting he still had his undershirt on underneath. “She’s in the market.”

Matt snapped his head and looked at her. “What?” he mumbled. He looked too surprised that she actually came through this time. “Does this mean?” Allura nodded and Matt smiled one of biggest smiles she’s ever seen. She wishes she could make him smile like that.

“Go get her, Matt,” Allura whispered, letting her hand drop. Matt wasted no time taking of the dress, nearing tearing it off in the process, and tossing it to the side. He threw his tunic back on and practically flew to the window. “Goodbye,” Allura called out because she remembered their agreement.

Matt froze on the window sill. “Would you be mad?” he questioned, turning just his head to catch a glimpse of her.

“Mad if what?” Allrua responded, quietly hoping that the boy would not notice the tears that glinted in her eyes. They threatened to fall and she did not want her beloved Matt to see her in such an ugly state.

“If I was to break our promise,” he answered. Her breath was caught and she looked at him the eyes. “If I was to come back, breaking the promise we made.” She was over-joyed at his words. The promise they made was that he’d stop annoying the princess so much once Katie was returned to him.

“For heaven’s sake, Matt, of course not! Annoy me all you want!” she cheered, smiling fondly at him. Matt showed her the same smile and left out the window. Allura ran to the edge and watched him leave. Multiple holes lined up the stone walls from where he constantly grabbed at or occasionally poked with arrow tips when climbing.

He was gone, but Allura knew he’d be back and that’s all she needed.

Katie dragged her friends around the district for a one more hour and they headed back. Katie greeted the guards, the guards greeting her back then bowed to Keith. Lance muttered something that they ignored.

Just as the witch was crossing into the gate, a shadow passed above her head. She looked up to see light brown hair flying in the wind as an oddly familiar boy jumped to a close rooftop.

“Matt?” she said to herself. The boy did not turn around and instead, pressed on. Maybe she was just going insane, but that was her brother, Matt, wasn’t it? Shay snapped her out trance with a few words and they continued on into the building. She had not known what that first encounter would bring upon. No one would.

Shiro thought of the information Allura had told him not too long ago. Slavia had been finally taken away from him by her mother, who requested she help with something that she needed. Now, Shiro sat alone in his room, staring at the blank walls in wonder.

What if Katie accepted? What if she had decided to go against what his father asks of her and, instead, decided to marry Lance? The two were friends at this point, surprising everyone. Lance probably would not mind either. She was cute.

The thoughts only made Shiro depressed. Katie would not do that. She has clearly stated that she did not feel like tying herself to such a worthless man before. That uniting their blood would not do good and instead, do great harm. She is a witch after all.

With that settled, he glanced at the clock. She should be back by now. Shiro happily jumped off his bed, grabbed his sword that was required to stay by his side at all times in case of an attack, and headed out. His eyes caught a figure sneaking along the castle walls in the direction of the maid quarters, leaving from what looked like Allura’s window.

Suddenly, Shiro had a bad feeling and in desperation, rushed off towards where Katie dwelled. He followed the boy with his eyes as he dashed through the castle, nearly knocking into servants carrying dishes for that day’s dinner with the only Holt that remained. The boy had suddenly requested a dinner, surprising the king and queen, but they agreed anyway.

Shiro watched as the boy stopped over the maids’ living area. The mysterious guy eyed each room until settling on one of them. The same one Shiro found himself staring at when passing in need of her laughter, voice, and touch. The boy then made his way onto the wall and crept his way to that said window, making Shiro’s heart drop.

Had someone found her out and decided to eliminate the undercover, lying scoundrel found within the castle? Fear welled up within Shiro and he suddenly felt something he’s never felt before: the need to protect. All his life he was told he was going to be the glue to the kingdom and that one day, he’d feel the need to shelter it, the want to keep it safe, but he had honestly never felt the forceful need. But now he had, but for a girl he was not allowed to be with.

Hey, guys! Omy, I'm back! I had issues with my computer and can no longer access Wattpad on it, so now I write it on my laptop then email it to myself so I can copy and paste it onto Wattpad with my phone. It is troublesome, but anything for you guys!
-The returning ThatOneServant

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