28.Only one?!

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Ananya's Pov

A month passed somewhat peacefully.I gave him what he want,Divorce that's what all he want.I stopped asking him for reason.He is so stubborn and doesn't want me to learn the reason.Okay!I gave it up.

And it's my birthday today.It's my 24th birthday today.I got heart whelming wishes from my parents and everyone except him.

"Why won't you come home?"Mom asked me.

"Okay!"I said a bit hesitantly and cut the call

I lifted my head up and saw him infront of me holding a bunch of read roses with chocolates.

"Good morning"I heard him greeting heartily.

"Good morning"I greeted him back.

"Many more happy returns of the day"He smiled, gave those roses and chocolates.

"Thank you"I smiled widely rubbed those roses on my cheeks,felt their touch.They are as soft as velvet.I took a bite of chocolate and smiled at him.

He stood there smiling at me all the time.

"Fast,Get up and get ready"He patted my back.

"What?Where?"I rubbed my eyes.

"Many more happy returns of the day"Mom shouted and I waved at her back in skype.

"Thank you Mom!"I smiled madly.

"Happy Birthday dear"Pooja Di this time.

"Thank you soo much"I smiled.

"Deepu..."I looked at her three year old daughter who is smiling at me shyly.

"Happy Birthday"She said sweetly looking here and there.

"Thank you"I giggled and she made the same face.Everyone laughed at her expression.

"Where is our hero?"I asked eagerly.

Mom took her phone to craddle and showed us the new born.

"Love you"I kissed him on phone.

"So cute"I looked at him,I need a baby like himI turned around looked at Sourya.

Will I have a child ever?A boy like him?I sighed.Sourya looked at me knitting his eyebrows questioning.

"Nothing"I nodded and dismissed the topic.

"Bye"I waved at them and cut the call.

"Get ready"He patted my back and left the room.

I am surprised to see a new saree on my bed and smiled at it.It's my favourite colour Peach.

I grabbed it happily into my hands and felt it's touch.It is as soft as a feather.I opened it eagerly and mesmerized by its beauty.It is very simple yet very elegent a unique combination.

He truly knows my taste,He knows everything about me.

But what's the use?!I shook my head twice,became gloomy in the very next second.

I sometimes feel like I have bipolar disorder,I will be laughing in a second and crying in the very next one.I don't know what will happens next I made my mind that I have to enjoy this minute without any restrictions.

"Be fast"He shouted from out.I threw myself into washroom soon.

"Wow!"His eyes are glowing.

"You look damncute"He cupped my cheeks.

"Really?"I smiled.

"Yes"He winked.

"Thank you"I blushed.

"Let us go!"He caught my hand.

"Where are we going?"I asked him soon as we get into the car.

"Surprise"He smiled.

"What?!"I chuckled.

He took me to my house,Mom's house.

"Mom!"I felt happy to see her.

"Anu"Dad too appeared.

"Happy Birthday"Everyone shouted at me.

I am surprised to see Arpitha,Surpriya and Pramod Bhaiya there.

I cut the cake and It was a vanilla cake my favourite one.

We did our breakfast laughing and singing.It is a memorable one.

From there we went to the same resort,Where we celebrated our first date.

"Are you happy?"He questioned me.

"Yes!"I nodded.

"Really?"He smiled.

"Yes,Cent percent"I smiled.

"Thank you!"He looked away.

"I have to thank you for making this birthday a memorable one"I admitted my feelings.

"I don't think I will celebrate any of my future birthdays like this"I sighed.

"What?!"He looked so pale.

"I will miss you"I am controlling my tears.

He didn't say anything just hide his eyes,his expressions wearing goggles.

We did our lunch there in the resort.We spent lot of time chitchatting,shopping and playing few games at resort.

We completely forgot about our lives,We behaved as best friends,lovers who are deeply in love with each other.

It gave us the peace,dwelling in the past,thinking about future both lays burden on our shoulders.

So we kept our problems aside and started reacting like two strangers who are completely drowned in love.

It hurts a lot when we think about our future yet it's impossible to keep quiet all the time,Your thoughts provokes you to think about future which is always a big question for Us?!Especially me!

I looked at my wrist watch and found it's 8pm.

"We need to go home"He looked at me sadly.

"Okay"I nodded.

"Let us dine together"He forwarded his hand.

I caught his and he took me to a table,for Candle light dinner.

"Wow"I exclaimed.

"Great"He looked around and smiled.

"Can I ask you something?"I am really hesitant to ask this but I just want to know this badly.I don't think I will find a perfect time to talk about this.

"What?"He looked at me casually.

"Promise me that you will answer my question"I looked into his eyes.

"Ahhh!"He is truly embarrassed just looked away.

"Please"I begged.

He didn't protest me so I took the opportunity .

"Do you love Neerja?"I asked him atlast.

"No!"He nodded.

"Will you marry her?"I don't want to ask this but I blurted it like that.

"No"He gave a fake smile.

"I am sorry"I said honestly.

"You have every right to know"His voice is very fragile and shaky.

I didn't speak anything.

"I love you"He spoke softly.

"You are the only one for me,It's impossible for me to give your place to someone else."He is controlling his tears.

I don't want to talk about this anymore.I fake a smile and looked away.

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