5.A Simple Wedding

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Ananya's Pov

"What kind of person is he?!"I looked staright into my bestie supriya's eyes.

"What?!"She was shocked.

"He even don't want to talk to me!" I complained.

"Really?!"She is truly surprised.

" I was shouting at him to stop but he didn't pay any attention to my words?!"I sighed.

"What will be his decision?!"She asked me.

"What would you think?!A clear Rejection!Is it necessary for me to get rejected by an unknown guy?Why cannot Dad listen to me?He should think about the thing from my perspective.I am his pride.I am his blood.I won't do anything anything as such."I sat there quietly.

"He accepted our marriage proposal,He liked our daughter"Suddenly I heard a loud voice.

I lifted my head up and looked at my Dad standing there at the door with bright happy face.

"He accepted the proposal"He placed a sweet in my mouth.

"Great!"Supriya chuckled.

"Congrates Anu!"Su congratulated me.

Dad patted my shoulder and left.

"Didn't he feel the necessity to ask my opinion?!"I felt unhappy and despair.

"Sorry!"Su realised the thing and frowned.

"I am happy for you!"Mom this time.

She came straight to me and placed her hand on mine,took my hand in her hand patted it gently.

"I am truly happy for you.I am really worried what would happen to you after that incident.Didn't you see what do media wrote about you,us,our family.He is thousand times better than veer.Throw this Veer right away from your life.God gave second chance,use it."She is wiping her tears.

"Mom,I need some space" I said without any hesitation.

"ANU!"Mom looked at me like I am a monster and committed a crime.

"I didn't say I won't marry that guy.What I else you want.I told that I just need some space"I reassured.

She left without a word.

"Sorry,bye!"Su came and sat beside me.

"See you su!"I nodded.

Sourya's Pov

"What?!"Mom almost freaked.

"Yes!"I confirmed.

"Are you mad?!"Bro interrupted.

"What's wrong?!"I questioned.

"We have no problem with your marriage but don't do it for the sake of money"Mom said sincerely.

"What we need is your happiness"Rohith walked away.

"I know you were in a desperate position to do this but do it heartily,It's a marriage,once in a lifetime thing,Do it with whole heart,Its a divine thing"Mom patted my back.

"I know mom,Don worry I mean it heartily,I will try to keep up my marriage,accept her as my wife."I assured but I don't know how far I would get succeed.

"See your brother,He loves you with all his heart but his wife,my D-I-L never considered us as her family,She always forces your brother to start his own business ,It doesn't mean I am against her but the ways she is opting are dangerous.She somehow became the reason for our present situation,her Dad our all time rival is always there to use the oppurtunity.Our house's prosperity lies with my Bahus.I don't know what we your girl do?But I believe your choice.I have that confidence"She left me alone.

What would she do?Is she a responsible girl?I don't have good opinion on her after that night!But....I stopped my racing brain for a second.

I left my room and about to leave the house

"What?!"I listen Rohith shouting at his wife,my Bhabi.

"How could you be that selfish?!"He shouted.

"So I am!Let him marry that girl,He has to get married one day or other,He is 27.What's your problem?It's a deal,So what?!We can't arrange that much money right now.We need to save our properties at any cost!"She answered.

"You always forces me,tears me apart from my family"He warned.

"I am pregnant,bearing your child,we are family now.I have right to think a bit selfish.You have never utilised those situations and failed to establish a business,It's your fault.Stop preaching family morals to me"She yelled.

"You won't change"He left the room

I walked away before he see me.

I hate my brother for this,He does everything for his wife,It's not my problem but he can't risk out family's bread and future to satisfy her appetite.Though Mom have a soft corner towards him,I don't think he is loyal anymore.He has lost his loyalty a long back.My sister,Pooja too became a puppet in her in-laws home but her husband is somewhat reliable compared to others,He lost everything in business ,So Dad helpled him which angered my Bhabi.I am unaware of all,Dad wants me to concentrate on my work.He considered me as his business heir.He wants me to rule the world of business.I went to abroad to settledown few deals as their tenure got over.

"I am coming!"I answered Mr.Mehta's call.

I apologized Dad for making this mistake.He is still in hospital.We kept this away from him.once he recovered I would let him know about my marriage.What a twist in tale?!I am doing my marriage in my Dad's absence,That too when he is in hospital!Alas!I am a bad son!I cursed.

"I will arrange a Destiny wedding!?"He looked at me.

"I would prefer a vibrant ,luxurious colourfull high profile wedding"He smiled.

"My Dad is in hospital and I can't do such"I said straight away.

"So!"He looked at me suspiciously.

"I want to get married in a temple in the presence of my family nembers"I answered.

"But I have many dreams about my daughter's marriage"He looked truly disappointed.

"My Dad too had many dreams but..."I looked away.

"Okay!"He cut the topic there itself.


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