51.Fostered child.

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Ananya's Pov

"Fostered child"I heard the word which I hated utmost.

Rohit Bhaiyya doesn't want Prateek to be a part of our family.

"He doesn't want to share his inheritance to an unknown child."Sourya looked at me.

"This is the thing I am afraid of"I looked at him.

"We can understand"Pramod Bhaiyya nodded.

"Dad?!"I am surprised to see Dad here in Sourya's office.

"Ananya"He hugged me.

"Dad"I felt sad and I have no words to express my regrets.

"I am sorry"I mouthed.

He didn't say anything just kissed my forehead.

"I am sorry Dad"I can't control my tears.

"Love you"He cupped my cheeks.

"Dad"I burst into tears.

"Please,Princess"He wiped my tears.

"Sorry!"I am hiding my face.

"It's okay"He kissed my cheek.

"Mom?!"I asked him.

"She is there in the car"He sighed.

"Why?!"I felt embarrassed for a second.

"We thought you are angry with me"He looked at me with guilt.

"You people have to be angry with me"I can't control my tears.

"You are our child,How could we?"He is pampering me.

"Thank you!"I mouthed.

"Stupid"He slapped my cheek playfully.

"So?!"Dad sat beside Sourya and I dragged a chair sat infront of them.

"Rohit Bhaiyya is against our wish,He is very reluctant to add Prateek into our family"I couldn't stop my tears.

"Please"Dad placed his hand on my shoulder and caressed my hair.

"I don't know what to do?!"I budged a bit closer to him and placed my head on his hand.

"Don't worry,We will find a way"Dad smiled at me hopefully.

"I know how to deal this"Sourya stood up and looked at us.

"What?!"I looked at him.

"Don't worry"He left me with Dad and Pramod Bhaiya followed him.

"I will also come with you"I stood up dad is still holding my arm.

"We will manage,Don't worry"Sourya said looking into my eyes placing his hand on my cheek.

"Really?!"I said wiping my tears.

"Yes!"I nodded pleasingly.

"No"He said a bit sternly.

"Please!"I begged again.

"Hu......!"He heaved a sigh of frustration.

"Please"I begged him.

"Okay"He frowned.

We both went to house and saw Rohith Bhaiyya and Di there.

They purposefully went on vacation just to avoid us,
especially Prateek.

It hurt me a lot,We always wanted Prateek to be part of our family,I adore him as my child,Nope he is my child but Sometimes people around me compel me and remind me that he is a fostered child.

Why the hell they are calling him Fostered child?Can't we stop abusing children for their parents sins?!They always blame him for the deeds of his biological father.

Sourya stopped our car infront of our house.He is walking hastily and it became hard for me to catch his pace.

"Sourya"I am hollering behind him but he is so stubborn he didn't look at me at all.

He went straight to Bhaiya who is sitting there in the hall.

"What is your problem Bhaiya?"He asked Bhaiya straight away on his face.

"What....?"He looked at me and it took a second for me to react.

"What's your problem?!"Sourya asked me again.

"What!?"He smiled forcefully.

"If money is your problem then I don't want my share in our property"He said very sternly.

"It's not about money it's about Birth,Status,Identity."Bhaiya looked at Sourya.

"What?!"Sourya laughed loudly.

"Why are you laughing?"Bhaiya clenched his fist in anger.

"Birth?Status?Identity?Wooow!!!!Great!!"Sourya frowned.

"Shut up!"Bhaiya stamped his foot with impatience.

"He is my kid and who are you to object?"Sourya looked into his eyes.

"Your kid?!"He laughed sarcastically.

"Yes,Ofcourse my Child!I am not his biological father it doesn't mean that he can't be my child.What if I haven't shared my genes and traits?What if I haven't shared my flesh and blood?We shared love and affection.We shared a bond which is precious than money,birth,status,identity and above all."Sourya threw a death glare

"But I wouldn't let him use our ancestral legacy and inheritance"Rohith Bhaiya looked furiously at Sourya.

"I don't need a single pie from dad's property.It's all yours."Sourya is so stubborn.

"It's not about money,It's about family reputation"Bhaiya kept a sulky face.

"Reputation ha?!You are talking about Pride?!Who the hell are you to talk about the things like Pride?!reputation?!responsibility?!Just remind yourself for howmany times did you throw our family reputation on roads just for your pleasure?Have you ever been responsible towards family?You always placed your pleasures before family and its welfare.So don't ever dare to teach me morals and ethics which you have forgotten completely "Sourya got outraged and clenched his fist expressing his despise.

"You can't talk like that,I am your elder brother."He said slyly in deceitful tone.

"Oh!Really?Is there any law or theory as such that elder sons never commit any mistakes and only younger sons are prone to commit mistakes purposefully ?!Mom gave you birth first,You are just born two years before me?!It doesn't mean that you are a saint or a Demigod.You are a human and you too have flaws."Sourya said with full of sarcasm.

"Sourya"Di felt ashamed by his words.

"What wrong did I say Bhabi?"Sourya defened his words.

"Sourya?!"Di burst into tears collapsing there on the floor.

"I am sorry Bhabi"Soury felt guilty for a second.

"It never mean that I don't love Bhaiya or adore him.It's the fact that I am against his cult Ideology.Its all about acceptance,accepting a child as a part of our family why won't people count on family for love instead inheritance and legacy?!What I am saying is I want to share my love to my son not money,power or something else.Please don't stop me from sharing my love,please "Sourya looked so desperate.

"We promise you that we wont interfere anymore"Di said looking away.

"Thank you Di!"I smiled at her but she didn't smile back.

"And Mr.Sourya Mishra don't dare to talk against my husband,You have lost all your rights as his brother"Di showed us the entrance.

"Thank you!"Sourya smiled sarcastically caught my hand and dragged me out.

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