Two - Vangel AKA Black Angel Arrives!

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Quick Tip: That's Vangel's magical outfit up there. He's like 19 in the story.

Let's begin.

{Vendetta's PoV}

I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, and fed Chap. Then, I went downstairs, seeing Miss Mahogany watching the news. "The new magical girl in 2025 is Catgirl! She just got noticed yesterday after stopping a bank robbery. Who is this Catgirl? No one will ever know. Now, onto weather, after the break." The TV said and Mahogany turned it off.

"Who is this Catgirl? She's taking my spotlight on the news now!" She yelled. "Well, I might find her..." I said dully and at breakfast. After that, my parents and brother arrived. "Hello, Vendetta!" Jay said, with a nervous face and I replied, "Hi." "So, um, can you watch Vangel for awhile. Me and Scarlet got to do something very important at the productions."

"Okay." I said and Vangel stood by me. "Well, okay, bye." Scarlet said and they both leave. "What to do, now?" Vangel asked as we both go up to my room. "Shutting up, that's what you're going to do." I replied. Vangel sat on my bed and I looked at Chap. "I feel a strange energy off of that boy." Chap whispered to me. "My brother? What kind of strange energy."

"A good kind actually," Chap said. "Make him come to me." I look at Vangel and asked, "Hey, Vangel, how about you can meet Chap, my rabbit?" "A rabbit? I don't see why not." Vangel stood up and looked at Chap.

"Well, I'm right, he is another magical girl." Chap explained. "Um, is it me, or that rabbit just talked?" Vangel looked and sound confused. "It talks," I told him. "He's a magical rabbit." "Well, okay. What it will do?" "He's my magical pet for missions."

"Yep, I'm the new magical girl, Catgirl." "Catgirl?!"
"Yup, I am Catgirl."
"But what?"
"You can't be Catgirl! You're not a girl!"
"Well, watch this."

I grab my wand and said, "Catgirl Power Makeup!" I transformed into my Catgirl outfit and Vangel wowed. "Well, I believe you." He said. Then, Chap said, "Vangel, grab this and say, 'Black Angel Power Makeup'." Chap pulled out the same wand as mine but had no cat in the middle, but a diamond, and the moon was black and the handle was white.

"Well, I give it a go," Vangel said as he was concerned. "Black Angel Power Makeup!" Then, he transformed into a black and white outfit, and he had black wings on his back. Also, his ponytail was higher than before. "Perfect! Now, you're the Magical Girl Duo!" Chap said, excited.

"Wow! I'm a magical girl?" Vangel asks. "Yes, you are." I replied. "In this form, you are now, Black Angel, Vangel. Keep this identity a secret, don't tell no one." Chap explained. Vangel replied, "Well, okay."

"Now, we have a mission! Another TV Head is poisoning the restaurants all over the city, but they're still on their first one, La Madame." Chap explained. "Hey! That's Miss Mahogany's favorite restaurant!" I said and looked shocked. "It's Mom's favorite restaurant, too!" Vangel said after me.

"Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" Chap said and we went to restaurant as Vangel flew with his wings. We settle down there and we sneak into the kitchen. We see bodies all over the floor, and a flat screen TV head is putting in a poisonous liquid in the soup.

"Oh no, these are the older TV Heads." Chap said, worried. "Older TV Heads?" Vangel asked. Chap explained, "The older TV Heads are the flat screen TV Heads while the younger TV Heads are the box TV Heads. The flat screens are smarter, faster, and stronger than the box TVs."

"Well, not faster, smarter, and stronger than us! Now, let's beat this guy's ass!" I said, smiling. "Now that's the spirit!" Chap said. The TV Head look at us and I said, "Stop there, evil TV Head! I am Catgirl!" (<---666th word) "And I'm Black Angel!" Vangel jumped in. "And we're the Magical Girl Duo! And we will punish you!" We both said together.

"Oh no! You both can't catch me, TV Head 2853!" The TV Head said and he ran out sides the kitchen. We ran after him and Chap said, "Vangel, use the wand and say, 'Angelic Beam'! But aim at his leg." "Okay! Angelic Beam!" Vangel yelled as he shot a white beam from his wand and hit the TV Head's leg, making him fall.

"Now, Vendetta, slash the pointy parts of the wands at him!" "Okay, Claw Scratch!" I said as I did what Chap said to the TV Head as he poofed, and gone.

Everyone clapped and cheered, as Chap said, "Ok, you both say, 'Moon Healer' to heal anyone." "Well, we got to." I said. "Moon Healer!" Me and Vangel chanted and everyone that was poisoned is alive now.

Everyone clapped and cheered louder, and Vangel and I said, "We are Catgirl and Black Angel, and we are the Magical Girl Duo!" Then, we went to the mansion and transform back.

"Wow, that was fun." Vangel said. "Yeah, it is." I replied. Chap cleared his throat and said, "Well, I got a device for you two." He pulled out two watches, one with cat ears and one with black wings.

"These can help you two communicate, and check the time." Chap explained. Me and Vangel both wear it on our wrist, and smiled. Vangel thanked Chap, and he said, "No problem, Vangel. And you're parents will be here now." The doorbell rung and we both answered it.

It was Jay and Scarlet. Chap was right. "Oh, thank you for watching Vangel." Jay said nervously. I smiled and replied, "You're welcome, I would have him again sometime." Jay and Scarlet looks surprise and said, "Well, okay. Goodbye." "Bye." They left and I took a shower and ate before I went to sleep as the Miss was sleep into her room.


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