1| N E W • G U Y

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The sound of the a door bursting open wakes the sleeping woman in her bed as a small body lands on her causing her to let out a groan in pain.

"Mommy" Aurora Grace Parker yelled in excitement as the jump on her mother's bed.

"Good morning my baby" Brielle smiles pulling her daughter down and into her arms, kissing her face to hear her favorite sound.

"Rise and Shine sleepyhead" Tyler, Brielle's younger brother said as he also jumped on the bed.

"Morning" Austin Fisher leans on the door entrance with his work attire on.

"Good morning" Brielle greets the two as Tyler grabs his niece and tickles her.

"Uncle Austin help me" The four year old yelled out causing the 22 year old male to jump into action once Brielle's stands up to get ready.

Brielle walks out of her bathroom to see her bedroom empty and bed made. Repacking her to go bag and purse she heads towards her daughter's room to see it also empty. Sighing she heads downstairs stairs and into the kitchen.

Once she enters it she sees breakfast ready and the girl ready and eating while her brother stands at the coffee pot holding a coffee mug out towards her.

"Thanks" Brielle kissed her brother's check before doing the same to Austin who smiled at his sister in law.

Reaching the fridge she opened it and grabbed the lunchboxes she packed the night before and placed them in the girls backpacks as the twins give their uncles hugs before the two Parker's girl leave the house.

"Mommy?" Aurora asked as the two walk towards the playground where the teachers stand ready to greet students.

"Yes Gracie" Brielle turned to her.

"Are you going to pick me up?" Aurora asked and Brielle stopped walking and looks at her daughter who started back.

"I'm not gonna lie my little cherry pop but I promise I will try my hardest" Brielle kneels on the ground.

"Promise?" Aurora asks holding her pinky out, towards her mother.

"I promise" Brielle smiles linking her pinkie's with theirs before standing and they continue their walk towards the teacher. Ignoring the looks from the older women who stare at the younger mom who held a gun on her hip.

The school knows she FBI and understands why she wears it. But she knows that's not why they look at her. She knows it's because she's 24 and has four years old and is a single mom with a gay brother who is married to a man.

Once Aurora is safely inside Brielle heads towards her car and drives to work.

Brielle walks into the BAU doors she looks up after hearing gasps from her best friend Penelope Garcia who walking towards her with a determined expression and the rest of the team who were standing around talking with a Hispanic man.

"Brie, let me see!" Garcia exclaims, happily hugging the Parker woman as the team joins the two.

"Brielle, This is Luke Alvez." Hotch tells the woman who was giggling at the joyful tech analyst. "Luke, This is Brielle Parker"

"Hey, It's nice to meet you" Brielle smiles at the man as she shakes his hands.

"Yeah, you to" Luke responded breathless, their hands still connected and neither breaking eye contact.

The team sat watching the two with a smirk on each of their faces. Besides one person a very annoyed Penelope. 

"Okay, now that you met show me my god babies recital" Garcia interrupted moving infront of the younger woman who blushed.

"Oh, yes please" JJ laughed jumping up from her desk.

"Follow me" Brielle laughed walking towards the stairs that leads to the briefing room with the team following.

Once that all sat down Brielle pressed play before moving to stand by Luke.

"Which one's yours?" Luke questioned leaning down to whisper in the girls ear.

"The one in the middle with the pink leotard with blue tutu" Brielle answered looking up at the man.

"She's adorable" Luke tells the woman who nodded.

"Thank you" She answered as the video came to an end and the team heads out working on some case files.

After returning home, Brielle quietly sneaks into the house hoping to enter the house and not to wake up her family. Slipping off her shoes she heads towards the kitchen, pausing when she spots her brother's and daughter asleep the tv on as samba's voice sounds around the open area.

She softly smiles at the sleeping figures, jumping a little when Tyler's head pops up from the couch.

"Hey." He whispers, rubbing Auroras back as she starts to stir.

"Hi" Brielle greets, carefully takes the her off of Tylers chest and lays her on her shoulder and climbs the stairs, entering the girl bedroom. She places her daughter in as Tyler enters with the girls Bunny that her uncle Derek got her.

Once Aurora is in the bed Tyler leans down and kisses her on the head before turning the lamp off. He quietly leaves, allowing Brielle her time in silence.

An hour after sitting there Brielle stands, kissing Aurora's head and quietly leaves, shutting the door until it's barely cracked open. Before heading to bed herself.

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