Bahu's Conffession...

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Hearing her words, Bahu was pretty sure that she had feelings for him, else she will try to irritate him more...
He decided to check it once...

After the lunch, Bahu went near Kattappa and told him. Everything..

K:- Bahu, what is this, why dont you think of her feelings... she will be hurt.

B:- I know Mama, and I want to check if this is because of the same feeling that I have for her...and you will help me to check it...

K:- How...

Bahu smiled. After some time Devasena went near Kattapa for casual talk. Bahu was there.  After some talk, kattapa said,

K:-  why dont you try some archery and sword fight with bahu, no one else can beat him here, we can look if you can...

D:- no mama, I am not intrested.

B:- I now mama, she is afraid, she know she will fail. Leave it.

Devasena stand up and went to take two bows and some arrows...
She give one to Bahu,

D:- I am ready mama...

Bahu smiled and take it. They both went to the big ground were archery and sword fight are practised. They both aimed at a big pillar near the fort gate... aimed and fired...
Both hit at one place... they looked and smiled each other.

K;- great Devasena. Bahu you will have a competion here...
Okay now take your swords...

They take two swords and started to fight, it was going big, suddenly Bahu got hurt in his hand with Devasena's sword. She left the sword and run to him.

D:- Bahu... let me check,... oh my god... its bleeding.. come with me..

Bahu felt very happy to see her concern to him. She dressed his hand. She was almost crying. Bahu gestured and kattapa went out of the room. Bahu and Devasena was alone in his room.  Tear drops from her eyes started to flow down. Bahu cupped her face in his hands and said..

B:-  I am fine Devasena.. nothing happened. Its just a small cut. It will be okay.

Devasena was speechless.
She just looked down. She got up and started to leave.

B:- Deva.. go and get ready, we will go to temple now.

She nodded and went.
Bahu was very happy as his plan finally worked.

They went to the temple and prayed.
When Devasena opened her eyes, she found Bahu was missing. She come out of the temple and saw Bahu walking towards a small forest.

D:- Bahu wait, were are you going..
B:- Catch me if you can...

He started to run and Devasena followed him. After some time they reached a place, a small pond and in the middle a statue of her's.

B:- You asked me, did I missed you?
Deva... when started to miss you I came here... and made a statue of yours, I talked to it. And soon I understood, I dont missed you but  I love you.

She started to cry and smile together, ran to him and hugged him tightly.

D:- I love you too Bahu...I love you...


NB:Guys i was trying to link the dreams with the flashback. Hope you like it. If not tell me. I will not include anymore😉 .while writing this, pachcha bottesi song was in my mind. Just imagine it with pranushka.😋

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