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(A/N Notes: I've been feeling like writing this type of story the past few days, so I decided to write it, and no this won't be like SAO, both the anime and game because they are both trash, don't message me, it's the truth

It'll be more like Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki, but with less Deus EX machine of Earth to be able to keep up with pro players with only 2 hours of play every day (working days at least), and generalist play style

and it'll have more of an mc that's full of himself because he knows he's good at gaming, has the experience, and he ~just wants to have fun~)

"Everyone, I want to introduce you all to our new teammate"

*Stops jazz music on his music player and his game session* "What? But we're just 2 months away from the next championship, and the team is already full, so are you sure you want to add a rookie to the team, manager?"

"Don't worry, Riku-san. This boy is a prodigy, so I'm sure we won't have any problem regarding the disparity of skill, and about not having space in the team, this is where you come in, Riku-san"


"Yes, I know you have been on the competitive scene for various games for almost a decade, but let's be honest, you on your 25s, always wearing that weird mask during the matches, and always saying your opinion, I think-"

"You want me to retire, isn't it?"

"... Yes, that's exactly what I want you to do"

"I see... Then I shall... Make a phone call"

Riku picked his cellphone and made a call to a certain phone number

"... ... ... It's me, Riku dayo! So do you guys still have a slot open for a new teammate?... You do?... Great! Can you put me in?... Oh, nothing much. It was just that the manager thinks I should retire, and change me for an 18-year-old teenager... Yeah, can you believe him? Getting so cocky with himself, anyway back on track, can you pick me up?... When are you free today?... Yea, that hour is good, see ya *ends the call*"


Everyone in the room was speechless at the talk he just had on the phone

"Okay! *Opens drawer* Here are my resignation papers, everything is properly filled, I'll be packing my stuff. It was a good time with you guys while it lasted"

Riku then respectfully bid his farewells to his, now former, teammates, and when he reached for his manager

"Manager, I just want to say that... I always hated that arrogant playboy face of yours, I hate you so much that I feel like punching you in the face"

He said that with a face that was saying 'sorry, but I had to say it'. And then he turned for the new guy

"And you rookie, I'm sorry that you'll have to fight against me in your first championship. Well! I'll be going now!"


And just like that, he left the meeting room, leaving the room empty...


And the manager who was really angry at getting insulted by him exploded in rage


And just like that, the newcomer became the captain of Riku's former team

2 months and days later

It was the finals of the Counter Six: Siege Offensive and the finalists were Riku's former team, the Force Strike, against his current team the Terror Siegers (A/N Notes: I don't know why, but laughing right now)

"Sup, guys!"


He approached and greeted his former team, while his former manager had a vein popping up on his forehead

"I just wanna say, you guys did really good at reaching the finals, but! Y'all will lose to me in a 1v5, while I use only a combat knife as my main weapon in a two-round game"

And with that, he went back to his current team and boosted their morale with his charisma. And when the first round started, the Terror Siegers managed to eliminate the Force Strike, while only losing two members

"One more round team! And one more thing, this time they'll be on the offensive, how I know it? Look at their manager, he's pissed off, so he'll tell them to attack us with all they got, and you guys won't be able to kill any of them, so just do your best and leave the victory to me"

"Yes! Captain!"

When the second round started, just as Riku expected, the opposing team went all on the offensive and managed to eliminate his teammates without losing anyone. He had gone around his former teammates and rushed B, he prepared the bait and put his plan into motion

"Let the fun begin"

He ran towards a wall, and glitched himself into it, and began to hunt his former teammates who were desperately trying to get to the bomb, by glitching himself in and out of the walls, and he killed the one by one, leaving only the rookie alive

<I have to get to the bomb! I have to get to the bomb! I have to get to the bomb!...!?>

The rookie was desperately trying to reach the bomb, but then he saw Riku standing menacingly in front of the bomb

"Sup, rookie"


"What? You're not going to answer me? Boohoohoo... I'm so sad... Anyway... Why don't you come closer and try to melee me? I promise I won't attack you"

"... And why would I do that?"

"Because you have a bomb to defuse, or else you lose"

"Or I can just shoot you, and defuse the bomb"


"*Vein pop up* what did you called me?"

"Neeeeeeeeeeewb!!! You may be a pro on paper, but you're still a noob in-game"


The rookie started running towards Riku's character, so Riku just threw a flashing that blinded both of them, and planted a Claymore in front of him

<RyckDayo_LOL [Claymore] Tacmaster101>

//RyckDayo_LOL: GG noob gg

Riku was chuckling with amusement at both messages that were appearing on the computer monitor he was using. And as he had said he won the tournament in a 1v5 two-round match. And his team commemorated their win against the former champion team

2 years later

*Surfing on the net*

Riku was on a free day, and he was bored since today was a day that he didn't have any plans

"... ... ... Hm?... Start-up working on a new VR system for a truly immersive experience, is doing crowdfunding... ... ... Interesting, very interesting... I still some money left that I can still use without any worries... Yup, let's invest in this thing!"

He sent a buttload of money to that crowdfunding campaign, just because he felt like sending it. Making the crowdfunding easily surpassing the mark they needed to start the project, and he randomly selected that he wanted the RPG supported VR headset

6 years later

It was right after lunch, Riku was looking at his investments, then the doorbell of his apartment rung, so he went to see who it was, and it was the delivery. He picked the box, closed the door, and opened the box

"*Whistle*... What is this? Hm?"

He noticed that there was a paper inside the box

"Thank you for the support of the project, as a gift for your donation, we of VirtualLife, sent you the VR headset with the RPG support as per your request, together with other gifts and in-game rewards (cosmetics only). We hope that you have a good time with our newest product..."

He had a slightly confused expression as he tried to remember what this was about

"Oh yeah! I had forgotten that I had invested in this project 6 years ago. And now that I have a lot of free time in the afternoons and nights, ever since I retired 3 years ago... Right on time! Because I was already getting fed up with the lack of new games this year... By the way what game does this VR headset supports?"

He connected the VR gear to a power source to let it download the necessary data for it to work, and while he waited he gave a quick read of the instructions manual and searched for this new RPG VR game

"Adventurer's Journey... Interesting... Nice... Good, very good... And it releases today in about two hours, huh! That was some really good timing"

And while he still had time he went to see, if he could find any forums about the game, and he found some, and a lot of discussions about how bad some certain weapons, skills, and magic were. And as he looked around it, he heard a ping, signaling that his VR headset had now finished downloading the files, he wore it, calibrated the VR headset to fit his center of gravity, then he laid down and started the game

(A/N Notes: Well, I hope you all like this new story of mine

This is all for today everyone!

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