Alastor's confession

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The next day, everyone decided to gather up into the living room. It was 2 days til extermination day and right now, no leads were on with the twins.

It was getting harder and harder for (A/g) to stay calm. We know all too well that when extermination day comes, no one is left alive. Especially weak babies like the twins. My little mouse nose twitched as Husk came to me with his arm at my shoulder. "You okay hun?" He asked acting like me and him are together. As much as I wanna punch him, I couldn't help but feel safe in his cat-like arms. I nod and say, "I'm fine."

I look at (Al/g) who gives me a nod. She's ready. I take a deep breath and speak. "Everyone, there's something I....we, need to tell you." Everyone's eyes were on me and a couple of glances were at (Al/g). She stood up, her reindeer tail curled up in a bit of fear. "Alastor...I know." She simply said as Alastor gave her a wide-eye stare. He knew what she was gonna say but prayed she didn't say it. Unfortunately, she was going to. And there was nothing that was gonna safe him now.

"Alastor, (Y/N) told me you were talking with Lucifer about canceling the hotel. That he sent you here so you could see it's flaws. Is that true?" (Al/g) asked as everyone was in shock. Charlie put her hands to her mouth as she gasp. Tears rolled down her face as Vaggie was immediately at her side hugging her.

Husk wasn't at all surprised by this. Neither was I. Angel and (A/g) were concerned about this. "Does he know about our children too?" She asked as Alastor stood up. No expression came to his face as his smile was the only thing on his face. His eyes however...

Alastor chuckled evilly. "Why the hell are you smiling?" I decided to ask as he only shook his head. "It wasn't my idea to spy on you. Lucifer was the one who hated his child's idea for a 'Happy Hotel.' Besides, I hated the guy too. He just wanted someone who could do his dirty work for him. I gave him the info he deserved. Nothing." Alastor said as we all just stared at him. I now feel bad for spying on people when I was younger.

"It's funny to me cause you're all so eager to blame someone like me. I don't blame you at all though. It's just...hilarious." His voice almost turned into a whisper after he said that.

(Al/g) looked down in shame. "Alastor-"

"Don't fret my dear. I'll be back soon." Alastor said as he faded into a dark shadow and disappeared.

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