Girl talk

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"He did what?!" (Al/g) said as she sipped on her morning tea. It was now morning for hell and right now, you wanted to forget about what happened last night. So, you Nifty, Vaggie, Charlie, and the rest of the girls decided to have a girls talk this morning. It helps to get away from all the boys in the group.

You nodded your head. "He 'played' with it. What the hell was he thinking?" you said after telling the girls about your night with Husker. "Charlie, I know you're busy, but that cat needs to respect my boundaries." you reply, drinking some water as Charlie nodded in agreement. "I know. I wanted to wait until the other rooms were done but I guess he deserves it after groping you last night."

"So, how'd it feel?" asked (A/g) who was smirking the whole time. You stuck your tongue out at her. "Disgusting. I mean come on, who gropes your tail at night?"

"I know my husband does. It always gropes my tail before bed. Best thing ever."

"Says the wolf drinking vodka at 7am." Vaggie said to her as (A/g) flipped her off. "Hey I was pregnant for 9 months Vags, the taste of vodka was something I missed for a long time~" (A/g) said finishing the bottle. "I swear, she's not normal." Charlie whispered even though everyone could hear her. "This is hell Charlie, nothing is normal." (Al/g) replied, the girls all nodding in agreement.

"But seriously, back to the topic at hand. Did he like tug on it or did he like twirl it around slowly in a teasing way." (A/g) asked sitting cross legging on a cushion chair. You blushed embarrassingly at that but cough a bit to cover up your voice. "Um, well it was in a rather teasing way. He kept asking me if it tickled."

"Well, did it?"

"Yeah it did tickle a bit, but it felt kinda...nice." You whispered that last part blushing up a storm but (A/g) heard it clearly. Damn those wolf ears of hers. She squealed like a child on Christmas. "So does this mean you want him to stay~?"

"NO! I just was really nice...that's all."

"Next thing you know, she's gonna be the next on pregnant." (Al/g) called out, making everyone laugh. "Okay, subject change! Please!" To your luck, it did. "So Vaggie, I always wanted to know, how did you and Charlie meet?" (A/g) asked as Vaggie took a sip of orange juice. "Well, it was right after I died. I ran into Lucifer."

"Wait, as in Lucifer himself?!" You ask choking on your own water. "Yep. Good thing Charlie was with him. If it weren't for her, I would've ended up dead already. He has a huge temper if you ask me."

"I can believe it." Nifty replied from across the room. She was still in her maid uniform but she was drinking some left over vodka as well. Vaggie rolled her eyes. "What is it with you two and vodka in the mornings?"

"Hey, you can blame my husband for that." (A/g) only reply as she cling her glass to Nifty's. 

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