Chapter 10 Chilly reception

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Chapter 10 is here, please enjoy.

Me: chilly reception hint on who appears. Ice hold, first seen cute.

Ben: I still don't know who you're talking about.

Mikoto: is it an Cryokinetic Esper?

Me: as I said, big chill should know.

Ben: what does big chill have to do with this... oh no... oh god you didn't. Why're you going to being that up?

Me: wasn't shown in AF, UA or O so might as well bring them up. Or at least five out of fourteen.

Mikoto: I probably should't ask, any way it's that time.

Everyone: on with the show!!

Above Academy city, five figures were flying around. All of which were equipped with moth like wings to fly with.

They landed on a building. The rest folded their wings into cloaks while the smallest one which was the leader, ironically, kept his hood down. "Paradox said that he would be here" he said.

"I sure don't see anything" one with pink eyes said. "Whether or not he's here we won't give up" the leader said. They all nodded, and then heard a loud call.

Looking towards the source they saw a green humanoid reptile fighting a human with light powers. Next to him was a brown haired girl sparking with electricity.

"It looks like we found you" the leader said unfolding his wings. "Father"... they then flew to the lizard man and lightning girl.

At the moment Ben (who was Omni) and Mikoto had a run in with an photokinetic Esper who was trashing Touma's school.

As to why they were there, Ben had volunteered to help with a class because he had accidentally smashed Through Ms. Komoe's room during Albedo's attack and is doing it to apologize.

"Seriously what is with teenagers going rouge when they get powers?" Ben asked. "Don't ask me, I'm the third strongest in this city and I didn't go rouge" Mikoto said.

She threw a railgun at the light blaster and managed to obliterate the ground beneath him. "Come on Ben and Mikoto, show that light brain who's the boss" Touma cheered.

"Yeah!!!" Fukiyose yelled, Ms. Komoe also waved her hands in excitement. Omni turned his arms into Diamond head's and shielded himself and Mikoto when the light esper shot his solar laser again.

This ended up reflecting the light back at the photokinetic esper. He ended up getting blinded by his own blast. "AAAAHHHHHHH MY EEEEEEYYYYYYYYYEEEEESSSSSS" he screamed in agony.

"Sorry I can't hold it back, looks like what goes around comes around, so why don't you 'reflect' on your actions" Ben quipped. A lot of people groaned, "what? Ah who cares, on he 'bright' side we took down light bulb here" Ben quipped again.

Later in the day after Ben had finished helping at the school he walked back to his apartment. For some strange reason it felt like someone was fallowing him. He looked back to see no one and proceeded to walk home.

Unbeknownst to him five figures had come out from being invisible. "That is father I recognize his symbol" the smallest one said. "You may be right" one with white wings said, "I suggest we find his place of work" one who was had white stripes said. "Agreed" the pink eyed one said.

The next day Ben had woken up like normal. He went into the girls' room to give a new wake up call, "UP AND ADAM!!! WHOA MIKOTO WHY'RE YOU WEARING THOSE SMALL PAJAMA'S WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM" Ben yelled which woke Kuroko up.

"ONEE SAMA" she yelled before Ben shot spider monkey webs at her mouth. "You fall for that every time"
He laughed then woke Mikoto up. "Hey is that Gekota out here" Ben called out, Mikoto ended up waking up.

"Gekota where!? where!?" She said running out. She looked back at Ben and Kuroko, "we fell for it again didn't we?" She said awkwardly. Kuroko nodded, "sorry but those'r the only things you two respond to" Ben apologized.

Later that day during Ben's rounds, said shapeshifter felt that feeling again. He looked around and heard a scream towards the gym. He turned into predator, even though he wanted Omni.

"What the? Stupid watch" he said as he ran to the gym. When he got there, Mikoto was trying to thaw large spikes of ice with her lightning. Kuroko was using her teleportation to shatter ice by transporting things into it.

"Whoa what happened here?" The alien asked running up to the railgun and teleporter. "Hey Ben, we thought it could've been a cryokinetic esper but eye witness accounts say something else" Mikoto said.

A girl with black hair and violet eyes holding a fan came up to them. "The only thing I saw was some moth thing blasting ice" she said. "Moth thing? Did it happen to look humanoid have four wings two antennae and was able to become intangible?" Ben asked. "Oh hi Ben Tennyson".

"Mitsuko Kongou and yes it did happen to do that" she answered. "Is that one of your old aliens?" Kuroko asked, "yeah used to call him big chill" Predator said. He then grew pores on the sides of his body and four wings.

"Luckily I just so happen to have the power of their natural predator" he said flying upwards. "Just in case they aren't friendlies, now I know why I turned into predator. Nearest prey".

Later on they were patrolling the campus, using his new predatory instincts Ben had a good fix on the Necrofrigians. "I smell them... (sniff sniff...) that way" he said pointing to a bush.

Ben phases through and saw them then roared. The ice moths were so scared they flew in several directions. Ben's Omnitrix then turned him into Omni.

"Hey what happened?" He asked then the moth men stopped flying around. They all looked at Omni who at the moment had big chill's wings, eyes and antennae.

Ben felt a strange feeling while looking at them. As if he'd seen them before, "uh do I know you I feel like we've met" he asked.

"It would be reasonable, a child always recognizes their father" the smallest one said. Ben's eyes widened, "no it... it can't be" he stammered.

"Ben what are you doing?" Mikoto asked, Ben signaled the necrofrigians to fly down and land. He was still in Big Chill mode, "girls, these are my...(blushes) children" he said.

The girls were stunned, then they all heard laughing coming from a few feet away. It turned out to be Kevin, "OH MAN, Ben what are the chances of Big Chill's kids coming through the multiverse" he cackled until he couldn't breath.

Gwen and Max were also there stifling their laughter. Rook didn't understand it at all, while Pateliday, Blukidg and Driba laughed as well. Irritated with them making fun of their father the Big Chill family attacked them.

Hours later, and lots of hot chocolate, the Chills explained that they wanted to see their birth parent. So they asked professor Paradox to send them to the world he was staying in.

"Huh that makes sense" Ben said, "and now that we know that some of the aliens you turned into can reproduce asexually no more misunderstandings" Saten who was coincidentally there said.

Ben decided to let them stay in the world he was living in. There were five in total, one was named snowflake because she had white wings that made her look like one.

Another was Yuki because she was completely white and she had pink eyes. Another was named Cryo because he tended to cover himself with ice at times.

There was one who had an extremely powerful ice blast named Blizzard because of it. And the last on the leader, had green eyes like his parent except he was the smallest. He was little Chill.

For the time being Ben had asked Mitsuko to keep them inside a biosphere she used for backgrounds for modeling. Luckily it could even mimic outer space and create solar radiation for them to feed on.

"Is it weird that I feel so... happy when I see them?" Ben asked looking at Big Chill's offspring. "Considering they're your kids I don't see anything wrong" Mikoto said putting her hand on Ben's shoulder.

A week later that light esper came back, "fear the ray of the sun" he said blasting everything with concentrated sunlight. "This guy again?" Ben asked, "you've got to be kidding me" Karen, who was with him added.

Karen turned into Jet ray and flew upwards and blasted the light man with a neuroshock laser. He countered it with a beam of concentrated sunlight, the two clashed until Ben used Chromastone's powers to absorb both energy attacks.

"Thanks for the charge up, but right now..." he was cut off by a voice. "Pre pared to be chilled" a voice said, it turned out to be Little Chill.

He glided down and blasted the photokinetic with a cryo beam. He reacted to it and shot a sun beam to Little Chill. Who in the mean time was out of sight, he had actually turned invisible and absorbed the solar radiation then phased underground.

"Hey where'd that little squirt go!?" The photokinetic asked. Underground Chill was waiting and phased out behind him in camouflage mode.

"Let's see how you like the cold shoulder" he said before trapping the light Esper in ice. "And just to make sure you stay there, I'm gonna knock you out" the moth alien straight up punched him in the head.

(A/N: reference to the song? Yeah it is)

"Well done Little Chill" Ben said patting his necrofigian son on the back. "He he thanks", Mikoto then came over, "hey Ben just got word that the Academy city is allowing them to stay in the ice rink" she said.

"Great I'm starting to get tired of Mitsuko always demanding we get out when she needs to take pictures" Little Chill complained. "We'll just fly out into space for a while to get some solar radiation when we start to get hungry".

His stomach then growled, "ha ha speaking of which" he then zoomed into space. "How long do you think it'll be until the Academy city aerial security drones start chasing him?" Ben asked.

"I'm going with four minutes" the railgun answered. "Make it ten" Ben said, as if on cue the drones spotted him and gave chase. In four minutes, "fork it up" Mikoto said slyly, Ben reached into his pocket and gave her five dollars.

"How much you want to bet they'll catch him?" Mikoto asked. "They can't Necrofrigians can't be caught" Ben said. And then Little Chill managed to escape them.

Ben then smirked, "and I'll have that back" he said as Mikoto gave him back his money.

Out of nowhere Little Chill came back with a satisfied look on his face. "I think that'll be enough to keep me full for a week" he said flying to his siblings.

Meanwhile the jail cells that held Dr. Psychobos and Albedo were empty with noticeable burn marks on the floor and walls. "Oh no they've escaped, CALL BEN TENNYSON THEY'VE ESCAPED!!" A guard cried.

In the abandoned spaceship underneath Academy city, said alien crab and alien frog were working on something. "Hurry up Psychobos it's already difficult for me to do this part due to size issues" Albedo said.

He was currently jumping on different keys. "Easy for you to say, it's difficult to operate tools when all you have are pincers" Dr. Psychobos complained trying to screw in a bolt.

"In that case why don't we switch from time to time" the Galvan suggested. Psychobos then took over the typing while Albedo handled the assembly. "Are you sure this'll work?" The Galvan asked.

"Yes I'm sure, if this thing was able to give the railgun a hard time with only Level 1 or 2 powers, let's see what it can do with level 5's".

And this chapter is done, thanks for reading it this far.

Ben: did you really have to bring up Big chill's kids?

Mikoto: aw little Chill is so cute.

Saten and Uiharu enter the room.

Saten: Hi guys.

Uiharu: sorry to intrude.

Me: eh don't be, I haven't had you guys here for a while. I should be the one apologizing. Any ways look out for next chapter, Railgun and Omnitrix vs AIM Burst II.

Ben: and would you look at the time.

Everyone: see you next chapter Ciao!!

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