Chapter 9 Ultimate power

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Here's chapter 9 everyone, hope you enjoy.

Mikoto: so who's appearing in this chapter.

Me: Let's see who's extremely Smart, very strong and has all of Ben's power?

Ben: is it Karen? I thought she was on our side, oh wait is it you know who?

Me: Bingo, didn't want to add in a character whose too over powered. That's for the latest of chapters.

Mikoto and Ben: biggest for late? Makes sense.

Me: well it's that time.

Everyone: on with the show.

In Academy city a figure with white hair and a red jacket was looking down from a roof top. "Where are you?" He asked as he surveyed the city from above like a hawk.

All of a sudden a green blur which was really Ben flew across his view. "There you are, the time for my revenge is now Tennyson" he said menacingly.

Kuroko was at the judgement office with Uiharu. They were working on a case regarding another individual with powers similar to Ben. They thought it may've been Karen again but she was with them the entire time. And during that time there were more sightings of Ben's transformations.

"Do you have a lead yet Uiharu?" The teleporter asked. The flower girl shook her head, "sorry nothing yet" she said looking at her monitor.

This was starting to infuriate them, first was Dr. Psycobos turning Touma into a alien monster thing. And right after he tries to make a mind control serum from Misaki's DNA.

Thank god they detained the alien crab before he released it. Later on in the day Ben arrived to ask about their case. "Just a little question, did you happen to see a dude around the areas who had white hair?" He asked.

"Not sure, think it's another one of your bad guys?" Kuroko asked. "Hi sensei" Karen greeted, Ben waved. "Well yeah, if Dr. Animo, Dr. Psycobos managed to get here, there'll be no doubt that others would've" he stated.

Later that night when Ben walked with Kuroko to their apartment, they heard a strange sound and a red flash nearby. "Did you hear that?" Kuroko asked.

All of a sudden a large wolf like humanoid with red eyes jumped out and attacked Kuroko. "Ahhhh!!? What is this thing? I thought werewolves were myths" she said teleporting away.

"A lot of strange things exist Kuroko" Ben said turning into Omni and punches it with Humungosaur's hand. The wolf monster then opens its muzzle like a flower and blasts them both with a sonic howl.

"Okay no I'm mad" Ben said as he used Elasti-whack's powers (ester's species) to grab the wolf thing and send it flying. "And just as an extra measure" he turns his head into Blitzwolfer's and makes it fly further away.

Satisfied with bringing down a bad dog, Ben walks over to Kuroko concerned. "So are you okay Kuroko?" He asks, she looks over herself and nods, "yeah I'm fine, what was that thing though?" She asked.

"Reminded me of Blitzwolfer" he said as he picked her up and flew them towards Tokidawa. When they got back Mikoto, who had been waiting there for a while, saw the attack on the web.

"What happened to you two out there?" She asked. "A werewolf?" Ben said nervously. "I know I saw the attack" she said playing the video on her laptop.

"Listen Mikoto" Ben said trying to calm her down. "I know that would've been dangerous but it could've been way worse" he said. "Oh yeah like what?", "it's better you don't know".

The next day, Ben goes through his normal routine.

First on the list: do rounds at Tokidawa. He ends up flying all over the place and leaves clones there to keep watch.

Second on the list: go to apartment and clean up after Mikoto and Kuroko leave to go to class.

Third on the list: help Karen with her powers. This actually takes up a large majority of his time. "She's gotten used to Heatblast but she still can't fire surf" Ben noted.

Fourth: go get a smoothie, well he is still Ben after all.

Fifth: go around the city and tried to find any trouble.

Sixth: go back to apartment and sleep day off.

During his rounds he spotted a tar black and red rogue suit of armor going on a rampage. "Now this would be fun" Ben said as he flew down and knocked it back.

"Take that you bucket of bolts", Ben then turned his arms into Bloxx Lobbers and blasted it with his blocks. "And if you liked that try this on for size" he added.

Ben reared back his fist and punched it with an Armadrillo fist. But when it made contact the mech suit was empty. As if there was nothing piloting it in the first place. And it lost the tar black and red circuit stripes

"That was weird" he said as he returned the mech after fixing it and walked back home. He got a strangely familiar vibe coming from that suit though.

He later went to Touma's apartment complex to visit Grandpa, Rook, Gwen and Kevin to discuss the topic. "It definitely can't be Karen, from what I know she was with Uiharu and Saten when the sightings and attacks occurred" Ben stated.

Rook held his hand to his chin, "hmm perhaps another Gene mimic Esper?" Rook suggested. Gwen shook her head, "don't think so, I've looked into Academy city records and there hasn't been any other gene mimics" she said.

Max then pondered, "whatever or whoever this is we need a good look at it when appears" he said. At that moment a loud sound could be heard from outside. "Looks like its hero time" Ben said as he turned into Predator and flew outside with Omnivoracious wings.

"Hey Tennyson, you see what I see right?" Kevin asked as a giant dark colored red eyes humungosaur was tearing up the town. "Okay let's see how that Humungosaur likes a heaping helping of" Ben began to say as Predator grew bigger and developed a shape similar to. "TYRANNOPEDE" he roared.

"Okay buddy" he said as the vexesaurian turned around.  I'm not Humungosaur, but I'll make you humungo-sorry" Ben then slammed his tail into the enemy humungosaur's side which sent him flying.

It then rose up carrying a large metal beam. "Oh yeah let's see how you like this" the Humungosaur said as he swung the beam at the predator powered hero. Ben easily catches it in his talons then sprays him with webbing.

"That takes care of that... huh?" Predator said turning back to see that there was no one inside the web. "This is getting way weird" he said.

They were joined up by Mikoto, Kuroko, Touma, index and Touma's teacher. Who for some reason looked like a child named Ms. Komoe. "What's going on?" the image breaker asked.

"Dude I'm not sure, all I remember is that I was fighting a giant Humungosaur and then he got away" Ben explained. "I still finds it hard to believe that a twenty foot tall dinosaur man got away so easily".

"So you're that alien hero? It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm ms. Komoe Touma's teacher" she said. "Wow" was all Ben could say.

There were more occurrences that happened after that. The next was Arctiguana freezing ward 10, then next was Bloxx trapping people in Touma's school.

And after every one of those attacks they always get away. "This is getting irritating" Ben said flying as Omni using Stink Fly's wings.

He's currently chasing XLR8 through the garden of learning. "Stop right there" Ben yelled shooting him with sticky projectiles. "As if I'd listen to you" the kineceleran said before breaking into the science lab.

"I'll be taking these thank you goodbye Tennyson" it said before creating a small tornado and running off. Ben used Terraspin's powers to cancel the tornado out.

He went outside to find him, "okay where did you go" he said before spotting a white haired teen with red eyes at the train station. "No, it can't be" he said as he rushed away.

He stopped at the judgment office where Mikoto and Uiharu were at. "Hey guys" he greeted, "hey Ben what's up?" The railgun asked him. "I need to check something, "Uiharu can you check the security cameras that recorded every attack" he asked.

Uiharu nodded and looked at the security tapes where the reports were made. She then saw a teenager that looked like and inverted colored Ben. And he appeared at every scene.

"I guess he is here" Ben said darkly, "who exactly?" Misaka asked a little scared by Ben's new dark demeanor. "Albedo, he used to be an alien called a Galvan" he explained.

"But after an incident when he tried to recreate the original Omnitrix he became a copy of me" Ben then turned into Omni. He shrank down and jumped onto the computer, "if I can hack into the cameras around the sightings, maybe I can find Albedo" he said nasally.

(A/N: yeah Omni tends to copy the alien's voices from time to time).

After hours of searching they managed to find him. "But the real question is what does he want with what he took from that lab and from the other places he attacked" he asked himself.

Uiharu decided to cross reference the items and places Albedo went. Apparently all of them were more focused around the study of Genetics. "I have a feeling that he's going to use that research to find a way to get his galvan form back" Ben said.

"Quick where's the only place he didn't attack?", later on Ben, Mikoto and company headed to a genetics lab on the far side of Academy city. "If he isn't here I might as well turn Kuroko into Chamalien" Ben said.

"Why would you do that?" the railgun asked, "chamalien's race can turn invisible" Ben said. Mikoto finally got the point and found out about that Ben made a bet with Kuroko that if Albedo wasn't there he'll give her the power to spy on her sissy.

However lucky stars had lead the shapeshifter's doppelgänger to the lab. "Hold it right there Albedo" Ben yelled turning into Omni and jumping down. "Tennyson! Why don't leave me be so I can finally get my old body back" the albino said turning into nagative Humungosaur then Ultimate Humungosaur.

"Let's see you face the wrath of, ALBEDO!!!" The hyper evolved vexesaurian said charging the group and shooting missiles. Mikoto blasted a railgun at him while Kuroko returned his missiles back to sender.

Ben used Ultimate Gravattack's molten core and arms to knock the imposter back several times. The omnisapien then turned his arms to those of Ultimate Swampfire and blasted Humungosaur.

That was until Albedo turned into negative Ultimate Arctiguana and froze his flames. "Well that stunk" Ben said using Atomix's powers and threw a ball of fusion energy towards him.

Negative Ultimate Arctiguana then turned into negative Ultimate Cannonbolt and used the iron armor to shield himself. He was knocked back but was quickly grabbed by Ultimate Gravattack's orbit.

"You should know Tennyson, that I'm not only trying to get my Galvsn form back" he said turning into his GLvan form. "Cause I already did" he said, "wait so what're you trying to... no I'm not letting you get Omni!!!" Ben said flinging him into the science lab.

Albedo then came out with a glowing Omnitrix on his back. "Thank you Tennyson, I finally have the component needed to gain your most powerful form" he said turning into negative Omni.

(A/N: imagine Omni but red).

"So much power, with this and all your other forms I am now unstoppable" he said. "Dang it!" Ben said turning into predator and bit into Albedo. "Ow hey let go!!!" Negative Omni demanded, Ben however kept his grip.

The negative Omnisapien threw him off and blasted him with Jetray's neuroshock laser. "Okay Tennyson let's see you take on the ultimate ultimate" he said. But nothing happen, he couldn't transform.

"What what's going on? Why can't I go Ultimate" Albedo yelled irritably. As it turned out Ben managed to make Albedo's Omnitrix's hyper evolution chip fly out during the fight.

Ben then grinned, "okay Albedo" he said pulling the chip towards him with spider monkey's silk. "You want an ultimate!?" He then destroyed the chip, "THEN YOU GOT AN ULTIMATE" Ben turned into Omni and slammed the Omnitrix face plate.

Four prongs stuck out and he was enveloped in a bright green light, Omni's body became more bulky, his fingers turned into giant claws and on each hand was two claw blades. He grew dragon like wings on his back and a second pair of eyes. His skin gained a more purplish color. His hair also turned into flames.

"ULTIMATE OMNI" he shouted in his new form

Name: Ultimate Omni
Species: hyper evolved Omnisapian
Description: a much evolved version of Omni. The newly updated version of the Omnitrix is equipped with a hyper evolution function. It puts the different alien DNA through a simulation of millions of years through the worst case scenario. This intern hyper evolves Ben's transformations into more combat efficient creatures. Ultimate Omni is now purple and the symbols around his body have changed to that of the ultimate symbol. He has also developed wings, two sharp Rath like claw blades, and a second pair of eyes. His hair have also become Pyronite flames.
Powers: Ultimate Omni like his original wields the power of all of Ben's aliens both normal and Ultimate. However his shapeshifting ability is now gone because he doesn't need it. This evolved version only needs to transform a little in order to use all the alien Powers at full strength. Example would be Bloxx's segments or Wild Vine's veins design. In addition Ultimate Omni has developed characteristics that allow him to use mobility powers of aliens to move as fast as they do. Examples of those are his extended legs to move at XLR8's speed and his wings to fly at Astrodactyl or Jet ray speeds.
Notable facts: it would be wise to note that Ben has never used this before he entered this world. He originally thought he didn't need it due to the fact that normal Omni could use the powers of both Normal and Ultimate aliens. It was in the dire situation that made Ben think to use this transformation.

"Whoa I've never felt this powerful before" Ultimate Omni said. "Okay Albedo you wanna fight let's fights he said rolling like Ultimate Cannon bolt and charging the imposter down.

Albedo attempted to block him with Gravattack's orbit but it was futile. Ben sped past his orbit and took him down. "Okay let's see if you can face against this" he said tunneling under ground with Armadrillo's drills.

Ben punched the ground hard which made him fly out of the ground. "Mikoto quick deactivate his Omnitrix" Ben called out.

Kuroko teleported Misaka to the red Omnisapien and made him turn back. Ben then walked over and erased Omni from Albedo's play list for good.

Later on albedo now and permanently a Galvan is serving time on tiny prison. "Later shorty" Ben said as they walked away from the prison.

Albedo had been placed in a small cell. "Hello Albedo" a telepathic voice said. "Psychobos, I see they got you too" the Galvan said. "Yes however there is a way to get revenge on that blasted Tennyson" the cerebrocrustecean said.

He pulled out a small tablet he snuck in, "I looked through the records of this city, and I've found something that could be of use" he said as a picture of a gross embryonic baby thing appeared.

Albedo smirked at what he read, "yes, let's see how the weirder of alien powers can match up against the wielded of millions of Esper powers" he said as they cackled.

Me: well that was rough on the mind.

Ben: I bet, so Albedo was in this chapter.

Me: yes.

Mikoto: I see why to, in Omniverse he had the power to turn into Ultimates a while Ben couldn't right?

Me: bingo, be here next chapter for a chilly reception. A few shortly shown but familiar faces will appear.

Ben: and who are they?

Me: you should know, or rather big chill should.

Mikoto: its that time.

Everyone: see you later, Ciao!!

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