Accelerator's Gamble.

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Jeanne looked nervously at Sieg..

His every facial feature looked exactly like the Sieg she remembered. It was tough trying to remind herself that this wasn't the same person..  right now.. she had something important do..

Future Mikoto stood nearby, leaning against a tree, her arms folded, as she watched her past counterpart and Percival stand next to Jeanne. 

"So.." said Sieg as he stoked the fire, which he had relighted. "You say you just want to talk.. if it were any other servant I'd be suspicious.. but since it's Jeanne D' Arc.. the Saint..  I don't think there's ever an issue of you lying.."

Jeanne nodded. "I want to know what you're here to do.. and if it really does somehow change history to the point that humanity becomes extinct."

Sieg looked at Jeanne and sighed. "I.. intend to bring my sister back to life.. that is my wish upon the Grail.."

Jeanne opened her mouth slightly. "Your.. sister?"

"She was just a little kid.. a homunculus like me that my parents created because they couldn't have kids on their own." said Sieg.  "She didn't deserve to die the way she did..  right now my mother is so depressed that she keeps trying to commit suicide every day... my father.. well, he's not the same man he used to be.."

"I told him not to." said Future Mikoto, waving a hand. "I warned him bringing people to life wasn't a thing.."

"Well.. that depends.. if it's the Grail of the Past.. then technically his sister hasn't died yet.. or even been born.. he could merely wish the Grail to save his sister before she died.." Jeanne muttered. 

"That would be too significant a change.. if the Grail's magic reaches that far through time till it is almost incredibly close to my present, the Singularity won't heal itself." said Sieg. "Look I've thought this through.. I paid close attention to make sure I didn't cause a catastrophe.."

"It seems you've prepared extensively for this." said Jeanne.

"I prepared half my life." said Sieg. "I became a Mage Knight specifically for this mission.. I summoned Saber for this.. you can't stop me.. I won't let you.."

"Sieg.." Jeanne murmured.

Mikoto sighed,and looked at her future self.. "Um.. private question really quick... I end up feeling about Mordred in the future..?"

Future Mikoto smirked. "Well you already gave her unlimited dates.. you tell me.."


"Look I can't give you too many spoilers, I already showed you your Archer form.. spoiler enough.."

Mikoto groaned and slapped her hand to her forehead. "I don't GET it.. how do I know the right thing to do!?"

"Look at it this way." said Future Mikoto. "You don't have to marry somebody to be in love with them.."


"Just something I think will be important to you later on." said Future Mikoto. "For now.. let's concentrate on the here and now.. cause this here and now is as much a mystery to me as it is to you.."

Sieg raised an eyebrow at the two Mikotos. "What are they talking about?"

"No clue, but that's not the issue here." said Jeanne. "While having great faith and striving for goals is indeed a great wonderful trait, given to us by God.. This is a different case..  you're striving towards something that shouldn't be sought.. unless your sister can become a Heroic Spirit.. bringing her back is a crime against nature.. what you're trying to do will only end badly for you.."

"You don't know that.. nobody can know that." said Sieg. 

"Ksssssshhhhhh.. " Before Jeanne could respond.. she heard strange static-like sounds coming from her Noble Phantasm. 

"Hello!? Hello!!" Doctor Roman's voice came out of the Noble Phantasm. "Anybody there? Can anybody hear me!?"

"This strange voice? What is it?" said Percival. 

"Wait.. " Jeanne stabbed her banner into the ground and an image of Doctor Roman at Chaldea Headquarters projected into the air.

"How do you like the new display feature? Designed this spell myself!" said Roman with a grin. "Now you can see what's going on here with more clarity.. Your Noble Phantasm was the most reachable Jeanne.. how is everyone? Did you unite safely? Did you find the source of the Singularity?"

Jeanne looked at Sieg, who looked at Doctor Roman with interest. 

"Well.. in a way." said Jeanne. "Though.. there are still many things that remain unsure.."

"Well according to what data we can gather.. Saber and Accelerator are heading in the direction of a unique anomaly.. a tower of some sort? You guys seem to be sitting with around with a time traveler of some sort... and... If I have it right, Kamijou's location is back in Camelot..  but.." Roman shook his head as Mash came into view, carrying a tray of tea. "None of these are even close to being the cause of the anomaly in time.."

"What!?" Mikoto stammered, walking forward. "NONE OF THEM!? Not the London Faction.. OR this guy!? But who!?"

"Wait.. the London Faction?" Mash murmured. "You might have to fill us in.. we're a bit sparse on information."

It took some time to explain the situation.. Afterwords,  Roman nodded, scratching his chin. "Well to be sure.. the London Faction is dangerous enough to warrant stopping.. how they time traveled back here is still a mystery to me..  but they definitely should be taken care of to ensure minimal risk... as for Sieg here.. I don't think letting him seek the Grail will have any sort of bad impact.. it's like you said... he's prepared for this.. whether or not the plan works out for him is not our problem."

"You can't truly believe that!" stammered Jeanne.

"It's up to your group to decide whether you want to assist or stop Sieg.. but our top priority.. the one the possesses an actual risk.. is the London Faction.. and the Time anomaly that's still out there somewhere." said Roman.  "I don't know if I'll be able to contact you guys this conveniently again.. Director Olga is currently up in video conferencing talking to the Einzbern Family discussing Academy City Faction's role in the Grail War.. so I'm heading the mission myself here with Mash.. we will only be able to contact you once every 2 minutes.. which means once every 2 days in your time period, the Singularity is so warped, that the energy really is mixing up reality that much.. we're going to have to learn a lot in a very short expanse of time every time we make contact.. that's why we're depending on you all to make the best decisions.."

"Right.." Jeanne murmured.

"Jeanne.. you and Arturia are the most level headed people on this mission.. naturally you two are the backbone of the team.. Mikoto's got a good head on her shoulders but she's too stubborn and brash.. no offense.."

"None taken.. it's true." said Mikoto with a sigh.  "Mordred too.. come to think of it.. the two of us have way too many things in common."

"Guess it's part of why you're attracted to her.." said Percival with a laugh. "I must say, you're all an interesting bunch.. Time Travelers? I think I get it now.. "

"Percival.. I hope you don't tell too many others." said Jeanne. "it's important that we keep knowledge of this as little as possible.. in fact, we would rather you have not been here for this communication.."

"It's alright.. I understand.. it explains why my King has been far more smiles of late.. it's nice to know that she is far happier in the future..  you all have been a good influence on her.."

Mikoto blushed. That was quite the compliment.

"And you truly are her daughter?" asked Percival.

"Yes." said Mikoto. "It's.. er.. a long story."

"I won't pry.." said Percival.

"We're losing the signal.. remember what I've told you!" Roman exclaimed.  "Just remember to- KSSSSHHHHH!"

 The transmission cut there.. leaving empty air where the holographic projection had been before. 

"Darn.." Mikoto muttered, careful not to say 'Damn' in front of Jeanne. 

"Sieg.. obviously you don't have a place to stay.." said Jeanne. "And I take it you still haven't figured out where the Grail is.. or you would've headed there by now.."

"I have a rough idea of it's location." said Sieg. "But until then, I was thinking of gathering more information.."

"It seems like that's the case with the London Faction too.." Mikoto said. "Or they would've cleared out by now.. "

"Then.. how about you and your Servant stay at Camelot with us? Until you get your bearings? I'd hate for us to be any sort of enemies." said Jeanne. 

"Hmmm.. I guess.. it would be sensible.. " said Sieg. "but.. you can't attempt to stop me.. remember what that Doctor said.. I'm not the cause of the anomaly."

"Maybe.." said Jeanne. "But I don't want you to be the cause of your own destruction either.."

"I wonder if Saber's had any luck.." Mikoto muttered. "They should be back by the time we get back too, considering this journey took us about a week.."

Mikoto looked at her future self. "Coming?"

"I think I'll stay outside of Camelot.. if Sieg needs me he can summon me with a command spell." said Future Mikoto. "He knows enough magic to do that.. by the way.. try learning some command spells too, summoning Saber in a pinch can be pretty handy, I should know..  in any case, having two Mikotos around would DEFINITELY not help your trust situation with any of the other knights.."

"She might be right." said Percival. "Lancelot's an especially suspicious person when it comes to those who get close to the King.. though Merlin might back us up.. I doubt after everything that's happened recently Lancelot would consider hearing us out.. though.. he has acted oddly lately.."

"Oddly?" asked both Mikotos.

"Normally.. Lancelot never questions the King.. no matter how fanatical her strategies may seem at first." Percival said. "An unquestioning undying loyalty.. but, lately he has been questioning her more... which might be understandable due to the King's strange behavior.."

"What do you mean by strange behavior?" asked Mikoto.

"remember what I said about you being a good influence on her? Before, in order to be a just and absolutely unbiased King.. our King showed no emotion whatsoever, she never smiled, never cried, her valiant nature was always on the surface.. while she kept the rest of herself under lock and key." said Percival. "Her duty to the throne came first. You yourself will have to learn such dutiful acts as the Crown Princess. Along with Mordred, you two now bare a certain authority over the rest of the kingdom.."

"Oh.. wonderful.." Mikoto muttered as she got on her horse, a bead of sweat on her forehead. "Me.. with.. authority.. that's bound to end well.. "


 It wasn't until Mikoto returned to the Castle of Camelot after another few days of journeying  (it took faster cause this time they didn't have to track somebody)  that she realized exactly what being royalty entailed.

She thought she knew. She was the Level Five Railgun. People treated her like a lady and an absolute success in her school, basically using her as their big ginormous mascot because Misaki Shokuhou refused to stand in the spotlight. 

But... nobody had ever sent servants to pamper her.. 

It was a bit of a shock the moment she went into the castle, and muttered something about taking a bath, that suddenly a dozen or so handmaidens all in pleasant white dresses walked over to her and said.

"This way your Majesty, a bath has been drawn for you My Lady.."

"WOW! Er.." Mikoto blinked with astonishment. "I was going to look for Touma and the others first if they're back.. but.."

"go on.. I'll look for them." said Jeanne as she and Sieg entered behind her, followed by Percival. "you look like you can use a rest after fighting yourself after all.. and then journeying all the way back without ever stopping to bathe.."

"Like I'd go skinny dipping in a lake out in the open.." Mikoto muttered with a shiver. 

The Hand Maidens led Mikoto to a large steaming brass tub in the middle of a large marble room, where large lion statues stood.. steaming water gushing out of their mouths so that they fell into small rectangular streams that went around the room spreading hot steam... It had to be marvelous engineering to make something like this in such a time period... to possess a water transfer system like this.. and heated no less..

"Um.. you don't need to.. do all that for me.." Mikoto stammered as the Hand Maidens began to remove her chest armor and her gauntlets. "Really I'd rather bathe by myself.."

"It's no trouble M'lady." said one maiden. "It is our pleasure to serve you.."

"N.. No really, this just feels awkward." said Mikoto as another maiden began to undo the ties holding her knight's gown in place.  "i'm way more used to bathing on my own.."


Mikoto's eyes widened, and her jaw dropped at the sound of the voice. "No... th.. that's impossible!!"

"Oh it's the new girl!" said one of the handmaidens. "She was only just hired today.. but she's shown such enthusiasm at tidying up your room and ensuring your meals were ready for your return..  such an odd foreign name though..

Mikoto's head turned slowly as the handmaidens removed the last of her clothes, to see none other than Kuroko Shirai, wearing the a handmaiden dress.

"SURRRPRRRIIIISE!!" Kuroko exclaimed, winking at Mikoto. "Your shining lover is here! My beautiful Sissy!"

"OH GOD NO!!!" Mikoto roared with horror as Kuroko charged at her, her arms spread out..

"NOW!! SISSY!! ALLOW ME TO BATHE YOUR BODY UNTIL IT IS CLEANSED!!" Kuroko squealed as she tackled Mikoto straight into the tub.

"NOW!!! LET US CLEANSE YOU!!!" said Kuroko giggling, wiggling her fingers as her eyes gleamed ominously. "We can start with that modest chest of yours!!"

"KUROKO!!" Mikoto stammered, her bangs sparking. But with so many Handmaidens this close to her, she knew there was no way she could shock Kuroko without shocking the innocent bystanders.  "C.. come on! For once.. just give me a break!"

"NO!" suddenly a hand grabbed Kuroko's ear and pulled her away. "That is NOT how we bathe the Princess!!"

A stern looking woman who was older looking than all the handmaidens who looked around high school age, pulled Kuroko aside, looking sternly down at her.

"I'm pretty sure.. we discussed in training.. " said the head Handmaiden. "That when bathing the royal princess, one must be gentle of hand.. and she must be treated with respect.. DO NOT DIVE ON HER LIKE A WILD DRAGON SEEKING GOLD!!"

"Yes.. Ms. Slen." muttered Kuroko grumpily. 

The lady let out a harrumph before walking off, leaving Mikoto with Kuroko and the other handmaidens.

"Stupid piggish little.." Kuroko grumbled as she stared at the retreating woman. 

"Keep still M'lady.." said one of the handmaidens as she began washing Mikoto's hair.  "Kuroko... come on.. help wash her back please.."

"The BACK!? The least sexy part of the human anatomy!?" squealed Kuroko. "Though granted Sissy's back is beautiful beyond measure I was hoping for something a bit more hidden in the water! Teehee.."

"Kuroko.. how the HELL did you get here!?" Mikoto stammered as she tried to force a couple of hand maidens off. "AND I CAN WASH MYSELF THANK YOU!!"

"oh you know.. snuck into a coffin while Olga wasn't looking." said Kuroko with a giggle. 

"YOU COULD'VE KILLED YOURSELF! Only Masters can get here.. wait.. does that mean-..?"

"Yep, apparently I have the potential to be a master.." said Kuroko. "And lie still Sissy, I need to scrub your back.. "

"This trip just got too crazy for me.." Mikoto muttered as a few handmaidens forced her back into the tub and began scrubbing her arms and legs gently. 

Mikoto, being a highly independent person, immediately knew she could NOT do the life of a royal after the bath was finished and she actually had to let the handmaidens dress her.  She felt like she was a combination between a Dress Up Doll and Jabba The Hutt who did nothing but lie on a giant stone slab on Tatooine all day. 

And to top it off..

"KUROKO GET OFF!!" Mikoto growled as she walked down the stone hall of the castle, Kuroko clinging onto her like cheese on a pizza. "We're friends.. and I appreciate hugs... but you're touching me in a rather anger inducing place right now!"

Kuroko's hands were reaching under the chest area of Mikoto's strapless sky blue dress that had been provided to her.  "Oh Sissy.. come now.. I risked dying in time travel to come see you!"

"I appreciate the sentiment.. and the dedication.. but not the perverted boob fondling." Mikoto grumbled. 


Suddenly, there was a white and scarlet blur as Mordred ran over and punched Kuroko straight in the face.

Kuroko flew into the air like a rag doll and crashed into a table with vases.. smashing them to pieces.

"How did she get here!?" Mordred roared, pointing at Kuroko's dazed form. 

"She snuck into a coffin.." Mikoto groaned, smacking a hand to her face.  "Listen.. so did you guys.. wh. whoah MORDRED!!"

Mordred's helmet was off.. but her armor.. her armor was bent and torn all over.. of course.. it was already automatically repairing slowly like with any Servant.. but, not only was it the worse for wear, it was stained with blood. 

"It's not as bad as it looks.. I've already started healing.. Lancelot and Father are both fine too.. but the others.. " Mordred shook her head. "We didn't see them coming.. The 9 Riders, The Witch King's Noble Phantasm.. they had mounts with wings.. they came down from the sky and took us before we could even reach the tower.. we were forced to retreat.. That Witch King.. his sword skills.. he could've been a Saber if summoned right.."

"How bad is it?" Mikoto asked.

"Merlin's managed heal most of us..  Lancelot didn't need it.. Somehow he got off with minimal scratches.. even though he took a brunt of attacks.. strongest knight for ya I guess.."

"Mordred.." Aragorn walked in, looking hurried. "Keep your helmet on.. we can't risk your resemblance to the king being known.. it would be too much a distraction from the current situation... "

"Whose-?" Mikoto pointed at Aragorn. 

"A Saber Class Servant, from the London Faction.. Aragorn.. from Lord of the Rings I think." said Mordred with a shrug. "He's one of the servants who was against Sauron's vendetta on humans.. and easy buddy boy.. it's Mikoto.. I'd rather not have a faceless helm in front of her..  anyways.. it's not as if it would made a difference if we made it...  the tower disappeared according to more scouts.. Saruman's packed up ship and moved somewhere else.."

"Now what?" Mikoto asked.

"Military planning, strategic maneuvers.. all the stuff the King of Knights always did before.." said Aragorn. "War isn't immediate Mikoto Misaka.. it might take weeks or even months to concoct a strategy to find them.."

"we don't have months.. we have A month.." Mikoto stammered.

"I assure you, by bothering to move in on the tower's location, you have actually delayed mankind's extinction." said Aragorn.  "when your Chaldea agents check Sheba once more, they will see that the doom of Man's future has moved forward by perhaps a week.. 2 months is now what we have..  at the very least.. for them around 2 weeks..  what we did, forcing them to move and alter their strategy, is what has slowed them down.." 

"Question.. though.." said Mikoto. "You know that theory that Sauron's lackeys came to this time period to seek the Grail..? Does that really make sense? He's a Ruler Class right? he's supposed to be impartial towards the desire for any sort of Grail..  heck he wasn't really after it when we first met.. just going and destroying everyone who aren't servants..  what's going on?"

"These are the Final Grail Wars ms. Misaka.. rules have changed.. under normal circumstances.. even Jeanne D' Arc wouldn't be supporting a faction." said Aragorn.  "Normally, Rulers are able command other servants regardless of factions to their will..  but.. that has changed..  now.. if you will excuse me.. I need to make preparations.."

"Preparations for what?" said Mordred as Aragorn walked off without a word. 

"You know.. Jeanne explained to me the whole role of Ruler." said Mikoto. "They're supposed to be saints who'd desire no wish on the Grail... Check on Thor for that.. I mean.. she's not a Saint.. but all  she's interested in is drinking. But Sauron.. desires something..  "

"it's like Aragorn said, the rules have been all twisted up this time.. under normal circumstances, no matter how many servants we add.. there should only be one Ruler, and that Ruler should have the power to command all Servants regardless.. " said Mordred. "i mean in the Greater Grail War Jeanne was in, she was able to command an entire enemy faction to attack the Black Faction despite any allegiances they might have..  anyways.. now that the rules are different.. it seems Rulers only can make the Servants of their own factions follow the rules... but you're right, it's weird, cause Sauron should be making sure his own Faction follows the rules and they already went on and killed their own masters.."

"This is making my head spin.. " Mikoto stammered. "Why do I feel like there's something more to this than just Sauron's vendetta against humans!?"

"We've got time to figure it out.. don't twist yourself all over." said Mordred. "In the meantime.. I'm going to get cleaned up.. I know you already took a bath and stuff..  but care to join me?"

"No.." said Mikoto.

"Hahaha! Couldn't blame me for asking.. but it's not like we haven't taken a bath together before."

"Yeah.. but that was cause you needed me to wash your back, and I needed Saber to wash mine.. " said Mikoto. "this situation is where you want to do things.. plus you probably have handmaidens cause you're royalty now.."

Mordred froze, horror on her face. "Oh god.. I have handmaidens.."


"Before I never had people bathing me but now that I'm royalty..  they'll HAVE to!!" Mordred stammered. 

"Oh crap!" stammered Mikoto. "Okay.. then.. don't take a bath!"

"I can't do that.. I'm sweaty and covered in blood!" Mordred exclaimed. "I've got it.. you HAVE to get in the bath with me!!"

"WHY!?" Mikoto stammered. 

"If I'm bathing with my wife they'll HAVE to give me privacy!" said Mordred. "Please! I won't try anything.. just sit in the tub with me!"

Mikoto sighed. "Fine..  but I swear if you try anything.."

"Zap me all ya like!" said Mordred with a wink. 

"Okay.." said Mikoto.

Mordred suddenly smirked.

"WHAT!?" said Mikoto.

"You're blushing all over." said Mordred.

"MORDRED GODDAMNIT!!" Mikoto screamed chasing after Mordred as the knight of rebellion laughed.


"Are you sure about this?" Merlin muttered looking at Accelerator with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah.." Accelerator said.

Accelerator had changed into new clothes.. a few bandages on his arms and cheek, glaring at Merlin as they stood in one of the empty chambers off from the Throne Room. 

"I'm telling you, there's no guarantee it'll work." said Merliin with a sigh. "Of course Morgan's method was a more incomplete version.. so you have a better chance then.. well.. you know.."

"Any way for me to be able use my power without a damn handicap.." said Accelerator. "I've got people I need to protect.. "

"Very well." said Merlin.

At that moment.. Jeanne peeked into the room. "Master..?"

"I'll be going now.." Merlin said with a chuckle, walking out of the room and away as Jeanne came in. 

"Accelerator.. what were you discussing with Merlin just now?" Jeanne asked seriously. "What has no guarantee..? hey.. Accelerator.. look at me!"

"Jeanne.." Accelerator held up his gun. "We have around 2 months in this place.. 2 whole months.. I only brought 12 bullet packs.. and I've already used half of em.. I can't protect you the way I am now.."

"So you're going to risk your life!?" Jeanne stammered. "Just so you can risk it more conveniently for me!? Master no! Please.. I'm your Servant for a reason.. My life is yours.. I am here to protect you! Let me do it!"

"Screw that!" Accelerator spat. "If you protect me.. I protect you.. that's how it works for me! No matter what the stupid risk!!"

Accelerator stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut behind him.. 

There was a pause...

Then Accelerator opened the door again, walking in and grabbing his gun off the table muttering. "Stupid gun.. ruining a perfectly good storm out... damn it.." (kinda hard to storm out correctly when you forget something XD). 

Accelerator walked out again, slamming the door behind him a second time.

Jeanne sighed. "Dear me.. I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on him.."


As part of me trying to get my various characters from different books to be more interactive, (including Twilight Prankster) I've just given Mordred her own Twitter account, feel free to check out what's on her mind at MordredTheNerd on Twitter!

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