Life is a Gift, That's why they call it the Present

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Nobody really bothered starting to rebuild the next day.. rather, after Saber explained the situation to her Knights of the Round table.. they understood that everything would revert to normal upon the time travelers all returning to their time..

After a quick affirmation to the disappearance of the London Faction, and not to mention the securing of the TRUE Holy Grail and the Dravis Grail.. it could only be assumed that the London Faction did the only sensible thing, and returned to the present. 

Mikoto.. after being found by Sieg and her future self under a massive pile of rubble, needed around 12 days to recover, before being fit and healthy enough to make a Rayshift.. 

And speaking of her future self and Sieg..

"So.. what will you do now?" Mikoto asked Sieg as she and Future Railgun accompanied him walking in the Camelot main castle gardens that had been untouched by Lancelot's rampage. "Are you going to search for the Greater Grail in this timeline like before?"

"You know what? Not really.. after seeing Lancelot go psycho like that.. I realized desiring wishes is sort of an unhealthy thing.. it's better to get things with the help of your friends instead of trying to rip through everything with your own strength... if I try to go it alone I'm like one of those selfish crappy  CEOs who got successful by stepping on anyone and everyone...." said Sieg. 

"Strange analogy." Both Mikotos said at the same time. "But it works."

"I need to learn to work with Saber better." said Sieg, looking at Future Mikoto and smiling.  "She's not a tool.. she's my partner.. and I'm going to take her advice.. The dead belong with the dead unless summoned as a Servant.. I'm not going to mess with the Greater Grail trying to bring my sister back... I need to learn to move on.."

"Anyways.. who says you don't already have a sister?" said Future Railgun, smiling back.


"You're my partner Sieg.. that makes you family in my book." said Future Railgun. "And I know my timeline's version of Mordred, Touma, and Saber would agree with me.. though.."

Future Railgun looked at Mikoto. "Because of what you guys did to get involved.. I'm pretty sure while Your present remains the same.. My Present is going to change drastically as soon as we go back.. I'll probably have the Shielder Form and memories of these incidents to boot.."

"Does time really work like that?" Mikoto asked.

"With singularities.. yes actually weird unexplainable things like that happen." said Future Railgun. "But with normal time travel that doesn't involve Rayshift, like the type Time Magic manipulating Numensapiens do, TImelines are split, and new timelines are created instead... but since this is a Singularity which heals and ripples back into it's original forms or pulsates through the Temporal energy in a different way.. The Timeline itself is either changed or put back to normal.. not split.. so yeah.. if our future is connected to this past.. you can guarantee that something in our future will change to fit your past or present.. That's why Chaldea was created.. because it recognized that the true power to change futures and pasts lay with singularities.."

"Numen.. what now?" Mikoto asked. 

"You'll learn that part eventually.. it's a big Omegaverse out there.." said Future Railgun, grinning.  

"Anyways.. it's good that we had this talk here..  cause now it's time we left." said Sieg.

"You sure you don't want to stay and say goodbye to everyone first?" Mikoto asked. 

"Nah.. I barely know your friends.. but I know you.. or.. both yous anyways." said Sieg. "So saying goodbye to you is enough.. besides, can't miss you for long.. you're already with me.."

"Okay.. now my head's swirling a little." said Future Railgun. 

"I hope maybe I'll really get to know your friends one day.. maybe I'll miss em then." said Sieg. "I know Mordred's old summoning charm is sitting in a museum somewhere in my time period.. maybe I'll pay that a visit.. get Saber an old friend to hang with.."

"M.. Master!" stammered Future Railgun. "Are you talking about robbing a museum!?"

"easy easy.. I'm joking... maybe.." said Sieg.

Future Railgun stared at Sieg as a blue light surrounded the two of them.. preparing to rayshift them back to their time period. "What do you mean MAYBE!?"

with that, the duo disappeared. 

"I hope that future remains almost the same.. despite our changes.." Mikoto muttered to herself smiling. "I wouldn't mind meeting Sieg for real..  it seems we kind of work well together.."

"I'm glad you feel that way.."

Mikoto turned to see Jeanne standing there, holding hands with Accelerator, who looked away with embarrassment at being seen doing this by Mikoto..

Mikoto grinned slyly at Accelerator's embarrassment. Oh this was just too cute.. and better something else be seen in the cute spotlight for once after all the Shielder mayhem..

"Sieg.. my Sieg.. would've loved to be your friend.. I'm sure of it." said Jeanne happily. "And that Sieg bore some very large similarities to the one I knew.. granted.. this Sieg seemed to have a bit more of an obsessive drive to him.."

"What do you think happened to your Sieg?" Mikoto asked curiously. 

"Hmmm.. I'm not sure.. I'm still wondering about that.." Jeanne murmured. 

"Well if we find him.. and his reasons for leaving you are shit.. I'll kill him.." Accelerator spat. 

"That's sweet.. but.. " Jeanne stuffed another bar of soap into Accelerator's mouth. "Say the s word again and I'll have to punish you thoroughly.."

Accelerator moaned and spat the soap out grumpily as Mikoto giggled. 

After a few more days, contact with Chaldea was finally established and everyone was ready to go home.. 

However, there was just one problem..

"I don't wanna go.." Mikoto grumbled sadly as she and Saber gathered with the others in Camelot's courtyard, the knights of the Round Table watching.

"Huh!?" Saber stared at Mikoto, stunned at her daughter's sudden very childlike talk. 

"Hmm?" Okita looked at Mikoto quietly. 

"Biribiri!" Touma said. "Come on.. you got beaten half to death.. Kuroko tried to bathe you.. you fell asleep listening to requests on a throne all day.. why the HECK would you want to stay!?.. and I said HECK not the other word!!"

Jeanne, who had slowly brought up a bar of soap.. put it down nodding. 

"I.. I know all that happened.." said Mikoto. "But.. I LOVE being a Knight of the Round Table.. it.. it felt SO AWESOME!! I mean.. just sitting there at that table with all these awesome knights... with Mom.. and... with.. er.. "

Mikoto blushed. "Galahad.."

Galahad blinked with confusion as multiple women peeked out from behind a nearby wall, sighing as they stared at the very handsome shield baring knight. 

"Oh come on.. what does Galahad have that I don't?" Grumble Mordred. 

"Look I don't know him well.. but you've gotta admit he's so HOT.." said Mikoto, jabbing a thumb at Galahad.

"But.. the sun isn't out that much today.." Galahad muttered to Mordred.

"She means you're you're highly attractive sexually." said Percival. "I've been learning these folk's fascinating terminology.. " 

"Wait WHA!?" said Galahad. 

"Okay.. he IS very handsome.." said Jeanne, blushing as Okita looked away, also blushing too.

Accelerator now began to scowl as deeply as Mordred. 

"Okay.. back to the point.. the point is.. I.. Loved being a knight.." said Mikoto. "Camelot had it's flaws.. but.. it was a pretty awesome place.. and.. "

Mikoto smiled at Saber. "You made an awesome King.. "

Arturia sighed and smiled back. "I appreciate the compliments.. but.. it's time to go home now Mikoto.. a world where we belong awaits us.. "

"I know.." Mikoto grumbled. "But.. maybe we can stay a FEW more days?"

"NO!!!" Olga's voice came roaring out of Excalibur, which the group was using for Rayshift contact. "STAYING ANY LONGER WOULD POSSIBLY RESULT IN CREATING ANOTHER SINGULARITY!!! NO MORE RISKS!! LEAVE NOW!!!"

"Come on Director.. you're being a bit harsh don't you think?" Roman's voice said. 

"I don't wanna leave either.." Mordred muttered sadly. "I'm married to the love of my life here.."

Mikoto heaved a big sigh.. and patted Mordred on the shoulder. "We'll always be married in camelot Mordred.. and.. I guess we never divorced.. so..  yeah.."

Mordred grinned. "Ya always know how ta cheer me up.. wifey-poo!!"

"Please don't ever call me that again.." Mikoto stammered, going even redder than when she mooned a little at Galahad. 

"Time to leave.." Saber said quietly putting a hand on Mikoto's shoulder. 

As she did.. Okita also put a hand on Mikoto's other shoulder.

"Master.. let's go.. I want to see the world where you come from." said Sakura Saber. "Please.. let's go back so you can show me all the wonders of that realm.."

"Ok.." said Mikoto forlornly. 

As a bluish light began to surround the group.. Percival walked over to Mikoto and smiled at her.

"It was good to meet you Young Lady Princess.. If I had but one wish on the Grail.. it would be to still remember you after you left.. " 

Mikoto nodded at Percival and grinned. "I'll admit.. I kinda liked you too! You were like a goofy uncle!"

"Goo.. Goofy uncle?" stammered Percival. "Eheheh.. do I really give off that vibe!? Well.. I do have something for you to take back with you.. "

Percival handed Mikoto a shining golden sword with a black hilt.. it's pommel encrust with a ruby.. 

"A Princess always possesses a Ceremonial Sword, not meant for battle.. Caliburn was a sword with a similar role.. but in your hands.. Heaven Caliburn became a true battle born blade. So a ceremonial blade is still something you require.. Rosarona from Camelot's armory will help you look the part of a true Princess of Knights..  that is.. if My King approves.."

"I do." said Saber with a smile as Mikoto took the beautiful sword. 

"Thank you.. I'll take good care of it." said Mikoto. "I've never heard of this sword.."

"It's known no deeds nor history.." said Saber. "Originally Camelot never had a Princess.. so this sword was never given to anybody and given history.. but perhaps now you can provide it with one.."

"That is my hope as well." said Percival as he waved and the blue light around the time travelers grew brighter. "Ride well.. Mikoto Misaka.. Do not forget us.."

"And don't forget your promise to me Touma Kamijou!" said Guinevere happily, waving at Touma.  "Try and summon me as a Servant in your world!"

"Uh.. right!" said Touma. "I'll do that!"

And with that... everyone returned to their Time period.. bringing with them Dravis's Dark Grail.. the True Holy Grail, and the deedless Princess Sword Rosarona.


Days passed without incident after that.. there were still a few more days of vacation left after everyone returned to the resort..

But this time, it was celebrated differently. 

This time, Last, Order found herself looking at her two charges who seemed to be far more affectionate to each other this time around.. 

And everyone was more interested in relaxing than swimming and playing.. after all.. to them it hadn't been a few days.. but nearly a month in which they had been gone..  none of them had aged a day thanks to Rayshift technology.. but they had all aged mentally in some respect..

And this time, they were joined by Okita Souji, who bore an amazed curiosity for everything around her.. 

"Wh.. What is this!?" stammered Okita at one point as Mikoto showed her a smart phone. "H.. how does this image change by touching it? Incredible.. T.. technology has advanced this much.."

"you'll get used to it." said Mikoto. "Arturia did.."

"Truth be told.. I find you a very interesting Master.." said Okita, giving Mikoto a strange longing smile. "You.. remind me of somebody I really cared about back in my world and time period.."

"Right.. you came from a different dimension.. almost forgot you were another reality's Heroic Spirit." said Mikoto.  "Who do i remind you of?"

"My foster sister.. you two.. are.. well.. very alike in a few ways.." Okita murmured. 

Mikoto felt there might have been more to this.. but she didn't pry.. Okita was still getting used to her.. and she didn't want to invade her privacy until they grew closer as friends..

In any case.. it was after around 12 days after the time travel incident.. that something unusual happened, which Mikoto thoroughly couldn't explain.. 

"MIKOTO!! LOOK AT THIS!!!" one day, Mordred kicked open the door to Mikoto's classroom.. drawing the stares of her teacher and classmates.

"M.. MORDRED!?" Mikoto stammered. "I'm taking an exam right n.. HEY!!!"

Mikoto squealed as Mordred picked her up and ran out of the classroom with her.. 

"WHAT IS IT MORDRED!?" Mikoto stammered. "WHAT!?"

"JUST LOOK AT THIS!!!" Mordred stammered, skidding to a halt in the library and sitting Mikoto down on a nearby chair. "LOOK AT IT!!"

Mordred held up a computer tablet to Mikoto's face displaying a news article. 

"o.. Ok.. let me see.. new discovery regarding Arthurian lore in Britain... archaeologists dug up a mural depicting the knights of the round table.. okay.. that's cool.."

"Read on!!" Mordred stammered.

"Oh.. fine then.. " Mikoto said. "okay.. possibilities of... a female knight who was part of the... WHAT!? Did they figure out you were a girl!?"

"NO!!" Mordred stammered scrolling down frantically. "Look at the picture of the mural!!"

Mikoto stared at the painted mural that was on a stone slab that might have been part of a castle wall.. on it.. were perfect depictions of the Knights of the Round Table.. and even Arturia.. though her image was polished to look more boyish..  and at Arturia's right.. was..

"That's.. ME!" Mikoto sputtered. "But.. HOW!? Was... was the singularity not fixed?"

Mordred shook her head. "I asked Doctor Roman.. he confirmed the Singularity fixed itself after we left.. but... he also said that sometimes.. when we leave a big enough impact on the singularity... it leaves ripples... small ones..  maybe.. just maybe.. who knows..?"

"You think.. they remembered us after we left?" Mikoto asked. 

Mordred pointed at a mural underneath the first one.. depicting a familiar woman, holding a familiar banner into the air glowing with bright light.  "You tell me.. "

Mikoto and Mordred looked at each other for a minute, then looked back down at the mural.. they then looked at each other again..

"Chalk this up onto a list of unsolved mysteries we can get to AFTER I finish my exam and we get ourselves a pizza?" said Mikoto. 

"Yep." said Mordred. "And along with pizza... care to show me this Star Wars thing you people all seem to talk about?"


And with that.. Mikoto happily turned off the tablet, and returned to take her test... while on the inside.. she felt a glowing hope  that perhaps.. memories weren't fleeting after all..

End of Book 3..

Stay Tuned for Special Epilogue and Book 4: Cherry Blossoms. 

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