Rhongomyniad V.S. Enuma Elish

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"What's the big deal!!?" Smaug landed in front of Gilgamesh, her teeth clenched furiously. "You were supposed to kill the girl.. not turn her into your pet!!"

Gilgamesh smirked. "Nice to see you too Smaug. "Anyways I don't see the harm. As long as she's restrained she's harmless."

"GET.. THESE.. OFF OF ME!!" Mikoto screamed.

She was at the far end of the large cave.. chains were wrapped around her neck, ankles and wrists and she was dressed in an elegant black gown with a white bow around her waist.. obviously something that seemed appealing to Gilgamesh.

"I would've preferred she was kept unchained.. but.." Gilgamesh turned look at the pile of undead soldiers nearby that had been blasted to bits. "She was a bit too murderous.. I'll tame her eventually.. they all can't resist me for long.."

Mikoto screamed furiously, lightning blasting from her body. As she struggled once more.

"I'm astonished.. she's been like this for hours.. I thought she would've tired herself out by now." said Gilgamesh.

"Don't you get it? She's been chained up before at the Mage's Association, when they experimented on her... she's got PTSD, you've just pretty much blasted her with a billion tons of stress." said Smaug.

"Wait.. WHAT!?" Gilgamesh stammered. "Why didn't you tell me sooner!?"

"We wanted her dead remember? Why should I care?" said Smaug lazily.

"A girl's no fun if she's gone insane from fear!" stammered GIlgamesh as hurried over to Mikoto. 

Gilgamesh slashed the chains off of Mikoto with a swift swipe from his hand and sighed. "Jeez ya should've spoken up earlier.

"RRRRRRAAAAAAHHH!!" Mikoto summoned Heaven Caliburn in a burst of thunder and slashed it upwards at Gilgamesh's neck

Gilgamesh summoned up a portal and pulled a random sword from it, parrying Mikoto's attack easily. 

Gilgamesh then used one hand to grab Mikoto's wrist, wrenching her sword out of her hand.

Mikoto roared out with fury charging lightning into her palm and blasting Gilgamesh with a barrage of electric blasts at close range.. the dust clearing to reveal that Gilgamesh had parried the blasts with his sword.

"You're FAR feistier than Arturia ever was.. I like it.." said Gilgamesh with a laugh, throwing his sword aside and grabbing Mikoto's other wrist.  " You might just be the one.."

"the.. one?" Mikoto growled.

"I admit, if Arturia ever finally relented to my chase, I would've lost interest in her.. for me it was all about the chase that enticed me to her.. her ideals unwilling to relent to mine.. but I feel, if you relented to me, I would not lose interest.. because despite that.. you'd still be quite a fierce person.. and well, there's just something enticing about having a Demiservant for a wife.."

Mikoto spat in Gilgamesh's face. "Saber's going to cut your head right off your body when she finds you.."

Smaug rolled her eyes. "Oh jeez.. would ya stop playing with that stupid Demi-servant already? He's here.."

The Witch King of Angmar strolled in.. dark and horrible.. shadows streaming from under it's hood. "There you are..  Gilgamesh.. we had an agreement.."

"Yes.. well I found I didn't agree after a bit.. it's called changing your mind, it happens quite a bit, you should try it some time." said Gilgamesh.

"I'm starting to change my mind about allowing you a seat at this table. " growled the Witch King.

"As if you could tell me what to do.." said Gilgamesh with a chuckle.

"Maybe not me.. but Lord Sauron is far stronger than even you King of Heroes.." said the Witch King. "His power is on another level that you have barely even scratched..."

"What? Is his silly Eye going to stare me to death?" said Gilgamesh. "Honestly, don't get your hood in a twist. We'll get this done.. and honestly, why not have a few more allies? Our goal is to allow Servants to rule over Humans isn't that right? Wouldn't it be better to have a few more Servants on our side? The New York and Beijing Factions have been interfering with our activities enough.. why not have a few more weapons to use against them?"

"That girl will never join us.. she is too stubborn.." the Witch King rasped, pointing at Mikoto. "Dispose of her now.."

"Oh he's not gonna.. she's his pet now.." said Smaug. "Luckily.. I do enjoy eating a dog now and then.. that puppy could be my dinner.."

Smaug stepped forward, extending her claws as a heat burned in her chest.  "You know I've never shown my full strength Gilgamesh? Shall we settle how strong I am once and for all?"

Gilgamesh chuckled, his ego inflating like a hot air balloon. "As if your puny little dragon paws can do little more than give me a good tickle."


"ENOUGH!!" The Witch King exclaimed, holding a hand out at Smaug. "This quarrel get's us nowhere.. you can keep this pet of yours Gilgamesh.. but be sure you keep it on a leash.. "

"Will do.." Said Gilgamesh cheerily as he slung the struggling Mikoto under one arm and began walking off.

A few moments later.. Mikoto, her eye twitching with insane irritability as she stood in a large earthen throne room..wearing a french maid's outfit.. with a dog collar around her neck attached to a leash that Gilgamesh held. 

"Isn't this nice?" said Gilgamesh with a grin.

"No.. No it isn't.." Mikoto growled. "I'm going to kill you.. I swear.. I'm going.. TO KILL YOU!!"

"Where's my tea?" Gilgamesh asked, snapping his fingers and pulling on Mikoto's leash. 

"Grrrmmmblle.. gggrrmmble.." Mikoto muttered as she picked up a tray with a steaming tea kettle and several cups. 

Mikoto walked over and then.. she took the tea kettle and dumped the steaming hot tea over Gilgamesh's head.

Gilgamesh, who had the durability of a servant, merely raised an eyebrow as the scalding hot tea dripped over his face. 

"There.. enjoy." Mikoto spat, turning away, folding her arms. 

"You're going to want to listen to me.." said Gilgamesh.

"Or what? You'll kill me? So what if you sealed my powers." said Mikoto, tapping the power sealing brace on her wrist. "I'm not your plaything!!"

"Perhaps.. I need a better way to tame you.. "Muttered Gilgamesh. "Ah.. I've got it.. You may be a Demi Servant, But I happen to know you can form permanent Contracts like an ordinary Servant.. and it just so happens those contracts demand your complete obedience to your master.. an unusual thing even for ordinary servants..  so.. why don't you form a contract with me?"

"First of all.. that's STUPID.. no WAY I would do anything like that with you!" Mikoto growled.  "Secondly.. I already HAVE a master.. so screw that!"

"You do?" said Gilgamesh. "One you actually trusted to grant your complete obedience to them!? What kind of person could've earned the complete trust of such a marvelously stubborn girl like you!?"

"None of your beeswax.." Mikoto growled.

"Well, you'll have to tell me eventually.. I always get what I want.. everything that's under the sun is mine.."

"Which means nothing is yours right now.." said Mikoto.

"Wait.. what?"

"It's nighttime you dope.. nothing here is yours right now." said Mikoto. "You're a complete nobody.. there's no way you're going to make me do a single- WHAAAP!!"

Mikoto felt it as if it were a battleship hitting her face.. Gilgamesh had just backhanded her right into the cheek.. 

Mikoto fell to the floor of the cave throne room, a blackened bruise on her face now.. 

"You can obey.. or I can make things harder for you." said Gilgamesh with a shrug. "Your choice.."

Mikoto felt her cheek.. as tears began to pour out of her eyes.. 

She felt ashamed of herself for crying. She never used to cry.. she was always the tough girl that's what.  But ever since her moments at the Mage Association, and her time at the hands at Iselia.. it seemed Mikoto had been far more fragile of late..

Mikoto turned her face away.. not wanting to give the smug bastard the satisfaction of seeing her tear stained face.

"Hmmm? Well well.. it seems you're just a little girl after all." said Gilgamesh grinning. "Come now.. you're still pretty when you're like that.. do you feel like doing what I say now?"

"Do you feel like doing what I say now?" The 8 year old bully grinned as he stood over the 4 year old Mikoto on the playground.

Mikoto sobbed, rubbing tears over her eyes.. a dark bruise on her face from where the boy had hit her with a plastic baseball bat

"GIVE it.. NOW!!" the boy said, holding out a hand. "Everything on this playground is mine.. if you want to play here.. when I want something.. you GIVE IT!!"

"N.. No!" Mikoto stammered, hugging her froggy plushy close to her chest. "It's mine."

"URRRRRGGGGGGH!!" the boy grabbed onto the head of the froggy, pulling. "GIVE IT!!"

"NO!!" Mikoto screamed, pulling back. 

"RRRRRRRIIIPPP!!" In an instant, stuffing spilled onto the ground as the boy ripped the froggy's head from it's torso

"Now look what you did! It's all broken!! STUPID!!" the boy began hitting Mikoto again and again with his plastic bat. 


Mikoto's mother, Misuzu Misaka, who looked like an older version of Mikoto, yet young enough to seem like she might be her sister ran in and smacked the boy furiously.

The boy let out a cry of shock as Misuzu gave him a ferocious tongue lashing and sent him crying home.. 

Finally Misuzu knelt next to Mikoto and  held up a small towel.. she began wiping the tears from Mikoto's face gingerly.

"Honestly.." Misuzu said, smiling gently. "You gave me a heart attack there.."

Mikoto sniffled and hugged her mother. "I'm.. I'm sorry.."

"Don't be.." said Misuzu. "You didn't do anything.. why don't we get your froggy fixed up hmm?"

Mikoto backed away from Gilgamesh, a mixture of anger, hurt, and shame in her heart. This was all wrong.. she should've been stronger than this..


Gilgamesh froze.. he looked up.. In the far dark ceiling of the massive cave.. cracks were forming.

"Odd.. Saruman assured me this cave was stable.." muttered Gilgamesh..

"KAAAAAABOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" A powerful bursting light exploded through the ceiling like a meteor... The light blasted into the ground with resounding boom.. between Mikoto and Gilgamesh..

(The theme of Goddess Rhongomyniad (Arturia Lancer)  in Fate Grand Order)


Saber rose from the light.. the Lance Rhongomyniad in her hand, glowing with supreme overpowering light.. causing the earth around her to tremble with ultimate earth trembling might..

The ground cracked around her feet.. as the powers of a god exploded from the lance's vicinity alone.. and Arturia's eyes glowed with incredible light. 

"ARTURIA!?" Gilgamesh stammered, his eyes wide with shock.

Was this really her!? Gilgamesh had met Arturia on the battlefield many times. He had faced Excalibur and defeated it easily.. but..  This Lance.. he had never seen it before.. What was this amazing power!? This wasn't a Noble Phantasm he knew!!!

"You dared.. to strike her.." Arturia growled. "I will.. IMPALE YOU!!!!"

Arturia charged forth.. Rhongomyniad blasting out it's insanely tremendous light.. and it exploded into Gilgamesh's chest.

Gilgamesh hacked up blood, his eyes wide with shock. A Noble Phantasm.. capable of attacking him with such ferocity!? What.. what was this!?


Gilgamesh was sent smashing through the wall with a tremendous boom. 

Saber ran over to Mikoto and knelt down next to her frantically. 

"S.. Saber.." Mikoto stammered, turning away.. "D.. don't mind me.. I'm being a baby.. it's fine-.."

Saber smiled. "Baby? Don't be ridiculous.."

Saber took Mikoto's face gently in one hand and used a piece of cloth to wipe the tears from her eyes. "Honestly.. you gave me a heart attack there.."

Saber sounded so much like Misuzu with that one phrase, that Mikoto felt a deep shock go through her..  so much so that she had to resist the urge to embrace-.. wait.. WHY RESIST!?

Mikoto immediately buried her face in Saber's shoulder, hugging her tightly as Saber hugged her back. "

"I'm here now.." Arturia said. "Hold on.. I'll get these.."

Arturia drew out Excalibur in her left hand, and slashed Mikoto's bracelet off.. 

Mikoto ripped the collar of her neck. "How'd you find me?"

"i did some.. questionable things." said Arturia. "The Tower of Isengard.. Saruman's Noble Phantasm sits atop this place..  the army surrounding it.. it's grown to tens of thousands..enough to storm Camelot ten times over.." 

"We have to stop them.." Mikoto stammered. "I've listened in on their plans Saber. They're not after the Grail made by the Einzbern Family. That Grail can only be obtained by the blood sacrifice of six other Servants.. "

"Another Grail war basically.." said Saber. "To open the doorway to the ruin that holds the Greater Grail within.."

"Yeah.. they're after the REAL HOLY GRAIL.." Mikoto said. "They found the actual cup Christ Used.. and.. it's... it's.. IT'S UNDER CAMELOT SABER!"

Arturia's eyes widened. "What!?"

"Camelot.. is sitting on TOP of the resting place of the Holy Grail!" Mikoto stammered. "That's why nobody could find it in the present.. Camelot apparently.. in the present times, became corrupted as a location by Morgan Le Fey's magic.. it's no longer able to be entered by the normal laws of physics.. "

"Mikoto.. do you know what wish they plan on making?" Arturia asked frantically. "If it's the True Grail.. then any wish is possible, pure miracle magic.. "

"They're wishing for Earth's destruction.. with all the humans on it." Mikoto said. "And all Heroic and Divine Spirits.. will go to a new Earth made only for them.. that's why there are no humans in the future Chaldea saw.. it's a swift and quick way to get rid of all humans. 

"The True Grail.. all this time.. sitting under my very nose.." whispered Arturia. "There's only one way to stop them, we need to destroy this army before the battle even begins.. "

"Do you have a Nuke Saber? Cause I'm pretty sure that's EXACTLY what we need.." said Mikoto.

"Rhongomyniad is powerful enough for that.. but.. still each one of their troops is more than just resistant to magic.. I had immense trouble killing just one of their ogres with Excalibur..  I could try to use Rhongomyniad to clear them out.. but eventually the weight of 10s of Thousands of Magic Resistant monsters would overpower me.." said Arturia. "And while I could possibly do it with an army behind me.. for some reason.. all my knights have disappeared without a trace.."

"We need more Rhongomyniads then.." Mikoto muttered.

"No.." said Arturia, her eyes widening. "We need somebody more powerful.. more powerful than anybody we've ever met.. and I know precisely where to find him.. But you're going to have to learn Unsummoning Magic."

"BOOOOOOMMMM!!" suddenly the area exploded, as Gilgamesh stepped out of the rubble, panting, a rare look of shock and anger on his face.

"Arturia... " Gilgamesh stammered. "That Noble Phantasm.. what the hell.. IS THAT!!?"

Arturia stood up, glaring ferociously at Gilgamesh. "That's right.. I've never shown you Rhongomyniad have I.. This is on a completely different level from Excalibur.. and when a perverted lewd freak like you decides to take Mikoto.. I leave no prisoners.."

Arturia stepped forward, her eyes glowing as she held Excalibur in her left hand and Rhongomyniad in the other.. "This time.. I'm going.. TO KILL YOU."

Gilgamesh grinned and held out a hand. "Very well.. A Noble Phantasm of that pure level of power.. deserves another Noble Phantasm on the very same level!!"


Gilgamesh removed the top armor he wore from his chest and arms.. as gold chains swirled around his arms..

Reddish rune like tattoos began to glow all over his body, as a portal exploded into behind beneath him.. and a strange weapon rose from it.

It was a sword with a gold armored lance-like hand guard to match the design of Gilgamesh's armor. The blade was red with glowing runes upon it, sizzling with an almighty power... a power so great, that Mikoto began to feel her breath get heavier and heavier.. and she had to clutch her chest, breathing hard..

"What is that!?" Mikoto stammered. "that weapon.. feels.. INSANE.."

"Enuma Elish.." said Saber. "Also known as Ea.. the sword that split the heavens from the Earth.. A Noble Phantasm that cleaves reality itself, perhaps the perfect counter to Rhongomyniad.. the Tower that binds Reality Together.. Mikoto get out of here.. The fight that's happening here is going to be on an entirely different league then what you're used to.. run.. hide.. and don't come out till I come for you, keep your power low and undetectable till Mordred and Jeanne come and find you."

"S.. Saber.."

"Do what I say.. NOW.." said Arturia sternly. "This fight.. isn't going to be safe to even witness.."

Mikoto nodded, and burst into her Servant clothing.. lightning exploding from her legs as she propelled herself into the cave.. further into the dark..

Arturia and Gilgamesh circled each other.. Gilgamesh chuckled and then let his sword begin to burn with power. "Shall we..? This will be over soon.. regardless of that Rhon googoo thingy.. Ea's power far surpasses it!!!"

Gilgamesh charged forth, and sent his blade exploding forth, grinning and laughing as a giant energy blast filled with red  power.. a power that split through reality itself.. ripping the air, the space.. and atoms apart as it came down at Saber with a force greater than a Nuclear Bomb.

Arturia's eyes flashed and she hurled Rhon's point into the blast.. and a purging light of equal power exploded through the blast of Ea.. 

The entire ceiling of the underground cave exploded.. and a giant combined power of light blasted radiantly into the atmosphere of the Earth.. a light and explosion visible from space initiated.

The Tower Isengard shifted aside.. crumbling a little. 

"AGGGHHH!!!" Saruman crawled onto the roof of Isengard panting.. staggering. "What..!? Something.. was able to shift the foundation of my Noble Phantasm!? Impossible.. what could be...?"

"BBOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!" Arturia and Gilgamesh shot into the sky, letting out ferocious battle cries as Rhon and Ea both collided in a tremendous explosion light.. 

A massive silver shockwave erupted in between the collision of the two impossibly powerful Noble Phantasms.. and Saber and Gilgamesh leaped back.. both standing on opposite ends of the crater that used to be part of the underground cave. 

"Incredible.. MOST INCREDIBLE!!" Gilgamesh exclaimed with a laugh. "To think.. that you had something like THAT in your arsenal! Arturia.. your beauty while wielding it is far more enticing!! I think after I take you.. I will add that lance to my treasury.. alongside Ea.. it will be a TRUE JEWEL!!"

Saber exploded into the sky.. launching herself higher and higher till she hovered above the clouds.. and she chanted..

"Holy Lance, anchor!"
"Let light be released from the Ends of the World. It shall split the heavens, and connect the land. Anchor of the Storm! "Rhongomyniad"!!"

Saber exploded down... slashing her lance forward.. going faster and faster.. as light surrounded her and the lance.. turning into a giant spear of light blasting down like a meteor from Heaven itself.. 

Gilgamesh brought up Ea to block, as Rhon collided with the flat of it's blade.

Another silver and red light blasted out.. and the earth cracked with tremendous reckoning.. the power of two gods colliding. 

Saber now brandished Excalibur in her left hand, letting it explode with power as she slashed both Rhon and Excalibur's blade in unison, beating Gilgamesh back.. before Gilgamesh countered with his own colossal attack.. 

The Earth baked, becoming black and burned.. molten magma bubbling up surrounding the two warriors as they exchanged blows. 

"Well, this is going to be enjoyable!!" roared Gilgamesh. "LET US DANCE A BIT LONGER!! ARTURIA!!!"


A giant.. black.. scar.. that was what burned across the field.. across the forests.. the result of a battle that was currently raging for hours on end..

Arturia and Gilgamesh were still clashing with each other.. each of them covered in dried blood, bruises.. their armor bent and damaged.. 

The both of them having not stopped fighting for around 7 hours.. 

flames raged all around the battle field as they stood before each other.. their eyes glaring fiercely at one another. 

And while this battle raged.. deep in the caves.. Mikoto huddled in a dark part of the rocky caves, panting hard.

The fight above, she could feel it.. and it scared her.. 

She.. the Railgun.. who had risked her life a ton of times on her own.. and had once been willing to give up her life to save her Sisters.. was SCARED.. of a battle beyond anything she had ever felt before.

And to top it off.. the battle had lasted for hours.. would Gilgamesh go down finally? Or.. was Saber fighting her last battle.. thinking about this made Mikoto fearful beyond anything.

Suddenly some of the rock shifted, Mikoto put a hand on her sword, sweating a little. Readying herself to fight Smaug, The Witch King, the Balrog.. any one of them. 

But the one who shifted aside the stone, was Mordred and Jeanne.

"MIKOTO!" Mordred exclaimed, embracing Mikoto. "When I saw Father fighting that golden bastard outside so heatedly, I was afraid you were caught in the crossfire.."

"Are you okay?" said Jeanne.

"Y.. yeah.." said Mikoto. "Whose winning?"

"Can't tell, they seem to be evenly matched." said Jeanne. "For now.. we need to get you out of here."

"Not just that.. guys.. we need to get back to Camelot.." Mikoto stammered. "There's something there.. we need to hide it.. destroy it.. SOMETHING.."

"What?" said Jeanne. 

"The REAL Holy Grail.. " said Mikoto.


Sieg leaped down into the cave.. followed by Future Mikoto. "You.. can't be serious.. the TRUE Holy Grail..? Able to grant ANY wish?"

Mikoto froze.. and she looked at her Future self. 

Future Mikoto also had the same frozen and bewildered look. 

"Sieg.. let's discuss this first.." Jeanne said carefully.

"What's there to discuss!?" Sieg said. "The truth is.. you were right about the Greater Grail.. the chances of it working were slim at best.. but this.. THIS can bring my sister back to life!! A True Miracle.. no cost.. no backlash!"

"You don't know that! We don't know the true nature of the REAL Holy Grail Master." said Future Railgun. "Please.. don't do anything rash!! Even real miracles have a cost!"

"Mikoto.. I order you to please shut up.." Growled Sieg, his eyes flashing.

"And I order her to not shut up!" growled Mordred.

"Uh.. thanks?" said Future Mikoto.

Sieg stared at Mordred. "How.. did you do that?"

"Even as her past self.. Mordred's relationship with me as Master and Servant is a special type.." said Future Mikoto. "I can obey her orders."

"Yeah.. and regardless of WHICH Mikoto it is.. if you ever order her to shut up again.. I'll chop your tongue of.." growled Mordred. "Take a break kid.. you're not acting like yourself! You're letting this Holy Grail business rob you of your judgement!"

"Rob me of my judgment!?? This coming from a woman who started a rebellion that should never have happened! And killed her own country in the process!?" roared Sieg.

Mordred's eyes went wide, and she let out a few sputtering words..  but in the end went silent.. as if she was hit in the head with an anvil. 

"That's TOO FAR!" Mikoto growled at Sieg. "This time.. I'M TELLING YOU TO SHUT UP!!"

Sieg gritted his teeth and turned away.

Mikoto looked at her future self. "Got a problem!?"

"Nope.. " said Future Mikoto, glaring at Sieg too. "Master.. you need to cool down! Go take a walk.."

"i'm not going to take a wa-."

"Master, I may be your Servant, but I can easily disobey your orders in spite of my contract and smack you silly!!" Future Mikoto growled. "TAKE A WALK.."

Sieg sighed and walked away hurriedly and frustrated. 

"I'm sorry.." said Future Mikoto, looking at Mordred. "Listen, he didn't mean it..  He's just angry.."

"Doesn't mean he wasn't right.." Mordred whispered.

Jeanne and the two Mikotos looked at each other..

Mikoto put a gentle hand on Mordred' shoulder. "Mordred, what's past is past.. but we have something else we need to do.. and the existance of humanity is depending on us.. 

Mordred heaved a breath. "Yeah, I know.. Come on. Jeanne can you get Sieg?"

"Sure." said Jeanne.  "Just get out of the cave quick.. "

"What about Saber!?" Mikoto said quickly. "She and Gilgamesh are so evenly matched right now.. I'm afraid they might kill each other..  well.. I hope Gilgamesh dies.. but I don't want Saber to-.."

"I'll cover it.." said Jeanne. "Go.."

"What are you going to do?" Future Mikoto asked

Jeanne sighed and smiled humorlessly. "Something very VERY stupid.."

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