Shielder Railgun

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"So... we're sharing a bedroom.." said Mikoto, her eye twitching slightly as Mordred closed the door behind them.

"got a problem with it?" said Mordred with a chuckle. 

"No.. I mean.. I've slept over with you before.. and Touma.. and Index.. but.. are they actually already doing this the day before we're married? Isn't there a 'taking it slow phase'?"

"You're my fiance.. I think fiances in whatever time period do sleep in the same bed together at this point!" said Mordred with a laugh.  

"Seriously Mordred.. this is for pretend right? Just to keep our cover.." said Mikoto

"Sure it is... completely just to keep our cover.." said Mordred. "No meaning in it.. "

"Right.." said Mikoto.

"EXCCEPT FOR THE FACT WE'RE GETTIN' MARRIED!" said Mordred with a laugh.

Mikoto slapped a hand to her face and sighed. "Yaaay.. wonderful.."

There was a soft knock on the door.. and Saber peered in. "Let's hurry this up.. I only just managed to sneak past Bedivere.. "

Saber walked in quietly, followed by Accelerator and Jeanne.

It had taken some convincing, especially since they had ended up in a wine barrel, but Saber managed to tell the entire Knights of the Round table that  Jeanne was an envoy from France, and Accelerator was her attendant. 

(Believe it or not, it is theorized that the legend of King Arthur might have been stolen from France, and France has taken a strong claim to it.. and considering the French role in Monty Python in the Holy Grail.. enough said XD)

Jeanne had quickly proved her Frenchiness with a few hasty sentences in the language of her homeland, and she and Accelerator were given guest quarters in the castle.

"Okay.. so let's start this meeting off." said Saber. as the group lounged about the room, Jeanne sitting at the foot of an armchair that Accelerator lazed around a bit on the armchair itself.

Mikoto and Mordred sat on the bed, as Saber took the armchair by the fire. Mikoto had to admit, Saber looked awfully beautiful dressed in a blue night dress, with her hair down in such a way.. Usually at the Tokiwadai Dorms she just wore blue pajamas with lion patterns all over them

"Now.. we're still missing Touma." said Saber. "Our first priority should be to find out where he ended up and reunite with him before he gets into some sort of trouble.. other than that.. we need to wait for Doctor Roman to contact us.. and find out at the same time where the Time Traveler.. or Travelers if there are more than one.. are.."

"I'd say we start by interviewing citizens across the land." said Mordred. "Somebody's bound to have seen something if somebody whose outside their own time was running around.."

"You don't know if they're doing it in disguise.." said Saber. "For all we know, they might have prepared extensively before coming to this time period.. "

Suddenly there was another knock on the door.. and Saber motioned for everyone to keep quiet, then nodded at Mikoto.

"Uh.. who is it?" Mikoto called out.

"Sir Galahad. I wished to check how our accommodations were suiting you.. is Mordred also there?" said the voice.

"Yeah I'm here." said Mordred. "They're suiting her just fine."

"Well then.. you don't mind if we take a walk? All three of us? I've been meaning to check on the guard, and if Sir Misaka is to be a knight as well.. she must be aware of these duties.."

Mordred sighed and looked at Saber who waved at her in a motion that said. 'go on.. don't take too long.'

"Sure." said Mordred. "Come on Mikoto let's go."

"Yeah.." said Mikoto who went out of her knight gown and straight into her servant form in a flash of light while Mordred donned her full armor.

Jeanne narrowed her eyes as she watched Mikoto transformed. Was it just her? Or had Mikoto not shown herself actually making her contracts with Mordred lately? She was just going straight into her Servant form... could she have-..?

Mikoto and Mordred walked out.. and Galahad was waiting for them.

He was all in all.. to Mikoto's eyes.. very similar looking to Mash.. with white colored hair that covered one of his eyes.. and of course armor that had a color scheme with the same sort of similarity. only he also bore a purple short cape on his shoulders.. and Lord Camelot, the massive shield on his back, was smidge smaller looking than Mash's own Lord Chaldeas version.  Actually, Mikoto had to admit, he was very handsome.. and in a different lifetime, she felt she might have crushed on him. 

Though.. Mordred held her own charm that Mikoto was sure Galahad couldn't compete wi-.. wait.. WHY THE HELL WAS SHE THINKING THAT!?

"Forgive me choosing such a time to call you on this errand." said Galahad as the three knights proceeded down the stone steps that were lit by torchlight. "It's just this is the first time we've had a female knight.. and I find it quite interesting.."

Mikoto tried to avoid looking at Mordred when Galahad said "first female knight" and nodded.  "Er no problem. I guess I have to learn how night shift works eventually.. so what are doing exactly?"

"We're going to relieve Sir Percival and Sir Lancelot at the Front Gate guard. Normally, four of us at a time manage leading the Night Guard.. 2 switching out every hour for sleep." said Galahad. "Sir Bedivere was supposed to join me tonight, but he insists on being at the King's side.. his attendant and all. And now he's yours too, as you are the King's daughter."

"Shnazzy." said Mikoto.

"Sh... shnazzy?"

"Uh... sorry, it's a term from my homeland.. it means.. um.. I'm not actually sure what it means." said Mikoto. 

"It's a fun word, that's all you need to know." said Mordred.

"Hmmm.. Shnazzy... it IS a fun word." said Galahad. "Huh.. Shnazzy.. shnazzzzzzzy... shhhhhnazzy... really rolls off the tongue.  It is very shnazzy indeed. "

The trio walked out into the nighttime grounds of the town.. It was still busy even at night, with people out and about drinking and laughing in taverns, or else rolling dice in the street.. in other words, the more shifty night time crowd. 

People bowed to Mikoto as passed, some of them looking at her with awed respect.

"You left quite an impression on the people.. what with your bloodline and how you were able to stand against Lancelot with that most impressive sword of yours." said Galahad. 

"She's a special person." said Mordred. "I'm not surprised.

"Indeed, I can see why you wanted to marry her Mordred." said Galahad. 

"Guys.. you're gonna make me blush.." Mikoto stammered as she felt the flattery wash over her. "Really, I still lost.."

"It's the Strongest Knight in Camelot, If you didn't lose I'd be incredibly surprised, and say that perhaps you should be king this instant." said Galahad with a humerous chuckle.

As they continued to walk, now into a very deserted area.. Mikoto noticed two hooded figures passing them by.. one of the shorter figures, about Mikoto's height looked at her as they passed.. and in that instant.. Mikoto's eyes widened.. as she saw her own shocked face beneath the hood..

Mikoto and the hooded figure possessing her face froze, staring at each other in deep shock..

"Mikoto come on.. what's the hold up?" Mordred said, looking back, as the second hooded figure looked back  as well, saying. "Saber.. come on we don't have all day.."

Mikoto drew out her sword and pointed at the other her's throat. "WHO ARE YOU!? ANSWER ME!?"

The other Mikoto gritted her teeth, and in a flash of powerful light.. Future Mikoto entered her Servant form and drew out her own Heaven Caliburn, also pointing it at her past self.

"HOLY SHIT!!!!" Mordred stammered. "WHAT!?"

"Two Misakas!?" stammered Galahad, drawing out his shield and the thin sword at his side. 

Sieg threw off his hood, looking slightly bewildered as he drew out a sword with a silver blade that was shaped like the jaw of a dragon.. with teeth running down the edge. "That's impossible.. their can't be a Mikoto Misaka in this time period.. that makes no sense!"

Mikoto looked at her Future Self, then at Sieg. "Don't tell me.. I'M one of the time travelers!?"

"I see." said Future Mikoto. "Chaldea from your time period must have sent you because we caused something in the future... hmm.. Master come on.. maybe we should put away our weapons and hear them out.. if Chaldea sent a past me... then the situation we caused by being here could be dire.."

"That's impossible.. I did the calculations myself.. there's no way our travelling or my goals should cause any significant change." said Sieg.

"Master?" said Mordred. "Wait.. you're Mikoto's master in the future?"

"Honestly Mordred, I'd say you're still my best master." said Future Mikoto, smiling at Mordred. "But yeah, he only recently summoned me, this is Sieg.. he's.. a bit of a dunderhead actually."

Sieg frowned at Future Mikoto. "Really? Come on.."

"It's true.. you're denser than Touma on several fronts!" said Future Mikoto, sticking her tongue out at Sieg playfully.

"This.. is confusing! Somebody's going to have to explain what's happening here!" stammered Galahad.

"I promise I'll  try to do that best I can." said Mordred, looking at Galahad. "But for now.. it would probably be nice if you could help us apprehend those two.. "

"Apprehend them peacefully.." said Mikoto. "Cause I take it Future Me and I are on the same page?"

"Yeah.. but it's my Master's call.. sorry about that." said Future Mikoto, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

"Yeah.. and my call is we don't get apprehended here." said Sieg. "I can't afford to let anybody stand in my way.. sorry.. "

"Sieg.. this is way too weird.. come on." said Mordred. "I know you.. you're supposed to be dead.. there's no way you're from the future.. come in and explain it to us.. we won't hurt you.."

"I'm sorry to say ... Mordred is it?.. But I'm not the man I resemble.." said Sieg. "The person you knew was a different one.. Saber, you don't remember being here right?"

"Yeah?" said Future Mikoto.

"Which means this is outside the normal Time Line right now.. " said Sieg. "Killing this version of your past self shouldn't kill you.. "

"Are you crazy Sieg!? This is serious! Let them help!" Future Mikoto stammered. 

"If we achieve our goals, everything will be put right, even their deaths." said Sieg. "You can wish it all yourself if you like.. Trust me Saber.. I care, I wouldn't ask you to fight yourself unless there wasn't another way.."

Future Mikoto groaned and drew her sword again. "Sorry.. you heard the guy.. and he's my master.. 

Future Mikoto exploded with immense lightning as Heaven Caliburn rose to the sky.. 

"Such power!!" stammered Mikoto. "Wait.. are you really me!?"

"Years of Experience and training far more extensive than what yours is now.. it'll do that.." said Future Mikoto as she flew forward, and their blades collided.

Mikoto felt her arms turn to jelly and mush.. the far more experienced future version's strength was incredible.. it felt like she was truly one with her sword..  a blow from her was like taking a blow from Excalibur itself.. 

Mikoto and Future Mikoto flashed in and out of view.. exchanging powerful electric blows.. as Mordred and Galahad stared, unable to do much.

"Help her!" stammered Mordred.

"Which one!? They look exactly the same!!" stammered Galahad.

"Help.. er.. Look for the less experienced one.. that should be our Mikoto!" stammered Mordred as she made to move forward. 

"SHEEEEEEN!!" suddenly a powerful roaring energy of yellow light, ripped across the street in front of Galahad and Mordred and Sieg landed in front of them, his eyes flashing as he twirled his unusual Dragon Jaw Blade. 

"Don't be insane.. ya plan on taking on both of us!?" growled Mordred as her blade glowed powerful red light. 

"Well.. yeah.. I might be a little insane on that front.." said Sieg. "But.. heck, Saber seems really preoccupied with sparring a little with her past self and such.. "

Sieg moved in.. displaying immense speed, as he and Mordred collided blades... sparks bursting from the attacks meeting.. 

Sieg displayed immense strength himself.. in fact, Mordred felt immense surprise herself.. he was actually far stronger than she remembered from the Sieg she had met during the Greater Grail Wars that had fought alongside Jeanne and Rider of Black..  in fact.. his strength was comparable to a Servant's!

"What the hell!?" Mordred stammered as she began to endure powerful blows that began to hammer her back, Clarent feeling heavier in her hands as they fought.  "What the heck kind of strength is.. this!?"

"Mordred!!" Galahad roared, coming in from behind.. slamming the upper part of his shield at Sieg.. using it to potentially hammer the boy into submission.

Sieg turned into a blur and reappeared in the air.. slashing down a powerful blast of energy from above before landing back to back with Future Mikoto, who had only just leaped back.

"I'm not strong enough to take on two knights of the Round Table.. and you seem pretty overpowered against Past you.." said Sieg. "Switch?"

"Sure.." said Future Mikoto as the duo turned around and charged towards opposite opponents. 

Future Mikoto's lightning blade hammered against Galahad's shield with a tremendous shock of power.. 

"DAMN!" Galahad roared, "That electricity.. my arm's... going numb just blocking her.. GRAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!"

Galahad was bathed in electric light as the electricity in Future Heaven Caliburn traveled through the metal in his shield.. coursing through his body.

There was an explosion of electric power and Galahad was sent flying onto his back, his body smoking.

"Holy hell.. " stammered Mordred, staring at Future Mikoto. "What kind of training have ya been taking in the future!?"

"Believe it or not.. training from you and Saber." said Future Mikoto with a pained look on her face. "Sorry about this."

Future Mikoto charged in, and she and Mordred exchanged powerful blows.. Mordred feeling electricity frying her insides with every blow.. an electrical pulse blasting out from the future Mikoto's body each time.. 

She was powerful.. REALLY powerful.. 

But Mordred could feel hesitation in every strike.. why was that? In any case.. hesitation was to her advantage.. 

Mordred let out a roar, and grabbed Future Mikoto's face with one hand, throwing her off balance with a thrust of her arm, before moving to slash her sword into Future Mikoto's neck..

But she stopped.. freezing up.. her hand shaking as Future Mikoto looked up at her.

Mordred finally understood why Future Mikoto had been hesitating.. she couldn't kill her.. she couldn't.. 

"D.. damn.. " Mordred stammered, her blade inches from Future Mikoto's neck. "Come on.. just stand down.."

"I can't.. Master's Orders.." said Future Mikoto. "Please Mordred.. don't hesitate.. Like Sieg said, we're outside the normal timeline right now.. killing me won't kill your Mikoto.. "

"It doesn't matter what Mikoto it is!! I can't!!" Mordred stammered.

"Yeah.. it doesn't matter what Mordred it is either.." Future Mikoto said, her lip trembling.. but eventually I need to carry out my Master's orders regardless.."

"Just stay down.. JUST STAY DOWN!!" Mordred roared as Future Mikoto moved forward. "MIKOTO STAY DOWN!!!"

Mordred had just made a horrible mistake..

Immediately, the Present Mikoto who had been exchanging blows with Sieg froze and knelt down..

"Huh!?" said Mikoto, as Mordred and Future Mikoto stared with shock.

"SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNN!!" blood splattered over the ground as Sieg's blade cut Mikoto down.. and she fell to the ground.. bleeding out and coughing.

"Your orders.. that's right.. she has to obey you.." stammered Future Mikoto. "oh god.. I'm sorry!"

"Stand down Mordred." said Sieg calmly. "It's two against one now.. and my Saber already outmatches you.."

"Sieg.. enough!" stammered Future Mikoto. "We can just retreat now.. we don't need to fight! There's enough blood on our hands already! Please!!"

Sieg's face softened when he looked at his servant's pleading face. "Fine.. let's go.. "

Suddenly, there was an explosion of massive power as Mordred let out a scream of hatred, and her armor was cast aside.. so that her female form was revealed.

"SHUT UP!! YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!! SIEG!!!" Mordred roared, a powerful light in her eyes. "IF YOU'RE REALLY A MAN.. THEN YOU'LL TAKE ME HERE.. JUST YOU AND ME!!!"

There was a pause, then Sieg sighed. "Alright.. "

"Sieg.." said Future Mikoto.

"Sorry.. but, I really can't back down from a man's challenge.." said Sieg as he twirled his sword skillfully. "Just who I am.."

"Yeah.. and it's annoying.." muttered Future Mikoto. "There's a time and place for that you know.. "

Sieg and Mordred launched forward, this time, with Mordred's helmet gone, she was able to release the full power of Clarent Full Blooded Grudge.. her blade exploding with red and black power as she slammed it into Sieg's Dragon Jaw Blade. 

Power exploded against the two blades as they slashed and tore at each other.. shockwaves radiating outwards. Sieg wasn't as strong as Future Mikoto, but he was definitely in a class all his own.. keeping up with Mordred easily.

How did an ordinary mortal? Even one with Dragon's Blood, get this strong!? What was the future like!? No.. Mordred didn't care about that.. the fact that a person who could so easily hurt Mikoto like that without a single ounce of remorse was Future Mikoto's master... this was unforgivable.. somebody like this.. could only harm his servant!

"I know what you're feeling." said Sieg as he and Mordred exchanged blows. "But I'm sorry.. I have to emotionally detach myself for this mission.. you need to understand that.."

"FUCK MISSIONS!" Mordred roared. "You're nothing but a bastard who wouldn't think twice about harming Mikoto!! AND SHE'S YOUR SERVANT NOW!!! That just makes all the more clear that I have ta KILL YOU NOW!!!"

Sieg suddenly let out a skillful thrust.. and Mordred grasped her side, crying out in pain as she tumbled onto the ground next to the bleeding Mikoto.

"Sorry about this.. but this mission is too important to let anybody stand in my way.." said Sieg, thrusting out his sword and charging up power into it.."

"Sieg.. Mordred is the initiator of a major event in Camelot's history.." stammered Future Mikoto. "YOU CAN'T KILL HER!!! STOP!!"

Sieg closed his eyes momentarily.. then.. "This is more important.. sorry Saber.."

Sieg sent a ginormous light exploding from his blade.. and as he did.. Mordred clutched Mikoto in her arms tightly.. as she took Lord Camelot from Galahad who was lying nearby..

"I.. will .. protect you... no matter what.. " Mordred gasped as she slammed the shield down in front of her and Mikoto. "No.. matter.. WHAT!!"

Suddenly.. as Mordred's Desire to protect ignited.. Mikoto opened her eyes.. and a tremendous electric light blasted out around her.. 

"KAAABOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" A different shield than Lord Camelot suddenly slammed down in front of Mordred and the shield she held.. a figure holding it..  This one resembling Lord Camelot.. however, it's rounded parts were made of a beautiful glowing gold.. with a crown symbol on the front.. resembling a certain crown that was usually on an arcade coin used for Railguns.. 

Mikoto had changed.. she now wore skimpy knight's armor similar to Mash's Servant form.. only with golden highlights... and parts of it bore slightly more armor.  And her body seemed a little more mature.. she had even grown a couple inches.. and her chest was more.. well.. yeah.. slightly bigger.

The energy blast turned into golden lightning.. and after being converted into electricity, it was immediately absorbed into the shield like a sponge..

"What the!?" stammered Sieg. "You.. have a Shielder Form!?"

"I have a Shielder Form!?" said Future Railgun. 

"You don't remember!?" stammered Sieg.

"Come on.. like you said.. we're outside different timelines now! It's gonna get weird!" said Future Mikoto.

"S.. Senpai!" stammered Shielder Railgun, looking back at Mordred, who dropped Lord Camelot, her jaw open.  "Are you okay? Y-you're not hurt too badly are you?!"

Shielder Railgun's voice sounded far more passive and shy then Mikoto usually did.. as if she had also become far more insecure.

"Did.. you just call me Senpai?" said Mordred, blinking. 

"Y.. yeah?" said Shielder Railgun, blushing, and hugging her shield with both arms.. "I.. I'm sorry.. I'm.. not sure why I'm like this.. I.. just feel a little less secure.. I.. I.. SORRY!"

"What are you apologizing for!? That was amazing!!!" Mordred stammered. "I mean.. a Shielder Form!? Super Cool!!"

Shielder Railgun smiled bashfully. "It was nothing...  Please.. allow me to protect you now Senpai!!"

"Hmm.. don't interfere Saber.." said Sieg. "i'm.. curious.."

"That makes two of us.." said Future Mikoto brightly, looking at her Shielder Form with a sense of wonder. 

Sieg charged in.. light exploding from his sword.. and as he struck with multiple attacks, Shielder Railgun raised her shield up.. blocking the multiple strikes with the shield's massive surface.. 

Shockwaves exploded from each attack.. and as they exchanged blows, Sieg yelled out. "COME ON!! DON'T TELL ME ALL YOU'RE GOOD FOR IS BLOCKING MY ATTACKS!! ANY SHIELDER CAN DO THAT.. RARE AS THEY ARE!!"

"G.. geh.." Shielder Railgun's eyes widened, looking fearful. "am.. I not strong enough? I.. I.. can I not protect my friends? Am I not good enough for Touma and Mordred? Am.. I..?"

Mordred understood now.. her desire to protect had traveled on Mikoto's AIM Field.. combining with the energy from Lord Camelot... creating Shielder Railgun. However, Mikoto despite being a brave and strong willed individual, had many insecurities concerning if she could protect her friends, which could be noted just by looking at Railgun Alter.  Transforming into Shielder Railgun had transformed her into a manifestation of all her insecurities..  (which probably explained the larger bust size and older appearance.. )

"DON'T THINK THAT!!" Mordred roared. "You're strong enough!! You're more than strong enough!! Hell your Future self beat the hell out of Galahad in one blow.. you have the potential! You just have to unlock it!! Think only about what you want to protect... don't think about whether you can.. just think that you must!"

"R.. Right.. !" stammered Shielder Railgun. "I.. WILL PROTECT YOU!!!"

Shielder Railgun began to stand her ground.. not moving her legs now, as she stood in place, blocking Sieg's blows with precise movements from her shield.. even moving her shield around her body to block flanks. 

"She's still just blocking.." muttered Sieg as he attacked. "What is she up to.. wait.. my blows?"

Sieg noticed that as he hit the shield.. each time, an electric spark appeared in the area his blade hit.. 

Then he remembered how the shield had absorbed his energy blast earlier.

"Don't tell me.. is her shield converting my attacks into electric energy? Even the physical attacks!? That can't be good.. I gotta stop trying to hit her.. and plan out a way to catch her off guard!"

Sieg launched himself back, narrowing his eyes as Future Mikoto folded her arms. 

"Problem?" said Future Mikoto.

"That other you's even more of an enigma.. her shield's an attack sponge.. converts every single blow into electric energy and then stores it.. but the question is.. for what.." said Sieg. 

"FOOOOOOMMMM!!" Suddenly Shielder Railgun dashed forward at immense speed, and let out a roar as she hurled the edge of her shield at Sieg

"KAABOOOMMMMMMM!!!" Sieg let out a cry of surprise as he blocked the shield with his blade.. sparks grinding out. as electric energy poured into the shield once more.


Shielder Railgun slashed and slammed her giant shield down upon Sieg, who was forced to block before leaping away.. and as he leaped back, Shielder Railgun slammed her shield down on the ground as she took a kneeling position.. golden sparks rippling over the surface of the shield. 

"Show them our will? Yes We Shall!! Our home Our Hearth, Our protection, Our shelter. The Gods Will Shield us From harm!" Mikoto roared. "THEIR BLOWS WILL ONLY STRENGTHEN OUR BONDS!!! HOLY CAMELOT!!!"

The large golden circle that was the center of the shield glowed with immense light.. and a ginormous electric plasma beam exploded from it.. like a cannon. 

The giant beam grew more massive in size.. covering the entire street as it burst forward. 

"Absorb attacks.. send them back at em.. cliche." said Sieg as the attack approached.

"I've got this!" said Future Mikoto, drawing Heaven Caliburn and jumping in front of the blast. "Just focus on retreating for now! We shouldn't have stayed to fight anyways!"

But as Future Mikoto charged at the blast, her blade thrusting forward.. the electric beam suddenly veered 90 degrees, and WENT AROUND Future Mikoto.. 

"HUHH!?" Future Mikoto stammered, her eyes wide. "D-don't tell me.. it's a Target Seeking beam!?"

Sieg stared, his mouth agape as the beam went around his Servant and continued flying at him. "SHIT!!"

"KAAABBBOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!" Sieg took the blast full on.. and exploded into a nearby house with an explosion of light..

"MASTER!!" stammered Future Mikoto. 

Sieg rose from the wreckage, gasping for breath, and grinning, his clothes torn.. electric burns on his body. "That.. was a very good attack.. that's quite the Noble Phantasm.. huh.. Holy Camelot..Heaven Caliburn.. Saber, your Noble Phantasms really take on the goddess theme don't they?"

"Oh shut up!" Future Mikoto stammered as she landed next to Sieg and helped him to his feet, putting his arm over her shoulder. 

"How the hell did he survive a blow from that?" Mordred stammered. "Even I wouldn't survive that..  all his combined absorbed attacks being thrown back at him in one giant blow.."

"D.. Did I not do good Senpai?" stammered Shielder Railgun.

"no you did fine.. you're actually kinda cute like this.." said Mordred, grinning. 

"EEEEP!" Shielder Railgun went super red and hid behind her shield like a frightened rabbit. 

"Oh god.. I take that back.. that is INSANELY cute.." Mordred whispered, as a drop of blood began to trickle down her nose and her hands quivered. 

"Do.. do you think.. maybe Touma would think I'm cute too?" squeaked Shielder Railgun as she peeked out a little from behind Holy Camelot. 

"We'll leave for now.." said Sieg, calling down to Mikoto and Mordred. "Sorry for the trouble we've caused.. but my mission bares an importance that goes beyond normal Chaldea policy.. tell Director Olga that she might want to do a little more digging before interfering in me and Saber's work.. "

SHEEEEEENNNN!!" suddenly a powerful wind surged up.. as a long spear with a banner upon it was thrown down in front of Sieg and Future Mikoto with immense force, cracking the ground.. as it's banner waved in the wind, a powerful light glowing around it..

"SIEG!!!" the owner of the banner landed lightly next to her weapon, glaring at Sieg with tears in her eyes.. 

Jeanne D' Arc stared at the face of what must have been her lover from long ago. "Sieg.. is.. that really you!? ANSWER ME!!"

"Jeanne's here too?" Future Mikoto stammered. "Wait.. that means.."

"Don't move Mikoto.. I don't think it would be wise.." Saber appeared, walking out from behind a house, Excalibur drawn. "I don't want to hurt you.. differing time line or not.."

Accelerator strolled out next to Saber, glaring intently at Sieg.

"Sieg.. you disappeared.. I waited.. for so long.." Jeanne whispered. "Come on.. tell me.. why are you here now? Why are you attacking our friends?! How are you Mikoto's future master!?"

Sieg sighed.. "I'm aware.. that you knew and fell in love with the Sieg of past time period.. am I right? I'm sorry.. I'm not that Sieg..  I wish I could explain Ruler.. but.. I don't have time to mess around here..."

Sieg held up a finger. "Dark Tarot Shift.."

"KAAAAAPHOOOOMMM!!" A massive smoke blast erupted around Future Mikoto and Sieg.. created by a magic spell.. 

When the cloud cleared, they were gone..

"S-Sieg.."  whispered Jeanne, her mind now filled with the greatest confusion.. 

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