The Cherry Blossoms drift over the Battlefield.

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(UGGGH! Finally.. I get to debut this character.. I've been barely holding myself in for excitement from the start of book 2)

"hmph.. to think.. Our contact would betray us.. though I suppose it was expected.." The Witch King muttered as He and Saruman walked down the dirt path leading away from their demolished army.  "Such a waste.. but perhaps we can use this.."

"Indeed.. Lancelot is bound to have unlocked the path to camelot as we were busy with our troubles." said Saruman. "if we hurry unseen.. perhaps we can follow.."

"Don't bother.."

Gilgamesh appeared out of the forest.. clutching his arm, panting. "The idiots have an ally stronger than any of us.. we'd be fools to try now.."

"Gilgamesh?" said Saruman. "i suppose it has something to do with the giant dead manatee that somehow appeared on top of our army.."

"The one who summoned it is a ridiculous entity who enjoys tormenting others in ridiculous mannerisms.." muttered Gilgamesh. "I admit.. for once in my life.. I met somebody who I was absolutely no match for.. I don't think he'll bother us.. but.. I'm taking caution.."

"Gilgamesh.. take caution? Indeed if even the arrogant you can feel fear of this.. entity.. perhaps we should chalk this up as a loss and return to our time period." said Saruman.

"No.." said the Witch King. "I've come too far.. I cannot give up now.."

"Don't be foolish My Lord.." said Saruman. "We musn't be hasty.."

"Haste has nothing to do with it.. I will slay Lancelot where he stands and drink his blood.. and then.. I will stab my blade through that false king's chest.. " rasped The Witch King.. "May my horrors dispose of them ALL!!"

The earth began to tremble around the Witch King of Angmar earth crumbling..  and Gilgamesh's eyes widened.

This servant was far stronger than he originally surmised.. Even to him the King of Heroes


"Hmmm.. interesting.. very interesting.." said Prankster as he twirled the Lance Rhongomyniad in his hand. 

Saber and Jeanne watched as Prankster continued to twirl the lance around..

"Are you done yet?" asked Saber as she raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, it's just, it seems like this world operates on slightly different physics than I'm used to." said Prankster. "A universe that his held together by a lance or tower rather than the essence of a Soul Society.. how very unusual.." 

"Can.. I have my lance back..?" Muttered Saber.

"You said that you reckon everything's cool now right?" said Prankster. "no more hillbilly crackpots trying to ruin the future? "

"Well.. yes.. supposedly.. all that's left is to convince Sieg to go home.." said Jeanne.

"Then ya don't need Ron Weasely-.."

"Rhongomyniad." said Saber.

"Whatever." said Prankster. "Ya don't need Ronald Rump here to complete your task.. so.. you don't mind if I borrow it for a bit do ya? For.. important Twilight Prankster business?"

"I suppose.. you've earned the right.." Saber muttered uneasily. 

"THANKS PAL!! WHOOHOOO!! GIANT DINOSAUR SHISHKABOB PARTY HERE I COME!! Don't worry, this baby will be BACK in your armory by midnight!" Prankster cackled as he exploded into smoke and confetti, taking the lance with him.

"How similar is he to his version in the present?" Muttered Jeanne. 

More or less the same.. though I didn't have any idea he could do.. er.. that.." said Saber, as she brushed some streamers and confetti off her armor. 

"He's an enigma.. I don't suppose we'll ever figure out WHAT he is exactly." Jeanne said, scratching her chin. "Perhaps we should get back to the castle..? The others must be worried.."

"Indeed they must be." said Saber. "Let's hurry back.. we can continue to run tirelessly and quickly as Servants, so let us do so.."


Saber and Jeanne ran at top speed.. racing past hillsides and forests with speeds that far exceeded that of the swiftest horse.

At that moment.. Saber began to feel an unease within her.. a sort of horrible unease one does not get rid of easily.. as if.. as if she somehow knew..

Mikoto was in trouble..

"I can't shake it.." muttered Saber. "is this.. Mother's intuition?"

"Arturia?" said Jeanne. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know.. but we need to pick up the pace." said Saber, now running faster.

"Can do.." said Jeanne, running to keep up.. 

As Saber continued to run forward, she felt a swift approaching shadow behind her.. 

"Jeanne.. go on ahead.." Saber whispered. "Find the others.. make sure they're safe.. "

"A.. Arturia?" Whispered Jeanne. 

"They're coming.. this battle isn't over yet like we surmised.." Saber said. "GO!!! Take care of Mikoto for me!!!"

Saber skidded to  a halt, drawing Excalibur as suddenly, the ginormous winged mount of the Witch King dove down.. screeching.. a dark horrid shadow across the plains..

"SCCCCCCCCRRRRRRRRAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!"  the Nazgul's Mount lashed out it's talons viciously, but Saber sent an explosive strike of magic blasting straight into the monster.. smashing it into the ground..

The Witch King leaped from his mount.. drawing a terrible black sword as 8 more Nazgul appeared, surrounding Saber.

"Arturia.. King of Britain.. a quivering woman who dares to stand against the plans of our great lord.. you will DIE.." The Witch King growled.

"I don't fear you." Saber growled. "You avoided me when we fought.. and focused on the other knights.. if anything.. you feared me.. "

"Hahahahaha.. it was merely tactical.." said The Witch King.  "Part of my power makes me immune to death when facing male opponents.. I am the dark king no man can kill.."

"I remember now.. you were killed by Eowyn in the stories weren't you..?" said Saber. "Mikoto told me... so you are vulnerable against women? You must be quite the pervert.."

"SSSSS.. throw you insults all you like Arturia." said the Witch King. "But just because I CAN be killed.. doesn't mean I will be.. I will have your death in vengeance for your meddling.."

The 8 other Nazgul charged in, slashing their dark blades at Saber, dark energy exploding from them with immense power.

Saber ducked and weaved and parried the blades with Excalibur. Each one of them were powerful.. but Saber was able to fight against all of them, the King of Knights proving her mettle.

"How does it feel.. to know that our spy will KILL your daughter?" said the Witch King in his shadowy demonic voice. "how does it feel to know that she will bleed..?"

"Your spy.. I interrogated him.. he isn't going to harming ANYONE!!" Saber roared as she sent out a stab with her blade.. creating a surging energy blast that blasted through 3 Nazgul at once.. causing them to disappear.. 

"HAHAHAHA! That spy was merely the spy of a spy.. Arturia Pendragon.. I wonder.. how many Servants do you know time traveled back to this period?" 

Arturia leaped back, panting, as she cleaved a giant blast through the other five Nazgul, destroying them. "What!?"

The Witch King drew his own dark blade out, his silver crown glinting in the setting sun as dark energy began to trail from his sword..  "You remember the fourth Holy Grail war? Arturia? You think.. he still holds a grudge? heheheheheheh.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

Saber's eyes went wide with horror. "No.."

"HE WILL SPILL HER BLOOD UPON THE ALTER THAT LEADS TO THE TRUE GRAIL.. AND YOU WILL HOLD HER CORPSE IN YOUR ARMS.. NEVER TO FEEL LIFE IN IT AGAIN!!" Roared the Witch King. "or.. not.. that's only if you live long enough to make it back.."

The Witch King raised his blade to the sky. "Darkness Gather, The Nine Ride Again, The Black Captain of the Nazgul brings out the horrors of Minas Morgul... MORGUL BLADE!!!"

The Witch King of Angmar slashed his blade downwards.. and a giant blast of explosive dark energy rippling with whispers and tormented screams rippled towards Saber.

Saber let out a scream and unleashed Excalibur's full power upon the blast.. 

An explosion shook the place.. and Saber stared at the resulting crater with shock. Morgul Blade's power was almost a match to Excalibur.. 

"A Morgul Blade is that of darkness and poison.. it is not of the Mortal Realm.." the Witch King growled. "I will show you how THOROUGH it is.."

The Witch King flashed forward and his blade collided with Saber's.. the two exchanging powerful blows.. shockwaves of light and darkness blasting out from each strike. 

"Are you prepared to watch her DIE?" whispered the Witch King. "To watch her suffer?"

"She will not die this day.." said Saber. "I have one trusted friend on the way.."

"Jeanne D' Arc.. what chance does she stand against the Knight of Knights?" said the Witch King with a chuckle. 

"I have faith in her.." said Saber. "For.. out of all of us.. She is the most Knightly of all!! She fights only for the sake of the oppressed and the weak.. she is unwavering in her resolve... She.. would've been a greater knight than Lancelot himself had she joined the Round Table!!"

"Hollow words.. she is merely a poor girl waving a banner in the air.." rasped the Witch King.

"We shall see!" Saber roared as Excalibur blazed with light.

At that, The Witch King and Saber charged each other again..


"Okay... come on... let's.. try this again!!" Mordred muttered as she put her feet on the stone wall again and began pulling hard.. 

Her chained wrists were already immensely bruised and blackened from her pushing.. her sleeve cuffs torn in that area.

"Stop it Mordred.. you're only hurting yourself." said Sir Gawain.

"Indeed, ripping your hands off won't help Mikoto." said Percival

"Then what the hell do ya wanna do? Sit around? Debate our existence in the universe!?" Mordred growled. "While Mikoto's busy BLEEDING TO DEATH!?"

"She's a Servant, she'll regenerate right?" said Percival. 

"There's a limit to how much a Servant can heal too Percy ya jackass!!" Mordred roared. "Look at Mikoto.. has that pool of blood stopped growing!!?"

"No it hasn't.." Gawain said. "Come on everyone..  think.. before Mordred breaks her wrists and our lady dies..  how do we get out of this!?"

"We've already spent hours trying everything." said Percival. "What is there left to try?"

"If Mikoto still has strength in her.. perhaps she can help us help her..That Berserker form was somehow able to break the chains.. " said Gawain.

"yeah, she isn't getting up any time soon.." muttered Bedivere.

"But.. she wasn't stronger than Lancelot.. or.. she was about his equal.. for all we know." said Gawain. "Perhaps her lightning did something special that could break Camelot Steel. "

"Yeah." Mordred muttered. "But it's not like any of us can produce special electricity.. wait a minute.. I've got an idea.."

"Yeah?" said Gawain.

"Yep.. here it is..." said Mordred. "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.. LET GO OF MEEEEEEEEE!!!!"

Mordred began kicking and flinging herself around furiously. 

"that's your plan?" muttered Percival.


A bar of soap was stuffed in Mordred's mouth.. 

"Don't cus!!" stammered Jeanne haughtily, standing in front of the knight.

"J.. JEAANE!" stammered Mordred spitting out the soap. "Wait.. where'd you get a bar of soap..?"

"I always carry one on me in case of Accelerator." said Jeanne, blushing slightly.

"The French Girl!" stammered Percival. "Yes! Help us out!"

Jeanne pulled out what looked like a rusty dungeon key. "I found this on my way down.. maybe this will work?"

Jeanne began fiddling with Mordred's chains first.. finding a lock and trying to stick the key in.. only to find it's end broke off ..

"Oh come on.." Jeanne muttered. 

"Nevermind me or the others.." Mordred growled. "Just tend to Mikoto please.."

"R-Right.." Jeanne stammered as she ran over to Mikoto, turning her over..

Jeanne felt nauseous as she looked at Mikoto's brutally beaten face. Such horrible pain she must have endured.. but thankfully, Mikoto was still breathing feebly.. however no medicine at all could help her.. they were not in a time period that could produce that sort of thing.  In fact.. Mikoto was indeed dying..

There was only one thing Jeanne knew of that could heal her.. and it was what everyone had come here for...

Jeanne herself had rushed into this passageway behind the Throne of Camelot when she came in.. immediately feeling the worst when she saw the blood drops leading here.. but she could double back for help.. the others were still outside right?

No.. there wasn't time.. the passage leading down here was incredibly long already.. the only wa to go was forward.. 

The Holy Grail was the only thing that could save Mikoto's life now..

"Mordred.. I'll be back.. I swear.. and Mikoto will be alright.." Jeanne said, taking Mikoto in her arms gently and making her way to the stairs. 

"Jeanne! Lancelot's down there.. he's gone crazy.. he'll kill the both of you!" Mordred stammered.

Jeanne smiled. "Worry not.. I have one last trick up my sleeve.."

Jeanne began to make her way down the steps..

"Jeanne.. I swear.. if you're going to use the Noble Phantasm I think you're going to use... JEANNE... OI!! JEEEEAAANNNEEE!" Mordred roared as Jeanne continued to run down the spiral stairs.. 

Jeanne smiled as she ran down the dark hallway that was directly below the staircase. "I'm sorry Accelerator.. Last Order.. but if I can give my life to save her's... I will.. for she is one of those most deserving of it."

Mikoto groaned. "J-Jeanne..? Wh...what.. are.. you?"

"Calm down.. save your strength.. hold on to your life." said Jeanne. "I am going to save you.."

Jeanne hurried over to a glowing light.. and stepped in to find herself  standing in a massive round room..  filled with glyphs of varying size.. 

"This place.. " Murmured Jeanne, before she stopped before a massive alter with stairs going up to something shimmering..

It was a grubby, dusty looking wooden goblet, aged and simple..  and next to it.. was a jug filled with red wine..

Of course this was what it was.. When Jesus had the Last Supper with his Disciples, there were no golden goblets, fancy silverware, or anything like that. Jesus was a carpenter after all.. why would the cup he drank from be anything but an ordinary peasant class goblet?

But Jeanne wasn't focused on that.. no.. she was focused on Berserker Lancelot.. who stood before the Grail on the alter.. his helmet off, his body quivering.

"This.. is.. A JOKE!!" Lancelot roared. "The grail was supposed to grant any wish.. and yet.. LOOK!!!"

Lancelot held out his arms. "My wounds are gone.. this doesn't grant wishes.. it merely heals you of your ailments!!!"

Jeanne blinked with shock, then she laughed. "Hahaha.. of course.. of course it does. Why would Christ grant something the power to destroy or recreate? Why would he give one man the power to destroy the creation he loves? It seems.. as if the legend was embellished into something foolish over the years.. "

"WHAT!?" stammered Lancelot. "But.. the singularity.. the vanishing of Mankind!!"

"Yes.. that apparently is caused by some sort of anomaly in this time period.. but it might not be you.. " said Jeanne. "And it certainly isn't the Grail..  so if you would step aside.. I need the contents of that grail to heal my friend.. I don't wish to fight.. but if you leave me no choice I will have to destroy you.."

"DESTROY ME!?" Lancelot laughed. "Fool.. FOOOOLL!!! I will kill you both where you stand!!"

Lancelot stepped forward, and Jeanne set Mikoto down behind her.. and began to put her hand on the pommel of the sword sheathed at her side.

"I'm warning you.." Jeanne said ominously. "If you attack.. and I draw this sword, there's no going back..  without any question.. you will be destroyed.. "

"DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!!!" roared Lancelot slamming his fist against the back wall of the alter.. shattering it..

Jeanne stared with shock.. as the wall crumbled down.. and Lancelot, noticing Jeanne's stare, looked where she was looking.

Hidden within the wall..was a small velvet pillow on top of an old alter  was a dark black goblet made of black oak.. it's stem looked like that of twisted roots..  and dark mud-like liquid slopped around within.. churning even though there was nothing disturbing the liquid. 

Lancelot grinned wildly as he read the inscription upon the cup. "Miracle... it says miracle.. on here.."

"What.. is  that!?" stammered Jeanne.

"The true Grail.. the TRUE GRAIL I'VE SEARCHED FOR!!!" roared Lancelot. "So the tails of Uther are true... there was a cup touched by Christ.. and one... touched by the Devil!!"

Lancelot picked up the Dark Grail, the contents within swishing around. "This.. is what will grant my miracle!!! This will wipe out all that have hurt me.. all that have ripped me and dear Guinevere apart.. yes.. YES.. YEEEEESSSSSS!!!"

As Lancelot rejoiced and laughed, the Holy Grail and the jug of wine were knocked off the alter.. and sent tumbling to the floor, rolling to Jeanne's feet.

Jeanne sheathed her blade..  the Noble Phantasm that she hid unless all other ways were lost to her.. and immediately she uncorked the jug and poured wine into the grail. She then poured a little into Mikoto's open mouth..

"Come on Mikoto.." Jeanne whispered. "Speak to me!"

"EVENT GEKOTA!! OUT IN THREE DAYS!!!" Mikoto screamed, sitting up abruptly. "Eh?"

Mikoto stared at Jeanne. "I.. er.. just remembered the Event Gekota that was supposed to be out in three days in our time.. "

Jeanne and Mikoto stared at each other for a second... then the two of them laughed.

"Jeanne..  I don't know how to thank you!" Mikoto stammered.

"Don't thank me yet." said Jeanne looking up at Lancelot, who was still laughing. "What do you think.. ? Would we be able to take him down working together?"

"He was able to smash through my defenses easily.." Mikoto muttered. "I'm not sure.."

"Berserkers are powerful against all 7 normal classes.. but the both of us are capable of accessing classes that aren't part of the norm." said Jeanne.  "Mikoto.. do you get what I mean?"

"Oh.. not that gain.." Mikoto moaned. 

"Please Mikoto.."

"Oh fine.." Mikoto exploded with golden light.. and Shielder Railgun emerged, blushing and clutching her shield awkwardly. "p-please.. d-don't hit too hard.. eep.."

"Have confidence.. you can do it." said Jeanne. 

"Wh-what do I do!?"

"Protect me.. Remember.. Protect me.." said Jeanne. "That's all you need to do.."

"R.. Right!" stammered Shielder Railgun as Jeanne charged forward.

"These contents.. will grant my wish!" whispered Lancelot as he began to tip the lip of the cup to his mouth. 

"HYYYYYYAAAAAAHHHHH!" Jeanne launched over Lancelot's head and slashed her spear downwards, the banner flowing from it as she toppled Lancelot over, causing him to drop the grail, letting it clatter to the ground... it's muddy contents spilling on the floor

"YOU BITCH!!!!" Lancelot slashed his sword at Jeanne, only to have Mikoto suddenly come in between the two, using her powerful Holy Camelot to block the blade immediately. 

Shielder Railgun slammed her shield into Lancelot, knocking him back with large. "I'M SORRY!!! EEEEP!!"

"GOOD JOB MIKOTO!!" Jeanne roared. "TOGETHER NOW!!"

Jeanne hurried in.. providing a powerful set of attacks.. and each time Lancelot would attempt to counter, Shielder Railgun would jump in, blocking every blow.. 

Jeanne looked at Mikoto's shield after the fifth blocked blow.. it's surface was sparking, which meant Holy Camelot had definitely built up plenty of power by now.. Arondight was definitely able to provide such incredible energy.. 

"Mikoto.. keep your shield charging.. wait for my cue!" Jeanne said. "Got it?"

"Y-yes.. Jeanne Senpai!"

"S.. Senpai..?" stammered Jeanne, blushing.  Darnit.. what a cute servant..

Jeanne dodged a powerful rampant sword strike from Lancelot. she needed a good place to corner Lancelot and unleash Mikoto's Noble Phantasm..   Then she saw it..  the hallway leading into the room.. it was narrow.. he wouldn't be able to dodge to the sides.. he'd only be able to go further down.. which wouldn't let him avoid the blast..

"FOLLOW MY LEAD!" Jeanne exclaimed to Mikoto. 

Jeanne leaped under Lancelot's arm and situated herself in front of the doorway. Lancelot didn't know how Shielder Railgun's Noble Phantasm worked yet..  he wouldn't suspect such an obvious strategy.. 

"Are you truly the Knight of Knights Lancelot!?" roared Jeanne. "or be you a coward!?"

Lancelot took the bait, roaring in fury and running forward..

Jeanne leaped over the powerful servant who charged into the hall. 

"NOW MIKOTO!!" Jeanne roared.

"HOLY CAMELOT!!!!" Mikoto fired a massive beam of electricity from her shield into the hall.. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Lancelot roared.. before the blast enveloped him...

For a moment.. only sparks and dust whisped from the hall..

"Whew.. we're good.." Mikoto muttered. 

"No.." said Jeanne, her eyes widening. "I feel him.. He's... "

"RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Lancelot raged out.. his armor half melted, electrical burns hissing all over his face..

"EEEEEEEKKKK!!" Shielder Railgun fell back in fear, her eyes wide, the horrible look of the injured Lancelot, Her shield fell slack, her mouth agape with fear.

"MIKOTO!!!" Jeanne roared ramming Shielder Railgun out of the way as Lancelot smashed into the alter with a ginormous stone crushing crash.

"GRRAAAHhh... GRAAAAAAAHHHH!!" Lancelot, now in full Madness Enhancement, turning around furiously.. 

"Will.. a-anything take him down?" squeaked  Shielder Railgun. 

"Just stay strong.." Jeanne stammered. "If it comes down to it.. I need you to run and leave me.. I have one Noble Phantasm left that's guaranteed to win.. "

"B.. but?" said Mikoto. "G.. Guaranteed wins usually have a catch Senpai.. "

"Yes.. It'll destroy me.." said Jeanne. "But if I don't use it.. maybe we'll both end up dead.."

"N-NO!" Mikoto stammered. ".. I.. I WON'T LOSE!! I won't let you destroy yourself JEANNE SENPAI!!"

Mikoto raised Holy Camelot above her head.. and another electromagnetic dome exploded around her.. and Lancelot slammed her sword against it.. unable to penetrate the powerful force. "DAMN IT!! YOU TWO BITCHES WILL DIE BY MY HAND!!"

Lancelot began smashing his entire body against the shield, ripping his way through the powerful electric dome.. his armor turning molten and burned as he forced his way through. 

Jeanne shivered and put a hand on the pommel of her sword again.. slowly drawing it. "Mikoto.. prepare to run.. "

"B-But Senpai!!" Mikoto stammered.

"I won't be the one.. to look Arturia in the eye.. and tell her I let her daughter die!! Not in Avalon.. not in the world of the living.." Jeanne stammered. "JUST GO!!"

A tear began to trickle down Mikoto's face. "So.. somebody help... SOMEBODY HELP US!!"

Mikoto's cry reached through the echoing cavern.. and one person heard.. one curious person.. who had been wondering exactly who Jeanne was trying to save.. and came looking himself..

The Past Twilight Prankster levitated invisible above the scene, his arms folded his voice silent.. 

"You look like Fulgy.. a lot like her.. but it's too early for her to have reincarnated by now.. another version of her perhaps? If so... all ya needed to do was ask... hmmm.. I can't do anything too extravagant.. I've outstayed my interference in this world.. for now... since Time Travel is involved there's a limit to how much I can do... but... I can do this much.."

Prankster  snapped his fingers... and a large pile of rainbow colored quartz appeared in his hands..

"Let's see 30 Saint quartz!" said Prankster. "here I go.. Pranky Phone! Activate!!"

A large smartphone with Twilight Prankster's mask emblem on the back appeared. 

"My summoning luck's as horrible as they come.. but here ya go Freemium Game!! I'm ROLLING for an SSR!!" Prankster said with a laugh as he shoved his quartz into the phone screen.  "Hopefully this turns out better than Dragon Ball Dokkan Battle? Ah who am I kidding.. THIS GAME'S A TRAP!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Good story though."

Prankster dissapeared in a surge of reality magic

And in a burst of smoke and confetti..  a strange golden card flew down in front of Mikoto and Jeanne... and in a giant burst of smoke and confetti... a Servant Charm clattered down next to Shielder Railgun's foot. 

"Hah!?" stammered Mikoto. "Wh.. what's that!?"

"Prankster..he.." said Jeanne, recognizing the smoke and confetti as the strange god's signature.. 

"FFFFFFFOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!" A giant light blasted out in front of the duo.. as Lancelot broke through the shield and charged, roaring..

A figure suddenly charged out of the light.. swift and speedy.. 

She was so fast.. that she appeared as a blur.. the figure.. her blade slashing multiple points in Lancelot's body, stopping him in his tracks.. blood gushing out of various points in his body...

"WH.. WHAAAAT!?" choked Lancelot..

A girl stood before Lancelot.. holding a Katana dripping with the Berserker's blood.. She wore a short hemmed graceful white yukata with a black ribbon that exposed and freed her legs.. with a black scarf  and dark black leather ninja boots..

She also wore a flowing blue coat that seemed to glimmer with an unusual power.. 

At first glance, seeing her green eyes and her pale blonde hair, Mikoto almost mistook this person for Arturia.. but no.. her facial features bore a more asian look..

"Greetings.." said the girl in perfect Japanese that Mikoto understood by listening..wasn't the result of a Servant's language translation ability, but was in fact her native tongue..   "I am Saber.. My real name.. is Okita Souji..  dry your tears girl.. from now on.. I will fight for you to dry the sadness from your face.."

"Who in HELL is that!?" Lancelot roared. "Her movements.. I couldn't read them.. her strikes are nowhere near strong though.."

"True.. my classes aren't the best range.. " said Sakura Saber, glaring at Lancelot.. my Noble Phantasms are B and C class.. however... my skill.."

Okita disappeared in a flash of speed and reappeared behind Lancelot.. and a powerful X shaped slash appeared in Lancelot's chest.. spewing up blood as Lancelot fell to one knee, choking in pain.

"My skill as a blade of order.. will never waver.." Okita said coldly, a glimmer in her eyes.. 

"Th.. that's Okita Souji!?" stammered Mikoto.

"You know who she is?" said Jeanne.

"No kidding.. He was supposed to be one of the most famous Samurais in Japan during the 1800s." said Mikoto.  "The captain of the Shinsengumi! A police force during that period.. but.. I've seen black and white photographs to confirm... that Okita was a GUY through and through! "

"Twilight Prankster.. a god that travels realities.. and dimensions.. don't tell me.. this Servant must be from a parallel world!!" said Jeanne. "Where Okita was a female who resembled Arturia.."

Lancelot let out vicious screams, swinging around the powerful Arondight, black horrible light blasting from it as he attacked.. each hit would probably immediately dispatch a normal servant, but Sakura Saber moved at blitz speed.. sonic booms blasting out from wherever she moved.. performing flashing steps each time... slashing another powerful strike each time.. causing more blood to splash out from the Berserker's body.

Her eyes were cold and measured the entire time.. void of emotion.. and focused only on battle. 

Receive the brilliance of my concealed sword!" Sakura Saber whispered as she suddenly propelled herself forward.. 

"One silent step..." Sakura  Saber used one foot to propel herself a great distance at high speed.. 

 "Two steps infinite..." Sakura Saber said.. now disappearing in a burst of high speed..

" Three steps, a sword absolute! Lightless, Three Stage Thrust"!

A furious series of invisible slashes, followed by one final X shaped slash appeared on Lancelot.... as Okita appeared behind him... Samurai style.. sheathing her sword..

For a moment, there was nothing.. then the background of the area seemed to turn red as blood splattered out of Lancelot's body like an explosive geyser.. 

Some of the blood splattered on the side of Okita's face.. but even then.. her face remained cold and impassive..

"Those who rely on mere madness to win.. will not defeat me..I will continue the fight.. to the very end.." whispered Saber Sakura.  "Master.. wipe away your tears.. I am at your command!!"

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