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When Saber opened her eyes she knew something was really wrong.. 

The first thing that was definitely not up to the standards of 'Normal' was the house she was in..  The second being that she recognized this house and she was very sure she was NOT supposed to be in here.

She had seen the house in an odd shared vision.. in the same place where she had met Baldr. 

"Mama!? Hey Mama! Wake up!!"

Saber was sitting at a dining table, with Mikoto seated  next to her..  Mikoto was not little like she had been in the vision, rather she looked her normal age. Only this time she was dressed in a peasant's neat dress with an apron and a bonnet. 

"Mikoto..?" Saber said.

"What did that weird guy do to us!?" Mikoto asked. "Where are we!? What are we wearing!?"

Saber gave a sigh of relief. So it was HER Mikoto.. did she get summoned into the body of the Mikoto from this world? Was that how it worked? But then.. this must be this world around a decade later if that body was this old..

Saber glanced at the mirror hanging over the fireplace.. she looked the same. She thought that without having received her sacred sword she might have grown older.. but.. 

"Why am I still-?" Saber muttered. "Urgh.. nevermind.. Mikoto listen, I need to fill you in.."

Saber explained the situation quickly, and by the end of the explanation, Mikoto's jaw looked ready to drop but she held back her surprised and nodded quickly. 

Saber loved that about Mikoto. She was strong enough to recognize when she needed to keep self control and focus on the big picture when it really counted.  It was how, even though Touma Kamijou was always the subject of her outbursts, that he was always able to count on her before Saber had been summoned. 

"Saber I'm not sure what to do here.." Mikoto said worriedly. "If what you say is true.. it's possible in this timeline Mordred wasn't even born, we have no idea what happened to her if that's the case..  and Okita.. Stacy and Kuroko... "

"We'll figure it out.. " said Saber. "Somehow.."

Mikoto flicked her fingers upwards and sparks jumped out. "I still have my esper abilities in this other Mikoto's body.. that makes sense.. Esper power are of the mental state and THEN they influence the DNA.. good.. but.. when I get out of this Mikoto's body she's going to be wondering why she has electromaster powers.. what about our servant abilities, do you think we still have those?"

Saber opened her mouth to debate the question, but before she could answer, there was a sharp knock by the door. 

Saber gestured to Mikoto to stay back, but Mikoto shook her head and held up a hand that was still sparking. 

"Only one of us is still confirmed to be able to fight at the moment.." Mikoto whispered. "I'm not leaving you alone.."

Saber sighed but nodded, she went over to the door, and carefully.. opened it.. to reveal. 

"G.. Gawain!?" Mikoto stammered. 

The blonde knight of the sun smiled and bowed to Mikoto and Saber. "M'Lady.. the Lady's daughter.. beautiful as ever, both of you.. the king would like a word.."

Gawain stepped aside as Galahad strode forward, looking vastly different with a large king's fur cape over his dark armor.. and a crown on his head..  and what appeared to be Caliburn sheathed to his hip. 

"I am in need of your help.. Arturia." said Galahad. "I apologize for the intrusion.. I think I might have shocked half your neighbors appearing in person.. but we both know you wouldn't be able to traverse such a distance on your own time to the castle.. I felt this might be more.. considerate.."

Knowing Galahad, Saber nodded, he definitely hated inconveniencing friends.. so this is what Galahad would've looked like as a king.. interesting..

"What is it you need?" Saber asked. "And please can I get you anything."

"No need.. I have to leave soon." said Galahad. "Truth is.. we're in need of a professional to deal with some bandits on the road that have been terrorizing neighboring towns..  rumor is they have a feel Jotun with them..  Your Sacred Sword would be appreciated in this case.."

"Wh.. what of your sacred sword?" Saber asked, feeling surprise.

Galahad laughed. "We both know Exacalibur is superior to my Caliburn...  the sword of selection might have picked you just as the Sword of Promised Victory and it's Sheathe did, if you had deigned to step up to the stone.."

Saber gave Mikoto a glance. How did such a timeline occur in which Excalibur was given to her before Caliburn? That didn't make sense..

"V...very well.. I shall see what I can do." said Saber. 

Galahad nodded. "The Great Emperor is most unkind.. we know he'd rather sit in his golden halls and drink all day then actually assist us in our shortage of knights.. good luck."

"Eheh.." Saber muttered.

Galahad blinked. "Are you alright M'Lady? You seem more unwell than when you went through those mood swings at the the time you were pregnant with Mikoto.."

"I.. I'm fine.." 

Galahad left the room after another bow and a bid of farewell.. when the door closed Saber gave Mikoto a disturbed look. "This isn't a singularity.. or just an alternate timeline.."

"What?" said Mikoto.

"There are MULTIPLE impossibilities to this world that ensure it does not qualify as an alternate timeline set in our world." said Saber. "For one.. you being my biological daughter of direct birth.. that can't be true..  You were made with Misuzu and Tabigake to create what you are and look like now.. we don't share many physical traits..  "

"Well.. yeah." said Mikoto with a pondering gaze. "And now that I think on it.. why would you be able to get Excalibur before Caliburn? Doesn't the Lady of the Lake only give the sword to the Chosen of the Blade of Selection? That's what Merlin told you.  It should go to Galahad. "

"This isn't an alternate timeline." said Saber. "It's a completely alternate world.. one that exists in the Multiverse alongside our own world which we were hurled out of by Baldr... and this time we're in it's present.. or so I believe.. 

"So... what do you think we should do?" Mikoto asked quietly. 

Saber shrugged. "The answers to this elude us as long as we do nothing.. therefore.. I believe for now I'm off to deal with some bandits.."

"Right.. do we know where the bandits are?" Mikoto asked. 

"They are hitting our neighboring villages, it's best just to ask around." said Saber. "Come.. let us see what means this house has of quick transport.."

They found a carriage in the barn. And upon going to the stables, the horses were pleased to see them, nuzzling up to them and recognizing their scent. 

"Wow.. they're friendly." Mikoto said, blushing slightly thanks to her love of animals.. petting one of the horses on the head. 

"Of course, they are our horses after all." said Saber. "Very well.. we should set off before noon.. so let's get them harnessed and ready quickly."

"Er.. right.. h.. how do I do that?" Mikoto asked. 

Saber showed Mikoto how to get the harnesses on the horses without disturbing them too much and together they were able to get a horse attached to the small carriage without trouble. 

As the horse clopped out of the small field around the house  and through the snow with the carriage being ridden by Saber and Mikoto, the two of which wore winter cloaks and hoods they found in the closet.. 

The small peasant villagers waved as they passed, all acting like they knew them.

"Hello Arturia!? Bringing your daughter out on some errands I see!"

"Oi.. it's nice to see the pretty ones out and about.. if my son manages to marry your daughter Arturia, he'll be too lucky!"

"Nice to see you two again.. good night at the tavern yesterday!"

Mikoto looked around nervously. "They.. really think they know us don't they?"

"Yes, I would think so, given how this world is set up it would seem." said Saber. 

"By the way.. Galahad mentioned the bandits had 'yotun' or something." said Mikoto. "What are those?"

"I'm not entirely sure." said Saber. "But I believe that is the Norse term for Giant."

"eh?" Mikoto said, blinking quickly. 

Saber suddenly pulled on the reins of the horse, stopping it suddenly. Her eyes flared in furious recognition at the person who was standing before the horse and she scowled. "Do.. don't tell me.. h.. he of all people-.."

"Eh?" Mikoto said. "S.. Saber what's wrong?"

"Ahhhh.. Mikoto My Lady, we meet again.."

A blue haired boy was standing in the path, he wore knight's armor, but it wasn't super important in any way.. just ordinary steel worn by the knights who served the guard.. in fact he had probably never seen battle.. indeed his glinting sword looked brand new and brightly clean.. having never had to stain itself on a man's neck or on a wolf's maw..  

He was handsome no doubt, with blue windswept hair, and a good looking face.. however.. his expression was arrogant,  shrewd, and cruel.. something a girl might not have noticed at first, but upon a closer look, you knew this person was not a very good person overall..

"Sh.. Shinji Matou?" Saber whispered. 

"Who?" said Mikoto. "Wait.. wasn't he..?"

"Rider's Master during the Fifth Grail War..?" muttered Saber. "yes.. he exists in this world too..?"

"What are you talking about? If you wish to discuss your beautiful fiance.. he is right here.." said Shinji with a smile, nodding at Mikoto. "Discussing on how best to service me when we are finally married no doubt? Eheheh.. I know, do not worry.. I shall care for your daughter well Arturia.. and no doubt we shall have strong children.. since I am the father after all.. A brilliant knight can only naturally produce strong heirs.. "

"H.. he's my fiance..?" Mikoto said.

"Not willingly I bet.." Saber grunted. 

"Don't tell me you've forgotten." said Shinji. "You two agreed to let me marry Mikoto in exchange for allowing you two to keep your silly father's land.. that's right.. after my poor friend and fellow knight Shirou Emiya snuffed it.. let's face it, he was an idiot for thinking he could save that village from Loki...  you were left without a husband to help provide for the mortgage on the place! ohoho! But.. my family has always been generous of course.. even though my grandfather owns the bank .. we still found it in our hearts to give you such a generous win win scenario. Not only do you keep your farm.. but Mikoto gets to marry me.."

"Okay now I see why you guys hated him.." Mikoto muttered. 

"FIAAAAAAAANCCCCEEEEEEEE!?" roared a familiar voice. 

A teleporting Kuroko appeared out of thin air, also wearing a peasant's dress as she round house kicked Shinji straight in the head.


Shinji let out an "ACK!" In response before he was sent flying head over heels into a nearby tower of haystacks which toppled onto him. 

Shinji jumped out of the hay, coughing and looking furiously at Kuroko, a welt on his head as he drew his sword. "Why you little!! Wait.. aren't you from the Shirai farm up eastward?! I'll make sure you pay for-.."

"She ain't yours!!" growled another voice. 

Mordred walked out from behind a haystack in Servant Form.. glaring at Shinji. "She's mine.."

Shinji stared. "Who the heck are you?!"

Mordred considered Shinji for a second, then grinned. "The one who popped her cherry.."

Shinji's face went pale as his jaw dropped. "You.. and my Mikoto ... you.."

"3 times actually." said Mordred scathingly. 

Shinji spat blood from his mouth as he fell over, fainting. 

Kuroko on the other hand, was quivering like Jelly.. whimpering. "Th.. three times..?"

Saber looked stone faced, as she looked at Mikoto and folded her arms. "Three times?"

"Maybe it was an exaggeration.." Mikoto began, her face going redder by the second.. but Saber gave her such an incredibly intimidating 'Mom Look' that immediately Mikoto switched to. 'O.. okay... m... maybe 3 times.."

"Come on! We love each other, we can do whatever the hell we-!" Mordred immediately faltered under Saber's glare and squeaked. "I'm sorry.. we should've waited till marriage.."

"UAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Kuroko screamed like a furious beast and began beating her head against the ground. 

"Why does my love life always have to be so incredibly freaky?" Mikoto moaned. 

Saber grunted something incoherent.. she was going to have an absolutely long and painful lecture with those two later.. 

Saber sighed.  For now, those things could wait, especially in this situation. "So.. are you two okay? Where did you end up, how did you find us?"

"Apparently I live in this town in whatever world this is.. " said Kuroko.  "I'm like your next door neighbor.. I woke up in bed like I had always been sleeping there... it didn't take long when I saw that Baldr Statue you described from that weird super real vision you had back in New York.. I figured out where I was instantly..."

"Same here when I saw the statue.. but I didn't end up as another me or anything, as you can see.." Mordred muttered, gesturing to her servant form.  "I just sorta woke up lying in the middle of the street.. "

"Then there's a chance that Okita and Stacy are okay, even if they don't have alternate selves in this world?" Mikoto muttered.

"I hope so." said Saber. "The question is however, why did Baldr bring us here?"

"SO.. where are you puppies headed?" Mordred asked, folding her arms.

"The.. er.. King wanted us to take down some bandits.. so.. that's where we're going." said Mikoto. "Better than doing nothing really."

"B.. bandits!?" Kuroko stammered. "O.. of course Sissy is more than capable of taking on some measly bandits.. but.... what if.. they kidnap her... and.. then... of course she being such a pretty girl.. they violate her... taking her clothes off slowly and sensually before finally forcing me and her to do it together as they watch and-.."

"EERRRRRRR!" Mordred crossed her arms together and shook her head rapidly. "WRONG ANSWER! PLEASE NEVER TRY AGAIN!! sicko pervert."

"I'M COMING WITH!!" Kuroko squealed jumping into the carriage. 

"She's secretly hoping the scenario she was imagining actually happens isn't she..?" Mikoto muttered. 

"What else?" Mordred grumbled as she jumped into the carriage too. 

"Bandits should be no trouble to us." Saber said calmly. "Though in order to need our help for them, even if they are short staffed.. Camelot must believe them to be a bit more of a threat than normal bandits..  it would pay to be cautious regardless. "

They were on the road for several hours, night started to fall... when Mikoto spoke up. 

"Ugh.. I wish we had a shower nearby or something.." Mikoto muttered. "I need a bath.. like.. do we have like a brush, and a bucket back there or anything..? "

Mikoto was well versed in Camelot style bathing from her time travelling experience. There was a tub but no plumbing and mostly just soap and not shampoo.. however..

"When on the road there is but one method by which we bathed." said Saber. "Luckily we are next to one now."

Saber stopped the horse next to a large lake spread out under the glittering stars.. 

Mikoto stared at the lake. "You've got to be kidding me.."

"WHOOO! Good ol' fashioned bathing lake!" said Mordred. "Love me some of that!"

Kuroko's face was slowly spreading into a wide grin.

"B..But.. there's like... NO privacy!" Mikoto stammered. "Anybody could walk up the main road and see me naked!!"

"Normally with royalty there are those there to stand guard while you bathe." said Saber. "We can take turns with this before we set up camp."

"T.. take turns!?" Kuroko stammered. "Uh.. Like two at a time right?"

"Well we don't have to take turns actually." said Saber. "Because I do not believe there is anything to guard from.. this horse is trained to run over to the first peeper it sees and kick them with the force of an ox. charging."

"WHA!?" said Mikoto. "Really? how do you know?"

We've had such horses trained to do so quite frequently..I can already tell this one is quite bright and able.." said Saber with a smile as she brushed the horse's mane.  Mordred, you take Mikoto to that low tree over there... and I'll take Kuroko.."

"WAIT WHAT!?" Kuroko said.

"I'm not an idiot.." Saber growled. "The day I allow you to bathe with Mikoto is the day I allow anybody to steal my food. "

Saber then glared at Mordred. "However.. I hope I don't have to make any lectures about fourth time Cherry Popping.."

Mordred shivered. "Y.. yes your Majesty.."


Later that evening, Mordred and Mikoto rubbed soap on themselves under a willow tree overlooking the lake.. the two of them staying in the shallow water as they washed themselves... Mordred's armor and Mikoto clothes lay at the base of the tree.

"So.. er.. this feels like crap.." Mikoto muttered. "The water isn't clear at all.. I swear a fish just kissed my butt.. and if I come out of here with leeches on my stomach then I'm gonna scream.."

"Ya get used to it." Mordred said with a shrug as she squeezed water out of her long hair. 

"Maybe I'm just spoiled.." Mikoto muttered with a sigh. "By the 21st Century's bathing habits.."

Mordred smiled. "Hey.. ya know, I don't mind spoiling ya.. in fact.. I could spoil ya a bit now to make you forget how murky this water is.."

Mordred drew closer, embracing Mikoto's waist under the water with her own slender arms.. 

"Oh?" Mikoto grinned back at Mordred, raising an eyebrow. "Is that a promise? What about what Mama said about 4th time popping?"

"Well she isn't here is she?" Mordred said as she began kissing Mikoto's lips.

However no sooner had she done that when Mordred's eyes went wide and she screamed, jumping back. "AHHH! er.. I mean.. h.. hi!"

Saber was standing in the water, her bare shoulders shimmering in the moonlight as she folded her arms over her breasts, her expression solemn and stern as she looked at the stunned duo.

"Hello." said Saber. 

"Er.. where's... Kuroko?"  Mikoto squeaked

"I made sure she finished early.." said Saber. "So I decided to come here and make sure you two were safe..."

"A.. as you can see.." Mordred whimpered. "We're safe.. haha.."

"I'm still not quite sure.. I think I'll stay here till you're done.. just to be..." Saber's eyes narrowed as little flames seemed to jump out from them. "safe.. "

Mordred and Mikoto looked at each other for a few seconds.. then they resumed nervously rinsing the soap off their skin.. 

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