The Sins of the God.

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(theme of Four Arms V.S. the Asura)

The earth rumbled...

Ben wasn't sure if what he was seeing was real or not... all he knew was.. this day had just gone from crazy to crazier.

Well it was a Tennyson Summer Vacation, so what did he expect?

A giant with red skin stepped forward, the earth trembling beneath the soles of it's bare feet. 

And no.. it wasn't a Tetramand. 

It had six arms and not four arms for one.. wore japanese kimono pants, and no shirt, displaying massive muscles bristling with battle scars.. 

Each of it's six hands bore power armored gauntlet with yellow spikes. It's head had four faces, one on each side of it's head.. the sides, front and back. with massive tusk-like fangs curving upwards from it's wide mouth on it's ogre-ish face.. 



Species: Asura

Name: Hakai No Doji

Powers: Asuras are like the Tetramands of the Japanese Spirit World, possessing many appendages, several faces, immense strength, a love for war and battle, and red hot emotions to rival any warrior. Supposedly they are superior to humans in every way, including that they get to experience more pleasure and passion. But as a result of this more potent emotional state, they are more prone to hot headed actions and hitting before thinking. Truly, if Tetramands and Asuras were to meet, if they would either got to war with each other for fun, or laugh, drink and make merry together for days on end. Hakai is no exception, being named Destruction for the many things he has destroyed after too much drink.

Lore: According to Buddhist Shinto religion, being reborn as an Asura In the World of Asuras is the least happy out of happy reincarnations, because burning hot emotions keep one from reaching enlightenment, despite Ashuras enjoying such wonderful power. The viability of this myth is questionable at best. As far as facts go from legitimate Yokai researchers in the Mage Association, Asuras are just big brutes of magical might who haven't shown any sign of reincarnation magic. 


The arcade, which had somehow mysteriously emptied, was now in shambles... with massive purging fog rolling through it.. as if ghosts had just decided to go around and turn it into a haunted house. 

One moment they were all having a good time, showing Hoshimi how to play the shooter arcade games, the next thing Ben knew, a massive fist was coming towards Kuroko's head, and what looked like a woman dressed in white was laughing in an echoing voice as a blizzard swept in from nowhere.

Kuroko lay unconscious next to a destroyed pacman machine.. blood dripping down her head, but thank God it didn't look too serious... it appeared that she was taken by surprise and only grazed by the beast. 

Hoshimi stood behind Ben, clutching his shoulders, shivering both out of cold and fear.. 

The cold was understandable.. given what Mikoto was fighting..

Ice and freezing wind ripped through the southern end of the Arcade as it was  met with fierce clashes of piercing lightning.. 

Mikoto was fighting something else.. and as far as Ben could tell they were on even footing for now.. but currently, he needed to focus on his own battle, or Mikoto would scold him for losing his touch.

"REJOICE HUMAN!!" roared the Asura.. his voice came out of all of his face's mouths at once.. speaking in unison while he beat his six massive dinner plate sized hands against his chest. "For you will now be destroyed by me.. the mighty Hakai No Douji.. warrior in her magesty's elite Squad!!! But fret not.. for my honor allows thee to choose to either face me and fall with warrior's pride.. or die a coward, running for thy life! CHOOSE!! I will not attack until you choose, that is my honor.. and I hold to it!!"

"Uh...  what if we never choose?" Ben asked.

"Then I choose for you!!" roared Asura. "I give you 2 minutes to decide. Rejoice, for that amount of time is indeed merciful and perfect for quick decision making!!"

"Ben.. run.." Hoshimi said quickly and frantically. "It's me he wants... if he has me, he'll put following his orders over fighting an opponent one on one, however much he desires to have a fair battle for me.. 

Ben looked over his shoulder at Hoshimi. "So.. I'm guessing all that stuff about being a princess was-... kinda true?"

Hoshimi gritted her teeth. "LOOK! This isn't time for a debate.. I don't know WHAT my attendant was thinking involving you.. but it shouldn't have happened... GO. SAVE YOURSELF! NOW!! That is an order!!"

"I also recall you ordering me to be your bodyguard, and as I don't actually serve you.. I think I can pick which orders I follow.. " Ben said as he popped his knuckles and then slapped a hand on the Omnitrix.

A powerful green light filled the fog momentarily as a massive red two toed foot stomped forward, shaking the earth with as much weight as the Asura.

"So don't mind me if I lend a hand Hoshimi.." Four Arms said, grinning. "After all.. I've got four of em.."

Hakai stared in immense surprise, his eyes all widening. "Intriguing.. a Shape Shifter..? Even among yokai, a shape shifter capable of changing form beyond just shape alone is rare.. it is already apparent you have capably changed your physical capabilities along with the shape.. remarkable.. what kind of spell have you used to gain such a form?.. Hmph.. no matter, that form is still inferior.. you have less arms.. and only one face... truly you have manufactured a cheap imitation of my race!!"

"Yeah yeah.. preach on Red Shrek." said Four Arms, holding his fists at ready. "We gonna do this or what?"

Four Arms and the Asura ran at each other.. the earth trembling beneath the weight of their feet as they ran.. before they both leaped into the air.. their fists raised..

A shockwave exploded out from the point where they collided, and all the windows in the massive arcade building shattered to dust.. 

Hoshimi screamed and covered her face, running behind a machine to seek cover as Four Arms and Hakai rolled onto the ground, pummeling each other ferociously with their multiple fists. 

Four Arms felt explosive blows collide with his face and his abdomen like nobody's business.. his own attacks easily parried as Hakai landed several immense blows to his head..

Four Arms spat out blood, staggering back, panting and wiping his face with a wrist. 

"You call this a battle!? This is a play date at the best!" roared Hakai, dancing elegantly on his feet for such a massive demon. "COME ON! Give me more!!"

Four Arms could tell.. Hakai wasn't a stranger to similar fighting methods to Tetramand wrestling techniques.. he needed to get a bit creative.. this guy was at least as physically strong as Vilgax from when they first met..  however.. he wasn't nearly as invincible.."

"Just getting started." Four Arms growled before charging in again. 

Hakai's fists moved like supersonic scarlet bullets, letting out a flurry of super fast super strong punches, shockwaves exploding from each gale force attack. 

Four Arms could tell this was trained fighting, not just pointless attacking, but time seemed to slow down around him.. as his esper ability Prediction Point went active, and he read the muscle movements on the demon in front of him.

Four Arms backed away to and fro, avoiding each massive fast swipe like an expert boxer, holding his fists at ready as he did, parrying a few attacks with the armor on his forearms before he hurled two immense punches from his bottom two arms, sending Hakai flying with a powerful uppercut. 

"AAGGGHHHH!!" Hakai roared as he staggered back to his feet, rubbing his chin.. one of his tusks was now chipped and blood was drizzling from his mouth. "You.. actually landed an attack on me!? No mortal has ever... what manner of creature are you!?"

"Come on to my party and find out!!" Four Arms said before dashing at Hakai again.

The battle was vicious, brutal and bloody, Hoshimi couldn't help but stare in awed shock.. not even her grandfather during his time on the throne in his prime ever grappled with an Asura..  but boy did Four Arms grapple.

The two creatures slammed their muscles against each other, grabbing each other in fierce holds, pounding the living crap out of each other, flecks of blood flying from each and every strike... 3 minutes into the fight, Four Arms already had two black eyes on the left side of his face and the Asura's two tusks had been snapped into stubs.. 

"HOW!?" roared Hakai as he threw multiple vicious punches at Four Arms, which the alien dodged with Prediction Point. "I have trained countless milennia!!  I am Hakai No Douji The Child of Destruction!! How has a random strange monster of the mortal realm bested me!!"

"It's like Mikoto once told me..  it's a big universe out there.. somewhere in the cosmos.. there's BOUND to be something that can kick your ass to high heaven!!" Four Arms roared. "TAKE THIIIIS!!!!!!"

Four Arms leaped high into the air and came down on top of Hakai, slamming all four of his fists into the beast's face at once, creating a massive shockwave, a crater exploding outwards from the impact as dust clouds and rubble soared into the air. 

When the dust cleared, the Asura lay unconscious in the crater, his many eyes unfocused as blood and drool dripped out of his many mouths.. 

"He beat an Asura in his first encounter!?" whispered Hoshimi. "That feat alone is one only ever possible for the most elite of warriors.. "

As Four Arms  stepped out of the pit he felt his chin, groaning. "Damn, that guy packed a punch, he wasn't kidding about being a more experienced warrior.. 

Ben returned to human form in a flash of green light and held out a hand to the cowering Hoshimi. "You okay?"

Hoshimi nodded slowly. "U.. uh.. yeah.."

Ben took Hoshimi's hand and helped her up...

"Uh.. uh.." Hoshimi withdrew her hand quickly. "You did well servant.. but still there is much danger around us.. I suggest that you deal with these fools as quickly as possible.." 

Ben frowned. "You're not much on please and thank you are you?"

Hoshimi blushed furiously and put her hands on her hips while turning away. "Consider my gratitude to be real! Now get going and take care of the enemy!!"


On the other side of the arcade.. a lightning bolt tore straight through a massive blast of snow and ice as Mikoto leaped back, breathing hard, foggy mist streaming from her breath as frost covered her shoulders and hands.

"Yeesh.. you're cold.." Mikoto said with almost bluish lips.. "I'm getting frost bite just walking near you!"

"ufufufufufu" A girl with blue hair, wearing a white kimono, who looked around high school age, with a piercing blue gaze walked forward, the ground turning to ice with her every step. "Why don't you stop fighting.. relax.. enjoy my hospitality young one.."



Species: Yuki Onna

Name: Shimo No Yurei

Power: Yuki Onna are women of the ice and snow. They lure those who are lost in blizzards into their homes, where they devour the souls of those they lure by flash freezing them to death.. Their abilities are to control ice and cold. Their weakness is heat. A hot bath could actually melt them into a puddle. 


Mikoto raised an eyebrow. "Hospitality? Really? That's the theme here? Boring.."

The Yuki Onna giggled behind a long kimono sleeve as a powerful surge of cold wind began to swirl around her. "No mortal man or woman has ever met me and lived young one.. but I consider death by me a mercy.. instantaneous.. you don't feel a thing.. instantly freeze dried meat.. that's all mortals are good for anyways.. "

Mikoto smirked. "Oh is that so? You're pretty cold.. no pun intended.. but really why do I care about what opinions a little demon has.. good grief.."

"You're not taking me seriously? A mortal not taking me seriously!?" said Shimo with a wrathful glare as the blizzard around her began to surge with power.

"Why bother with ice when you can take in a few good shards of cold metal?" Mikoto said as electricity surged into the ground around her, and clouds of Iron Sand began to swirl around her, vibrating at high speeds. 

"FREEZE AND BECOME MY TOY!!" Shimo cackled as her blizzard exploded out and closed in around Mikoto

Mikoto's eyes flashed, and the Iron sand surged with electric energy as it exploded out around her.. blasting away the blizzards with immense ease. 

"Tsk.. how is she-!?" Shimo growled. 

"Wind.." said Mikoto. "Your power's overdependent on it.. however, send iron particles moving at high enough speeds .. then air current becomes yours to own.. None of your attacks can ever hope to hit me.. your power IS the air current, but it's moldable like clay.. easily swayed and bent.. not like Big Chill's ability to project pure cold plasma... I'd go as far as to call you a Necrofriggian Knockoff.."

"ME!? A KNOCKOFF!?" growled Shimo. "INFERIOR MORTAL BRAT!! I'll show you who is a knockoff!! You who dare copy Raijin's power with such petty little sparks!!!!"

Shimo held her hands together, and a powerful surging icy orb of light formed in between her palms. 

"DIEEEEEEEEEE!" Shimo screamed firing a giant icy blast from her hands. 

"Heh.. stupid.." Mikoto muttered, flipping a coin into the air as a powerful electrical charge began to surge straight into her fingers.

Mikoto flicked the coin.. and a powerful railgun attack blasted straight through the ice.. the heat from the coin's speed being enough to completely dissipate the icy assault like a hot knife piercing butter. 

"SHEEEEEENNN!!" there was a sudden flash and a shockwave.. 

Mikoto's eyes went wide with immense shock as she watched two halves of a super heated coin, sliced clean in half.. clatter to the floor.. 

Osaka stood in front of Shimo, his blades still sheathed.. his eyes piercing through the darkness with a fierceness that sent shivers up Mikoto's spine.

"OSAKA!? Why did you-!? THAT HUMAN IS MINE!?" roared Shimo.

"Silence Shimo.. it's obvious you are no match for this one.. unusual.. a human with power over lightning.. and such an unusual projectile attack.. if I hadn't sliced it out of the air..  you'd be dead and melted.." said Osaka calmly.. 

"I.. I would've avoided it!" Shimo growled, pouting furiously and folding her arms.

"He managed to slice a Railgun move out of the air..?" Mikoto said, her eyes narrowing. "This guy's speed and precision is no joke.. he'd have to at least be XLR8 level for that kind of clean sweep.."

Mikoto narrowed her eyes and her body exploded with electric power as she hurled a massive barrage of lightning spears from her bangs.. enough to blast through a battalion of tanks.. 

Osaka's eyes flashed, and more silvery slashes appeared around him.. his sword moving so fast that nobody could see him draw it before instantly being sheathed, lightning bolts being split apart around him as he parried Mikoto's attacks. 

"Slicing lightning out of the air.. " Mikoto growled. "DAMN!!"

"SHEEEEN.." Mikoto froze as suddenly.. she felt an immense chill down her spine as she looked over her shoulder just in time to see Osaka's dark eyes right over her shoulder.

THIS fast!?

"Too slow.." muttered Osaka.

"FOOOOOMMM!!" Mikoto ducked just a hair's breadth in time, some of her hair flying past as the tips of it were cut off... 

Mikoto dashed forward, lighting erupting from her legs as she super charged her muscles, dashing and leaping around with enhanced speed and electromagnetic propulsion while Osaka hurled more silvery hyper fast slashes at her, forcing Mikoto to rely purely on prediction and speculation to avoid the attacks.. 

Mikoto felt blood trickle down from a small cut on her cheek as Osaka stopped attacking and stood still. "Well done mortal.. not even Yokai can often avoid me when exerting this much small effort. 

"Just what are-?" Mikoto stopped, she suddenly began to shiver violently and not from cold, a shadow of fear crossing her face.. 

This man.. she could sense the cold, terrible.. dark.. endless power in him.. he was stronger than Vilgax.. stronger than Aggregor.. stronger than Acqua of the Back..  if he wanted to, he could cleave her head off in a millisecond and not even the speed of her thoughts would be able to react in time.

Beads of sweat began to trickle down her face as she gulped. She hadn't felt this much fear since she fought for her life with Impulser..  this was a whole different level of crazy strong.. 

Mikoto let out a sigh and took a deep breath as she held a hand to the Connectrix around her neck. No.. she had an advantage here.. this guy knew he was stronger than her.. despite what he said, his arrogance was the one thing keeping him from instantly chopping her head off, she could use that.. if she used her Ultimate Heat Blast clothing.. no.. the rockets took a brief second to charge.. that wouldn't work.. 

"MIKOTO!" a voice suddenly spoke in Mikoto's mind from the Connectrix's mental link. "I'm on my way.. how much fire power do you need.."

Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief at the familiar person heading towards her. "Give me the full package.. I'll help.. "

Mikoto reached deep into heart, feeling into her bond with Ben.. as the Connectrix and the Omnitrix both fed on that at the same time.. and tremendous blast of multicolored light exploded behind her, as the boy who just arrived transformed...


The roof blasted apart from the force of the transformation sequence.. revealing the full moon up above as a massive shape with two massive arms, small legs.. and 8 long armored arachnid legs, leaped onto a nearby tower, it's shadow standing against the moon like a haunting force of pure nature and ferocity..

"WHAT!?" Osaka growled. "Th.. this power I feel.."


God Spidermonkey

Species: Arachnichimp/Numensapien hybrid

Power Comparison: Beyond any known capable calculations. 

Power: God Spidermonkey is a violent beast with a feral disposition, especially during the full moon. The very nature of his powers themselves have even led to some rumors in the known Universe that this form is the embodiment of hell itself using Ben to exact judgement on the wicked. Easily capable of bench pressing entire planets, it's power grows with the full moon, unleashing it's immense bloodthirsty power..  His webs are imbued with magic known as the "Chains of Guilt" which grow stronger the more sins his opponents have been charged with.. making him especially strong against evil enemies. His webbing can now fire from his fingers as well as his mouth.. no known blade made by god or man can break the exoskeleton on his spider legs... the legs themselves can behave like blades.. capable of the attack 'Sin Slicer' gathering up the sins and wrongs of the Omegaverse in the form of energy to perform a terrifying soul slashing attack that can even slice Celestialsapiens in half.

Trivia: Due to God Spidermonkey's violent nature, it can be assumed that Black Heart Spidermonkey might just be a living mindless disaster. 


The moonlight shown over God Spidermonkey as Osaka stared up with awe..  his silver fur glinting.. a long tuft of fur on his upper back that flowed like a mane..  

What used to be Ultimate Spidermonkey now had 8 long spider legs instead of four, and six large green eyes with long fang-like tusks coming from his mouth curving upwards from the bottom lip..  Black markings adorned his non furred areas.. hissing with wisps of smoke as red energy crackled around the beast's green eyes.. 

God Spidermonkey raised his fists and let out an immense howl into the air.. it sounded like the combination of an enraged Gorrilla's roar, and the howl of a wolf hunting for prey.. being eerie to the extreme causing Mikoto AND Osaka to feel it in their bones as a shockwave blasted out into the sky from the roar alone that could be heard all over the that hemisphere, like the cry of a violent ghost ready to exact mayhem on those who harmed those who harmed his friends..

"Incredible.. I might even have to reveal my true identity.. if the power I feel is as vast I think it is.." said Osaka as for the first time... he fully drew one of his swords.

God Spidermonkey leaped down at Osaka.. his speed causing an explosive sonic boom as he broke the sound barrier ten times over.. drool and spittle flying from his vicious slobbering fangs.. 

Osaka moved at equally god-like speeds, his blade hurling forward in a flurry of movements that were so fast, that no human eye could catch them..

God Spidermonkey wove his way through the hyperfast slashes, aiming a powerful punch straight at Osaka, who was forced to draw his blade in and automatically block the blow..

Immediately, the blade shattered to pieces and Osaka's eyes widened as the punch exploded into his gut, and he was sent flying..  a punch powerful enough to shatter entire worlds into oblivion. 

Osaka caught himself midway.. and landed on the floor of the Arcade, blood dripping from his mouth.

"He took a full on punch from God Spidermonkey!" Mikoto said. "Holy SHIT.. damn.. it's hard enough helping  Ben keep control of that form's feral instincts.. urgh.."

Osaka's eyes widened slightly as he looked suddenly at Mikoto. "Don't tell me.. are she AND that boy controlling that transformation together? Well the boy's control is larger than her's.. but.. if I take her out it might make things easier.."

Osaka drew another blade from his sheathe, this one was blood red in color. "Hmph.. can't hurt to try.

Osaka made to zoom straight at Mikoto in the blink of an eye.. but suddenly he felt an extreme chill down his spine.. 

God Spidermonkey's shadow loomed over the samurai as he looked up.. and saw the demonic beast's six green eyes gleaming only inches from his face.

"Sin.. Slicer.." God Spidermonkey growled as his legs suddenly glowed with violent red light

The legs of God Spider Monkey moved in a flurry of slashes... One Million total slashes hurled out in a matter of 2 seconds.. streaks of red light being the only thing even a god could see as the slashes were carried out.

Osaka gritted his teeth under his mask furiously as he dodged every strike only just barely, the last strike managing to hit his red blade.. slicing it clean in half.

Osaka leaped away panting as God Spidermonkey landed in front of Mikoto, growling.. his silver fur glowing bright as it drew in power from the full moon itself. 

"That attack just now.. it felt as if the Guilt of All of Existence was suddenly weighing down on me.." whispered Osaka. "We didn't just underestimate our opponent.. if we continue to fight under my current form.. then we're completely outclassed..  retreat is best for now.. "

Osaka pointed at God Spidermonkey. "That is an unusual power you possess boy.. we will see each other again.. when I'm more capable of giving you a proper battle.. I owe you that much for giving me such an enticing bout.. "

There was a burst of blood red smoke..and Osaka disappeared along with the Yuki Onna.. and the fog vanished.. seemingly into nowhere..

Ben returned to human form, moaning. "Jeez.. I know most of the God Forms feel nice and wonderful cause it's our bond.. but.. this one ALWAYS feels a bit too.. edgy.. "

"No kidding.." Mikoto said. "But.. that guy.. that samurai.."

"Yeah.." Ben said with a gulp. "He... was definitely at least at Twilight Prankster's level.. you don't just see that anywhere in the Universe, jeez.."

"B.. Ben..?" 

Ben looked to see Hoshimi standing there, obviously having witnessed the battle.. shock struck her face like nobody's business.

"You.. stood against a kami.. and.. LIVED.. no.. not just lived.. you...drove him off.." Hoshimi wheezed. "You.. you.."

"Uhhh... you're welcome?" said Ben as once more disney songs began to play in his head. 

"Wait.. where's Kuroko?" said Mikoto said. "I remember she was-.."

"I'm.. fine.." Kuroko grumbled as she staggered out.. rubbing her head. "Literally is just a flesh wound and maybe a mild concussion? I dunno.. just get some of that Rust Bucket alien tech and I'll be good.. OW.. ow.. ow.."

Kuroko clutched her head and shook it. "Never mind that... we need to get to the bath houses now.. I got a call from Max.. .things... are NOT good."

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