The Future.

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"Mama! Stop it.. this is a bit embarrassing!"

Mikoto Misaka, now 20 years older than she is in the present story of our main books, stood in a nice jacket and blouse, holding the hand of an impatient looking 14 year old girl.

She had medium length slightly messy dark brown hair, the same color as her father's. Her eyes were a glittering green, and her face resembled that of her mother.  She wore a slightly short/medium cut white dress with a large black stripe going down the middle, and a small long sleeved green vest..

And the most famously notable feature of her.. was the unusual green watch on her left wrist..

"What's so embarrassing about taking my daughter to school?" said Mikoto with grin. 

Miyoko pouted. "I'm the daughter of The Railgun and Ben 10,000! If people see me like this, they'll think I can't take care of myself!"

"You're 14, I'm sure people can understand that." said Mikoto with a laugh. 

"And I'm in MIDDLE SCHOOL! I don't need somebody holding my hand.." Groaned Miyoko. "And you didn't NEED to take me.. I could've flown, or even just ran.. XLR8 goes faster than our car!"

Mikoto continued to smile, ever patient as a mother, knowing that Miyoko was just trying to seem tough.. a lot like a an electromaster that used to be her age.

"If anybody needs hand holding it's Kenny!" said Miyoko haughtily. "That little baka is going to embarrass us all! I can't believe he got an Omnitrix for his Birthday!"

"he got the Omnitrix when he was 10, just like you.." said Mikoto. "And the both of you inherited your father's genes, so the device was going to turn up on your wrists at some point anyways.. "

"But still, did you know Kenny used Grey Matter to sneak into my room!?" Miyoko stammered, as if desperate to let her mother know about her brother's transgressions and irresponsibility with his newfound powers.  "It was SOOO creepy!! He hacked into my journal!!! Oh sometimes I just wanna go Humungousaur and WRING that Dweeb's NECK!!"

As mother and daughter continued to walk down the massive bridge-like walkway, several cars with no tires and anti-gravity repulsers flew by.. 

The area surrounding Mt. Rushmore.. the new city of Capital Central,  had changed in the last 20 years..  Buildings were built with shining beautiful metal.. smooth and sleek.. everything here looked more advanced than Academy City was 20 years ago... not that Academy City hadn't also changed with the times..

Aliens walked the streets, being seen as frequently as humans. A dumpy old Tetramand woman walked by, a leash in each hand with four poodles yapping around.  A few galvanic Mechamorphs complained to a human pretzel stand owner about the overabundance of salt in their soft treats.  A Florauna used his multiple limbs to direct traffic for the ground based vehicles below.. 

And in a central square nearby, stood a great statue of a man. A familiar looking man who now possessed a beard and mustache to go with his familiar face..  With a label under the statue saying "Ben Ten Thousand, Hero of Heroes."  (those of you will remember that from the Original Series XD)

"Hey Mama.." said Miyoko as she and her mother passed by Ben's statue. "You think that maybe this year.. I can transfer to Academy City? I could go to your old school.."

"No." said Mikoto firmly.

"Why? You always say no but you never say why.."

"I don't want you anywhere near that place." said Mikoto. "Not until you're ready.."

"Aunt Imouto lets HER kids go." Miyoko muttered.

"Well I'm not Aunt Imouto." said Mikoto. "Ahh.. here we are. And look Lilly is already there.."

A happy looking girl with dark red hair and deep violet eyes waved at Miyoko from in front of the school building.

"Where's Yuna-?" Miyoko began, right before a familiar looking girl with red twin tails, teleported out of thin air behind her and tackled her into an over-affectionate hug.

"THERE'S MY ONEE-SAMA!!" Yuna Shirai exclaimed happily.

Mikoto sighed and shook her head. Some things never changed. "Be back by 4 okay sweetie? Your Uncle Kevin's coming over for dinner."

"Sure Mama.." Miyoko gasped as Yuna began wringing her arms around her throat.

As Mikoto left in the other direction, Miyoko struggled against Yuna's overdone hug and slapped a hand down on her watch.

"BONK BONK!!!" There was a flash of green light as a violet crystal fist smacked into Yuna's head.

"ahaha!! Onee-Sama's love punches!" Yuna exclaimed, stars swirling from her eyes, a fresh bruise on her head.

Chromastone sighed. As Sugelite had been the only Crystalsapien of his kind, Chromastone was genderless, and therefore the appearance was near identical to her Father's version. however, when she spoke, the Miyoko version of Chromastone had a more female voice. 

"Seriously Yuna.. I'll NEVER get what's wrong with you." Chromastone muttered. "And for some reason Mama keeps on getting this nostalgic look when you ambush me!"

"Now now.. do I need to separate you two again?" Lilly walked over, still looking cheerful. 

"Hey Lilly, you get your application results yet?" said Chromastone brightly. 

"Hmm.. no.. but I hope I'll get a response any day now.. Tokiwadai is trying to expand it's student diversity..and my part Pyronite genes should do the trick.. Papa's a little disappointed I can't go to school on Pyros though.." 

"You kidding? Nothing but fire and magma.. and fire.. everywhere.. who wants to go to school on Pyros!?" said Yuna, jumping to her feet and making a frown.  

"Well, I don't mind a little fire.." Lily, smiled, and molten rock shifted over her body, as she suddenly morphed into what looked like a slender 5'3 tall version of Heat Blast. 

Lily's head flames flared a little as she grinned and tossed a fireball on her palm a few times. "After all.. it'd suit me right?"

"Your Pyronite side yeah.." Chromastone said. "but something tells me your human side would get bored of everything looking like a volcano.."

"Lilly!! Miyoko!!" the principle snapped, as he walked by towards the building. "How many times do I have to talk to you about transforming on school grounds!?"

"Jackass.." Miyoko muttered as she returned to human form in a flash of green light. "There are at least seven Polymorphs in the 12th graders, and he never yells at them for merging together into a tidal wave and slamming into us for giggles."

"He needs to find a female and fast.." said Lilly as she returned to her own human form.. 

And so the three friends proceeded into the school giggling about whether or not the Janitor and the Principle had a thing going. 

They then stopped talking after what felt like a miniature earthquake shook the school.

"C-could it be?" Miyoko stammered.

"I think so!" said Lilly. "HURRY! or we'll miss it!!"

The three girls pressed their faces against the third floor window as down in the streets below, they witnessed a massive Robotic alien with an incredibly thick flat metal skull that burned with heat.. fall into a nearby building.

"Ugh!!" the cybernetic alien growled, standing back up. "Ya pissing me off Tennyson!"

"Clam it Hammerhead!" Humungousaur stomped onto the scene, cracking his knuckles. "Because of you I had to miss kissing my daughter goodbye this morning! We can either do this the easy way, or I can take out all the pent up rage of not seeing my princess off on you!"

"GRRAAAAAHHH!! Hammerhead lowered his thick skull and charged.

"WHAAAAMM!" Humungousaur hurled a powerful punch into the side of Hammerhead's jaw.. and the alien cyborg hit pavement, knocked out in a single blow. 

"YEAH PAPA!!" Miyoko cheered, her voice muffled due to her face being pressed against the window.

"Your pops is on fire today." said Yuna. "Only one punch this time? Do they ever learn?"

"Eh.. sometimes it's just idiots trying to prove themselves, sometimes they break into Headquarters while we're sleeping.. friggin' annoying." said Miyoko.  "And Papa doesn't have to do anything then.. it's usually mama who gets all pissed off and sends them packing."

"Mmmmm.. Mrs. Tennyson.." said a voice.

Miyoko, Lilly, and Yuna all stared at a nearby blonde boy, who had a dreamy expression on his face.

"Fred!!" Miyoko said, looking disgusted.

"What.. ? Your mom's pretty hot!" said Fred.

"yeah.. MY mom!!" Miyoko said, shaking her head. "Seriously Fred! Not cool!"

"Not cool at all." said Yuna.

"Eww.." said Lilly.

As Fred shrugged and walked off, Lilly gave Miyoko a wistful look. "Your family is made up of a bunch of badasses... I wish my family was like that... all I've got is an exobiologist for a dad, and a paleontologist for a mom.... I don't even think dad knows how to use his fire powers anymore.."

"Ahhh.. come on.. don't talk like that.. your parents are pretty cool too." said Miyoko. "Least you don't have a brother.. I swear that little Dweeb is going to turn me into a murderer."

"But Kenny is so cute!"

"If you can call little devils cute." Miyoko muttered. "That Omnitrix has turned him into a whole new definition of evil.. he put Stinkfly goo in my bed!"

"Yeahhhh.. and I'm sure you didn't retaliate.." said Lilly sarcastically.

Miyoko went silent.. then..

"Er... I... might have gone Big Chill and frozen his Play Station 10 in revenge.."

"Ahhh.. siblings.." said Yuna. "The glorious youth of the rivalries that define us."

(MisakaLovesYou: Thankfully, me and my sister never have this problem

MystoganSeven: My sister on the other hand throws bananas at me..)

"You and your bro are going to have to get over each other at some point.." said Lilly. "You both are like.. the kids of the Omnitrix.. that's a big deal. there's nobody else like you except your Dad."

"Hmmm.. " Miyoko muttered. "Wish Papa saw it this way.. honestly he's so overprotective.. he never lets me join him in his battles!"

"You need a way to prove yourself Onee-sama. " said Yuna. "And I think I know exactly how we can do that!"

Yuna pointed at a nearby box on a desk in the hallway, where people were putting slips of paper with their names on it.

"Is that-?" 

"Yep.. sweepstakes for that exchange program in Academy City." said Yuna. "Thinking about.. shifting the votes a bit..?"

"We're not cheating.." said Miyoko. "Plus if mama and papa think I actually signed up to go to Academy City when they explicitly told me not to.. they'll have a fit..

"You're not.. I already have." said Yuna, her grin becoming mischievous as a Merlinsapien teacher picked up the box.

"Y-you didn't.." said Miyoko, horrified.

"Didn't what? Teleport all the names out of that box about 2 seconds ago and replace the names with variations of your name in over 400 different extraterrestrial languages?" said Yuna. "Come on.. would I do that?"

The Merlinsapien teacher walked over to Miyoko. "Well.. congratulations Ms. Tennyson, you've won the exchange trip to Academy City along with 2 friends. Though, I don't know why you wrote your name in Sotoraggian..."

Miyoko sighed and slapped a hand to her forehead. "Yunnnaaaa...."

"I did it for you Onee-sama.." said Yuna.

"FLASSSH!!" There was a flash of green light as AmpFibian towered above Yuna, crackling with violent electricity.

"Uh-oh.." Yuna squeaked, before teleporting into thin air.

"YOU GET BACK HERE!!!!" AmpFibian roared, flying into the school hall after her friend, violent electric bolts flying from her body. "YOU GET BACK HERE AND EXPLAIN TO MY PARENTS!!!!!"

"Honestly those two.." the Merlinsapien muttered.

"She went a whole 30 minutes without going AmpFibian on her.. that's a new record." said Lilly cheerfully. "Well well.. guess I don't have to wait for that acceptance letter after all!"

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