Arturia Pendragon and The Real Alien Experience.

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Ben awoke the next day not really having many plans besides figure out a bit more about the other Servants in the Grail War somehow. 

Well nobody could really blame him. With Birdway out of contact and unable to provide any additional instruction, Ben was at a loss as to how exactly he should continue the whole 'befriend King Arthur' deal.. plus he had a feeling she would react badly if he decided to go off without telling anybody to investigate the Forever Knight fortress. 

So Ben ended up sitting up in bed, fully dressed, teeth brushed, arms folded, frowning at his mirror as he tried to debate what exactly to do..

At that moment, a soft knock at his door. 

"Come in." Ben said. 

Arturia peeked in, and Ben was shocked to see she had her hair down, and was dressed in ordinary peasant's clothing... and her hair was brown from Merlin's Hair Dye potion

"I.. I have a request.. that I would wish to be kept from the others." said Arturia quietly, looking nervous. "I have seen the usefulness of being.. not seen as an intimidating king to better understand the needs of my kingdom.. if it would not be too much trouble to you..."

Ben blinked with surprise. "Wait.. are you saying, you'd like to be my cousin Mel again today to get to know all the other subjects of your kingdom?"

Arturia nodded shyly. Ben knew that he should consider this an honor.. he doubted Arturia ever acted shyly around anybody at all usually. This was a side of herself she was trusting with Ben. He had to respect that as much as he could.

"Sure." said Ben with a grin. "Where do you want to go?"

"Just around town." said Arturia as she walked in and closed the door behind her. "Pretend to show me around.. "

"Okay." said Ben. 

"Oh.. wait!" said Arturia. "We should figure out a back story first.. I should get to know your family as to answer questions if prompted. "

"Okay well then.." Ben said. "What do you want to know?"

"Firstly, the names of your parents.. their professions.. your fiance, as I understand you have one.. and of course any other familial roles your relatives might have.. and who would be my father and mother?"

"Your mom and dad to begin with would be Frank and Natalie Tennyson, and in that case your brother would be Ken Tennyson, and your sister would be Gwen Tennyson." said Ben with a shrug. 

"Yes.. I see.." said Arturia, as she whipped out a clipboard with parchment and began scribbling notes. 

"My Mom and Dad are Carl and Sandra Tennyson." Ben continued. "I have one adopted sister named Helen Wheels Tennyson, who I am proud to admit, I freely spoil whenever I have the opportunity..  I also have a Grandpa who is er... a retired warrior.. I'm walking in his footsteps. "

"Admirable.. it appears you have dreams and ideals to aspire to from your elders." said Arturia, nodding as she continued to write down notes.

"I had one older sister, Jennifer Tennyson." said Ben. "Who er.. died. "

Arturia froze, for a moment, Ben seemed to catch a glance of shock and realization. 

"Artur-.. I mean my  king..?" Ben asked. "Is.. something the matter?"

Ben knew it, he saw something akin to guilt for just a second.. as if.. she knew something.. and she just found out that Ben was a part of what she knew.

Arturia took a deep breath, resuming her serious expression. "I see. Go on.."

"My fiance is named Mikoto Misaka.." said Ben. "She's the love of my life, 15 years old, and she's also a fiercer warrior than I am. And that's about it really.. that's Ben Tennyson in a nutshell."

"And that thing on your wrist.." said Arturia. "I feel I should probably know about how that happened as well.. though it it is a personal issue I will not press for information.."

"Oh it's fine.. it just fell out of the sky one day and latched onto my wrist.. ever since then I've been on some wild adventures." said Ben. "And it's called the Omnitrix."

Arturia's eyes went extremely wide. "The.. THE.. Omnitrix..?"

Ben suddenly remembered that the Omnitrix was a relic of British History along with Curtana and Ascalon. "Oh.. er..."

"So THAT is the Omnitrix." Murmured Arturia. "I was aware of it's existence.. but I did not know it's capabilities.. it.. transforms your body?"

"Well.. er.. yeah." said Ben, suddenly wondering what would happen if he ran into the past version of the Omnitrix.. then he remembered that it would pretty much just be the prototype control panel and not the entire Omnitrix because he himself was the Omnitrix. 

"Well yeah, it changes me into Aliens.." said Ben. "From beyond the stars.. "

"Beyond the stars.." said Arturia. "I see.."

"It doesn't seem surprising to you.." Ben said. 

"Well I suppose it wouldn't." said Arturia. "I am well aware that the stars are not just pimpricks one sees in the sky.. there are things out there that exceed understanding and mortal wonders..  I do not know whether to call you lucky or cursed.. it is a true burden to bear a weapon of such magnitude."

"It's not a weapon.. the original creator meant it to be a way for beings to learn to understand each other, grow closer.." said Ben.  "It's other beings in the universe like Vilgax that make it out to be a weapon. 

"Vilgax..?" Arturia muttered.

"Nobody you need to know about too much." said Ben. "Come on.. let's do some exploring.. "

As the two of them walked down the castle steps, they came across Gawain who was talking to Bedivere.

"I haven't seen the King anywhere.." Gawain was saying. "How odd, and you said you were with her just about 30 minutes ago-.. Oh? Ben and..your cousin Mel!"

Ben nodded as Arturia stepped back behind him scared to look up. 

"Hmm?" Bedivere's eyes widened a little but he stayed silent.  

Ben could tell.. he had that uncanny ability to read slight expressions from his countless fights... Bedivere knew Mel was actually Arturia.. whether he could tell that Arturia was truly female or just disguising herself as such, Ben couldn't say, but he definitely could tell that the King was really with them.

"Well.. I suppose he should turn up eventually.. his Majesty is wise.. he wouldn't disappear without reason." said Bedivere before walking up the stairs. 

Gawain blinked. "Strange.. he doesn't usually give up that quickly... perhaps the King is on some secret business she disclosed to Bedivere some time before, and he only just realized it might be for that..? Oh.. and on other business."

Gawain smiled at Arturia and bowed. "Fair lady.. one with beauty such as yours.. be careful out there in the town.. Camelot is a large place.. be sure to return to the castle safely during your visit."

"Thank you." said Arturia. "Ehem.. C.. Cousin.. let us depart shall we?"

"Yeah.. sure." said Ben. He was already getting several alarm bells going off in his head from how Gawain was eyeing Arturia in the same way he looked at Mikoto on their dates.  No need to cause Arturia more panic than she was already liable to start experiencing. Anyways, didn't Gawain have a wife?

They went out with absolutely no plan on where they were to go. Ben himself was unfamiliar with the layout of Camelot so it's not like he could exactly know where to go.. so it ended up with actually Arturia showing him around, though she met each location with a fresh look as while she knew where everything was, she had never experienced those locations from any other perspective other than reports, maps, or riding home in a war procession of sorts. 

"This is the main pavilion.. Oh.. ohh..." Arturia stopped and blinked. "It's.. far more colorful, and filled with more people.. and.. oh my fireworks?"

"Well when you riding in as King on a Horse I think they probably clear all that stuff out in respect to you." said Ben. 

Arturia went quiet, frowning as she eyed the festive spectacles around her. 

Ben felt a little bad. Arturia worked so hard to make sure people could have fun like this but she never got to participate in any of the fun..  "Sorry.."

"Do not." Arturia said, now frowning at Ben. "I was not feeling any discomfort for not being able to see these pleasures first hand.. it's just.. the Camelot Coat of Arms seems to be upside down in front of that tavern there.. 

Arturia smiled.. "I actually am happy really.. seeing the people able to enjoy themselves.

Ben finally saw it.. it was then he realized completely. The flaw with Arturia, the flaw that truly  separated her from being human, and made his job of befriending her in the way he needed to befriend her all the harder.. 

She held no desires for herself. No selfish wishes, no enjoyment of her life.. her entire life purpose was self sacrifice for the sake of others. And while that was noble.. it was overdone.. Her life was utterly empty of enjoyment. She could never truly befriend her comrades, nor could she ever truly desire anything for herself.. 

Of course they said ignorance was bliss and maybe Arturia wouldn't be pained by it if she was completely like this. However after Ben glimpsed a slight look at Arturia when she was actually enjoying herself when she ate his food, he knew that there must be a small Arturia inside this perfect one.. desiring and longing to have these things.. but unable to because the King Arturia musn't.. 

It was deplorable to Ben. Even though he had duties to his work as a Hero, fears, anxieties.. he still managed to enjoy it to a degree..  He had to, or he'd go insane. 

But the problem here was that Ben knew no matter where he took Arturia, she would be unwavering in showing any bit of her selfish side..  she was stuck in this perpetual torture she had set up for herself for the sake of others. 

But then again..

Arturia showed some of that side with food after enduring Gawain's cooking for most of her life... perhaps if she was exposed to something CRAZY.. something UNUSUAL.. 

Ben had an idea..  Granted it would take a lot of his physical stamina to pull off. But he had done it with Mikoto before and it was definitely something Ben never got tired of himself.

"Say.. Arturia.." said Ben as Arturia began scribbling down notes on her clipboard, observing a parade that was happening.

"Yes?" Arturia asked, looking up. "I was just noting how it seems my people would appreciate more clothing shops in this district.. I must make sure to remember.."

That was right, Arturia's reasons for participating in the Cousin Mel ruse was completely unselfish too.. no curiosity for her own sake, but for the sake of seeing what her people wanted but were too nervous to ask her about in person. Irksome, but.. hopefully... hopefully this one thing might open her eyes to a new perspective.

"How would you like to see what it's like to be an alien?" Ben asked. 

Arturia stared at Ben with shock. "Wha?"

Ben didn't wait for an answer. If he waited for one she'd surely refuse.. he couldn't ask for permission here... besides it would only be for about 2 minutes and then Ben would be too exhausted to move a finger and she could berate and scold him all she liked.

Ben grabbed Arturia's wrist and pulled her into a secluded alleyway.. She didn't resist, likely out of surprise. Otherwise, with the strength of a dragon she'd be able to stop him easy. 

Ben dialed the Omnitrix open and focused his body. "Function 18, Temporary Transformation extension.. "

The way Ben figured it, if he WAS originally the Omnitrix itself, then he originally had been meant to be worn and used just like he used the control panel. His intended purpose had been to transform others before Azmuth's little experiment into Artificial Intelligence capable of understanding all life that created Ben's sentience. 

So if he could transform other people back then? Why not now?

Unfortunately he discovered that the Omnitrix.. his body, had evolved and upgraded itself into a far more selfish functioning machine.. tuning mainly to transform himself and only himself.. and while sometimes Malfunctions could cause outside transformation like it had in the past sometimes..  he could transform others at will.. though.. it took a bit of stamina.. actually a lot of stamina if you succeeded.

And sure enough, a green beam of light exploded into Arturia, and in that moment she had transformed into a female version of Brainstorm. 

Her eyes were larger, the spikes on the armor fewer, and her pincers slightly smaller. She blinked in astonishment as lightning crackled around her cranium. "Kn... knowledge.. knowledge piercing through me.. and.. so much to think of.. to build.. to create.. and... my body is odd.."

Arturia could feel it her, mind expanding to unknown fathoms.. every particle in the air, she could calculate their trajectories with perfect accuracy. She knew exactly the density of molecules and how to create a source of energy that would keep Camelot running into the future for a thousand years..  And the body was so strange, so intriguing in it's experience.. the way she was able to scuttle from side to side.. manipulate electricity with a single thought and-...

Just as soon as it came, it went, another  flash of green light later she was herself again.. no.. that was inaccurate. She was always herself.. only she had been herself if she had been born as a different species.. 

"That was... incre-.." Arturia froze. Ben had fallen over.. panting, gasping and sweating. 

"Wh.. wha-!?"

"I'm.. fine.. it takes a lot of stamina to do that for even as long as I just did.. I overestimated how long I could hold your transformation.. but.. hey.. it was cool right?"

Arturia went silent.. it was cool..


Something else had happened when Arturia experienced the incredibleness of Ben's power.. 

Perhaps it was a side-effect that he was unaware of.. 

But she had glimpsed it.. 

No.. it was more accurate to say that a good portion of Ben's memories had just been uploaded to her mind. 

"What?" Ben asked. 

Arturia didn't respond, she didn't know HOW to respond

Now that she saw the face of Ben's sister clearly in his memories.. she knew EXACTLY who he was.. not why he had come here.. to Camelot.. that was still a mystery.. but who he was was certain..

"What are you doing in this time period?" Arturia wanted to ask. "Why have you come here?"

But she thought better of it.  This boy meant no malice.. whatever his reasons, she would indulge him for now.  He needed guidance and council.. not distrust and anger.. 

And if he was who she knew him to be.. she felt more responsible for the pain in his life than she could care to admit..

"You're looking at me very weird.." Ben said. "Er.. was.. it a bad thing for you? Did I cross a line? Oh who am I kidding it was TOTALLY line crossing from the start.."

"No.. I assure you, it was an amazing experience." said Arturia honestly "Is your body always automatically able to instinctually know what to do in a new form?"

"To an extent, but it's limited, there are some parts of their powers that I sometimes need to figure out myself." said Ben. "I know there are like a million aliens in this thing, but I feel like when I grow older I'll probably limit it to around 10 thousand or something.. cause honestly.. a million super powers is hard to remember how to use."

"No.. rather it's impossible.. not even the most difficult language has that many words." said Arturia. "Yes I think it's wise to keep a large pool of favorites for general usage.."

Ben grinned tiredly. "Yeah.. er.. let's go back, sorry but I've kinda just winded myself.."

"Of course.."

Mordred paced her room back and forth, uncertain.

She remembered the mission like it was yesterday, the thing that would put all of this in motion, the crap that was now coming back to bite her in the butt. 

It was around 2 years ago.. after Mordred had first become a knight when she had been called into the King's Study.

Merlin had been there, the fluffy bastard, Mordred only remembered that he looked very fluffy.. and bouncy or something.. she wasn't good with remembering faces sometimes. 

Arthur had looked solemn and serious, his face was so feminine that Mordred sometimes wondered if he was secretly a girl too, but they told her that Arthur only looked that way because he stopped aging at a very young age, and his features were just overtly beautiful which was all.. 

"There is a mission we have for you Mordred.. after looking at your aptitude for getting into the Knights of the Round, we have figured that you would be the best candidate." said Merlin. "It is of utmost importance.. and one that is directly from the king himself."

"Mordred.." said Arthur. "I won't pretend this job isn't filled with danger and uncertainty.. but we need it to be done.. "

Mordred was eager to serve then.. still was..  she felt her sweat drip with nerves on the inside of her face obscuring helm. "I won't let you down.."

"Merlin.. the details.." said Arthur.

"Yes.." said Merlin. "Last night, I was confronted by a Time Travelling Entity.. "

"A.. what?" said Mordred.

"A time travelling entity.. by the name of Aleister Crowley, or so that is what he called himself." said Merlin. "He was a powerful mage who rivaled even myself.. a disturbingly powerful sorcerer who somehow managed to utilize time travel without splitting the timeline..  "

"What was he doing here?" Mordred asked.

"Searching.. for a secret related to a device known as the Omnitrix." said Merlin.


"It is one of 3 ancient artifacts created by a being who assisted St. George in slaying the monstrous Destroyer of Destroyers who once threatened our world eons ago." said Merlin. "A Noble Phantasm crafter some have called him.. whose own creations make the stores of Babylon's vault look like silly collection of knick knacks. He forged Ascalon, Curtana, and The Omnitrix as his greatest creations.. he also created the prototype sword that would eventually be the model for Caliburn, the king's old sword.. in his attempts to replicate Excalibur, which were a bit fruitless. "

"Cool.. so.. what does the Omni-whatsit do?"

"We don't know." said Merlin. "It was lost to time..however, the mage I met before he returned to his present, I knew this much.. he is trouble..  and if the Omnitrix were in his hands.."

"It might mean dire consequences of a scale unheard of." said Arthur. "We were able to ascertain a new target of his from his present in his search for clues of the artifact... a boy... a child by the name of Ben Tennyson."

"Eh.. stupid name." Mordred muttered.

The name isn't important, the owner of the name is.. we don't know what connection the boy has to the Omnitrix, and there's only one way to get first hand knowledge without causing a split in the timeline.. we need to try Magic Circuit Insertion Time Travel.." said Merlin.

"M.. Ma what?"

"We will insert a magic circuit crafted from your blood and essence into the family line of the Tennysons through a temporal fracture." said Merlin.  "And you will be able to move through their bloodline as a result.. and be reborn temporarily during the time Ben Tennyson is alive.. or perhaps even a little before. "

"Wait.. are you telling me.. I'm about to go and reincarnate myself into me in the future?" Mordred muttered. 

"Yes and when the task is done you will be pulled back.. simple." said Merlin. "And the family won't suspect a thing.."

"EH?" Mordrd was still confused. 

Merlin just smiled. "Don't think about it too much and you'll be fine. Now.. do you think you're up for the challenge. 

Once again Mordred had gone with the same naive eagerness... And little did she know how much it would change her.. 

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