Power of the Gods.

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Michael Morningstar let out an echoing laugh as he held a hand into the air, conjuring up a massive ball of golden energy. "YES!! THIS IS THE POWER NO LEVEL 5 HAS EVER GRASPED!! THE POWER OF A LEVEL 6!!! I CAN FEEL IT FILLING MY VERY VEINS!! FEEDING ME!!! STRENGTHENING ME!!"

"It's like Vento when she's on her period." Chromastone said. 

"Only he isn't trying to kill the tampons." said Mikoto. "Huh, accurate description. "

"DIEEEEEE!" Michael threw down an explosive blast of golden energy, and Chromastone flew forward, absorbing the golden blast into his chest.

"WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND!!!" Chromastone hurled an equally ginormous blast of multicolored energy back at Michael, having absorbed it from him in the first place.

The blast exploded into the powerful esper, causing him to roar out in pain and fury.

"Can't use Feedback  to siphon the energy out." Chromastone muttered. "If I do, the energy will convert into electricity, and there'll be no way to send it back where it came from!"

"We'll just try defeating him for now.. then figure out what to do." said Mikoto.

"Mikoto.. got any ideas.. cause I was actually BARELY able to absorb that without disintegrating.." said Chromastone. "That Glimmer Energy stuff is something different I've never seen before!"

"His personal Reality involves Greed, Control.. a need that can't be satisfied by feeding just once a desire to devour even those that can devour too..." said Mikoto.  "Even your energy absorbing aliens like Feedback and Chromastone are gonna have trouble with that.. with the state he's in now."

"God Alien?" Chromastone asked.

"Don't see us having much of a choice!" said Mikoto. 

There was a flash of green light, and then a burst of icy flames.. 


As the ultimate form flew into the air, icy flames trailing from his wings, Michael laughed. "One of your 'Ultimate Forms'? I was wondering when you would pull one of those out of your ass Tennyson!! But there's no way a meager form like that can defeat me!"

"Not done yet Goldilocks." Ultimate Big Chill said in his breathy voice. "Now Mikoto.."

Mikoto held out a hand to Ultimate Big Chill as something around her neck grew bright.. the Connectrix.


"FOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!" A powerful golden light, combined with a freezing shockwave of black and white colored air swirled around Ultimate Big Chill.

When Big Chill next emerged, his wings  had turned transparent and thin, like a glass insect. The wings on his left were black and jagged, like a bat's.. the wings on his right were colorful, blue and violet, and sparkled like a fairy.  his chest carapace looked chilling blue like armor.. while the rest of his body was purple and black..

It was as if he was both an angel, and a demon.



God Big Chill

Species: Numensapien/Necrofriggian Hybrid

God Evolution: Big Chill's natural ability to survive, and his thriving in the Dark Cold of space has been exploited fully by the Numensapien Genes now infused in his body. His ice hovers within a supernatural balance between the Light of Justice, and the Dark of Destruction. A God Form that is both sworn to protect, and sworn to devour.

Power: God Big Chill now possesses two types of ice. In his left hand, he possesses the power over the Black Ice of Sin, which burns at the touch, much like Dry Ice, except far worse. This ice is like a frozen poison, causing opponents who touch it, to receive immense damage and to burn against a black flame.  On his right Big Chill  wields the White Ice of Justice. This white glowing ice, is invincible, and unmeltable by any kind of heat, being useful as a shield, as well as a prison.  Those who are frozen in the White Ice are preserved for eternity until the ice is dispelled.  God Big Chill is also able to freely manipulate the ice he forms like telekinesis.

Trivia: God Big Chill's Wings are so intricate and immensely beautiful to behold in person, that any who look upon this alien are momentarily enchanted by it's beauty. 


Michael stared with incredulity at the new form before him. "Wh-what is that!? Academy City Records show nothing of this.. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT FORM!?

"No need to ask... just need.. to... SURRENDER!!!" God Big Chill crossed his arms, then sent them both hurling out.

From his left hand, a powerful blast of black fire exploded out.. turning into pitch black colored crystal-like ice, hissing with cold icy mist... while from his right hand.. a massive blast of white crystalized ice blasted out, glowing with beautiful moonlit light...

The massive black and white ice trails arched into the air, then streamed down at Michael, like arrows of holy judgment.

Michael gritted his teeth and hurled his giant energy sphere at the ice blasts..

First the white ice speared into the energy sphere and then formed a massive shell around the giant sphere... encasing it in an ice so invincible, that the sphere fizzled out after being in contact with it..

Then the stream of black ice arched around the white ice sphere, like intelligent guided missiles, exploding into Michael.

The moment the black ice shards made contact with him, he screamed in immense pain as an explosion of pure black horrid fire enveloped him and he was sent blasting into the ground with an earth shattering blast..

Michael stood up, panting, looking at his golden skin to find that where the ice had made contact, there were rotting frozen burns.. as if he had touched dry ice .. patches of blue and blackened cracked skin..  Touching the black ice caused parts of him to literally freeze to death in an instant!

"I-Impossible!" Michael stammered.

"KOMORI ICE CAGE!!!!!!!" God Big Chill spun like a top, causing streams of freezing black flames and cold glowing white mist to blast from his body like a tornado.

The streams of black and white ice swirled around Michael in an instant, creating a giant dome shaped cage.. with the outer layer made of octagon shaped white ice scales.. and the inner layer being made of ominous webs of black ice.

The black ice webs grew spikes, with shot out and hurled themselves at Michael from all directions.


Michael flew up at blistering speeds, leaving a trail of golden light, dodging and weaving through the black ice shards, he then flew through a gap in the black ice web and aimed a tremendous energy punch at the  outer white web... but his punch glanced off the indestructible white ice with no damage.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Michael roared, hurling powerful attack after attack at the outer layer of ice. "LET ME OUT!!!!"

God Big Chill suddenly phased straight through the cage, his left fist engulfed in swirling black cold flames.. and his right hand enveloped in bright moon-chilled light. 

"WHAM!!!" The first left punch rammed into Michael's face, creating a black flaming shockwave... and a black freezer burn appeared on the cheek, cracking his skin, and turning his lips blue.. as shards of his frozen skin began to fall off.

"WHAM!!!" Next the right fist, enhanced with the cold freezing light of invincible, unbreakable ice exploded right into Michael's stomach.. causing him to vomit blood, as the impact was powerful enough to break through the Windowless Building, and turn it to dust.

"COLD JUSTICE!!!" God Big Chill hurled his hand forward, and shackles made of glowing white ice blasted into Michael, smashing him into the ground and restraining him.

"NO!!!" Michael roared, struggling against his binds. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!"

"FROZEN JUDGEMENT!!!" God Big Chill then held up his other hand to the sky, and a massive javelin, the size of a building, made of black ice that was ignited with flickering black flames, appeared above him. 

God Big Chill threw the massive javelin, and it streaked down at Michael, like a dark comet of terrifying declaration.

There was an explosion of black flames..  and the Komori cage shattered into sparkling dust... 

When the icy dust cleared.. Michael was staggering around.. his body having turned entirely into a shriveled, blackened cold.. blue.. husk.  Parts of his skin were cracking and falling off, shattering like glass when they hit the ground...

"Y-you.." Michael rasped, right before his entire frozen left arm broke off and shattered against the ground.. 

"Your power is keeping you alive." said God Big Chill. "I went easy.. only the outermost part of your body, and your limbs, are completely frozen, if you give up the energy you stole, I will defrost you.. otherwise, I can kill you with just a single tiny shard of black ice.."

"SCREW YOU!!!" Michael's frozen skin all shattered, as beneath, his golden body regenerated, and his arm regrew in a burst of light. "I AM THE GOD!! NOT YOU!!!"

Suddenly, however, a rotting corpse-like arm grabbed Michael's ankle..

"What!?" Michael looked down to see that Kuroko had grabbed his ankle..  

Soon.. Misaki and Kongou had both latched onto Michael too.. followed by hundreds of other zombified girls, all screaming and running out from the shadows.. attracted by the vast energy Michael had now in his Level 6 form.

"WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Michael screamed as golden light erupted round him. "STOP.. STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPP!!!"

"BOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!" God Big Chill flew down to Mikoto and used his wings to shield her as a powerful light and shockwave lit up the entire district..

When the light cleared, all the girls, including Kuroko, Misaki, and Kongou stood up.. all of them back to full health, no longer rotting zombies..  

"OH THANK GOD!" Misaki squealed, feeling her skin. "That was HORRIBLE! It would've taken more than moisturizer for that nightmare!"


On the ground.. groaning.. now a shrivelled zombie-like face himself.. was Michael, completely drained of energy.. even the energy that would have been enough to keep him as a Level 1.. his face skull-like.. his hair white and falling out..

"Should we help him?" Mikoto said, glaring down at Michael with disgust.

"No.." said God Big Chill. "He's a Level 0 now.. he can live with the consequences of his actions..  for now.. however... Hey.. Kuroko.. mind if I kiss Mikoto?"

"HOW DARE YOU!!" Kuroko screamed, hurling a furious barrage of kicks at God Big Chill, all of which phased through him like the ghost he was.

"Whew.. just checking." said God Big Chill with a sigh of relief as Mikoto giggled.


"Hah.. hah.. hah.." panting, Michael staggered down the hall of the dark lab.. barely able to walk.. his pale bony body, barely strong enough to hold him upright.

"How?" Michael rasped. "How in hell.. did he gain such power!?"

Flashes of God Big Chill appeared in his mind's eye, as he felt his fury rise.

Nobody had the right to hold more power than he.. the one who was capable of transcending gods.

"God... alien.." Michael muttered. "He called it God Big Chill.. God.. does he truly think, he has transformations that equal GODS!? THE NERVE!!"

"Master.." The old scientist from before opened the door at the end of the hall and hurried over to Michael.

"What's happened to me!?" Michael roared. "Whenever I run out of energy, I just turn into a Level 1 again.. but this... THIS.."

"When they connected their AIM fields to take their energy back from you, they took a little more than you took from them." said the scientist, helping Michael up. "As a result, something new has shown up in the complexities of your power. However, I can assure you.. a new variation of your ability shall return... Master.."

"Very well.. "

"For now.. we must continue the experiment, I'll have Sunder nab us another girl.."

"No! They'll be on their guard now.. and after that battle, it's obvious Sunder stands no chance against Tennyson.." growled Michael as he was helped into the lab.

"Not.. entirely true.." said the scientist. "Tennyson wasn't fighting you alone.. it appears that according to the analysis, this enhanced transformation required the Railgun to use a unique device she was wearing to lend Tennyson some unique energy.. their minds were connected.. and the two of them were both controlling the alien form at the same time.."

"What?" said Michael.

"Without Mikoto Misaka, Ben Tennyson cannot use that so called God Form.." said the scientist. "We need to keep them separate.."

"Separate them.. divide and conquer.." Michael hissed. "Yes. Perfect.. when will my powers return?"

"A day.. a few weeks, I cannot be certain.. but by then.. they will.. be.. er.. quite different.."

"Different how?"

the scientist gave Michael an ominous look. "It might be something.. horrifying.."

Michael gave the scientist a ghoulish skeletal grin. "I do like horrifying.."

How does it Feel? (learn how it feels to transform in ACSO! Characters tell you what it's like!)

Going Alien:

Ben: "Well, I can't say it's changed from the time I was 10.. it felt like I was still myself, yet not me.. as if I were me from some other reality.. like what would've happened if I was born as something else entirely not human.. hard to describe, but physically it feels like my entire body goes warm instantly, and when the warmth ends.. I have all these new body parts... or maybe I'm missing a few."

Going Ultimate: 

Ben: "Hurts. Not really bad. But I definitely tend to grit my teeth when I do it. Feels like the pain starts at where the Omnitrix's badge is, and then spreads until I'm fully transformed. The pain is sort of just like muscle soreness, nothing that makes me go 'I don't want to do this anymore'. "

Going God.



Interviewer: "Well? Go on.."

Mikoto: "It's embarrassing..."

Ben: "We both feel it.. since it's technically both of us doing the transformation.. it feels.."

Mikoto: "Loving.. close.. Like we can feel each other's love for each other.. like we're pouring strength into each other on a phenomenal level.. in fact, it's so close.. it feels private so..."

Ben: "Yeah, we'd rather not discuss it."

Going Black Heart.

Ben: "Pure pain, terror, and all of Mikoto's worst emotions compacted with my worst emotions that get slammed into me with a hot poker and few dozen dump trucks."

Mikoto: "Pretty much."

Interviewer: "Jeez, that isn't pleasant."

Ben: " *rolls his eyes*  ya think?"

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