Chapter Four: She needs The Force

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   Jyn had a mission, and that mission was to transmit plans, so that is what she had to do.

   Jyn climbed, and came to an open shaft that closed , then opened. Shink. Shunk. Shink. Shunk. There was only was only a few seconds between each opening. She adjusted herself and got ready. It opened, and Jyn climbed, faster than she ever had before.

   Breathless, she continued up to the Antenna. She spotted a black console, with a slot for a data file. She inserted the Stardust file.

 Cassian's P.O.V
  Cassian's vision was very blurry, but he'd still seen Krennic march off to go kill Jyn. He had to get up.

      Jyn's P.O.V
   Reset antenna alignment. Reset antenna alignment. Great, what do I do now? Jyn looked and saw another console, on the end of a long thing, precarious platform. That'll do. She carefully walked over, and pulled a switch up.

  Chirrut's P.O.V
   Over on the beach, Chirrut was sensing a plea for help in the force. Jyn, she needs help but she does not know it. Chirrut closed his blind eyes and focused.

    "I'm one with Force and the Force is with me. I'm one with the Force and the Force is with me." Chirrut chanted, praying that the Force would answer Jyn's plea.

  Chirrut, ignored his companions thoughts, and reached into the force, searching for one person and one person only.

    Jyn's P.O.V

  Back at the Antenna, Jyn was relieved to hear the Automated voice pronounce Antenna aligned. Jyn walked back, but stopped short, a TIE fighter shot at the platform and Jyn began to run.

   She ran as fast as she could. The TIE shot right in front of her, the blast sent her reeling back, and clinging to the edge of the platform.

   Jyn used all of her strength to pull herself up, and limp to the transmission console.

   Krennic emerged from an elevator entrance, holding a blaster pointed straight at her.

   "Who are you?!" He yelled. Jyn stuck her chin up proudly,

"You know who I am. I am Jyn Erso, daughter if Galen and Lyra." Krennic's eyes widened.

"My father layed a fuse in the Death Star, and I've just told the entire Galaxy how to light it." She let that sink in.

"You've lost."

"The shield is up," he said, more confidently than he felt. "Your plans will never reach the rebel base, I lose nothing but time. You on the other hand, die, with the rebellion."

He raised the gun and fired, at the last millisecond, Jyn felt something pull her, and the bullet hit her in the shoulder. At the exact same moment Krennic was shot, in the back. Cassian!

   He'd made it just in time another second and he would've lost her. He kept his gun aimed while Jyn pulled a switch. Transmitting. They'd done it.

   He saw Jyn smile at him. Then her gaze was filled with fury, she was going to kick him for all the pain he'd caused her. Cassian grabbed her. She whipped around. "Maybe we should leave Target practice behind." Jyn glanced at the Imperial general's body, and nodded. Cassian winced, and had to lean on Jyn.

"Do-do you think, anybody's listening?"

Jyn nodded,"Someone's out there." They walked in the elevator and rode it down. The two stared at each other, each wondering what the other was thinking and how they were going to get out of this place.

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