-20- Recharge

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Danny sat at the kitchen counter, a bowl of cereal in front of him. Dick in Robin uniform also had cereal in hand, the rest of the team was sprawled out through the mountain.

Superboy was training with Kaldur and Wally and Artemis were also in suit playing a video game in the living room while M'gann watched with confused fascination.

The events of the early morning were still present in the air, everyone didnt know how to feel about it so they ignored it until Robin felt like sharing. Danny took another bite, whatever had happened had left him starving. He was a little tired but the overall excitement of the event left him very much awake.

Danny had an intense flashback, to his days with the GIW, the days where he would do more than just fight robots. Robin had cradled him for an hour before Danny had stirred. Despite his nightmare he woke calmly, resulting in another hour of laying in his older brothers loving' arms absolutely exhausted by the turama.

After a while Robin asked what had happened, Danny spilt it all. Every experiment, every catastrophe, every pain filled moment was laid out for Robin to see. It took several hours, making them late to breakfast.

Currently, he and Robin sat together at the counter, watching Wally get his butt handed to him by Artemis. There were lots of moving parts and colors that Danny made no sense of, but he was able to figure out they were in little cars on a road that was really hard to stay on. It was rainbow colored and in space, there was no ground so it was easy for the karts to get off track. Wally grumbled every time his kart fell off or when Artemis sent him a weird blue shell with wings.

Dick eyed his brother. He had gone through so much at such a young age, it made his own past look like candyland. Danny was immensely more powerful than he admitted, and had bigger demons than Dick imagined.

He had killed people.

Many, many people. His shy, cute, somewhat goofy little brother didnt look like he would hurt a fly. But there was something in the way Danny described killing made it seem like it wasn't him who chose to kill those people. And he looked so scared he would do it again, Dick was going to get to the bottom of this.

After Danny was done he pushed the bowl away, Robin took it along with his and put them in the sink. Danny lazily looked around, what would they do now? M'gann was enthralled by the video game that Artemis and Wally were playing, Danny was also curious.

Danny hopped down from his stool and made his way over to the couch, standing on Wally's side of the screen. He wondered if he could touch it and feel the race track or fall into the empty space. He moved in front of the screen, getting super close before trying to reach up and touch it.

"Whatchya doin Phantom?" Robin asked with a smile, Danny was always so curious about simple things. It spoke volumes of his captivity but it was adorable to watch. Danny turned with his hand still up, he looked to the tv, was he not supposed to touch it? He let his hand down and turned sheepishly to his older brother.

"Sorry," He said in a small voice, his bright green eyes glancing over to the other teens before returning to his brother "c-can I touch it?"

Artemis and Wally both wore smiles while M'gann giggled quietly into her hand, Robin's face broke out in a grin. "Sure, lemme help." He walked over and picked Danny up, hoisting him onto his hip before raising him up Lion King style. Wally nearly busted out laughing, so he left his cart to go off track and found his phone, taking a picture of the adorable scene.

Delighted, Danny reached up and finally touched the screen, it was warm, he moved his hand around creating a static-like buzzing under his fingers. Curiosity satisfied he pulled back. Robin put him back on the ground while Wally regained his controller and started playing again.

"Recognized: Red Arrow B07" the computer called out, Danny shifted closer to Robin.

"Roy!" Wally said excitedly but kept his eyes on the screen, his cry startled the already spooked Danny.

Danny looked to Robin whose gaze was in the Zeta Tubes direction, as was Wally's once his kart fell off, not on purpose mind you. Danny noticed Artemis roll her eyes but didnt seem as excited as her speedster friend.

"It's ok Danny, Roy is a very good friend, he's a little grouchy but he's a good guy." Robin said when he looked down to his little brother. Danny still felt concerned but for Robin's sake he remained somehwat calm.

Another red head walked through the archway, he was tall and had a red sleeveless shirt on, a bow in one hand and a bag in the other with a full quiver on his back. He had a domino mask like Robin's and seemed to wear a permanent frown. He was like a mix of Superboy and Artemis with the hair of Wally. His core was more like Artemis's in fact of lots of colors, but a new color was in the throng, a gross mix green and purple.

Danny stared at it blankly, what kind of emotion was that?!

It seemed to dissipate when he came closer to Robin and Wally though. Danny looked down, not sure if he wanted to meet this man's eyes, there was an awful lot of red in his core. 'Roy' saw his huddled form half behind Robin and rose an eyebrow at the boy wonder.

"Who's this?" The archer asked the younger vigilanti.

"This is Phantom, he's staying at the mountain for a bit, me and Batman have been looking after him. He's a bit timid when it comes to new people, so you might want to be careful with what you do around him. He might take something the wrong way and blow us all up." His tone said 'joke' but his stern face said he was dead serious.

Roy showed nothing but he was a bit surprised, the little kid didn't look too destructive.

"He's got pretty big trust issues." Robin summed up. Roy nodded, the white-haired kid wasn't the only one. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see the child seizing up, tensing with his prolonged closeness. Danny held onto Robin's hand with vice like grip, the older man's presence was suffocating.

The air around Danny grew cold, Roy had no idea what was happening but he knew he had to defuse the situation. He reached into his walmart sack, pulling out a half eaten hershey bar, he unwrapped the uneaten part and broke off a piece. He then handed it to the quaking halfa.

Danny flinched when the hand was thrusted twards him as well as tightening his hold on Robin's hand. He peaked through his white hair and saw the chocolate in the man's hand. But he didn't know it was chocolate, but the smell reminded him of something long ago. The scent as well as the color was akin to fudge, a treat he always saw his large orange father eat.

"Take it, its chocolate." Roy said, food was always a good compromise when it came to children. Danny took it from his hand tentatively. He looked at it and turned it over in his fingers, examining to see if it really was what the man said it was.

He sniffed it, he didnt smell any of the bitter pasty smells he usually found when he was drugged so he deemed it safe. He bit a small piece experimentally and his eyes widened at the taste. It was incredibly delicious and seemed to melt in his mouth. It reminded him of his old family, he felt a sudden pang of sadness.

Roy smirked as he saw the child's face relax, cocolate never went wrong, except for Robin. He internally shuddered, Robin was not allowed to have sweets on account of the 'Chocolate Robin' incident, it had nothing to do with chocolate but it served as a reminder to never let Robin near the bowl of halloween candy or else the house was going to go up in flames.

No joke, his house literally went up in flames. Roy had to spend a few tense weeks at Oliver's house while he found a new apartment.

He was taken out of his thoughts when his goofy, red-head, surrogate brother jumped on him, putting him in a hug in the form of a choke hold.

"ROY!!" He yelled with overwhelming enthusiasm, Robin grinned as the archer struggled to breath.

"Wally.... a-air..." Roy gasped, the speedster waited a second more before releasing his tall friend. He took a step back and laughed, Robin's smile ever the creepiest. Roy glared at the red head and rubbed his neck as Wally laughed at him.

Danny was at a loss, what just happened?

"Dude! You should have seen your face! It was almost purple!" Wally said, Roy scowled at him.

"Yeah, that's when you know to stop." The archer grumbled.

"Technically speaking he could have held on nine more seconds before you would have passed out." Robin pointed out with a smirk, Wally grinned and Roy frowned. "So whats up?" Robin asked, no one should have been coming except for Black Canary, and she didnt come till ten, it was nine right then.

"I heard the mountain got attacked, I came to see what all the fuss was about." Roy said, Wally arched an eyebrow.

"And you decide NOW was a good time to come check on us? Not, oh I don't know, DURING the alarms?" Wally said, folding his arms and scowling with mock anger.

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Robin agreed with a tilted head.

"You guys had it handled, whatever it was, besides they turned off pretty quickly and Batman showed up soon after so I wasn't too worried." Roy admitted.

"How do you know that? That was yesterday dude." Wally asked, genuinely curious, it's not like what happened at the mountain had been broadcasted.

"I was at the Watchtower at the time, the alert had been sent to the watchtower. I went to go back you guys up but Hawkwoman said Batman decreed no visitors." Roy said, he set his bag down and folded his arms.

"But you're here." Robin stated.

"Batman doesn't have to know, besides, I wanted to know why. I also brought silly string and some spray-on paint, incase we wanted to do something to Artemis's bland room." Roy said with a rare grin, pointing to his walmart sack. "So, why did the big bat put you guys on house arrest?"

Danny half hid behind Robin, he still wasn't sure about this guy, but he reminded him of Jazzy. The halfa could tell he was genuinely concerned for his younger friends and was willing to incur the wrath of Daddybats to see if they were alright, albeit late. Jazzy was always protective of him and always made sure he was taken care of.

Robin sighed out through his nose, "Phantom. He's not too fond of visitors. The alarms went off yesterday because someone came that was not invited." Roy picked up on the darker tone, something had definitely happened when the mountain got attacked.

"Alright, I don't need details if you're not willing to tell them." Roy shrugged, grabbing his walmart sack and walking out of the room. Wally blinked and Robin sighed, of course Roy would want to get in on the 'Danny' secret.

"Fine..." Robin said, Roy grinned but schooled his features before turning back around.

"So what's really going on?"

Robin grinned, he wasn't going to make it that easy for him.


Danny held on for dear life as he was jerked around on Wally's shoulders. They were currently running down the halls of mount justice, away from Roy and his spray can of doom.

Who's idea was this?

Oh yeah,


Aqualad and Artemis were training so Wally figured that was a good time as any to prank her room. Roy and Robin had readily agreed, taking Danny along with them. They had fun spray painting her room with pinks and purples, but Wally had found some of the other colors and thought it was a good idea to use it on hair.

Roy was oblivious for a few minutes until Robin and Kid Flash couldn't contain their laughter anymore. To say the archer was mad was an understatement, the two pranksters found it pleasing to keep their lives so they fled.

They burst into the kitchen, Danny in tow, running for their lives. M'gann was making dinner with the quiet help of Connor, the trio had been hinting at Danny's powers all day but the archer still had no clue.

Wally put his foot out in front of Robin and he fell, Dick promised payback as the speedster ran ahead. Roy entered with spray paint blazing. Robin expertly distracted him with M'gann's drained spaghetti, causing M'gann to join in and telekinetically try and pour some of the spaghetti on Robin, but he dodged that too and it landed on Superboy.

M'gann had spouted apologies while Robin snickered behind her, then ran as Roy came at him with the green spray paint, his hair a lovely shade of fluorescent green. Wally had picked up Danny and set him on his shoulders before running off at super speed to evade the angry archer.

Which ended in their current predicament.

Wally sped around a corner and Danny yelped, grabbing onto the speedsters wild red hair. He wasn't sure what was going on but he had been swept up in the moment, all feelings aside he was actually having fun.

Danny bounced on the older kid's shoulders, grinning as the speed made his hair fly around in a pleasing way. Wally slid to a stop, he was out of places to run, Danny nearly falling off his shoulders after acclimating to the supersonic speed.

"Haha, whoa there Danny, careful." Wally laughed, grabbing the nine year old before he fell. Robin turned the corner, one of his arms grazed with green.

"Run Wally! He's right behind me!" He yelled in mock panic. Danny was actually worried while Wally laughed again and picked Danny up. Roy appeared with his brilliant green hair and fuming face, he looked christmassy if you asked Wally.

Again on Wally's shoulders he forgot to hold on, when Wally sped forward Danny was thrown off. He yelped as the speedster disappeared from under him, his cry was cut short as Robin picked him up and threw him onto his back. Danny remembered this, he wrapped his arms and legs around his brother's torso as he ran.

Wally had disappeared into the training room and Robin followed, chased by an angry Roy with a green can of spray paint. Artemis and Kaldur paused their training when they saw Wally run in and stop, putting his hands on his knees and taking deep breaths.

"Roy..." He explained weakly, he was sure he had gone the fastest he had ever gone before. And he was running on empty, Roy had forced him to wait for dinner, the dinner Robin had thrown at Roy, before eating any snacks.

Artemis smirked while Kaldur just rose an eyebrow, not accustomed to seeing the trio at work. Most times he was in Atlantis when they did their shenanigans. Robin ran in too, but he was looking behind him and didnt see the prone speedster before running into him.

The friends landed in a heap, all of them letting out some form of 'oof'. Danny was up first, untangling himself from the pile, Robin rolled away while Wally groaned in pain.

"Dude, I'm pretty sure you landed on my spleen."

"I think we have bigger problems than bruised spleens Walls." Robin retorted as he lept to his feet, Danny watched as Roy entered the room.

"You guys are SO dead!" Roy threatened, Danny took a step back, was he serious?

"Well, he is..." Wally mumbled, pointing to Danny. Robin smirked then frowned as Roy wiped his can of paint out.

"RUN!!!" Robin yelled, he took Danny's hand and fled, Wally wasn't so lucky.

"oh no..." Before he could run away Roy sprayed him in the face.


Artemis watched in amusement, she wouldn't pass up watching Wally get his butt whupped. She then froze as Roy's gaze landed on her, she put up a fake smile and backed away slowly before running after Robin. Aqualad stood still, utter confusion written on his face.

"Is this always the outcome of your 'pranks'?" The Atlantan asked, Roy stood above his victim, his face sufficiently greened. He evaluated the past few minuets and nodded.

"Practically." Roy admitted as Wally spit paint out of his mouth.

"Dude! you didn't have to get it in my mouth!" The speedster complained, "Now all I can taste is yucky pasty paint." He sat up poked at his green tinted tongue.

"The question is Wally, what doesn't go in your mouth?" The archer scoffed.

Wally shrugged, he had a point, he had eaten some weird stuff in his time, paint was not even on the weird list. Yes he had multiple lists of all the things he ate, he and Dick had made a list of all the things he ate when they were both bored and were finding random objects in the acrobats room. Don't judge, he had been twelve at the time.

"Should I go after Robin while he has Danny?" Roy asked mostly himself but Aqualad shook his head.

"No my friend, it would be wise to steer clear of Phantom. He has certain powers Batman was not willing to share, but for your sake I would not anger either Batman nor Phantom."

"Yeah, Batman has everyone spooked with a death threat if Danny came to any harm." The green-faced speedster grinned as if he told a funny joke, then got serious, "But that doesn't mean Danny can't harm us."

"Really?"Roy said in an unbelieving tone.

"Well, it's not a death threat death threat, it's more of a 'I will ruin your life and make sure you never find happiness' death threat." Wally specified, Roy rose an eyebrow.

"Well then, that's whelming." Roy said with a smirk, Wally went into shock.

"YOU SAID ONE OF ROBINS WORDS!!!!" Wally yelled, he looked horrified. "No one but Robin can use Robin's words! He'll hear you and come find you and-" Wally stopped as Robin dropped from an air vent above, Danny noticeably absent. He landed with a roll and had a scowl on his face as he marched twards the archer with astounding confidence.

"Did you use my word?" he asked with steely eyes, Roy rolled his own.

"Yeah, you guys can't fool me." Roy said, he ruffled Robin's hair and Wally wilted.

"Ugh, he's right, we've used all of our tricks." Robin sent a reassuring smirk in his direction.

"Don't be so sure Wally, I've recently aquired a new means of pranking." Roy and Wally watched as their surrogate brother did a weird hand movement. He spread his arms out and wiggled his fingers like he was preparing to do a magic trick. Then he disappeared.

The young vigilantes stood frozen, as good as Robin was, he couldn't disappear when they were all looking at him. The room darkened, as if some unseen presence had entered. A shiver ran down the teen's backs, Wally eyes darted in every direction.

A laugh echoed in the room, one of Robin's creepy cackles. Wally yelped as something brushed against his leg. Kaldur's eyes were peeled, but he unknowingly inched closer to the other vigilantis.

"SOMETHING TOUCHED MY LEG!!" He screamed, clinging onto Roy. He yelped again as a shadow passed by him. He climbed onto Roy who grumbled something about being a human jungle jim, Wally eventually getting to his shoulders.

Then the atmosphere lifted but the creepy cackle remained, but it became more human sounding and less eerie. Robin appeared again, closer this time with Danny on his back. Danny slid off holding onto Robin's leg and biting his lip, he wasn't so sure he liked pranking people.

Robin was holding his stomach, laughing to hard for words. The other teens scowled at him as he laughed, Roy rolling his eyes and sighing. It felt good to laugh after all the emotional strain he'd been under the past few days, Robin was a little too relieved.

"You guys are too easy!" Robin said, a giant grin on his face and a hand over his cramping stomach from laughing so hard.

"No fair! Danny helped you!"Wally cried, getting off Roy's shoulders and walking forward and pointing acusativly at the boy wonder. This was the part Danny was afraid of, he knew they would get mad. The GIW were ruthless in the way to make sure Danny was never happy, so any attempt to have fun was quickly squashed, literally and figuratively.

Robin couldn't suppress another laugh as he saw the serious speedsters green face. "Pfffttttt hahahahahahaha! Wally, I can't take you seriously right now, your face, pfff hahahahhaha!" He pointed to Wally's face and doubled over laughing again.

"Did someone let you near chocolate?" Wally asked, fear evident in his voice.

"Heh, no. It just feels good to laugh after... Danny stuff." He didn't exactly want to tell the others what happened, he was sure he was going to have nightmares over the stuff Danny had told him. The others felt the shift in tone and Wally backed down.

"So you guys have been dropping hints all day. Something to do with death?" Roy said, annoyed that he didn't understand why they were saying all those dead jokes, it was concerning.

"Are we going to tell Kaldur too?" Robin arched an eyebrow at the Atlantian, Wally shrugged.

"Roy here spilt Danny's secret identity, so yeah I guess so."

"I do not mean to intrude, but it would be nice to know what the team has been protecting." Kaldur said. He had a point, you can't tell someone they're going to protect this thing and this thing turns out to be a bomb, it's not exactly healthy for relationships.

"Alright." Robin said, he looked down to Danny who was half hidden behind him. "Hey Danny, I'm going to tell them what you are, and some of your powers, is that ok?"

Danny bit his lip, Wally already knew so he figured Robin was talking about Kaldur and Roy. He still felt tense around Roy, he was more comfortable with Kaldur than Roy. But if Robin and Wally trusted him he figured the archer wasn't too bad. He nodded, eyes flashing between the two heroes in question.

"So, we've been saying all those dead jokers because Danny here is half dead." Robin stated, he smirked at Roys 'seriously' look on his face and Kaldur's eyes widened.

"Half dead? How can he be half dead?" Roy said, obviously not believing someone could be on both sides of living and dead.

"Danny is a ghost, half ghost. A long time ago he half died, he became part ghost and part human. He's usually in his ghost form as he is now. Long story short we saved him from an organization that were doing horrible things to him. But his ghost powers include; flight, intangibility, invisibility, green energy beams thingies we don't really have a name for, and a newish one I like to call his ghostly wail." Robin listed, Danny shifted closer as the others took in this new information.

Roy had a confused look on his face and was deep in thought while Kaldur had his eyes narrowed and thoughtful.

"So, Danny, is a ghost, what does his human form look like?" Kaldur asked, hoping he wasn't overstepping unseen boundaries. Robin looked down to his little brother who had his eyes locked onto the ground.

Robin knelt, "do you want to show them or should I just tell them?" Danny frowned as he thought. Since his last transformation in the manor he had gotten new clothes for his human side, which he was greatful for, making senes like this much less awkward. Danny stepped forward in answer, but having to consentrate for a few seconds before the white ring formed around him.

He closed his eyes as it took all his thoughts to make the rings split and change him. The white rings went in different directions, slowly and jerkily like a glitch in a video game. the rings passed over his head and disappeared, leaving human Danny in front of the other teens.

Instead of white he now had pitch black hair, similar to Robin's might Roy add. His skin looked more alive, having more pink in them then his tanish ghost form. He wore a white shirt with red accents, blue jeans and no shoes. He opened his eyes to reveal ocean blue eyes, a startling difference from the toxic green ones.

Robin smiled, even with all of his metal problems Danny was trusting people more, and that made Robin happy.

"This is Danny's human form, and yes he does look a lot like me, that's because he's my brother." Robin said, seeing Roys questioning gaze. He almost laughed again at Roys shocked face.

"Hold up, I get the ghost part, sort of, but he's your BROTHER?" Roy exclaimed. Robin nodded, Roy didn't look satisfied though. "Like, brother brother, like your real brother, he's actually related to you?" Robin nodded again, this time rolling his eyes.

"Yes Roy, Danny and I are related, having the same parents does that."

"How come you just now have a brother, I've never heard of you having a brother before." Roy said with a frown, instantly suspicious.

"That's because Danny had disappeared when we were really young, I thought he had died," Robin said, trying to explain enough but not give too many details because Kaldur was still there. "I mean, he did die, just not all the way." Robin corrected as an after thought.

"YOU GUYYYYYYYYS!!!!!" Came a yell from an angry sounding Artemis, everyone turned their head in her direction. Robin smirked.

"I think she found her room." He stated, he grabed Danny's hand, wanting a head start on the running away they were bound to do. Artemis stormed into the training room, with a can in each hand, Robin looked at them blankly. They had left their supplies in the room.

"I think she found the silly string." Roy said, eyeing the cans. Wally paled.


And so another round of runaway from the angry archer ensued, Danny found himself on Wally's shoulders again and couldn't help but laugh. His first laugh he'd done in years, Robin was right, it did feel good to laugh.

Everyone else paused at the sound, even Wally slowed down at the noise. Artemis looked horrified.

"He's got the same cackle as Robin!!!!" She exclaimed.

Robin's face broke out in a giant grin.


Tucker Foley stood on an island near to the Fenton portal, as he and Technus called it, in honor of the scientists who had created it. He had used the portal many times, often coming to the ghost zone after school to meet up with Technus in his cell. It was nearly dinner time so Tucker decided he would check out the far frozen before going after the Halfa.

He unraveled the Infi-map, it was long and the green swirls on the page seemed to move on their own. It was quite dark and empty in the ghost zone, most of the ghosts having either fled or been captured by the GIW.

The zone itself seemed sick, the green swirls lost their vibrant color and the darkness seemed to creep into every corner. There was a reason ghosts glowed, it's how they could be seen in the ghost zone, but the darkness was suffocating to a human without that glow. Even the doors seemed to droop and their paint faded, some of them didn't have any color at all.

Whatever the GIW was doing was not healthy for the ghost zone, nor the human world either. Tucker hoped that the agents would realize that and stop their conquest on the spectral phenomenons. But to Tucker's great displeasure adults never listened to him, he was 'too young' to know anything.

For a while he had tried convincing his parents that his friend (Technus) was in trouble and that they had to stop the GIW. His parents had wrote it off as some game he played with his friends, he countered that he didn't have any human friends. They sent him worrying looks and urged him to get some real friends, not imaginary ones. Tucker quickly realized that adults wouldn't help, he had to do it on his own.

"Technus said to hold onto the map and say where I want to go." Tucker said to himself, mkaing sure he did this right. He didn't want to lose the one thing Technus said would free him so he had to be careful. "I want to go to the far frozen?" He said experimentally.

Nothing happened.

Tucker frowned, didn't he do it right? Suddenly he was pulled forward. He yelled as the map zoomed forward pulling him along with it. Technus had also said to hold on tight. Tucker tightened his grip, his red hat and glasses nearly falling off of him with the sheer volocity of which he was traveling at.

One of the many doors opened and the Infi-map pulled Tucker along into it. They were going so fast he could barely see where he was. They zoomed into door after door, twisting and turning until after several seconds that felt like minuets the map paused.

He had arrived.

Tucker floated before a large island, at least, he thought it was an island. It was compleatly destroyed. The far frozen had been obliterated, the snow was slush and there were burn marks everywhere. It was silent and eerie, even the constant wind had stopped blowing, there was no sign of anything living or dead. The place was abandoned.

Tucker gulped, so much for finding allies with Frostbite. The GIW's reach was farther than Technus and Tucker had thought, how long before the entire ghost zone was this obliterated? Tucker had to find that halfa fast, unfortunelty he would have to wait until morning to do so.

There wasn't much time left.

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