-22- Toast

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Robin was nearly in hysterics when he came to pick up Danny at the mountain. He had been expecting to see Danny and the other heroes in the living room watching a movie or eating or something. He was not expecting a sullen Connor, an anxious M'gann, and a concerned Roy. Danny was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is he? What happened?!" The boy wonder asked out loud, not needing to be told something went down. He had seen the chaos that was the mission room, debris was everywhere and the living room/kitchen wasn't much better. The couch was in ruins and half the kitchen was covered in drywall and dust. The Connor sat on the one seater while Roy leaned against the counter, M'gann stood nervously to the side. Roy looked up at his entrance.

"He's in the med bay. Someone-thing attacked and I told Danny to run but he was cut off, I didn't see what happened next because I was dealing with M'gann and Connor."

Robin frowned, "Something attacked? Is Danny ok? Why were you preoccupied with M'gann and Connor?" Robin asked in quick succession, sending a glare to his team members. M'gann shifted uncomfortably.

"Something invaded our minds, we can't remember anything of what we did but Roy had to fight us to keep Danny safe." M'gann looked down in shame while hugging one of her arms. "I couldn't break it, I should have been able to... I'm sorry..."

Robin's glare softened, he couldn't blame her but he needed to find out who and how. He had a pretty good guess on who though. "It's ok M'gann, as long as Danny is alright you're good." She nodded but deep inside she was chastising herself for not being able to fight the mental attack. "Med bay you said? Did he get hurt?" Robin asked as he inched his way closer to the hallway.

"Yes, ish.. I don't really know. After a while Danny was fighting this Plasmius guy by himself, I don't have details, but after M'gann and Connor came to their senses I searched the mountain for Danny. I found him knocked out in the basement in a smoldering crater, no one was there but there were scuff marks along the walls and floor"

Robin looked at him quizzically with a concerned frown, he needed to see Danny now. He rushed out of the room with a swish of his cape, his mind creating all the possibilities of what had happened. Maybe it wasn't the GIW, though he could see how Roy could mistake the GIW for things instead of people. Those men were not human.

He opened Danny's door hesitantly, peaking an eye in before opening it wider. Danny was sound asleep in the fetal position on top of the bed, his body was still save it be the gentle rise and fall of his chest. It was an interesting position for someone who had been knocked out, normally the body was limp, Danny must have woken up at some point.

Robin bit his lip, what should he do? Should he wake him up or let him sleep? The young vigilante shook his head, he needed to wake him up, he needed to know what had happened. Robin sneakily tip toed to the bed, not sure how Danny would wake up. He lowered himself until his eyes peaked over the edge of the bed and snaked an arm out to shake the sleeping halfa.

Robin ducked and retracted his arm quickly as Danny let out a little groan, then quieted. He squinted over the top of the bed, Danny hadn't moved. He huffed and stood, putting himself in a more relaxed position. He crossed his arms and put a hand on his chin, eyes examining his brothers prone form.

Robin saw that a considerable amount of the bed was left unused, so he sat on the edge of the bed. His movement did nothing to the sleeping halfa. Robin scooted himself closer, almost touching the child's bare feet. Danny made no objection to the action. Robin scrunched up his nose in distaste, Danny needed to wake up at some point, but he didn't want to scare him awake.

Robin thought for a moment longer before gently worming his hands under the sleeping child and lifted him up. Danny didn't stir as his older brother half dragged him onto his lap. When the boy wonder set him down he gave a large intake of breath through his nose but did not wake. Robin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, for some reason not wanting to wake up his little brother from his adorable position.

Then Danny fidgeted in his sleep, Robin froze as the halfa curled closer to the warm body of his brother, subconsciously snuggling onto his lap. A heartfelt smile broke out on Robin's face and he let himself relax.

Danny moaned again and his eyes fluttered open for a second before being squeezed shut. Robin had only seen the whites of his eyes, it was kinda creepy. He must have been dreaming, hopefully not a nightmare he usually had when suddenly forced into sleep. Robin let his hand gently brush against his brothers snow white hair, picking out little clumps of dirt and to the boy's surprise; blood.

He must have hit his head a few times, Robin thought, bringing a dried, crummy, blood clot closer to him. He frowned and leaned forward, his neck had bruise marks where one would strangle a person, and the back of his head was dark where the blood had dried. Other than that Robin couldn't see too many injuries. He caught a weird smell too, he smelled like cinnamon. Danny fidgeted again, this time his brow furrowing and his mouth parted to let out a small whimper. His splayed fingers clenched, grabbing onto Robin's clothes as they did so.

"Shh, shh, it's ok Danny." Robin muttered, stroking his little brother's head. Danny's muscles seized up as his whole body tensed, he gasped as if it was difficult to breath, Robin's concern grew.

The halfa's toxic green eyes snapped open, his body rigid and stiff, his hands held on tighter to the cloth they were holding. He breathed heavily, eyes darting about, what was he laying on? He moved back apprehensively, whatever he had been laying on was squishy like flesh. One glance was all it took for Danny to relax as he recognized Robin's writhing core in front of him.

"Hey Danny. How are you feeling?" His older brother asked. Danny returned to his original position on the boy wonder's lap (to Robin's surprise), enjoying being so close to his only living family member. He thought for a moment before answering, remembering what had happened before his untimely knockout.

"Asterus..." Danny muttered, remembering the awesome insult he had come up with for the crazy fruit loop of a halfa. His eyes widened as he remembered he had left Roy to fend for himself. He shot up so quickly Robin nearly lost his nose to the back of Danny's speeding head.

"Roy!" He said, trying to convey his emergency with just the one word. Robin seemed to understand as he quieted his panicky brother.

"It's ok, Roy is fine, it's you I'm worried about. What happened?"

Danny relaxed but stayed in his upright position, Robin turned to face him, folding his legs under him in criss cross formation. His core was a curious color, a lime green with hints of purple, curious seemed to be the color of the hour. Danny sat back on his heels, eyes down in thought. He remembered everything but it all seemed scrambled, like the events were out of order.

"Roy and me were looking at the movie Lego..." he started, knowing for sure that was first. Robin's mouth twitched upwards, Danny had adorable bad English.

"You mean watching the Lego movie?" Danny looked up and nodded.

"Roy asleep and Connor came in but he had red eyes. I was scared so I hid from him, Roy too." Danny said, finally able to piece together what had happened.

"Then cin-cin--" he frowned, knowing the word but not able to make the correct sounds come from his mouth.

"Cinnamon? You smell like it, and you can speak Romanian if you want." Robin offered, Danny gave him a small smile in thanks.

"a pus scorțișoară peste noi și a zdrobit canapeaua. am alergat și M'gann a fost acolo, de asemenea, cu ochii roșii, au vorbit cu vocea unui bărbat. ma speriat, a spus un nume prost, a fost cu G-G, GI-le." (he put cinnamon on us and crushed the couch. we ran and M'gann was there too, also with red eyes, they spoke with a man's voice. he scared me, he said a bad name, he was with the G-G, GI- Them.) Danny spoke more fluently, but couldn't bring himself to say the evil name.

"roy a spus să alerge așa că am fugit, dar a urmat. Plasmius, se numea Plasmius." (roy said to run so i ran, but he followed. Plasmius, he called himself Plasmius.) Danny was sure of the name, although he preferred Fruit Loop. Robin's curiousness grew as the lime seemed to explode across his core.

"ne-am luptat, sorta. întotdeauna îmi ia gâtul și ma aruncat împotriva a ceva. ma doare dar im ok acum." (we fought, sorta. he always grabs my neck and threw me against something. it hurt but i'm ok now.) The halfa continued, rubbing his neck where the fruit loop had choked him. Robin gently scowled but was quick to get rid of in in favor of not confusing Danny with misinterpreted facial expressions.

"atunci băiatul a căzut pe mine de pe cer și numele lui este Tucker. el a fost dimensiunea mea și a avut pielea întunecată, el nu a fost o fantomă. Eu și el l-am fugit de Plasmius, apoi a apărut și celălalt tip. el a fost un lup lupt negru, a fost o fantoma pentru sigur." (then a boy fell on me from the sky and his name is Tucker. he is my size and had dark skin, he was not a ghost. We ran from Plasmius, then then this other guy appeared. he was a black wolf and hated Plasmius, he was a ghost for sure.) Danny rambled, Robin got confused very quickly.

Who was Tucker? Who was the wolf ghost? How did they get there? Did they set off the mountain's alarms? Did the wolf guy help Danny? Did Tucker help Danny? Why were they there? Robin wanted to ask all of these questions but Danny barely paused for air and it didn't look like he would be stopping anytime soon. Danny noticed his brothers lime core expand into near oblivion with how curious he was, Danny quickly continued.

"Mi-am dat seama ca roy nevoie de ajutor asa ca am incercat sa-l gasesc dar Plasmius ma oprit, a spus ceva ... lucruri rele ... ma facut sa ma inghesuie" (I realized that Roy needed help so I tried to find him but Plasmius stopped me, said some ... bad things ... it made me freeze) Danny said, hesitant when thinking about the people he had killed. But that was in the past, Danny was a different person now. He wouldn't let his past keep him from having a future.

Robin grew a concerned frown, what had the evil ghost said? Lots of things made Danny freeze so it could have been a number of things.

"What did he say?" Robin asked, finally able to get a question in.

"el a vorbit despre oamenii pe care i-am ucis și am sugerat că și el a omorât oameni."(he talked about the people i killed, and hinted that he killed people too.) Danny replied. Robin blinked, out of all the things he could think of that was not one of them. He was surprised Danny was speaking so freely about it, when he first told Robin about his ...deadly... side he was beyond skittish and could barely say anything. But Danny seemed almost complacent now.

"apoi i-am spus ce mi-ai spus și i-am spus și o buclă de fructe." (then i told him what you told me, and i also called him a fruit loop.) Danny said with a smirk, Robin snorted at the choice of insults.

"Fruit loop, that's a new one." He commented, now imagining ghostly cereal attacking Danny.

"Then wolf showed up and I fly to Roy but heart hurt and I fell. I think I fell asleep." Danny said in English, putting a hand over his chest and brows furrowing in question.

"Your heart hurts?" Robin asked, the heart was kinda important, he didn't want Danny's to stop.

"M'hmm," he hummed, pointing to his chest where the blast from Plasmius had hit. Robin leaned forward and touched the singed shirt, Danny flinched and Robin took his hand away.

"We'll have to get that checked," Robin said absentmindedly, "you're gonna have to give me details later, I've never seen Roy this worried before." The boy wonder said to his younger brother. Danny nodded but cocked his head to the side.

"Roy worried?" He asked, as if the thought of someone caring about him (other than Dick and Bruce) was foreign. Robin nodded.

"Yup, when he gets quiet and acts like he doesn't care, that's when you know how much he really cares."

Danny shrugged, he guessed everyone had different ways of showing their concern. Apparently Roy's was to act like he wasn't. Robin motioned for Danny to follow him as he slid off the bed and stood.

Danny jumped down and his older brother helped him take his shirt off. He winced when he had to stretch his sore chest to get the shirt off, and not to mention the headache that was slowly building in the back of his head.

With the shirt off Robin evaluated the wound. There was a reddish green circle in the middle of Danny's chest, his skin seemed melted then solidified in odd lumps. Some were still oozing his halfa blood, Danny looked down at his chest and sighed, he had suffered far worse than this before.

Robin grimaced at the sight and grabbed the bandages on the nearby bed. He gently wrapped the wound while Danny stood calmly. He seemed distracted, he was staring unblinking to the ground.

He thought about Danny as he wrapped, so much had happened to his little phantom but he was still here, and kicking apparently. Robin thought Danny would have seized up or gone into nightmare mode if he were attacked, for some reason he did neither. Robin wanted to know why.

"If you don't mind me asking, why didn't you go into nightmare mode when you got attacked?" He asked as he finished pinning the cloth together. Danny looked up as if taken out of his thoughts.

"I don't know... I am... different now, I am more barn." Danny said the sentence with such surety Robin had to cough to cover up his laugh. He grunted as if clearing his throat and rose an eyebrow at his brother's choice of words.

"Barn? You mean stable? Stable emotionally or physically?" Robin asked, sure Danny meant stable rather than barn. His English needed some help.

"Both?" Danny said unsure, not really knowing what the longer words meant, he knew what physically was, but not emotionally. Robin gave him a reassuring smile and helped him put his shirt back on.

"Alright then, let's go ease Roy's mind." Robin said and walked out of the room, Danny shuffling quickly behind him.


Danny watched the shiny silver toaster with distrust. When would he get his bread back?

After Robin and Danny met with the rest of the team they cleared up the whole 'possessed' thing and danny could see the purple leave everyone's core. Danny had gotten a little hungry while they were talking so he had tugged on Robin's cape to alert him to his grumbling stomach.

The fridge was damaged so Robin resorted to toast, the bread was still good, if a bit squished, and the toaster was untouched. Danny was confused by the process of making toast, it had to be heated by metal wires that got super hot. He had watched Robin put the bread in the silver box, the slits for bread like mouths.

He pushed down a lever and told him to wait a few minuets, Robin had gone back to the conversation and left Danny to stare at the toaster until it surrendered his bread. He saw his warped reflection on the surface, his hair was ratty and not exactly white, his eyes seemed brighter and his mouth was set in a hard line as he waited impatiently for his food.

He wondered if he had to fish it out of the toaster, but he didn't want to touch the red hot wires, it reminded him of the time the GIW played with hot pokers on his body. He even got branded, it was small and at the base of his neck, right next to the center of the nervous system where he would feel maximum pain. He didnt think Bruce or Dick knew about it because most times his hair covered it up.

He was literally jumped back into reality when the toast seemed to lunge at him. He yelled and fell backwards, falling painfully on his tailbone and nearly hitting his head on the nearest cabinet. Danny's heart was beating wildly in his chest, not sure he liked making toast anymore.

Robin rushed in, bag-a-rang in hand, and took stock of the situation. He let his threatening stance go as he realized Danny jumped from the toast. A smile played on his lips and he helped Danny up, the wide eyed halfa staring at the silver box that had attacked him.

Robin chuckled with his newfound fear in toasters, hiding behind Robin as he grabbed the hot bread from the slots. Robin revealed the fruit of his labored waiting, two pieces of toast on a plate with butter spread on them. Danny took the plate and sat at the counter, judging his crisp bread.

He took a bite and frowned at its crunch, the butter was good and made it taste better but the crumbly texture and pastey flakiness didn't agree with Danny's tastebuds. He set the bread down and stared at it, if he squinted it looked somewhat like burnt skin. That definitely didn't agree with Danny's stomach. He pushed the plate away.

Robin paused his conversation with Roy and the others as Danny refused his food. If there was ever a time Danny would not eat something when he was hungry it usually meant the food had reminded him of something bad.

"Do you not like the toast?" He asked, hoping that just once one of Danny's decisions wasn't based on the GIW's treatment of him.

"Sees like burnt skin, too flaky." Danny nodded, sending distasteful glances at the offending food. Robin sighed and shrugged.

"Alright, let's find you something else to eat." He said gruffly as he picked his way around the debris in the kitchen to find something that wouldn't trigger the painful memories of his half dead brother.

Roy watched with crossed arms, he had felt super bad for making Danny leave on his own. Being Robin's brother automatically made him Roy's brother too, Wally also included in their brother band of pranks. But something nagged at him, the thing he found about Danny that no one else seemed to know, and he was curious.

Danny saw the archers reddish core, also keeping tabs on the other two team members. He narrowed his eyes when a streak of lime spread across his core like a virus. Roy was curious. The red archer moved forward, Robin returned with peanut butter in hand from the pantry.

"You like apples?" Danny's older brother asked, he shrugged, he didn't remember having any apples so he might as well give it a try. "Apples and peanut butter are the best." Robin mused as he fished in the dented fridge for the red fruit.

"Hey Danny, mind explaining the core thing you were talking about earlier?" Roy asked randomly, Robin stood from his hunched over position, a Fuji Apple in hand.

"Core thing? What core thing?"

Danny shrunk in his seat, he would have to explain it then didn't he, well... he might as well start sometime. He opened his mouth to speak.


Clockwork sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Out of all the hair brained ideas and scenarios Clockwork thought possible, the impossible just happened.

Tucker Foley stood in front of him, In-fi map in hand and offering him a way out.

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