-26- Twists and Turns

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Danny groaned as he sat up against his cell wall. As per usual after beating him to a pulp they did a few tests, not to mention a few hours in the electric chair 'just for kicks', and dragged him back here to beat his dead body once more.

Danny saw no reason in their mindless violence, but understood the thrill of being more powerful than others. He shoved that thought down a dark hole, no, pride was something he didn't have, would refuse to have. Pride made him angry and violent, that was when the heads started to roll.

Danny didn't want to make any more heads roll.

But something deep inside of him wanted to be let out, to burn, slash, hack, crush, and pulverise with no end in sight. Danny refused to let that happen. He had let it out once, and once was one too many times.

His body was so weak, it was just like the old times, before Bruce and Dick. He wondered if they were close, if anyone was actually looking for him. Maybe they were, maybe they weren't, he couldn't tell. But he could hope, and that hope gave him the strength to keep going.

He actually had no idea how he survived before, Danny was practically living off of hope. Of course his stomach was empty, he had, uh, left his remaining bile on the floor of the new experiment room. Not that Danny minded as it gave the GIW something to do that wasn't particularly harmful, but he was usually punished for ruining their wretched white walls.

He didn't have any physical flesh wounds but his body was weak and deprived of ectoplasm. This place was far different than the other GIW cell he had been in, here there seemed to be something alive in the air.

But it was barely there, and when he did feel it it quickly left, leaving the need for more. Danny wasn't sure where he was but it was unlike any place he had ever been, he felt like he should have been stronger but something was obstructing the flow.

Danny winced as the door grated open, and he was off to do some other horrible test.

Flanked by agents the halfa was walked, more like dragged, to a large room. It reminded the boy of the robot training room from his last GIW building, but instead of empty it was full of machines.

All of the different machines Danny had ever been tested with were here. His eyes widened at the array of mass ectoplasmic destruction, he knew exactly what every one of those weapons did first hand. He shuddered as they past an innocent looking belt, that one he did not like at all.

He also spied a small cube looking thing that Danny remembered didn't hurt but kept him in this weird box that turned him back into Greyson-Fenton. They marched to the other side of the room where another thing was glowing.

This time it seemed controlled, and possibly made, by the GIW. It was circular but was stretched out in an oval near the ground, it wasn't exactly a portal though. Glowing green string or wire, it might have been lazers, covered the hole. The string did not cover the entire hole as he could see through to the other side with ease.

The halfa wondered what it did, what more pain it would cause. The agents seemed to be preparing another machine on the other side, some capsule looking thing. Danny was pushed forward with his chains rattling loudly in the room.

Danny didn't look up as Agent B, whom he has come to recognise, led him forward to the glowy string. Instructions were clear, go through it.

Danny shuffled hesitantly by the weird hole, he still didn't know what it did. But he yelped and scrambled through it when Agent B lifted up his gun.

The green wires passed through him and something felt off. He came out the other side with a 'thud' but was confused when he heard a second one. He looked up and saw, himself.

Another Danny was splayed on the ground in front of him, it was ghost Danny, with the white hair and the green eyes complete with the black shirt and jeans from Bruce. Where the GIW clothes went Danny had no idea because he was also wearing clothes he got from Bruce.

He was lifted up by rough hands and his hands were back in chains, he didn't remember them falling off. He blinked in surprise as he realized he was in human form, his black hair hung in his eyes as he watched his ghost half do something weird.

He was... pulsing, as good as a term Danny would ever think for the action. He was laying on the ground with his back in the air but it jerked upwards like he was being punched by the ground. Every time Danny's ghost half 'pulsed' the air was filled with dread and malice. A red hue seeped from below the ghost, human Danny quickly realized what was happening.

Nightmare Danny had come out to play.

Danny had wide eyes as he watched his counterpart, not even realizing he was being strapped into the capsule he had seen earlier. The ghost hadn't looked up yet, the agents surrounded him with their ecto-guns and were approaching cautiously.

Danny winced and squeezed his eyes shut as the agents opened fire on his ghost half, he himself didn't feel anything but he heard the anguished cries of his counterpart. The human Danny opened his eyes long enough to see the ghost dragged to another capsule, his body having all types of burn marks on it, bright green blood exiting the most recent wounds as they smoked.

His head was down as if knocked out, but Danny could tell he wasn't, he didn't know how but he knew. Danny then noticed his own predicament, his hands were above him and legs below, both were strapped down including his middle. It was odd because the thing he was on was inclined so much that he felt he was leaning forward.

The other Danny was strapped in likewise and the capsules closed. Human Danny's breathing got fast, he didn't like this one bit, not just because he was split in two and he was in this weird machine. But because his ghost half was fighting with himself, trying to keep the nightmare at bay.

Danny knew the struggle, in human form it wasn't as strong but there were times, some recent, that he couldn't hold it in and people got hurt. He didn't mind if the GIW got hurt, quite the opposite really, but he feared if the nightmare was let out it could never be contained.

His thoughts were interrupted by his own screaming, electricity began coursing through his body. It was weird to hear himself scream twice, both sounding broken and weak. Danny grit his teeth after screaming, he had dealt with worse, but he had been in his ghost form then.

He heard the roar of blood in his ears, his head bent unwillingly as his vision tunneled. Finally his head hung limp with unconsciousness.


Danny awoke with a blistering headache, finding himself on the ground in his cell. He heard a rustle of chains and looked up, meeting his own gaze.

A part of him had hoped it was a bad dream, the ghost sitting in front of him said otherwise.

Danny's ghost half was sitting against the wall, he was still bleeding from the ecto guns but made no move to tend to his wounds. His head was leaned back in a position Danny knew well, he was trying to sleep sitting up. But his toxic green eyes had opened at human Danny's movement.

"Finally, you're awake. I've forgotten how weak my human side is, I've been awake for a few hours." He said. Human Danny sat up and winced as his body was sore and his headache spiked.

Danny wasn't sure how to feel about this, yeah that was himself but he didn't think it a good idea to keep both sides in one cell. Maybe they didn't have another cell? Danny eyed his counterpart wearily, both his hero side and his... deadly, side were in that single ghost.

"What?" His ghost half said, seeing the odd look he was giving himself. "I'm not going to do anything." he lifted his chained hands as if proving a point, human Danny leaned back against his own wall.

"Just, stay over there." Said the supposedly weaker side of Danny.

Ghost Danny frowned and shrugged with a tilt of his head "Well that was rude, but I guess it makes sense." Seeing as how it was the same person but split into different sides they guessed they would have the same train of thought, maybe.

They sat in silence for a while, each contemplating their situation. Human Danny's attention was snapped back to his ghost half when the ghost clutched his middle.

Ghost Danny doubled over as if he had been shot, human Danny watched with unease. He took in shuddering breaths and his body seemed to roll up into a ball. After a few seconds he uncurled himself, sighing deeply and relaxing.

He looked sweaty, his white hair was damp and he returned to his leaning position but much more splayed. His eyes remained closed but human Danny could tell that whatever had just happened wasn't good.

"Was that-?"

The ghost nodded before Danny could even finish his sentence. Danny paled and subconsciously scooted away from his ghostly half.

They need to find a way out, if they stayed like this much longer nightmare Danny would come out and everyone would die, including himself. He couldn't wait for Batman to find him, it might be too late by then. Both Danny's were wracking their brains for ideas, but could think of nothing. As a random thought human Danny wondered why his ghost half had such good english, maybe it was because he spoke english mostly in his ghost form? But then his sentences made sense and had proper grammar, at least he thought so, he had no way of knowing.

Both flinched as the door opened, Ghost Danny found a more defensible position. Four agents this time, two for each half, came into the room. Human Danny was moved roughly by his arm, being forced to stand and pushed twards the door. Ghost Danny was kicked and fell on his side, they grabbed him by his hair and was forced up as well.

They marched the chained Dannys down the hall, one Danny halfway to panicking. Human Danny had his head down but his eyes were shifting from side to side, there had to be a way out. He didn't know how but he could feel his ghost half behind him, and he was struggling to keep a lid on the evil side of him.

None of his ghost powers would work because obviously he was in his human form and the chains were still made of ghost-proof metal. The odd thing was the collar was on his ghost half, not his human half, so technically he had more chances of escaping than his ghost counterpart.

He tried anyway, he had to have something that would give him an edge over the GIW. He had his hands lowered so the agents wouldn't see his attempt at ghost powers. He scowled in concentration, his arms began to shake with the effort.

His right hand passed through the ghost-proof chains. Danny almost stopped in surprise but was shoved forward by the agent behind him. Okay, for some reason his ghost powers worked in his human half and were not affected by ghost proof things. Did that mean he couldn't be shot at?

He knew nearly all the guns worked on both humans and ghosts but without his ghost half the effects could be less. He had no idea how to test this so he figured he would have to wing it.

He jumped backwards and tackled the agent tailing them, he fell with a grunt and surprisingly didn't catch the attention of his other captors. Danny phased through the rest of his chains, rendering him free.

"Hey!" The agents turned in surprise and saw the human half of their halfa free. For some reason his ghost half didn't look too surprised but had a pleasant smile as if he knew what was going to happen.

One of the agents leveled a gun at him, "Don't move or I shoot." Danny didn't move but heard the agent he had floored get up. He grabbed handcuffs from somewhere and were about to put them on the human.

Danny phased through the man and the other agent fired, hitting his fellow agent. Danny couldn't suppress the wicked grin on his face, that felt good but he had to keep a level head if he wanted to escape. Ghost Danny jumped up onto the third agent in front of him and he went down, hitting his head hard on the floor.

The other two agents held their guns and began firing. Human Danny ran at his counterpart and shoved both of them through the wall. Danny wasn't sure it would have worked but he was glad it did, now there was a wall between both of him and a few agents.

Ghost Danny looked up with a scowl, obviously annoyed. "Little warning next time? I'm not exactly in good condition." He gestured to the many blood stains on his shirt but his human counterpart wasn't paying attention.

Human Danny was looking around and paled, his other half looked too and his face fell. "oh."

A crap ton of agents were in the room, most of them having guns. Danny recognised this room, it was where the weird net thing had split him. Nearly all the agents were facing them, they were impossible to miss.

"Run!" Human Danny shouted, Ghost Danny got up quickly but had a hard time running with his chains.

They could hear the agents behind them, a small roar with their pounding feet and guttural war cries. The two Dannys ran side by side, entering the large maze of ecto-destroying machinery. After turning a corner human Danny grabbed his counterpart's arm and turned them invisible, he jogged them to the side where there was a little alcove around a white van looking vehicle.

Ghost Danny sat down immediately, his bad condition was beginning to worsen. He focused on his breathing as the human part of him peaked around the van, seeing a hoard of agents run past.

He turned but paused at the sight of the ghost's weak state. "You ok?"

The ghost glared at himself, "No, what about this situation makes you think I'm ok?"

"You know what I meant." He said with a slight hiss, why was his ghost half so sassy? It wasn't making escaping any easier. He peaked around the van again and didn't see any agents, but he did see a glowing scepter with a clock on it. Clockwork.

Clockwork would be able to help, he always says the right thing. Maybe he could find a way to put Danny back into one again, which definitely needed to happen. Danny turned back to his wounded half.

"New plan." He started in a whisper.

"Clockwork?" The ghost asked, human Danny frowned at him.

"Yeah, how did you know that?"

"We're the same person, sorta, your thoughts are my thoughts and all that." He said with a dismissive wave of his hand, the other Danny frowned deeper.

"I've never heard your thoughts."

"Neither have I, but I get a specific feeling, like an overall feeling of something we both know." He explained, both Dannys quieted as they thought.

So it was like he had separate bodies but his mind was stretched over both of them, each having different ideas but occasionally their minds will come to the same conclusion. He could probably predict what his other half would do, after all, who knew Danny better than Danny himself?

They didnt dwell on it long as they heard a wine of ecto-guns.

"Move!" Ghost Danny said as he scrambled to his feet.

They ran again to the other side of the maze-like room, human Danny snatching Clockwork's scepter as they ran past. They turned a corner sharply and were met with gunshots.

Ghost Danny doubled over as he got shot in the gut, another hitting his left leg and he cried out before falling to his knees. He hissed in pain as the other Danny tried unsuccessfully to create a shield around them. He yelped and got twisted around as a laser hit his shoulder, it burnt his clothes but only stung a little.

I don't think all of my ghost powers work here.

The thought was so clear and surprising both Dannys looked at eachother just to confirm both of them heard it. It was odd because they knew that neither of them thought it, like it was Danny, all of him, in one mind made that thought.

They quickly grew out of their stupor as they were still being fired upon and the agents began advancing. Human Danny grabbed his counterpart's arm and lifted him up much to the agony of the ghost. They ran and human Danny turned them intangible, letting the shots go through them.

They were slower now, the ghost could barely use his left leg and was limping and panting heavily. The other Danny had to put the wounded Danny's arm over his shoulder to help him move faster as the agents came upon them. Both Dannys cast a curious glance down at Clockwork's staff.

I wonder if it can be used as a weapon. The Dannys exchanged looks again at the thought, it was more like all of Danny was making the thought more than any one side of him. Human Danny mentally shrugged, it was worth a shot.

He half turned but kept moving as he pointed the clock at the pursuing agents, he had no idea how to make it fire. He wanted the staff to shoot something, anything, at the agents to make them stop. Not really sure what he was doing he threw the staff like a spear, sending it away from himself and towards the agents.

Ghost Danny opened his mouth to comment on how stupid of an idea that was but was interrupted by a bang. The scepter was moving like it had a mind of its own, going from agent to agent like a slick arrow and knocking them down. It reminded Danny of a pinball machine, his mind creating little dinging noises every time an agent was hit.

The Dannys paused as the agents fell, both with looks of mild confusion and gratitude. The agents were all unconscious, the staff floating in the middle of the carnage like a dog showing its master how he defeated the couch.

They shuffled over to the ghostly staff, human Danny grabbed it from the air, it vibrated with power in his hand.

"Do it again." His other half prompted, almost eagerly. Danny gave him a concerned glance but threw it anyway, the scepter zoomed off in another direction.

Follow it.

The Dannys didn't have to look at eachother anymore, they both knew what to do. They fast-limped after it, it flew slowly as if it knew their speed was impeeded by injuries. Danny didn't have time to contemplate how the inanimate object could know such things because more agents showed up.

The two Dannys stopped but only for a second because the staff kept moving, zipping between agents as it went. It didn't pause this time and just kept on floating down the hallway, the Dannys following cautiously.

The staff sped up but was headed straight for a wall, it crashed into it but bounced back, falling to the floor with a clang. It laid there as if it never had the power to move at all. Human Danny frowned confusedly at the staff.

"Now what." The ghost complained, human Danny helped his wounded half to sit on the ground against the wall.

He shrugged in response and picked the staff up, "I don't know." He then dropped the staff in fright as it moved to point at the wall. It fell again but kept pointing at the wall.

Danny looked at the wall, was there something behind it? He picked the staff up again and was jerked forward. He yelped but held on.

"I think it's trying to lead us."

"Through a wall?"

"I guess..."

Human danny thought it was worth a try, he helped his other half up again and turned them both intangible. He noticed the staff's hum of power faded as if leaving.

Danny put the thought to the side, he had to get through this wall. They charged and human Danny successfully went through the wall.

His ghost half did not.

He yelled in pain and fell backwards, his skin burned where the wall had touched it. He looked up to see his counterpart gone, he quickly but painfully got to his feet. He took a quick look around, no agents in sight, and hesitantly touched the wall with his hand. It was cold, no trace of the burning sensation he got when he tried to go through.

Then what had caused him the pain? Why couldn't he phase through the wall? Were the GIW so paranoid they made the WALLS ghost proof? The ghost sighed and tried to figure out what to do. The connection between him and his human half was thinning, as if suppressed.

He hissed in pain as his eyes tinged red. He squeezed them shut and tried to block out the evil thoughts. He could just kill them, kill them all. He clutched his head and tried to keep the thoughts at bay but they overwhelmed him.

Burn their bodies with the fire of their own creation, make them suffer and rid the world of their disgusting presence. But he wouldn't end it there, oh no, there were far too many people that needed to be killed. Evil people needed to be stopped, he didn't care who got in the way, every threat needed to be nullified.

He had to kill them all.

The ghost boy collapsed, his body limp as if unconscious, not able to see a large, white flame haired, ghost narrow his blood red eyes with a scowl.

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