Chapter 6

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So here is the new chapter. Hope you guys like it >.<~

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Paul's POV

"I had a pretty decent childhood, well some what decent. For a few years, I couldn't think of anything better than being with my family. I loved my mother, father and Reggie. Well, like someone once said, all great things have to come to an end. That was the last time I remember being happy."

"What happened?" Dawn asked.


I was at the park with my friends. I was five years old and played everything with them.

"Let's play tag," one of them said.

"Yea and Paul is it." Another replied.

"But I was it last time and the other time. Why can't someone else be it."

"Because you're good at being it." I cannot lie that I was very gullible and just wanted to play since I hated being alone. Reggie was on his journey and I had nothing to do except play with my friends. Or at least that's what I thought they were. I went to the bathroom and was about to return when...

"Come on guys can we just leave him?" one asked.

"No because then he'll start crying like the little baby he is."

"I don't understand why we are his friends or why we should care if he cries."

"Because his father is the Champion and his mother is the Grand festival winner. He can see many cool Pokemon and his brother is on a journey gathering more." I was shocked to hear that response from them. I really thought they were my friends and liked me for who I really am, not because my parents are famous people. But I ignored that and continued to hang out with them, even if they weren't my true friends.

But the next day everything got worse. Not only did I learn that people only be with me because of my families fame, but I also learned that my father was seeing someone else.

"Paul do you mind going into your room? I would like to speak with your father," My mother asked, not in the nice soft tone she used. Reggie called in the morning saying that he has seen many Pokemon in his travels and that he has earned another badge, but that he'll return in a few days to see us. I went into my room, but I was curious as to why my mother would want to take to my father alone. She seemed serious.

"Jake, is there something you want to tell me?" My mother said in her serious tone.

"Nothing at all, dear." Was my father's reply. I wonder what they want to talk about? Even if I was still five years old I was pretty smart and knew that whatever my parents were talking about had to be something important. Of course I was a curious child as well.

"I know you have been seeing Rachel for the past year."

"She's just someone I know."

"They why was she in our room the other day?"

"It's none of your concern."

"NONE OF MY CONCERN?!?!?!?" I shout my ears when I heard my mother scream. She was really loud.

"Listen, it doesn't matter who I see nowadays now does it? I saw you being pretty friendly with Markus the other day as well. What about that? Hmmm?"

"He was just a friend."

"I see you stare at him through our window."

"Well at least I don't sleep with someone I am not married to."

"Oh ho ho, for all we know you might have already slept with him."

"I did not, I am not a slut like that whore Rachel, who only loves you for your money. She's nothing but a stupid whore who-"


My father slapped my mother extremely hard. Her face turned instantly red from where she was hit.

"You know nothing about her." My father said dangerously quietly. "The only whore is you. I went through your journal and saw all the things you have wrote." My father continued to beat my mother.

"I only married you because you were so damn desperate. Now I know you were just a whore. I saw you take off your wedding ring whenever we past or see a guy that is your taste." I couldn't take it anymore.

"Daddy, daddy, stop why are you hurting mommy?" I asked as I tried to stop him. That only made things worst.

"You are a disgrace to this family!" He yelled at me. "I'm extremely disappointed in you Paul."

"Why?What did I-" I was slapped in the face before I could finish my sentence.

"YOU WERE BORN, THAT'S WHAT!!!!" I shook in fear as my father, who was so happy yesterday looked extremely different. "Everything was fine until you were born. I can't even look at you now." Though that didn't stop him from beating me.

"Mommy, mommy, help me." All she did was look away. I couldn't believe what was happening. My own family, who were really loving and caring turned against me, like my so called 'friends'? Was this really my fault? Did everything change because of me? What did I do though? Everyone seemed so happy and caring, what happened to the people I once know and loved?

A few days later....

Nothing changed since the fight, in fact my father started to beat me even more and my mother never helped me at all. Even the Pokemons, who are usually so happy and loving, didn't help me. They all just watched me suffer as my 'father' beat me until I couldn't move a single bone in my body. Before I use to cry and cry, now I just let it happen. Reggie returned from his travels and everything seemed normal. My mother and father were laughing and talking lovingly with each other. The only difference was me. They were all faking in front of Reggie because he was the family's favorite. Me I was just his shadow. Reggie came home with so many badges and Pokemon that my parents were so proud of him. When Reggie left, that's when they stop faking their happiness and start acting like the people who they really are. I had so many scars on my body I was surprised I wasn't sent to the hospital yet. My father would come home drunk and eat me, and my mother would flat out ignore me. I guess it really is my fault, huh. There's nothing I can do to change myself, because whatever I do would never make it better. Not only have my parents abused me, but the kids I use to hang out with bully me as well, knowing that I have had problems at my house. I realized that I can never trust people ever again. If I let anyone get too close to me, I'll end up getting hurt. My mother died of a heart attack and my father died from alcohol dosage. Reggie never realized how cruel our parents can be and cried at their funeral. Me? I just stayed next to him with my mask only letting a few tears escape. I couldn't tell if it was from joy or sorrow. I was happy I didn't have to endure anymore pain, but I was sad because, even though they hurt me so much, I still loved them.

As the years went on, I perfected my mask so no one will ever hurt me. I trained Pokemon harshly ever since my brother quit being a trainer and I am always cruel to people because then they would leave me alone. Though I never really hurt my Pokemon badly. Even if they didn't help me back home, they weren't my Pokemon. I learned that Pokemon take after their trainers. So even though I train them harshly, I also give them breaks. I am nice but I don't want anyone to know. The harder I train them and push them, the more they want to prove to me how much they are actually worth. I guess after getting beaten so many times by my own father, you can say I picked a few things from him. I cannot be weak no matter what and... I have to beat Reggie. Those were the main things I have learned from my parents. Those were the main things they taught me. They never showed me any love ever since then, and even if Reggie has been giving me some love, I just can't trust him, no matter what.

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Yea I know, it's not that good, but hey at least it shows why he became this way, right. Please read and review, and vote (that would make me happy >.<) 

Until later, love you all


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