Chapter 101: Alegria

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Kyouka: Master Mard Geer, king of Hades... the enemy is more powerful than we expected. The Face project failed, Ezel and Franmalth were defeated.

Mard: Seilah and Hell's core, too.

Kyouka: What... We have to call master...

Mard: That's impossible. We don't have enough "Curse power" to revive the master. If we don't erase this "Magical power" E.N.D. won't resuscitate.

Kyouka: That was the purpose of the Face project, but it failed.

Mard: You don't see it. You can't see the big picture. that's a "Point".

Kyouka: A point ?

Mard: It's just a point. Mard Geer is a perfect tactician. If you look at the whole situation, even the destruction of Face is nothing but a single point. It's not a problem. I'm sure magic will soon vanish from this world.

Kyouka: I don't understand what you're...

Mard: Kyouka, who are we ?

Kyouka: Demons of the book of Zeref. Etherious.

Mard: What's our goal ?

Kyouka: To revive Master END and return to Zeref's side.

Mard: What are humans ?

Kyouka: Lower than insects.

Kyouka: M... Master Mard Geer... What... Ga...

Mard: You captured humans and played with them.

Kyouka: I- It was...To gather information about Face... GUAAAAH !!

Mard: You like humans too much.

Kyouka: That's not true... Agah... Gh...

Mard: Mard Geer finds it disgusting that on eof his subordinates would play with creatures lower than insects. Consider this your punishment. It's not for playing with humans, but for making Mard Geer feel disgusted.

Kyouka: I... I understand. Thank you for your explanation. Uh... Gh...

Mard: Humans... looking at the whole situation, they're not an issue. But... I don't want them to soil my garden. Maybe I should use "Alegria".

Your POV:

Lucy: Gray should be keeping the enemy busy back there.

"So all that is left to take care of is Mira, right ?"

Natsu: Yeah... She should be somewhere on this floor too.

Mew: 'Hello ? Can anyone hear me ?'

"Mew ? We hear you, loud and clear."

Mew: 'great. Then, everyone, good news. Mira is OK, she's with us. '

Mirajane: Sorry for making you worry...

Mew: 'Elfman and Lisanna are here too.'

Lucy: Thank god. Hey, Mew, can I make it so that everyone can hear this ?

Mew: 'Just give me a sec... okay, range's increased. What is it ?'

Lucy: Wendy and Carla stopped Face ! We crushed the enemy's plan !


"Wait a bit before bursting in celebrations... regarding what happened after, can the master hear us too ?"

Mew: 'Perverted old man is being asked if-'

Makarov: Yes I can hear. Stop that.

"We... Met the soul of master Hades. He said that even though we could stop Face, it's not over yet... Hades said to tell you to 'Release the Light'..."

Makarov: The light... 'Lumen Histoire ?!' What does that mean ?!

"I wouldn't be asking if I knew that..."




Mard: Wizarding guild Fairy Tail... Right ? And, I suppose some unexpected allies.

Mew: Who is the asshole interfering with this conversation ?

Mard: the king of Hades, Mard Geer. But you don't have to remember that. Since you have no tomorrow. Alegria.

Mages: What ?! The ground is... This is bad !! the gravity field vanished !! We're falling down !! Hold onto something !!

Gray: What's going on ? M- My body is being... Sucked by something...

"The walls... Creepy... WUHAA !!"

Lucy: What's this !! We're being sucked in ?!

Erza: Gh ! What's this thing... ?

Minerva: I won't let you go, Erzaaaa !!

Erza: You...

Minerva: Gh ! Damn Tartaros !! return Erza !! She's my prey !!

Kyouka: Master Mard Geer, if you do that even our guild's soldiers will be...

Mard: Corroded. Sacrifice. Death and resurrection. Despair and hope. What a foolish race. This cube itself is like a huge prison. The inside of the Plutogrim.

Silver: The Alegria (Happiness) of becoming a part of it... he's using such boring curses. We probably won't meet again... Hm ? This magic...

Mard: Apparently, one person was able to escape Alegria.

Lucy: Ouch... ! What's this ? What happened... ? This looks like tissue... What's going on ?! Natsu !! Everyone !! Where are you ?!

Mard: There's a one in chance... That's some good luck... or bad luck ? Considering she's left alone in Hades... Hmm, no, I did not miscount. Only one human soul managed to find her way... One human.

Dialga: And what about it. You're looking for a fight ?

Mard: ... I am not foolish enough to try and do battle with beings like you... But Mard Geer also thinks the opposite is also true.

Dialga: ... Just great, another one of these assfucks, referring to themselves in third person.

Mard: pardon my curiosity, but... How exactly did you escape Alegria ?

Palkia: ... Easily. When the laws of time and space are under your influence, you find escaping a simple matter. Also... You better recount. You're off.

Mard: Off ? I highly doubt that.

Mew: And yet. It's true only one managed to evade, but... "one soul" ? Really ? You shouldn't look down on the strength severed links can hold.

Mard: Severed Link... ?

"Pom-Popopom, here I come cheerily~... Pom-Popopom, banging your mommy~..."


Citizens: What is that gigantic thing !! Monster ?!


Lucy: Ugh... What's with all that racket...

Mard: Members of Tartaros. Alegria has eradicated all the intruders. Operation Face is progressing as planned.

Soldiers: HADES !! BANZAI !!

Lucy: Intruders eradicated... ?! Operation Face was supposed to have been stopped by Wendy...


Mard: However... the details escape me at the moment, but a single individual has managed to slip through Alegria. The soldier that kills this straggler will attain the title "Nine demon gates".

Soldiers: SERIOUSLY ?! The title of Nine demon gate is mine !!

Mard: If one of the nine demon gates kills the escapee, they will receive a reward from Mard Geer. Over.

Lucy: 'i don't really understand what's happening, but I hope everyone is okay. All I can do is have faith...'




Lamy: Promotion ! Promotion ! Me one of the nine demon gates !

Sagittarius: Leave her to me !

Lamy: Fwa Fwa Fwa fwa !!

Sagittarius: M- my arrows ?!

Lamy: Projectiles are ineffective against my slippery curse ! Duh !

Sagittarius: GUOOOH !!

Lucy: Sagittarius !! Close, gate ! Virgo, I summon thee !! OPEN ! GATE OF THE MAIDEN !!

Virgo: PRINCESS !! Leave it to me !!

Lamy: What ?! A maid ?! Our character archetypes clearly overlap !!

Virgo: ... How so ? Princess !! There is something closing in !!

Lucy: OPEN !! Gate of the Lion !! LOKI !!

Torafuzar: You parried my katana with your bare hands ?!

Loki: Even my Regulus magic isn't enough to block it completely, huh...

Lucy: Are you okay, Loki ?

Loki: I'm fine, I'll live...

Lamy: Uhoo... he's such a stud...

Virgo: How are our character archetypes overlapping, exactly ?

Lamy: Torafuzar-sama, please allow me the honors. I wanna become a demon gate.

Torafuzar: I do not care about such a petty thing... I am here merely to carry out my duty !

Loki: Lucy, I've got your back !!

Lucy: Haa... haa... haa...

Virgo: 'To open 2 gates at once... It must truly be taxing...'

Loki: 'Especially when it's Virgo and I... We consume and use a lot of magic.'

Both: 'For Lucy.../For the princess... I need to attack... Swiftly !!/Immediately !!'

Dialga: That's funny... I could swear I froze that bunny-like girl in time earlier...

Palkia: Quite strange indeed... Speaking of, you think we should've taken out that guy back there ?

Dialga: We Gods aren't supposed to meddle with mortals' business, and you know that. Somehow, that Mard Geer guy seemed rather well-informed of that fact as well...

Mew: So that's the plan now ? Just wait until they manage to win ?

Dialga: it's not like we have much leeway in that matter. Only he can, since he's a hybrid... Where is he, anyways ?

Mew: That's the thing i'm kinda worried about... the fact he's just moving around in straight lines... It kinda reminds me of...

"Pom-Popopom, no jokes really~... Pom-Popopom, I banged your mommy~... Oh. hello there."

Mew: ... Ball of light... Of fucking course.

Dialga: Wait, that's him ?

Mew: Yeah... In soul with no body.

Palkia: How did you even do that ?

"Well, he was the one teaching me soul magic, didn't he ? I'll admit, at first it was simply for the sake of getting Ddraig a fair chance by 'Severing' the links between him and Issei, but it turns out it works just as well on myself."

Mew: Yeah, and last time you used it, you had died... Did that happen again ?

"Nah... I mean, last I checked, my body's stile alive, somewhere inside that thing. And if the same thing happened with the rest of them, they should still be somewhat conscious."

Mew: Well, if you're hoping for a counterattack, I'm sorry to break it but... the only one who escaped was Lucy... And she's under attack by several of the remaining demon gates as we speak

"Hmm... Quite the situation indeed... Her spirits are strong, but she should be hitting her body's limits sooner or later... Where is she ?"

Mew: Uhhhhh...

"Yeah, scratch that, I'll find her myself. On the meantime, could you please try to locate the others, and check that they're okay ?"

Palkia: ... ... You know, I really feel like a few hours sooner, this same situation would have him in a very different mindset...

Dialga: Yeah... He may technically only have possessed these powers for a couple of months, but he's already doing a great job at adapting them as his, developing them... Even if... Gah, that's so frustrating... I know I feel something off about him, but I just can't put my finger on it... like something drastically changed since the last time we saw him...

Palkia: Same here... Maybe it's about why he's staying here to begin with... I can understand that he wishes to stay now, but... Disappearing like he did is just weird... Did... Did something happen ?

Mew: ... ... ...

Jackal: Peek-a-boo... I see you...

Lamy: Jackal~... !

Loki: A third one ?! This is bad ! KUH !

Torafuzar: Where do you think you're looking ?

Jackal: What... You aren't alone ? Oh well... No biggie...

Lucy: 'I thought he exploded... So that' it, they really can be revived indefinitely... Even Natsu had his hands full fighting him... Either way, I can't summon any more spirits.' I'll have to do it myself !!

Jackal: Looks like someone forgot what my curse can do...


Lucy: KYAAAAA !!

Loki: LUCY !!

Lucy: Guh... What about everyone else... What happened to all my friends ?!

Torafuzar: Stop toying with her. Finish her, now.

Jackal: the fireball dude and blue cat died. This girl is the only outlet I have to unleash all my pent-up rage and fury. SO LET ME TORTURE HER FOR JUST A LITTLE LONGER !!

Virgo: PRINCESS !!

Loki: 'the magic she's consuming just to keep us here and now she has to fight as well...'

Lucy: 'They... Are not dead... Everyone is still alive !! I can still feel everyone's magic !! Everyone always come to my rescue when i'm in a pinch...'

Jackal: It's too early to die on me now !!

Lucy: 'This time, it's my turn to save them... I cannot lose... !! I cannot... Not until... I save everyone...'

Virgo: Princess... You mustn't ! that will...


Loki: 3 gates at once ?!

Virgo: The princess' body cannot handle it !!

Lucy: Pl... Please...

Aquarius: ... You dumbass...

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