Chapter 103: Destined to Face

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Natsu: So your sneaky little plan seems to have hit a bump in the road...

"I'd say it's more of a fucking mountain than a bump, Natsu, but the spirit is there. The real question now is... Which one of you wants to go first ? Come on, let's dance."

Gray: ... You're... No, it can't be.

"That's the guy who froze the giants' village, right ? If you don't mind, Imma let someone else deal with that bastard."

Gajeel: Huh ? His stench remind me of yours...

Juvia: The same scent as Gray-sama's perfume ?!

"You calm down. Calm your ovaries down right now."

Lucy: GRAY !!

Silver: This runt is mine.

Gray: What the- ?!


Juvia: GRAY-SAMA !! They disappeared !!

Gajeel: That ain't gonna work on iron !!


"What the hell is up with this one's body ?!"

Gajeel: It's just smoke... GURF !!

"Gajeel !!"

Natsu: Guh... THIS AIN'T NOTHIN' !! I'VE GOT THIS !!

Gajeel: Right behind ya' !!

"Then there's three of us !! Beatdown incoming !!"

Juvia: Where have you taken Gray-Sama ?!

Tempester: Come. This is just the beginning...

Pantherlily: Happy, so you're unscathed ? Thank go ! I lost sight of Gajeel and...

Pantherlily: OWAAA !!

Happy: I got absorbed into the wall and figured that my life had been saved... But now I look like this...

Pantherlily: O- Oh, really...

Happy: What should I do ? What if Carla can't look past this... ?

Pantherlily: Um, well... here's the thing, if you look at it from a certain angle it's actually rather flattering... Probably... have you tried pulling it off ?


Pantherlily: NGGHHHHHHHHHH !! Phew... there you have it... It's futile...

Happy: You really think it's cool ?

Franmalth-shroom: '... Gehehehe... The explosion of Hell's Core shrunk me quite a bit... But if I use my curse, I can now be absorbed. i'll just sit back and bide my time. Gehehe.'

Cana: That cube-like thing just suddenly blew up... Where even are we ?

Macao: I think this is South of Magnolia. Where is the master anyway ?

Romeo: he went back to the guild for a moment...

Makarov: ... This is rather dire... The town's symbol, Kardia cathedral... Even the guild hall... the words that the second master left us... "This has not yet ended"...

Wendy: ... ... WHERE ARE WE ?!

Carla: Wendy !

Wendy: Wait ? We... The explosion... WHAT ABOUT FACE ?! WHAT HAPPENED TO FACE ?!

Doranbolt: Thanks to you two, its activation was stopped.

Wendy: Doranbolt ?!

Carla: It seems he saved us the moment it exploded.

Doranbolt: Just barely made it in the nick of time...

Wendy: Then we... Carla... We made it out alive !! Thank you very much, Doranbolt !

Doranbolt: Eh... Don't mention it... I hate to rain on your parade, but... This is far from over...

Wendy: Eh ?

Franmalth-shroom: 'What lord Mard Geer said is still bugging me...'

Mard: Operation Face is going on as planned.

Franmalth-schroom: 'Hm ? The reason there were discrepancies in the location of the appearance of Face... was because of the time difference !'

Wendy: ... No way... Something like this...

Doranbolt: We have confirmed that there are about 2000 Faces at the moment.


Mard: This is the true form of the continental magic pulse bomb.

Carla: Even though we did the best we could... And even though we were able to destroy one... Look at all this... It's all ov-

Wendy: Don't say it, Carla. I don't want to despair any more. I've decided i'm going to go on living with you, Carla.

Carla: W- Wendy !

Wendy: I won't cry out like a weakling any longer... And I won't shed any more tears. Everyone is fighting. So I can't give up either !!

Erza: Minerva ! You...


Minerva: Let's have even more fun together, Er-

Minerva: I AM... I AM... THE ULTIMATE... !!


Minerva: GH... GWAAAAAAAHH !!

Jiemma: Why are you as weak as this... ?

Minerva: F- Forgive me... Father...

Jiemma: Don't beg for forgiveness, you stupid girl !!

Minerva: HIIII !!


Jiemma: If I am to bear a daughter, it must be strong... If it were to be weak, I would erase it, daughter or not !

Minerva: *Hic* *Hic* Waaaaa !

Jiemma: HOW LONG WILL YOU SHED THESE WORTHLESS TEARS ?! Tears are the ultimate apex of weakness !! How many times must I tell you that before it gets through that thick skull of yours ?!

Minerva: please forgive me... please forgive me... please forgive me...

Minerva: IF I... IF I BECOME STRONG...


Jiemma: Take off your clothes. When your tears have finally dried up, you can come home.

Minerva: N- Noo...

Erza: WAKE UP !! That unjust path you were on at the Grand Magic Games... I couldn't accept it but I could at least understand it ! That was all for the sake of Sabertooth, wasn't it ?!

Erza: This fist that just punched you... It's crying. It's crying because it has to be involved in such a meaningless fight...

Minerva: I know... I know... So... Please, just take that fist and kill me... Just like you were willing to finish what he had started in Sun village.

Minerva: I'm weak. I'm so weak that I succumb to the darkness... I cant' go on... Living in this body anymore... I beg of you...

Erza: You are who you are. And I'm sure there are people waiting for you to come home. Don't ever lose sight of that.

Minerva: ... ...

???: So this is what it means to be a human... Feeling such self-satisfaction rambling on and on about life and death.

Mard: It's quite unsightly.

Erza: Who's there ?! 'Wait... I've heard this voice before... the dark King Mard Geer !'

Mard: My, my... All the garbage should have been cleared away with that one clean sweep and yet here I find more trash laying around. That damned Celestial Spirit King went and did such a bothersome thing... Ah, well... I suppose I have a little bit of free time... At least enough to take care of the trash myself...

Erza: So, you're the master ?!

Erza: What is this magic power ?!

Mard: I'll start with... That one...

Erza: MINERVA !!

Minerva: ...'Run, Erza...'

???: Just in time... Sorry, punctuality was never our strong suit.

Sting: We've come to save you, princess.

Rogue: Your guild is Sabertooth.

Lector: We haven't seen you in a while !

Frosch: Fro hasn't seen you in a while, either !

Mard: ... Ohh ?

Minerva: ... ... ...

Erza: I'm sure there are people waiting for you to come home.

Minerva: ... ... *Sob*

Gray: 3000 Face... ? The council built one hell of a weapon... So, did you bring me here just to tell me that ?

Silver: No way. I hoped I could see despair on your face.

Gray: Unfortunately that doesn't really work.

Silver: That's too bad... I thought simply killing you would be boring.

Gray: ... You know me, right ?

Silver: yeah... really well.

Gray: ... I also know your face... And voice. I know them, but you're a different person. Who the fuck are you ?

Natsu: GAJEEL !! Y/N ! TAG IN !!

Gajeel: GOT IT !!

"Would you two be so kind to stop fooling around ?!"

Gajeel: Then help !

"I already have my hands full, thank you !"

Keyes: ... Today, that young boy's story will come to an end...

Juvia: ... You... What did you just say about Gray-sama... ?

Keyes: I can see it... the power of that calamity once again bringing forth that despair... And so, in the end, the young boy will choose the same fate as his master.

"As if the enemy wasn't enough, I have to contain her as well..."

Lucy: Nghh... Uu... I, I can still...

Natsu: Just think back and enjoy the show. We got this.

Gajeel: By the way... I've been smelling this for a while now...

"So it wasn't just me, huh ? I had a feeling they'd show up sooner or later...

Mard: I see... Now I understand why Kyouka wanted to play with you humans...

Sting: Quit playing around and bring it, asshole.

Mard: Unable to see your own deaths in your futures... Actions motivated purely by your emotions. Not in the least bit aware of your own weakness... Oblivious to how totally overwhelmed you truly are. How preciously ignorant.

Erza: Do you know where the control room is, Minerva ?

Minerva: Ngh... You really did quite a number on me here...

Lector: Someone's approaching...

Frosch: Fro thinks so too.

Happy/Pantherlily: ... Ah !

Erza: Happy ! Lily !

Happy: Erza!!

Pantherlily: Minerva... And the Saber exceeds..

Erza: Sorry, but we're in a bit of a rush. We'll have to save the reunion celebration for later.

Pantherlily: Let's go then.

Lector: Happy ! That thing on your head is hilarious !

Frosch: Fro thinks so too !


Minerva: This guy here is one of the Nine demon gates... And I'll bet he knows where the control room is.

Lector: You're such a badass, sis !!

Frosch: Siiiis !

Pantherlily: Wow... That was really impressive, Happy.

Happy: Errr... Well... When you put it that way...

Minerva: We only have one hour left until the Faces activate. Let's hurry !

Gray: Destined to fight ?!

Silver: let me elaborate... though, where should I begin... yes, that's right, let me start off by telling you about this body... this body you see is a vessel. A corpse I had just happened to find laying around.

Silver: All the members of Tartaros are demons from Zeref's book. So obviously, my original form as far from human... But, as you can also probably guess, it can be quite inconvenient to have the form of a demon. That is why I normally use a human form.

Silver: When I was deciding on my human form, I happened upon a great corpse that was near me. And even since then, I've been using this body.

Gray: ... ...

Silver: Although... It should have been complete coincidence that I obtained this body... But, perhaps, that's just one more coincidence that draws you and I closer to one another. You don't know how long I've been waiting, for the day when I kill you with these very hands.

Gray: Don't fuck with me you motherfucker !! Going around and just using someone's father's corpse however you want !! Even if I have reasons to despise you, you've got no reason at all to hate me !

Silver: Not quite... I wasn't quite satisfied with killing all of Ur's school...

Gray: Wha..

Silver: After all... Ur's been out of business now for well over ten years...

Gray: E- Eh... ?

Silver: My name is Deliora ! Surely you haven't forgotten me, have you, Gray ?!

Gray: ... ...

Ur: I won't let you come any closer to my disciples !! This is the end, monster !! ICED SHELL !!


Gray: Impossible... Ur finished off Deliora !!

Silver: You're right. She killed me, over ten years ago. But Tartaros has a body regeneration known as Hell's Core.

Gray: Are you really... That... Deliora...

Silver: Don't make me show you my true form, boy... You remember, the form I had when I slaughtered both your parents...


Silver: Come, you remnant of Ur.

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