Chapter 25: A night at the casino

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Leo: Yeah... That's pretty much it.

Gray: I never noticed at all...

"Can't blame you. If it wasn't for his strange behavior lately, I wouldn't have suspected a thing either."

Natsu: Hey, wait a minute !! You're not a cow or a horse or anything like that !!

Leo: Well, you've seen Virgo before. She looks like a person, right ?

Natsu: No... She turned into a gorilla too...

Leo: That's true enough.

Lucy: Loki's the lion stellar spirit.

Natsu: LION !!!

Happy: A lion ?! That means a grown-up cat, doesn't it !!!

Leo: That's right.

Lucy: NO IT'S NOT !!!

happy: Uwaaa, that's so cool !!

Gray: Anyway, is it okay for you to just carry on as you've been doing up until now ?

Leo: I'm afraid those days are long over, now that Lucy's my owner... When Lucy's in trouble, I'll gallantly show up. After all, I am her knight in shining armor. Speaking of which, let's go talk about our plans for the future.

Lucy: HEY !! PUT ME DOWN !

Natsu: She's so lucky ! I want a stellar spirit too...

"What... Kind of spirit exactly ?"

Natsu: A DRAGON OF COURSE !!! I've finally learned dragonslayer magic, but if I can't try it out on a real dragon it's a total waste !"

'My human half is proud of him, my dragon half is scared for my butt...'

Lucy: You can't just summon stellar spirits so you can fight them...

Leo: that's right ! You summon them for declarations of love...

Lucy: You can leave now too.

Leo: Hang on. Here.

Lucy: What's this ? Some tickets ?

Leo: Well, since I can't stay in the human world for long periods of time anymore... I've got these tickets for a resort hotel that I had planned on inviting all my girlfriends to. You guys have really helped me out, so I'm giving these to you. You should go and have a good time.

Lucy: THE BEACH !!!

Natsu: OOOOOH !!!

Gray: I've never stayed to such a ritzy hotel !!!

Leo: I've already given one to Erza too, have fun.

Happy: YAY !!

Erza: Why are you guys just standing around ? I'm starting to get impatient.

Gray/Natsu: SHE'S WAY TOO FAST !!!

"Well, I guess I only need to give Mew her own ticket now... Where is she anyway ?"

Happy: Oh, last time I saw her, she was talking with Cana about her hangover-

"SHE WHAT ?!!!"

Happy: I knew you said something about that, but I couldn't remember what...

"I told you to NOT let them together !! You saw last time how badly Mew handle alcohol, and you literally let her go with the heaviest drinker of the whole country !! MIRAJANE !!!"

Mirajane: Y- yes... ?

"MEW !! CANA !! WHERE ?!!"

Mirajane: Um... O- Over there... We just found them asleep in a tavern somewhere in town...

"... How many drinks ?"

Mirajane: On the table... Or around the table ?

"... ... ... Once Cana wakes up, we're gonna have a nice, loooooooong chat about encouraging Mew to drown in booze like that."

Mew: Y/nnnnnnnn...

"And you... Water only until you're perfectly sober."

Mew: Coome ooooooon... I'm noooot even ZAT druuunk... Cana iz really a naice girrrrrl, you knooow... I cannnnn handel my own driiiiiinque

"I.said.Water. And that's final. Now come with us, we're going to the beach. You'll sleep it off on the way."

Mew: Cooooooooming...

*And so... we came here to have a good time at Akane beach*


Gray: Whoa !! That's sick !!!

"Gray, put some swimming trunks on at least, or you'll get arrested fur public exhibition..."

Juvia: Mr.Gray, you're so daring...

Yeah, and that one followed us all the way here, and I MAY have told her about our destination... I really shouldn't have, between her and Mew, I have enough things to worry about already.

Mew: can someone turn off the sun... It hurts...

"Blame yourself. Next time you won't drink as much at once, and put more water in your drink. What did Cana said to convince you anyway ?"

Mew: She said I needed to fight fire with fire... or in my case, hangover with liver failure, I guess. It didn't seemed so bad when she told me about it at first...


Natsu: Go right, right ! A little to the left... Up... Up...

Lucy: Can't do much higher..

Natsu: There !!!

Lucy: Gotcha !!!! Take that !!

"What to expect from you, Natsu..."

Mew: Shut uuuuup... Where the hell is my water...

Dealer: S... SIR ! Please stop that !!


Happy: YEAH !!

Dealer: Even if it was on 17...

Natsu: It landed on 17 but then it clicked and slipped over the edge !! What's with this thing !!

Dealer: yes... well, that's why it's called roulette...

Mew: Too bad for you, now let me collect MY earnings.

Natsu: Come on !!

"Now, now, Natsu, let's not bother them any longer, alright ?"

Natsu: What ?! I saw it with my own eyes ! It definitely landed on 17 !!

"I know, but seriously, you expected to win against mew ? May I remind you she have psychic powers ?"

Natsu: ... What ?

Happy: She... She...

"Yes, totally. And once she's done with the roulette, she's planning to raid the other tables too."

Natsu: ... Why the getup tough... ?

"Dunno, she said the hat and sunglasses looked good with the whole situation... Even tough she's just a 40cm tall pink floating ball, she still insisted on wearing them..."

Happy: And the drink...

"Non-alcoholic. I personally made sure of it. Anyways, you guys should change tables while you still can, because with her around, your odds of winning are literally 0."

???: You should listen to him, boy. He is acting like a true dandy.

Blocky: When you're in a place for adult entertainment, you should just enjoy it in a dandy fashion.

Happy/Natsu: S... SQUARE MAN ?!!!

Blocky: Boy, let me give you some advice. There are only two paths a man can take. He can live in a dandy fashion...

"Your speech loses its effect when you're on a spinning chair..."

Blocky: ...Or he can just keel over and die. That's all.

Crowd: HE'S GOT A GUN !!!

Happy: Wh... WHAT ARE YOU DOING !!!

Blocky: Looks like you're...

Natsu: Wha... WHAFF WIFF HIS HUY... (What's with this guy)

Blocky: Now... Where's Erza, boys ?

And then everything suddenly went pitch black. Literally,

Natsu: WHA... WHA WAFF FFAT ?! (Wha... What was that ?!) WHAFF OW !! (What now !)

Happy: GUYS !! Where are you ?!

"If only I knew !! Natsu ?!"

Natsu: HOHAH HERE, UYS ! (Over her, guys.)

Blocky: Nighty night, boy...

Happy: NATSU !!


Blocky: And while I'm at it...



"Guh... Whaat... ?"

Mew: There. He's awake now.

Gray: How are you feeling ?

"My head hurts... And my chest too, for some reason..."

Gray: Your chest, it's from the way you were put to sleep. Your head, it's from the way you were shaken awake. And the fact that there's a broken table right next to you might be related.

"... What's the situation... ?"

Lucy: Erza got kidnapped !! And Happy too !

"Natsu ?"

Gray: Still out cold.

"I see... Mew, the table."

Mew: The table ?

"The table."

Mew: The table ?

"The table"


Natsu: IT HURTS !!!!

Lucy: N- Natsu !!

Natsu: What normal person would shoot a gun into somebody's mouth ? Huh ? Man, that hurt, it could have done real damage !!

Lucy: I think a normal person would have kicked the bucket already...

Natsu: That blocky bastard...

"Oh right, they also kidnapped Erza and Happy."


"And now we follow him all the way to the enemy's base."

Lucy: But even if you follow him we don't know where they went !

Gray: That guy has a sharper nose than most animals !

Natsu: OOOOHHHH !!!!

???: Master Jellal. We've received word that Erza has been successfully captured. They are on their way back. But... At this point, why take the effort to catch that traitor ? With your powers, getting rid of her should be a piece of cake.

Jellal: Ho ho... Ha ha ha... we can't have that. This world would become boring.

???: Huh ?

Jellal: But now that the Tower of Paradise is complete, to let her live would cause a lot of trouble. The time has come... Become my perfect sacrifice, Erza Scarlet.

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