Chapter 29: Jellal

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Shô: J... Just how fast is that blade of hers... ?! Even Erza couldn't see it move ?

Ikaruga: As I stood and stared, through the shadows of the mist, stood a spectre there... While you were busy worrying about finding Jellal, you failed to notice the flurry of slices surrounding you where you stood. Yes, that's more like it.

"Time to crank up the level a bit here."

Ikaruga: I'd appreciate it. I am no passerby on the road.

Erza: So it would seem. You're an enemy.

Ikaruga: Here I come.


Ikaruga: Mugetsu-Ryuu... Yasha senkuu !! (Form of the moonless sky... Spirit flash !!!)

Shô: I... Impossible !! All the swords were...

Erza: Ugh...

Erza: AAAAH !!

"ERZA !!"

Ikaruga: Mugetsu-Ryuu... Karura-en !!! (Garuda flames)

Erza: Ex-quip !! Flame empress armor !!!

Ikaruga: A form of flame-resistant armor ? Impressive that you managed to ex-quip it quickly enough to defend yourself. But don't you think it is a little unseemly to expose yourself so in male company ? Come, now. I suggest you use the strongest armor you have.

Shô: Th... That monster...

Erza: None have seen this armor and lived to tell the tale. Witness it and despair, purgatory arm-

"Erza, step aside. I'll deal with her personally."

Erza: But-

"I.Said. Step aside. I have no doubt that you can beat her, but you need to take account of the fact that you'll have to fight Jellal right after. So stay back, and don't waste any other armors. It'll be over soon."

Ikaruga: It is fine by me. I wasn't planning on letting any of you exit this place alive from the beginning.

"It's not about strength, or even speed... What we're comparing here, are our abilities to alter and bend the laws of this world..."

Shô: Why aren't they attacking ? They've just been staring at each other...

Erza: I don't know either... It's the first time I saw him fighting like that-

Before he or even Erza could react, the entire hallway got slashed exactly between the two of us, just like a giant swung his sword right through the building.

Ikaruga: I though you wanted to end this soon ?

"For me, soon goes from now to plus infinity. But since you're that eager to meet your maker, I'll gladly grant that wish of yours !"

Ikaruga: We shall see. Mugetsu-Ryuu... BURÊDO UZU !! (Blade vortex)

"Spear of Destruction... DISTORTED REALITY !!"

For a simple bystander, it seemed like we just teleported on each other's other side.

Blood dripping on the ground. My blood.


Ikaruga: And thus you lose.

Her triumph was short-lived, as my spear pierced her from behind, like a very very angry mob boss giving a piece of his mind to one of his lieutenants.

Ikaruga: Im... Impossible..

"I've always though that simply standing still and waiting to see if your attack landed WHILE exposing your back like that was a pretty stupid idea. At least I'm sure it is now..."

Shô: ALL RIGHT !!! You really are incredible !!!

Ikaruga: That was... Impressive... I have... never once, been defeated... Not once... Since the guild was founded. Until this day... However... Both you and Jellal are destined for defeat...

"What do you mean..."

Ikaruga: Fifteen minutes... See it plummet down~, shining light of justice bright~, Bringing death to all~... Ah, what a beastly poem...

Erza: Fifteen minutes ?! Is she talking about Etherion ?!

"I don't think we got time to lose. Shô, are you all right ?"

Shô: Y- Yeah... Somehow...

"Good. Find the others, and take them as far away from this tower as you can, please."

Shô: B... But...

Erza: Please, Shô. Please don't discuss that.

Shô: Yeah... But what about you two ?

"Isn't it obvious ? We'll end this whole grimm story, by cutting off the hydra's head. This night, Jellal, will perish. Now go."

Shô: Alright... Just.. Just be careful.

"Mew, please go with him. Just to make sure a certain dragon doesn't try anything reckless. Understood ?"

Mew: Expect me to come back. I'm hoping to found you on top of that tower, not some gutless donut.

Erza: You know you don't have to, right... I... I'd rather do this alone...

"Don't be silly, Erza. Remember what I told you, back there ? Everyone in the guild is your friend, everyone in the guild can and WILL help you, no matter the obstacles. You're not alone, Erza, you never were alone to begin with."

Erza: ... Why... Why do you even care about this... It doesn't concern you... At all, so why... ?

"Have you been listening ? Whatever happens to you, happens to us. Your pain is our pain, your joy is our joy. And your enemies, are our enemies as well. You know very well there is nothing you can do or say to change that, and that's what's scaring you. It is not your burden to carry, Erza. Let me help you, so we can all go home safely."

Erza: Y/n... You...

"There, there, Don't get so worked up just now. Let's go, we have to make all of this stop once and for all."

Erza: Y- Yes... Thank you...

"Anytime. This has become personal matter for me anyways."

Erza: What do you mean ?

"I may be weakened right now, but I stay a god nonetheless. Our job is to observe, making sure that the natural order doesn't get disrupted. And even for us, reviving the dead isn't something to laugh about."

Erza: But, aren't you supposed to be the embodiment of chaos and destruction ? Why do you care about the balance ?

"Chaos and order, destruction and creation, life and death, night and day. Each one of these is part of everything. Gods aren't holy or evil beings, they're just part of a bigger cycle, like everything else that existed, exists or will exist. That Jellal is trying to attain the realm of gods by those means... That I cannot let it slide. It is my duty to defeat him, here and now..."

Jellal: Dear me... It seems the game is over already.

Erza: Is it really so entertaining, playing with people's lives ?

Jellal: Oh, but of course. Life and death are the very basis of all things, they intensify every emotion. Or to put it a rather different way, there is nothing quite so dull as "life". It has been a while. Erza. And even Y/n, too.

Erza: Jellal.

Jellal: You could have simply fled this place at any time, why did you choose not to do so ?

Erza: I mean to free all of my former friends.

Jellal: Not that I care. I no longer have any use for them. Not with the Tower of Paradise complete.

"You know very well why I'm here and what I'm here for, Jellal. Give it to me, now."

Jellal: Oh, right, that old rock I found. Are you sure you need it ? I see you already have a few yourself, wouldn't it be selfish to keep them all ?

"And a comedian on top of it, just great... If you don't give it back now, I'll have to be a little more 'violent' than needed. Just saying."

Jellal: Well, I'm sorry, but I can't give it to you just yet. I still have something to do with it, but you can have it later on, if you want.

"There won't be any 'after' for you, Jellal. Well, not after ten minutes from now."

Jellal: You mean the Etherion ? Hehe...

Erza: You seem unconcerned... So you really were bluffing.

Jellal: Oh, no... The Etherion will definitely strike.

Erza: That is what I wanted to hear !! Ten minutes !! If we can simply keep you here for that long... WE CAN BRING AN END TO ALL THIS !!!

Jellal: Oh, no... You are going to die, sacrificed to Zeref, Erza. That much is pure fact, IT IS YOUR DESTINY !

"Don't spit out that bullshit so casually. There is no such things as 'destiny' in our lives. We makes our own decisions, and I'm about to show you how poorly and badly you made yours."

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